Putting the World's Vulnerable People on the Map
Each year, disasters around the world kill nearly 100,000 and affect or displace 200 million people. Many of the places where these disasters occur are literally 'missing' from any map and first responders lack the information to make valuable decisions regarding relief efforts. Missing Maps is an open, collaborative project in which you can help to map areas where humanitarian organisations are trying to meet the needs of vulnerable people.
How we work
Geospatial Laboratories, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji
Monday, 10:00-22:00
Work.Life, Reading UK, United Kingdom
Tuesday, 18:30-21:00
UiTM Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Saturday, 10:00-16:00
Village Berlin Workshop space, Berlin, Germany
Thursday, 20:00-22:00
Missing Maps is made possible thanks to the following organizations.
OpenStreetMap is the volunteer-driven open data mapping platform which makes all of this possible, supported by the not-for-profit OpenStreetMap Foundation.