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My (19F) boyfriend (20M) broke up with me because I’m too good at sex


My (19F) boyfriend (20M) broke up with me because I’m too good at sex

We’ve been dating for a year and he’s a year older than me and we met in college. We took things slow bc we’re both virgins and it’s special to both of us so we agreed we’d wait until we’re really in love and sure about each other. And after a year, we could see ourselves married in the future so we decided to have sex.

Even after our first time, he asked me if I really was a virgin or if I lied because I was too good. No I didn’t lie. I just watched some educational videos and practiced on my own. Since then, he’d get weird during sex. Like if I did something good, he’d say it felt good and then his face would change like he was thinking. Now I know he was questioning if I really was a virgin.

Anyway. He broke up with me yesterday after we had sex. TMI I was riding him and he said I act like a porn star and he’s obviously not the only guy I’ve been with and he thinks I lied to him. I told him I watched a ton of porn and copy from the videos but he doesn’t believe me.

Great. Never thought I’d be dumped for being too good at sex. It just really sucks bc we had sex bc we thought we’d be long term and we broke up already. I want him back. I know he’s just being paranoid. How do I tell him that I wasn’t lying?

Okay quick update: he texted me and said sorry so we’re back together :)

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level 1
ModeratorModerator of r/relationship_advice, speaking officiallyScore hidden · 4 hours ago · Stickied comment

I'm allowing this.

Source: too good at sex

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level 1
10.3k points · 15 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago

Imagine breaking up with your girlfriend because she’s too good at sex.. the fuck?

level 2
6.4k points · 13 hours ago

I straight up died when I read the title. The remnants of my soul are typing this

level 2

Lmao imagine his friends’ responses when he tells them why they split!

level 2
807 points · 13 hours ago

The best part about this is knowing he’s going to look back on the this in his 30’s and have to live with the fact that he was being such a dumb ass.

level 2

It makes me wonder if he really just wanted to be the one to "teach her". Like he wanted someone really insecure who needed to be told everything.

level 2
707 points · 13 hours ago

He didn't break up with her because "she's too good at sex", he broke up with her because he thinks she lied about being a virgin. The fact that he drew that conclusion because she's too good at sex is the WTF here.

level 2
168 points · 12 hours ago

And: Imagine breaking up with someone because they weren't a virgin before you (never mind the fact that in this case it's just a vague suspicion). Of all the things I never cared about, I never cared about this one maybe the most.

level 2

That happens when you're insecure.

level 2
4 points · 7 hours ago

I have an ex who told me that I wasn’t marriage material because I was too fun in bed. Apparently you’re only supposed to be good in bed after you get married? Idk

I’m glad he’s an ex. My biggest regret is that I ever dated him in the first place. Most of my ex’s are decent people who weren’t compatible long term with me, that dude was an emotionally abusive twat.

I suspect one day OP is going to think the same about this guy.

level 2
5 points · 10 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago

Some guys are really that petty and insecure. It's sad really

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level 1
16.4k points · 15 hours ago

This might be one of the dumbest possible reasons to break up with someone.

I don’t recommend you date anyone that dumb.

level 2
4.5k points · 13 hours ago · edited 8 hours ago

Especially since he was a virgin himself, so he shouldn't have any comparison on what is good unless he compares with what he saw in porn.

Edit: changed "should" to "shouldn't".

level 2

Could you imagine being his friend and asking why they broke up?

Him: Dude, she was fucking amazing in bed and did things like a porn star!

Friend: what's the problem?

Him: Dude, you don't understand! Like, she was totally amazing and just knew so much! She has to be lying about being a virgin!

Friend: ......and?

Him: That's it. She's bomb at sex and knew how to ride a dick so it means she had sex before me!

Friend: .......

level 2
970 points · 13 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago

I’m in my mid 30s, have read countless advice columns and gossip columns, have spent endless hours on Reddit relationships subs, have dated plenty myself, have heard all the stories of my friends and their breakups and relationships...

And I agree with you 100%. This is literally the single dumbest reason I’ve ever heard to dump someone.

I’m trying to think if there’s a Seinfeld episode about this, but I’m not sure. It might’ve been too silly for George even.

That’s how stupid this is.

This feels like it’s an onion article. “Man breaks up with girlfriend because orgasm feels good”

This dude might be one of the, if not the, single dumbest human being with an ex girlfriend. Perhaps of all time in fact, because I cannot imagine a sillier reason to break up. People who have consumed gallons of lead paint still have a few dozen IQ points above this dude.

Op - don’t date this dude, I’d be afraid the stupidity is contagious because this is a very serious case of dumb.

level 2

I mean Ive literally done the exact opposite of this. Stayed in relationships I shouldnt have because the sex was too good

level 2

Not to mention, this is very telling of the guys insecurities. You think this is bad, wait til you tell him you smoked weed with a guy once, talked to a guy on the train, saw a man walk past you in the store. You gave this man your virginity, not that it matters in the long run, but this type of guy only goes down hill in attitude from here. You are worth more than your virginity.

level 2
134 points · 13 hours ago

Even if she had had sex before him why would it matter anyways? We are in year 2019 not 1500.

level 2

everyone that age is that dumb

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level 1

I mean, maybe HE is the one that has had sex before.

