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We’ve been dating for a year and he’s a year older than me and we met in college. We took things slow bc we’re both virgins and it’s special to both of us so we agreed we’d wait until we’re really in love and sure about each other. And after a year, we could see ourselves married in the future so we decided to have sex.

Even after our first time, he asked me if I really was a virgin or if I lied because I was too good. No I didn’t lie. I just watched some educational videos and practiced on my own. Since then, he’d get weird during sex. Like if I did something good, he’d say it felt good and then his face would change like he was thinking. Now I know he was questioning if I really was a virgin.

Anyway. He broke up with me yesterday after we had sex. TMI I was riding him and he said I act like a porn star and he’s obviously not the only guy I’ve been with and he thinks I lied to him. I told him I watched a ton of porn and copy from the videos but he doesn’t believe me.

Great. Never thought I’d be dumped for being too good at sex. It just really sucks bc we had sex bc we thought we’d be long term and we broke up already. I want him back. I know he’s just being paranoid. How do I tell him that I wasn’t lying?

Okay quick update: he texted me and said sorry so we’re back together :)

3 points · 1 hour ago

R.I.P. to your inbox

Original Poster6 points · 1 hour ago

Yeah PSA I don’t want your numbers and i don’t wanna have a threesome with you and your wife and I don’t wanna be a cumtribute but thanks for the offers I’m so flattered

Mmm, tasty red flags

Original Poster1 point · 1 hour ago


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