
Okay, sorry but... When it comes to Vic, there's been so much evidence shown already that most of the allegations against him are entirely made up and only going viral due to the success of DBS: Broly. I dunno why you'd even bother commenting on this.
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Yeah, nah. Until someone is actually proven guilty, I won't go labeling them as something bad. Only Monica Rial (Bulma's VA) has stated anything AFAIK (with nobody else saying anything so far) and she's been only praising Vic all up until now, saying how "fun person Vic is".
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You know, I met you back in 2017 and wanted to take a pic of you with my fursuit. You got a bit too touchy and your hand was way too low on my back. I shrugged it off as an accident, but looking back at it now, I feel really uncomfortable and abused. You shouldn't have done that.
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Good job on brushing aside the allegations, without proving yourself innocent. Sorry, but you're an abuser now. Not liking how this can apply to you too and work both ways? Is this the kind of a shit person that passes judgment?
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Let's just wait and see how fast this gets traction. If I'm the first one to speak up about you having abused me, I might encourage others to do so too. Maybe even the "hundreds of (anonymous) people" on the web, that will write about what you did to them. You're disgusting.
11:12 AM · Feb 8, 2019Twitter for Android
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You provided good evidence when it came to Jasonafex and Kabier. You showed things Jasonafex and Kabier had done. You didn't rely on anonymous people writing stuff on the internet, that couldn't be proven to be true. But now, here you are, relying on random anons online.
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But you relied on PROOF. That's the thing. Not on heresay that people can anonymously throw around online without verification or proof of it being true. I could accuse any recent celebrity of them having done something bad and it would be the same thing.
Once the snowball effect would come into play, it could and would cause hundreds of people to say the same things, because "It's happening now!". If heresay and accusations with nothing to show for are enough proof, then EVERY celebrity ever are horrible people.
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Dude you are so lame. The least you'd have to do to even attempt this is provide some kind of information at all as to who kindkabs actually is. Like as it is this hardly even merits an allegation. I see what you are doing but.. You aren't even doing it properly so why even try?
How is my allegation any different from some anonymous user online saying "Well, I said it happened, so it happened. If you disagree/claim otherwise, you're a bigot and abuse defender" or "You know who I'm talking about!" etc. ? This is no different from it.
It is tho' I could easily google for this shit and come up with loads of evidence suggesting this for both jason and Vic. Enough to merit discussion anyways, You'd be hard pressed to find anything similar for kindkabs. Do you need me to elaborate further?
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You blocked me, because you hate the idea of rational thinking?
Yeah, makes sense. It's easier to accuse, blame, label, defame, etc. with no evidence, instead of think rationally with the evidence shown for the case to be otherwise and the accusations being false.

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