Also why would you want to get back with someone who doesn't trust you on such a fundamental issue?

level 2
286 points · 14 hours ago

Right? When he accused her of lying, he could have been projecting, like people who cheat on their partners and accuse the partner of cheating with no reasonable suspicion other than to draw suspicion away from themselves.

I’ve heard of guys this age lying about being virgins to get laid. Regardless, people are rarely honest about the reason they breakup anyway and are looking for an out. As far as way outs go, this one is really stupid.

OP, consider yourself lucky. This doofus shouldn’t be taken back. He probably will come crawling back at some point. Maybe not today, maybe no tomorrow. Most likely months or years from now long after you’ve moved on. When that happens, for the sake of your self-respect, send him packing.

level 2

There could be a lot of things at play here. First, if he really is a virgin, how does he even know how good she is? There are a lot of subtle nuances you can't imitate just by watching porn. Second, why does he even care?

I think this boils down to one of two things:

1: She makes him orgasm fast or it's premature ejaculation and either way he is embarrassed.

2: He is insecure about her supposed sexual experience over him. Admittedly I've even had this. You think about who your partner has slept with and it disgusts you because you don't want to think about that sort of thing. But you have to realize that is in the past and is not what is currently happening and this is how I got over it. And in this case, she hasn't even slept with anyone else.

I think either issue can be worked through but they just need to talk it out. There isn't any hope if he is simply too immature at this point in his life however.

level 2

Yes yes yes. This was my first thought. He used this poor girl, fucked her then dumped her for a bullshit reason

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level 1
5.2k points · 16 hours ago

Never thought I’d be dumped for being too good at sex

You got dumped because this guy didn't believe/trust you. He thinks you're a liar and this is about his own insecurities.

It just really sucks bc we had sex bc we thought we’d be long term and we broke up already. I want him back

Everyone usually thinks they'll grow old with their first love. Srsly, why would you want this jerk back? He doesn't trust you.

How do I tell him that I wasn’t lying?

You can't prove that you're innocent. This is his issue to deal with. Block him and move on. And please....even if he comes crawling back after having had other women.... show him the door.

level 2
952 points · 16 hours ago

Also I was somehow thinking that he seems to compare her skills with something? And was doubting if he was really a virgin before? Like how does he knows she is better than "she should"?

level 2
Comment deleted by user13 hours ago
level 2


Having tried to be with other women.

level 2

Reddit really likes to burn other people to the ground. Lol.

level 2

I have a feeling OP will def take him back. There’s seldom anything like the ecstasy you feel for your first love that you’d overlook any red flag to have it back. Trust me I spent 3 years trying to hold onto my first love but she was just too much...

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Hey! A week ago I posted about the fact that I slept with my roommate within an hour of meeting him and I wasn’t sure where to go from there. I was surprised at how much attention it got and thank you for all your comments! I think I was a little too excited and you brought me back down to earth.

The following few days neither of us were home much so we only saw each other briefly, but we were friendly. On Thursday he knocked on my door in the evening and asked if we could talk. I was so nervous I thought he was gonna say he had a gf lol but he was actually really good, he addressed everything straight away and made me feel so comfortable. He said that he’s sorry he wasn’t around much the days after but I was like no it’s fine I haven’t been home either, I knew it wasn’t on purpose. The vibe between us has never been awkward or anything.

Anyway he said that he was surprised at himself at what happened but that he really enjoyed it and he got a really good feeling from me, and then he laughed and he was real cute and he said ‘like maybe you have a good soul if that’s a thing’ and put his hand on mine and he was kidding but it was cute. And then he stopped and he said he really wanted to know how I felt and he said ‘sorry I’m not trying to make this a big thing I just want to make sure you’re okay with everything and I want to make sure you feel respected’. I was kind of blown away by how sweet he was about it. I said that I was fine and that I felt the same as him, like shocked but happy but not wanting to make it a huge thing. He said he is really attracted to me but his main concern is making sure we’re both happy living together whatever happens. I said I agreed and then we just carried on talking and it just dissolved into talking about nothing but for about 5 hours. Then it was really late and he said he should go to bed, and he kissed my hand jokingly before he left.

It was all really sweet and nice and I think that whatever happens, he’s a respectful guy and we’ll communicate and we’ll be mindful of each other. At one point while we were talking he did say ‘sorry we’ve gotten off track, but I felt it was important we didn’t just discuss what happened, I wanted to get to know you a bit. It was a spontaneous thing so I’m glad you agree that we shouldn’t make a big deal out of it, and there’s no point discussing hypotheticals or getting caught up in worry. We’ll be good to each other and treat each other like humans and that’s all we can do. And maybe we’ll have sex again too if you’re also up for that.’

God he’s great. Anyway, sorry it’s nothing too exciting but I had a few PM’s asking for an update so I wanted to let you know :) I’m really happy with the outcome and I’m sure we’ll be good friends at the very least.


My boyfriend wanted to go on a vacation this summer to his mom's friends' house in Hawaii with me and his two best friends (25M and 29F). We had been planning on this all spring, and at some point, 25M dropped out of the trip, leaving just the three of us.

