Commit c29b0415 authored by Ben Hayward's avatar Ben Hayward

Minor change

1 merge request!488[Sprint/KiltedKoala](feat): Added in spec tests for subscription #1636
Pipeline #75441666 passed with stages
in 40 minutes and 43 seconds
import { Subscriber } from "rxjs";
context('Subscription', () => {
const user = 'minds';
const subscribeButton = 'minds-button-subscribe > button'
const subscribeButton = 'minds-button-subscribe > button';
const messageButton = 'm-messenger--channel-button > button';
const userDropdown = 'minds-button-user-dropdown > button';
const unsubscribeOption = 'minds-button-user-dropdown > ul > li:nth-child(4)'
const unsubscribeOption = 'minds-button-user-dropdown > ul > li:nth-child(4)';
beforeEach(()=> {
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