Human rights have been violated over and over and over by Trump and his administration. And yet, there's still no action. From anybody. Horrible, horrible news this.
This really needs to go viral. People need to know what's happening. People have been detained without verification of citizenship. Others, are being deported without regard to medical conditions Etc. Or a hearing A woman schedule for cancer surgery was pulled from the hospital.
What about the plant workers who were "suddenly" visited by ICE because they won a sexual harassment lawsuit at a Koch Industries plant.
The numbers of retaliatory ice raids are probably off the charts.
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Had to fact check this one as Shaun King is the only human who lies more than Trump. Sadly, this is true. Jimmy’s deportation to Iraq was an automatic death sentence. The blame lies squarely on
@realDonaldTrump !! -
It's true. It's also true that no one lies more than Trump.
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my honest question: how are we not yet at the point where people are marching in the fucking streets?
We've tried marching. We need well organized rolling economic boycotts, plus marches and protests. But marchers alone won't do. They don't care. All their care about is the money.
by marching i mean what happened in peurto rico. absent that, yes, this is the hard work that needs to be done.
Yeah, it really depends on the geographics, the political climate, and the will of the ppl. In many ways, we in America have been stripped of political power. The bourgeois parties work in the interests of the rich, and our political system allows for massive corruption.
America needs a General Strike.
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Why did they send him to Iraq instead of Greece?
Greece doesn’t recognise citizenship by birthright, as his family were Iraqi, ergo so was he.
Makes sense thank you
Not really lol
I know but the answer makes sense not the situation. It’s sad.
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I pray to god that when these years are over, we will only remember Jimmy Aldaoud and not the current white house resident and his crime family.
Sadly, it won't be over even when he's out of office. He has lit the spark and fanned the Flames of racism and Hate. The Gates of Hell have opened in these people have come out. They will never go back. He has given them power. This has been his entire platform.
To be fair, that's why evangelicals voted for him, to bring on the end times , not because they think he follows Jesus. THEY don't even follow Jesus.
100% Listen to things they say. They honestly think Trump is preparing them for the rapture. Fools
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