For context, my boyfriend and I have been going out since November, and it's been serious. We had (and still have) been talking about moving in together and he has said, and I agree, that this is a long-term situation and that we are in it for good.

In early June, once 25M unexpectedly dropped out of the trip, 29F called my boyfriend and told him that now that it was just the three of us, she didn't feel comfortable with me going on the trip, since she didn't know me that well and she didn't want to be a third wheel. She said that if I were to go, she wouldn't go on the trip. Without telling me that this was happening, they changed the plans and made it a trip just the two of them and they changed the location to a beach in Costa Rica.

I was trying to figure out when to ask for time off this summer and hadn't heard news about the plans, so I asked my boyfriend which week in August I should be setting aside for the Hawaii trip. He let me know that, actually, he had talked to his friend and that she didn't want to go if I were going, so he was going to go alone with her to Costa Rica. He said that we could go another week later maybe to Mexico City or something.

I was upset, and tried to talk with him about how the situation made me feel, especially since this wasn't a case of a separate trip being set up ahead of time -- this was a case of me being invited and then uninvited from a week-long tropical vacation with a girl friend of his who I had never met before. We eventually decided to do a trip together to Copenhagen, which we have both wanted to visit, as some sort of compensation. I also asked to meet her, so that I could feel more comfortable with the trip.

We spent the 4th of July going to see her and her boyfriend in the city where they live, and although it was nice to put a face to a name, it was ultimately a very cold trip and she was not at all welcoming to me. My boyfriend remarked on how unfriendly she was -- to both of us, he thought -- and said that he was surprised that she didn't act warmly to me. I went out of my way to try get to know her and her boyfriend (I'm very outgoing and friendly and usually this would be easy), but it didn't really click, even after several days. They were somewhat cold to each other as well -- they bickered a little bit about their future and his own 3 week trip without her that was scheduled for the same time as their trip (this had been scheduled before ours had).

This had been my effort to feel better about the trip, so I told my boyfriend that I still didn't feel comfortable with things, and that I was feeling insulted by the way that it was handled. I had tried to make things smooth between all of us, and I asked him to please come up with something that could help me feel better about the trip.

On a visit to his family, they asked about the trip and they were all shocked that he would have arranged it this way, and let me know that they would have been furious if they were in my position, which triggered a fight in which I asked him to please help come up with a strategy to make me feel better and more secure about them going together without me. He said that he would never do this kind of thing again, which feels like not much to offer, since this is kind of a once in a lifetime trip to begin with. He kind of offered to not go on the trip, but he had already paid for the tickets and made arrangements and I didn't want to stop their trip and be resented by both him and his best friend.

He asked me to give him ideas of how to make me feel better and wanted me to just tell him what to do and stalled and stalled until it was finally the day of the trip. He bought me a bag of peanut butter cups and I drove the two of them to the airport.

I feel so disregarded and disrespected in this situation. I want to break up with him, but I don't want to burn up something that has otherwise been really good.

TL;DR - I (28F) was uninvited from a vacation with my boyfriend (29M) and his best friend (29F) and I can't get over it. I want advice on how to talk with him about this.


Previous post:

First of all I want to thank everyone for reading my previous post and giving me good advice. Your comments gave me further insight in this situation. I apologize for not giving you guys frequent updates to this situation as I was busy with work.

So after my last post I talked with my friends and my college professors about this mess. Fortunately almost all of them were ready to help. Later during that day we all decided to talk to my friend (21F). We explained to her about the severity of the situation as she was not ready to run away from her house and if she does not act fast she might end up getting married to the old thug ( I know though she might have been frozen in fear, as this is a important decision in her life and she had not made any such decisions before. She is of the type that always follows the crowd and obeys what the others say. ). After lot of convincing from me other friends and professors she finally decided to act. But she was still hesitant to run away as she might bring a lot of suffering to her little sister(14F) who would still be with her parents. So we had to act keeping her little sister in mind. So we convinced her to take her sister with her. We also involved her sister in our plan.

Now the main problem was where they would stay and who will help her get along. Which was managed by our professor ( Dr M. I will not give his full name here. But Dr sir I know you browse this sub so if you are reading this, I thank you million times. ). Apparently our professor has a extended family thousands of kilometers from where we live, who are happy to let her and her sister stay rent free for sometime.

So on 25 july at 4am in morning we planned her and her sister escape. We made sure she took her important stuff and documents of her and her sister with her. After we had breakfast at one of my friends place. We all left for the train. We made sure she destroys her old sim card. Skip to the day 27 july we arrived at the place and I helped her unpack. Bought some clothes for her and her sister and overall they seem to get adjusted pretty quickly. We still need to take admission to school for her sister (Fortunately there are free schools for girls in India). And she recently landed a good job. So financially she is settled, but I will still be helping her however she needs.

Meanwhile recently we had filed police complaint about her parents and that man. We also informed women's welfare center about this. Things seem normal and I will keep you guys updated as things progress.

Edit: I have removed one initial from Dr's name.

EDIT: I have removed all references and dates.


Ok, I know this is an update no one cares about but I'm just so happy with what happened after I got advice here and I just need to tell someone hehe. Original post.

