Dr Marcus PapadopoulosVerified account


Publisher/Editor of Politics First; Expert on Russia/USSR and Serbia/Yugoslavia; PhD in Russian history; Commentator on Syria; animal rights guardian; vegan.

London, England
Joined November 2011


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    Here is my speech at the House of Lords, in which I discussed the current tension between the and :

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  6. Today I remember the largest act of ethnic cleansing in the Yugoslav civil-wars: Operation Storm, a US-planned Croatian offensive that expelled approximately 300,000 Serbs from Croatia. Alas, the defeat of Nazism did not mark the end of ethnic cleansing in Europe.

  7. “Venezuela’s independence is under attack from the US. Yet there is no condemnation from Western media. Eternal damnation to the scoundrels of American and British media, including degenerate titles such as The Guardian.” My latest appearance on Press TV:

  8. “The trade war between America and China is affecting businesses and consumers in both countries...I am optimistic that the dispute can be brought to an end as the American and Chinese economies are heavily reliant on each other.” My latest on Press TV:

  9. “Regarding the British Army’s new cyber division, is this financially viable, given cutbacks to the MoD’s budget? Nonetheless, the budget for Russia’s FSB will have to increase to counter that cyber division.” I was interviewed by Russia’s 360:

  10. “All eyes are now on the European Union for saving the JCPOA.” I assessed as to whether the JCPOA can be saved:

  11. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that America and Britain are not sincerely committed to democracy and human rights. So in light of that, why does Washington and London despise Vladimir Putin? The answer is: the Russian leader has made Russia a superpower again.

  12. To determine whether a Serbian politician is a traitor, here is a test: Does he or she attend Chatham House or Open Society Foundations events? If they do, then they are guilty of betrayal. Western NGOs are enemies of the Serbian people and are defiling Serbia.

  13. “How many Serbian children died at the hands of Clinton, Albright and Blair through bombs and depleted uranium? How many Serbian children were harvested for their organs by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army?” My latest on Press TV:

  14. The stage-managed spectacle at The Hague involving Ramush Haradinaj was over before it started. Whilst the West employs such propaganda for its grotesque creation that is the ