Big Pharma Big Pharma Genocide Big Brother Mafia (Authority) Psychopaths (Mafia) Corporatocracy
So you believe Big Brother doesn't exist?
Ever wondered why the NHS is bust?
[Big Pharma is Psychopathic, Satanic, Corporate, Government (Authoritarian, crypto-Fascist, pseudo-Democratic, Genocidal, Murdering, Mass poisoning, Terrorising, Robbing, Lying) pseudo-medicine, and it shows!!!]
"The biological, psychological, moral and economic destruction of the majority of normal people becomes, for the pathocrats, a biological necessity." ~ Dr Andrew Łobaczewski | Unnecessary Disease & procedures (USA) | Deaths caused (yearly USA) |
AIDS-HIV racket. HIV never isolated, invented to kill people with drugs such as AZT (600,000 deaths), with Fear, & Infectious scare benefits. | 13,712 (yearly) | |
Vaccine (and Birth trauma) derived autism spectrum disorder (1 in 68, 2014, cost $236-262 billion) | 3.5 million | |
Asthma, mostly vaccine (and drug) derived , 1 in 12 (cost $56 billion) | 25 million | |
Estimated vaccine Deaths | 16,000 (yearly) | |
Gardasil vaccine VAERS reports (only 1-3% reported) | 40,000 inc 230 deaths | |
Estimated vaccine side effects based on VAERS (only 1-3% reported) VACCINATION IS CHILD ABUSE | 1-2 million (yearly) | |
Eczema, mostly vaccine (and drug) derived | 36 million | |
Chemotherapy/cancer deaths (cost $150 billion). Big Brother causes (e.g. Fluoride, etc) and suppresses all the cures. | 500,000 (yearly) | |
Alzheimer’s. Big Brother causes (7,8) and suppresses the cures (9 10 11 12). Cost: $226 billion in 2015. | 5.3 million | 84,767 (yearly) |
Heart disease. Cures suppressed (13, 14) with toxic heart drugs promoted like Statins & Vioxx (120,000 deaths) | 610,000 (yearly) | |
In hospital, adverse drug reactions (1) | 2.2 million (yearly) | |
Unnecessary hospitalisations (1) (Antibiotics cause 700,000 emergency room visits per year, just in the US. 6) | 8.9 million (yearly) | |
Unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions (1) | 20 million (yearly) | |
Unnecessary medical and Surgery procedures (inc Gallbladder: 700,000; Heart Bypass: 300,000; Angioplasties: 419,000 (1995), Hysterectomy: 640,000 (2001); Caesarean section: 1 million; Circumcision: 1 million) | 7.5 million (yearly) | |
Psychiatry. About 4,000 families in the US have children born with major birth defects each year because of antidepressants taken in pregnancy (Drugs in pregnancy). Up to 20,000 women per year have a miscarriage because of these drugs. Antidepressants/Benzodiazepines/antipsychotics kill 539,000 annually in USA & Europe. (3). | 6 million addicts 140,000 on methadone (UK) | 200,000+ (Psychiatric deaths USA) (3) |
Eli Lilly killed 200,000 people with Zyprexa (4) | 200,000 deaths | |
Benzodiazepine babies | 4-6 million | |
Children on psychiatric drugs 0-17 years (inc: 0-1 years 274,804, 2-3 years: 370,778; 4-5: years 500, 948; 6-12 years: 4,130,340; 13-17 years: 3,617,593) (5) | 8,894,463 | |
Psychiatry induced Tardive dyskinesia (TD) | 1 million | |
Children and teenagers that have ended up “bipolar” after being treated with a stimulant or an antidepressant (2) | 1 million | |
Diseases/deaths eliminated or prevented by Big Brother pseudo-medicine Vaccination | NONE | |
Iatrogenic deaths (Inc: Adverse drug reaction & Medical error: 420,000; Bedsores: 115,000; Infection: 88,000; Malnutrition: 108,000; Outpatients: 199,000; Unnecessary procedures: 37,136; Surgery related: 32,000) (1) | 999,936 (cost $468 billion) (1) | |
Diseases cured by Big Brother medicine (aka Allopathy, Drug medicine, Psychiatry, Big Pharma, Western, Orthodox, Modern, Scientific, Contemporary, Traditional, Conventional, 'Evidence/Science based medicine) | Bacterial infections, at a cost e.g. Meningitis, asthma, leukemia, gut disease, permanent brain damage... | TOTAL DEATHS (Allopathy) 2,325,415 (yearly) |
Diseases cured by non-Big Brother medicine (Alternative Medicine), e.g. Homeopathy, Naturopathic Herbalism, Chiropractic, Nutritional Medicine, Electronic Medicine, Oxygen Therapy, Urine therapy, Cannabis etc | All diseases cured: Alzheimer's, Cancer, Heart Disease, Infections (Meningitis, Polio, Measles, Hepatitis), Arthritis, AIDS.. Cot-death prevented. | DEATHS (Alternative Medicine) NIL True medicine doesn't kill or maim (3) |
Vivisection hasn't got any useful drug on the market, and all useful drugs have been invented already. "Animal studies are done for legal reasons and not for scientific reasons."--Dr JD Gallagher, Director of Medical Research, Lederle Laboritories, 1964. Animal abuse is Satanic. | 300 million (yearly 1994) | |
Cot-death & Vitamin C | 300,000 (Total, bare minimum) | |
Sepsis (Vitamin C) | 300,000 USA 1 | |
SUPPORT suffocation experiment | 150,000 babies (Total) |
''All of the barriers that are meant to protect our children–the government, the lawyers, the regulatory agencies, and the press, the checks and balances in our democratic system that are supposed to stand between corporate power and our little children–have been removed, and there’s only one barrier left, and that’s the parents, and we need to keep that in the equation.''- Robert F Kennedy
[2015 Nov] Doctors Earn $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks from Pharmaceutical Companies
[2013 Feb] 50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam
Psychopaths (Mafia) Medical Mafia Rackets Vaccination Racket Antibiotics Otitis Media (Vaccines) Tenpenny, Sherri DO Asthma (Vaccines) Antibiotics & Asthma Unvaxed healthier
Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.,Carl C. Pauling, Linus
List of largest pharmaceutical settlements
[2015] Pharma CEO: We’re in Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping the Sick
Skull & Bones society/Reptoids Medical Industrial Complex (Allopathy Inc) Allopathic Genocide Death
Flu vaccine racket Silent Weapons BIG PHARMA'S KILL CHART [2011 Oct] Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults (not 60% as you've been told)
Medical Industrial Complex (Allopathy Inc) Military Industrial Complex
Medical Industrial Complex (Allopathy Inc) Alternative Medicine Allopathic Genocide Vaccine autism Chemotherapy Psychiatry Racket Alzheimer’s Racket Heart disease AIDS-HIV racket