So after flip-flopping about the issue a lot, I decided to just tell my husband (in a non demanding and non accusatory way as adviced by reddit) and honestly he was so understanding and wonderful about it that I now wonder why I was ever worried. He reassured me that I wasn't a horrible person and that he still loved me and that I just had a little problem that I needed help with. We're now looking for a good therapist for me. Already seen one, going to see two more before deciding which one is best for me and take it from there. I can't wait to work through this so I don't have to feel the way I do or at least know how to deal with those feelings better.

Thanks to everyone who gave me advice before :)

Edit: Thanks everyone for your kind words! Reading these wonderful comments really made my day. Honestly I didn't expect this to get so much attention, I was just very excited and felt like telling someone, anyone :) Even though I cannot reply to all these lovely messages, I truly appreciate them. Thank you so much!

Posted byu/[deleted]3 days ago

A bit of background: My girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years. We have lived most of this time at a distance, because both of us did periods of study abroad, now we live in the same country but different cities , about 2-3 hours of driving away from each other. We manage to spend together almost every weekend, and we were used to much bigger distances when we were living in different european nations, so the distance we have now is no big deal. I'm currently working in my hometown (which is her hometown too), she is still studying for her master's degree and will finish in one year. Recently I got a job opportunity in her city and thought it would have been nice to work there for one year and stay together. I didn't previously plan to go there, but I was contacted for a position by an ex colleague of mine and I liked the company. She's renting a house with one male flatmate and I suggested her to leave that house and rent a place with me instead. This was all just to test the ground as I wasn't even interviewed yet, but wanted to talk to my girlfriend before that. She told me she is not ready to live together and wanted me to rent a separate place, she said she would stay often at my place but wanted to keep her own too. Given this reaction, I didn't want to move there anymore, instead she insisted that she wanted me to move, but in a separate house. This made no sense for me, because the job was nice but nothing I couldn't find everywhere else, and my hometown is bigger and has more jobs in my field, the main reason I wanted to move was to stay with her. I told her that given that she wasn't ready to share an apartment with me, I would look for jobs in other cities and go where I could find the better opportunity, in my country or the neighboring one. After we had this conversation, she left for 10 days to go on a vacation at the sea with a friend.

The fact: When she was on vacation, she partied every night and posted a lot of pictures where she was dancing and drinking. I was naturally a bit jealous but I thought she was innocently having fun. I'm also on vacation by the sea, in a different place, where my family has a flat, and invited her here when her previous vacation was over, so two days ago I went to pick her up at the airport and brought her here. The morning after she was showing me pictures of her vacation on her phone, and while scrolling she suddenly ends up on something she does not want me to see and locks her phone in embarrassment. The only thing I saw in that moment was a picture of her leaning on a guy, and thought that was what she didn't want me to see. At this point I was angry knowing she wanted to hide something from me. We stopped talking to each other for an hour then she came to show me the pictures and apologize. She showed me this picture of her on the beach at night, with 4 boys and another girl, going for a midnight swim. All other people were wearing swimsuits, but she didn't have one, so she was was with her underwear and no bra. She was wearing an open men shirt, borrowed from one of the guys, with her tits out in the open. I don't know the people in the picture, she says they are her friend's friends. I'm heartbroken since I saw that picture and I feel like my entire life has crumbled to pieces. I would have never expected her to do this to me, and I also don't understand why she would be so lacking of self-love to just show herself to strangers like this. I asked her for explanation multiple times yesterday and got different responses. Her story is this: she was wearing no bra but wanted to swim and didn't want to wet her t-shirt so borrowed a shirt from one of the guys. She said she closed the shirt and it just happened that the picture was taken meanwhile she was closing it. This makes no sense because she was actively posing in the picture and making a face for the camera. Later she told me that she was upset for our discussions about cohabitation and wanted to do something reckless to forget about our problems for a while.

I sent her away on a train this morning and told her I want to spend my vacation alone and told her I'm considering breaking up. Right before she hopped on the train we both started crying and I held her in my arms for a couple minutes.

I feel what she's done justifies breaking up, also I'm not sure if those pictures show everything or are just the tip of the iceberg. However, it's very difficult for me to break up. Our relationship has been perfect up to this time, we shared a lot of intense moments together, thought she was the love of my live and always loyal to me, was planning everything for a future together. Those have been 5 beautiful years and it's hard to imagine my life without her. However, this thing came as a punch to my stomach and I don't feel I can trust her anymore afterwards. Is there a way to recover or are we done for?

I'm hating her for what she has done to me, but am terrified of losing her and would feel miserable without her. When I told her I'm considering breaking up she said she would do everything in the world to get back with me, that I'm all her life, and that she's ashamed of what she did.

One additional issue: we have already paid for a travel to japan together later this year and can't get the money back. I want to go with her anyway. Am I being too soft? How should I handle it?


(posted from a throwaway account; I'd rather not have this on my posting history. I previously posted it, felt bad and deleted it, but having thought about it again I realise I need to get it off my chest.)

I'm currently engaged to a girl that I absolutely love, we've been together for the best part of 10 years, and the wedding has been arranged for March. The start of that whole "wedding, buying a house and starting a family" time. Everything is pretty much perfect, apart from one issue: I feel like the bedroom is dead and/or we're just not compatible sexually.

