Alexandra Allio De Corato


Lettres & Traductologie Spécialiste Geopolitical & security Analyst // ➡ ✍️ 📧

Paris, France
Joined February 2013


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 16

    لابد من صنعاء و إن طال السفر

  2. "Haftar a systématiquement tenté de saper ou de défaire le récit du pluralisme sous prétexte de lutter contre le "terrorisme", affirme , professeur et analyste de la sécurité au Moyen-Orient au King's College de Londres

  3. According to Khamenei's website, Mohammad Abdulsalam, the Houthi envoy told Khamenei:" We recognize your velaya (guardianship, authority to rule) as the extension (continuation) of the authority of the prophet & Amir-al-Momenin (Commander of the faithful)(Here referring to Ali)

  4. 49 minutes ago

    The director of the 's New York office, Alkhader Sulaiman also told Al Jazeera that the is committed to resolving regional security issues, such as defeating the , in addition to independence for . He set no timetable for a declaration of independence.

  5. avait les numéros de téléphone des membres de la famille royale saoudienne, une photo avec le prince , un faux passeport avec résidence saoudienne et a fait un voyage en Arabie en nov 2016. Quel était le lien avec l'Arabie ? Par

  6. Vice-pr du Syndicat iranien de l'industrie pharmaceutique argumente que les conséquences des sanctions sont Hausse des prix à l'importation Blocage des chaînes d'approvisionnement Augmentation de la contrebande de Médicaments créant des pénuries mortelles

  7. Why would Iran invest considerable sums in building its own submarines instead of shelling out for off-the-shelf hardware in Russia or China?

  8. Oil tanker changed name in apparent effort to evade sanctions Transponder data shows Malaysia-bound Pacific Bravo, which could carry US$118 million of crude oil, ‘went dark’ for six weeks to reappear as the Latin Venture

  9. The conduct of U.S. foreign policy over the past two decades towards nuclear hopeful actors like Iran has only reaffirmed Iran's nuclear ambitions...

  10. is building up ’s missile capability. Missiles can face down a superior air and naval force and are capable of establishing rules of engagement with a very small investment in comparison with the price of jets and frigates.

  11. : The war in is indeed a humanitarian disaster. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has used this war as a method of gaining power within his country. It is also his attempt to reorganize the region to Iran’s disadvantage.

  12. This is a position many Palestinians are forced into by Israel; comply w/ Israel's thought policing or you will never be allowed to go home or see your family again. The Israeli state uses the most personal and precious things against you as political leverage. It is vicious.

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  13. "Republicans no longer talk about Israel like it’s a foreign country. They conflate love of Israel with love of America because they see Israel as a model for what they want America to be: An ethnic democracy."

  14. There are few things that unite American Jews when it comes to Israel. The ban on Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib is one of them, writes :

  15. provides essential context & points, on why leaving will make things worse not better. This is about the original mission but, equally important, about other risks/benefits associated with it.

  16. 12 hours ago

    Thread. 1/ The claim that Congresswomen and had an itinerary dedicated to harm and incite against Israel is directed not only against them, but against myself. It is a false claim. 1/

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  17. " can bar two members of Congress from seeing the truths it wishes to hide. It cannot bar two hundred. I hope Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother lives to see the day." via

  18. 8 hours ago

    A number of Lebanese commentators in the U.S. are pushing for sanctions on Lebanon, oblivious to the fact that the consequences would be devastating for an economy on the verge of bankruptcy, while doing nothing to harm Hezbollah. In fact such a step would likely strengthen it.

  19. اليمين اللبناني في واشنطن الذي اعتاش من مال الحريري ينقلب عليه اليوم ويحرض إدارة ترامب عليه ليقلب الطاولة في بيروت. من يريد ردع طهران فليرد على إسقاطها طائرته وليوقف سعيه للحوار معها قبل دفع بيروت الى فوضى اكبر من فوضى حزب الله. إستعادة التوازن في لبنان ضرورة، العقوبات ليست الحل

  20. 8 hours ago

    Fil très intéressant sur le bombardement de Nagasaki qui fut un échec US maquillé en fait.

  21. Aug 15

    Il Ferragosto di 3 🎤 Il misterioso incidente nucleare in Russia analizzato da . Ascolta qui


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