The strange thing is that the PM is ordered the Popular Mobilization (PMF) to carry out the arrest not the Army or police forces the specialized in these cases, but the story of Haji Hamza reveals a lot, He was so close (or claimed) with (PMF) & He builds mosques for Shiite. (2)
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But then it turns out that Haji Hamza is living another pattern, he has the largest and most important roulette and gambling halls in Baghdad and manages of prostitution networks, especially in the biggest capital hotels like International Palestine Hotel (Meridian) (3)
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Here are some of his tourist photos abroad which revealed after his arrest (4)
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He looks like a tranny
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The biggest mafia in Iraq leader has poor security.
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لايوجد خميني غني صادق..لابد تلقاه مجرم
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