Just to get the obvious out of the way:

  1. I don't have any "extreme tastes" or anything like that; we're hardly talking about BDSM! Everything involved is distinctively vanilla - i.e tie'n'tease, massages, or a little toy play.

  2. Yes, we've been together for 10 years; but if I'm feeling this way before we're even married (and when I'm still in my twenties) then it genuinely concerns me about the future.

  3. I know that communications are incredibly important in a relationship, yet it feels like we've discussed this topic before and.. it was pointless. Pointless either by her defensiveness, or just for the sheer lack of anything changing.

Sex is incredibly important to me - be it for intimacy, pleasure, or both. It just feels like we both have entirely different attitudes though. There are times where I want it slow, so as to savour it and take the most pleasure, there are times where I want it to be intimate and tender, then other times where I may want to be hard and energetic... regardless of these wants though, it's the same.

Often it feels like she uses friends as comparators - i.e "they haven't had sex in months - I dont know how they do that!". Well to be blunt, I'm not in a relationship with her friends, nor do I have the exact same desires as her friends. Other times she may say that I "never want normal sex"; which just isn't true. It makes it sound like she's constantly dressing up or we're doing something exotic; she may put on some stockings 3 or 4 times a year, which I really appreciate... but that's it.

Previous chats have been fruitless, so I've tried to communicate in other ways. That's usually meant buying little things we could try - perhaps a couple of toys, or little tie'n'tease restraints. Quite often these would be used once or twice, and then thrown in a box to gather dust. So I've now opted for books, specifically with topics for both me and her, ranging from intimate massage to oral play. I hope this shows that I don't even care for specific fantasies, I just want to play and have fun, and I recognise that's a two way street.

She recently embarrassed me (I think she'd had a couple of drinks at the time, so I didn't say anything.) by talking to friends about one of the items I purchased. She made it sound like it was something exotic, it was a bit of an anti-climax when they realised it was just a wand. Yet as I sat there feeling awkward I just realised that I think it's pointless trying to communicate via items or books too, and in combination with words having no effect.. I just feel stuck.

We have spoken before about these things, but it never changes anything. She's never really spoken about what she'd like, hence me trying to experiment. Yet for me, the few turn-ons that I've mentioned - all incredibly vanilla at that (i.e stockings, tie'n'tease/edging, or simply seeing her enjoy herself.) - are just.. well, it feels like they're forgotten immediately after any conversation.

So I'm sitting here genuinely worried about the future; I have someone I love and I want to spend the rest of my life with, but similarly someone I don't feel compatibility with in a very important way. The last thing I'd want to do is to nag her or make her feel pressured; that's not acceptable. Yet I'm struggling with how this makes me feel; realistically I'm not bad looking, but I begin to focus on weight I could lose etc. It also changes my perception of her - I then begin to find her less attractive, and go off sex all together as I simply don't feel fulfilled. I just feel stuck.


Hi, my (20F) friend (21F) is no longer my friend as of like a few hours ago because her boyfriend (21M) called her my name during sex. I’ve been so cooperative and supportive through all of her relationship. I used to date her boyfriend years ago and he treated me like royalty and would take me out everywhere and she was my friend through it all. About a year ago I guess they hit it off and I decided to distance from him (we were still friends) out of respect for her. She constantly vents to me about ME and about how he doesn’t treat her half as good as he treated me and she doesn’t understand it. I feel terrible but there is nothing I can do, I don’t understand it either. I’ve always been aware he had a hard time getting over me but I guess a couple hours ago he called her by my name during sex. She blew up my phone about it and somehow took it out on me. Reminder; I haven’t spoken to him outside of when I’m with both of them together in a year!!! He has called her by my name before but it’s always been brushed off as a simple mistake. She insists we cannot be friends and I tried to apologize even though all of this is out of my control. Advice??

UPDATE: after going through ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS (yes I read all of them) I feel there is some stuff to clear up. She asked me for permission to date him and I gave her the go ahead which is why him and I distanced. It was a mutual agreement, he also said that it would be best if we distanced for her sake. Our interactions are minimal at get togethers or whenever I go to see her because THEY LIVE TOGETHER. he has never been flirty or creepy towards me so I do believe it’s an honest mistake. As for the comments that state that I “am clearly not over him” that relationship died years ago and I am with somebody happily. I want to take your advice and just “drop them” but this is years of friendship I want to save...

UPDATE #2: First of all thank you guys so much for the replies and help, you guys have, if anything, reassured me I did nothing wrong. I was not too sure before. I am also aware that this may not be a friendship worth saving as she has always been this way, always had to be right and I have always put in more effort. However, I do not mean to make this about something else but after high school I have been left with 2 friends, one of which was her. It’s hard to think about my life being more empty than it already is and I feel like every single year I have less and less people in my life even though I am TRYING SO HARD to keep them around. I have been there for her and friends with her for 10 years and never through her fuckups even thought about ending the friendship. I’m just left wondering, once again, what it is about me that made everyone disappear after high school. Again, sorry if I’m turning this into something else. It’s not my intention but the need to save the friendship is deeper than just “oh I just want to be friends”


Hey guys! 3 months ago I made this post. The TLDR of it is my SO and I hid Easter eggs for each other, and the day before I spotted the giant egg. It was the night before Easter, and I wanted to make a light hearted post inquiring about whether or not I should tell him I spotted it. Well, it blew up. Some weren't happy that it wasn't an unhappy post, but many wanted an update.

