Maybe it's the idealist in me, but I believe not in people never making mistakes, because as humans we all will (I have). But I believe in the power of people trying to do good and trying to be better and making the effort to do good and improve themselves & the world around them
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- Replying to @KindKabsCorner @Anusknuller
I think this looks like it was shared as proof that Indigo lied about Patch not paying writers, not Patch trying to out her personal account. I obviously don't know the specifics here, but I'd be slow to assume malice. I also don't know who Simba is or how they are connected.
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Patch had at some point released information, in his circle or to a specific person, regarding Indigobang. The kicker is, the person that is bent on outing her and gathering more info has interesting ties and people they talk to. So either the circle had a question actor or worse
1 reply 0 retweets 1 like - Replying to @Sisune_Moe @DeoTasDevil and
It is incredibly suspect and while possible that Dogpatch is infact innocent. The circumstances are pretty questionable and is using false information to attack indigo, using private messages from dogpatch. even if he didn't do it purposefully, dogpatch outed her.
1 reply 0 retweets 1 like - Replying to @Sisune_Moe @DeoTasDevil and
also, gunna be honest. I'm pretty positive that no one has even bothered to ask dogpatch regarding this. why? Because he started to block people talking to indigo on both of her accounts (i'm still not for some reason). it's... circumstantial, but it's condemning.
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Knowing Patch he's been under a lot of stress that isn't public knowledge, I think blocking people was his way of shutting down when everything just got to be too much. He's been going through an incredibly rough time and I think he was just having a minor break down. Not fair to
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the people he blocked, but folks under a lot of stress react to situations badly sometimes. Again, not fair to those he blocked to shut them out, but sometimes under extreme stress people just shut down and close themselves off.
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Correct, again, only circumstantial evidence. The timing of it is just shit on dogpatch's part. Blocking people that interacted with or followed indigo after she made a post about being doxed is weird, especially those that didn't say anything bad about dogpatch.
2 replies 0 retweets 0 likes - Replying to @Sisune_Moe @DeoTasDevil and
To be honest, i don't exactly... care about dogpatch in this scenario that much. It's more just odd that this situation is even a thing in the first place. Why out indigo? Why is it someone potentially linked to alt-furry groups/people or FM that it is doing it? Why Blackmail?
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I'm not sure and confused myself. Would be good to find out. I do know much of the "Patch is protecting Sangie" rumor is from AltFurry as the starting source (they tried the same thing on me as well, lying that I was protecting Sangie and lying that I abuse my partner etc).
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