Easter wasn't a proposal... But he proposed late last night!! I got home from a long 8 hour drive. He sat me on the couch and wanted to show me a music video he "helped a friend make". It was silly, but it was his cover of "when words fail" from the Shrek musical. It's his favorite musical of all time, and when the relationship was first getting started, I learned one of the duets to surprise him with. It's very cute that he picked the musical, because the song does fit, he's funny, and we're immature together like that. As the video ended, he suddenly got up and sang the rest to me and pulled the ring out of his pocket.

He made the ring himself with a fire opal, and while it isn't from some fancy big name store, I told him from the very beginning that I don't care how much he spends or doesn't spend. He's not a master jeweler, it was his first (and probably only) ring he will ever make, but it's perfect in every way to me. It symbolizes our love, because he worked so hard on it and it's so very him. I love the ring. I love him. I'm nervous to get married because I'm awkward when I'm the center of attention, but I can't wait to be his wife.

So of course, I accepted! He caught the entire thing on video, but I haven't decided if I want to doxx myself by sharing it here. I'm also not sure if the mods will allow that?

So, there it is! The final update! Thank you all for the love and positivity 3 months ago, I hope we can keep all that kindness going for everyone here in the sub!


My husband and I have been together for ten years and married for seven. Right after we got married, I was diagnosed with sarcoma and had to undergo intense and invasive treatment for almost two years before I was officially cancer free. It was an awful time for us both, but it definitely made us stronger as a couple. Unfortunately, the cancer came back late last year, and we’re going through nearly the exact same turmoil again.

My husband and I have been described as a good couple by many because we balance each other out. He’s more of the rock, usually being more logical and blunt while I’m more emotional and imaginative. He grounds me and reminds me to be realistic, and I make him laugh and remind him to have a little fun every now and then. It’s not complete night and day like that, and we’re not caricatures, but that’s the gist of our personalities and dynamic. It’s always been this way. My husband did have to grow up faster than others in a lot of ways, as he was in and out of the foster care system at one point in his childhood and he had to help his mother provide for his younger siblings when he was still a child after his father got arrested. He has a strange relationship and dynamic with his family overall. I wonder if that played a small part in him being the way he is. He has dealt with depression throughout our relationship, even taking antidepressants and attending therapy during a few points. I take anti-anxiety medication and did go to therapy briefly during my cancer treatment, so I encouraged him and was supportive. He would always stop after a few months, saying he didn’t like them and they weren’t working enough to stop trying.

My husband has been incredible during my battles with sarcoma. He is always there to be with me during treatment. He has always been a shoulder to cry on and an ear to vent to during this process, letting me be emotional but also keeping me grounded with the facts. He has been very patient with me and understanding of my needs. He always seemed to have it together, as usual. He would acknowledge the bad situation but just make a plan to get through and execute. I would always tell him that I know it’s hard for him too and he would say that it’s not as hard for him, he’s okay, and he doesn’t want me worrying about me. He said this over and over again, so I would try to respect his wishes and listen.

Saturday night, I was lying in bed when my husband came in and told me that he was going outside to take a phone call and that if I needed anything, to call him. I didn’t think much about it. Eventually, I got up and went into the kitchen to make some tea. I started to walk around the house waiting and heard my husband’s voice from outside near the side of the house say something about his wife several times. I was a little startled, and initially, I just was going to walk away and ignore it. But I got a bad gut feeling, and decided to go check out what was happening. I moved a little closer and stood by the door.

My husband then said something about how he can’t believe this is happening again. He said he feels so powerless watching me deteriorate and cry to him and not be able to do anything about it. He stopped talking for a bit then said something along of the lines of how it takes him a long time to get used to the way my body changes with the treatments and that he misses elements of my pre-cancer appearance, but then he feels awful and shallow for thinking that away because I didn’t bring this onto myself; he said he feels like a shit husband when he feels this way because while he wants his wife to be sexually attractive, I’m worrying if I’m even going to survive. Then he said that goes into his worries about if he’s even doing enough at all and if he’s good enough for someone like me. He then stopped and said he’s sorry. I was confused at first but then I realized that he was crying. Like heavily crying. He said that he doesn’t like to talk about how he’s feelings and cry or show his emotions, and that he’s trying to put on a brave face, but it’s difficult. He went on to say that he’s scared and he really can’t lose me, and he’d probably kill himself if he did because I’m the only constant in his life and the only person who loves him unconditionally. I was really caught off guard, as I’d never vaguely seen or heard my husband talk or cry in any way before. I felt a sudden bout of anxiety building up, so I walked away. I came back about twenty minutes later, and my husband was saying he feels bad about calling when “they’re” so busy and he’s sorry about getting emotional, it’s not normally like him, he got overwhelmed vocalizing everything. I walked away again.

I went back to bed, and was confused and anxious about everything I’d heard. An hour later, my husband came to bed and seemed tired but fine. I immediately asked him if he was okay, and he said he was. I didn’t know what to say to that so I just cuddled him and we went to sleep.

Yesterday morning, my husband wanted me to look for some video on his phone, and while I had it in my hands, I looked at the call history to see who he was speaking to. It turns out it was a emotional crisis hotline. My husband appeared to have called them several times before but only spoke to them that night.

I don’t know what to do. This changes everything. I can’t believe him now, he’s not doing fine and I do need to worry about him. Seriously worry. He’s suffering and doing it in complete silence. I feel strange and deeply anxious when I think about him crying like that. He doesn’t want me to see him vulnerable and upset. He doesn’t want to be open about how he’s feeling. I can only imagine what else he’s thinking, how he’s making himself feel guilty for it, and how many times he’s cried like that in isolation or to strangers on the phone. I don’t know what to do. Yesterday, I wouldn’t leave his side. I asked him how he was doing constantly and gave him a lot of physical attention. I was scared to leave him alone. He kept saying he was fine and to stop worrying. He thought I was being weird, but he enjoyed it and didn’t want me to stop. He left for work now, and I’m just sitting here not sure what to do.

Do I confront him on it? Do I just do my part to try and make this easier for him? Do I suggest that he gets back into therapy? Do I try to open up a dialogue another way? He doesn’t and won’t tell me the truth, just acting like he’s fine all the time. I’m so worried about him.

tl;dr; My husband of seven years called an emotional crisis hotline and cried speaking to them about him struggling with my sarcoma. This was the first time I’ve ever caught my husband being emotional and expressing how things have been affecting him. He has always said, and still will, say that’s he’s fine and not to worry about him. I don’t know what to do and feel deeply worried and scared about him now.


I (24F) have been married to my husband (30M) for 2 years, together for 5. We have 2 boys under 3.

Things that I will always love about you.

-Your deep voice.

-Your up beat spirit, always laughing, always joking.

-Your dimple smile.

-Your integrity, your honestness

-The way you provide tirelessly for your family

-Your handsomeness

-Your big heart.

-The way you play with the boys and make them smile.

Things that are not working. (We have talked about everyone of these, to no avail.)

-Your selfishness with your down time. (Always doing what YOU need, video games, on your phone, running your personal errands, not recognizing that I need personal down time too)

-The way you isolate (we have no friends, no social life, you don’t even want to visit with my family)

-The way you expect me to isolate with you. (If I’m not with the kids, and doing something while you are working or having YOUR down time, you expect me to be there with you when YOU are ready.)

-Manipulating me to not leaving you alone with the kids (when I was at the gym or my AA meeting or an appointment, you would demand me back right away, guilt tripping me. when I would leave and rush home Caleb would be calm anyway.)

-Our intimacy issues. (We have never been on the same page, sadly I have begun to loose interest in you sexually)

-The way you have exhausted the extravagant gift giving, (buying gifts doesn’t replace the glue that is slipping away)

-They way you act like you are better than everyone else because your now on a sober path, (you look down on people who drink or smoke pot, 75% of the population does, it doesn’t make them a bad person, or an addict)

-The way that I’m 100% ignored; physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually, (you are always so lost in your phone or game you never hear me, you are not interested in me until I get upset.)

-The way you hold financial burden over my head. (Belittle me because you are the breadwinner, “good luck having a life with no income”)

-The way you take “jokes” too far. (You know you are making me upset and you turn passive aggressiveness into a game and claim you are just joking, having fun.)

-The way we both are stubborn, butting heads, never backing down, trying to hurt each other with words. (We are unhealthy, the kids hear us fighting and it’s untrue that they would be better off if we stick together. they need two happy, healthy parents, even if we’re not under the same roof.)

Where do we go from here.

I want a separation. I want to share custody. I want to be healthy co-parents, we don’t have to go through courts right away. I don’t want half of your everything. I want to be amicable. I don’t hate you in the least bit. I just cannot be happy married to you.


So, I(M17) recently came out to my parents. They were really supportive. Then I told them I was seeing someone. They were happy about that too.

Few days ago he came to pick me up, my mom met him. I could tell instantly that she was acting weirdly. She just said hi to him quickly and went back to living room. I went out.

When I came home my parents called me and started talking to me really seriously. Asking me stuff about my boyfriend. Where he lives, his parents, what school he goes too, etc. I answered everything and they said that they didn’t like him. I don’t see one single reason why they dislike him so I asked them. They couldn’t answer me. Then I asked them if they seriously didn’t like him because he’s black and all hell broke loose. Ohohoo how dare I accuse them of being racists and think so low of them. Apparently I’m disrespecting them. But they still couldn’t tell me the reason and now I got grounded for “disrespecting” them.


Hi everyone. Throwaway acc. This is going to be long. My best friend, S, has been dating the same guy, C, on and off for about 3 years. We’ve never met him because he lives so far from the rest of the group. Recently, she bonded with our friend J after hanging out with him and seeing a movie. They’ve been hanging out, hiking, doing outdoorsy stuff that the rest of the gang isn’t really into. J has developed a GIGANTIC crush on S. S has noticed and does not encourage him in any way, but is super non confrontational and refuses to bring it up to him so he doesn’t get embarrassed. She doesn’t want to ruin the friendship, and since she found out, she hadn’t hung out with him one on one and has cut down a bit on their communication. We all pretty much know that once we go back to college for the semester, it will die down. However, things kind of suck for the time being.

J is clingy and hangs onto S when we hang out in a group. He is constantly trying to pull her attention away from us like a child. He will poke her arm, say her name in her ear when she is talking or being spoken to, and even physically pick her up and take her away (she is 5’2 and slender, he is 6’4 and very strong). At first, she took it light heartedly, but now she is avoiding being touched by him at all. She is very anxious and non confrontational, and I usually have to tell him to cut it out because she’s afraid to say something. I don’t mind, obviously at some point she has to learn to stand up for herself, but she and I have already spoken about that and she’s taking the proper steps. But also, like I said, she is doing absolutely nothing to encourage him in any way. I just want to drive the point home that this really is NOT her fault, and J’s actions are distressing her greatly.

S and J had a falling out 2 days ago where he completely blew up at her. J constantly brings C into the conversation and S tries to avoid it, but J is obsessed with C. If we’re hanging out and he hears her say his name, he will come running from wherever he is to listen and even tries to grab her phone to read their messages if she’s texting him. I’ve linked the screenshots of their fight that S sent me, with some stuff blurred out for anonymity. Blue is S, gray is J. I am E, for reference, and our other friend is L. texts.

So S kind of went off on him and blocked him after uninviting him, but it’s been a long time coming. Almost every one on one convo they have is J trying to get S to talk about what’s wrong in her relationship. He even does this in front of the rest of the friend group. S has told me that when they’re alone, he asks very very specific questions about their issues and even about her sex life, kinks and all that Jazz. At first, she said she thought it was light hearted, but now it’s creepy. And it is true that he tries to compete with me for the “best friend” role (S and I have been best friends for like 10 years. They just became close a couple months ago).

So yes, C is coming to stay with S at her place for the next two weeks. He moved away 2 years ago, so they are long distance over the summers. S has invited us to her place Friday night, and through our friend L I heard that J is still very much planning on going. L came over to my place last night, as she was very concerned. She told me that J was going to crash the party (should also add that this is going to be my fucking BIRTHDAY PARTY) to have a “man to man” talk with C about S. Knowing what I know about C, he wouldn’t entertain J at all. Knowing what I know about J, L and I are worried he might try to get physical with C. What do we say to J to stop him from coming to the party?? What do we do??? This is so much drama that our group never has and I feel so bad for S. My dear friend doesn’t deserve this. How do L and I deal with J without hurting S or C in the process?? Thanks to those who read through the whole thing!!

Tl;dr: our friend has a massive crush on my bff. He was rude to her the other night and she uninvited him from my birthday celebration where the group would be meeting her boyfriend of 3 years for the first time. Our friend is planning on crashing the even to have a “man to man” talk with the bf. How do we handle this?

Edit: we all call each other “bb” in the friend group. S did not mean it in a flirty way at all. It’s an inside joke!



To preface, I want to say that my GF is declaratively bisexual and her friends are bicurious too from what my GF told me. I have nothing against this fact and treat her the same as anyone. Recently, GF went on a three day “girl’s trip” with her friends. I’ve had a gut feeling for a while that my gf could have feelings for especially one of her friends. It was confusing to define boundaries in the beginning of the relationship as she’s only dated girls in her life. We’ve been dating off and on for about 4 years, for context. We’ve had many conversations about boundaries and I’ve let her know that I want all the borderline romantic activities with her friend to stop (cuddling,kissing,codependent texting habits,etc), not because I’m trying to be controlling, but it causes too much confusion for me to define cheating versus “friendliness”. Before their trip, i told my gf “I don’t wanna hear any stories of you doing single things with these girls.”, mostly because they’re all single except for her and secondly because of her behavior towards her friends. After the trip, my gf was telling me a story about how apparently two of the girls were taking a bath fully nude together and my gf expressed to me that the girls were being ‘weird, loud and annoying’. I had a weird vibe because she kept emphasizing how annoying they were being. I’m thinking “how annoying can a bath be?” So I go on to ask her if she was involved with all of this and she reassured that it was “only the two girls and I would never because they’re gross. All girl’s shower together”. Ok. Few days pass and I kind of forget about the weird interaction. We’re hanging out and I notice on her messages something she closed out very quickly. It was a picture of all of them bathing fully nude together and she sent the picture to the group chat. I’ve withheld this from her as I’m trying to prepare myself for confrontation. We’d already been over that I didn’t want to see stuff like this, but she did it anyways and then lied to me about it. I feel like there’s more to this because of how much she bashed them as individuals and rationalized bathing together as full grown adults. Although I’m maintaining a unbiased view on this as I try to look at things objectively, I don’t particularly connect with any of these friends either. I think it’s odd that she’s bathing fully nude with friends she mostly met under a month ago. The girls constantly bash men and hate on men. I get really strange vibes from them, especially after finding this.

-Is it normal for my gf to behave like this? It seems she values temporary pleasure over my respect -How would you confront this situation?

I’m upset because of how she disrespected me behind my back and then lied about it.

Continue browsing in r/relationship_advice





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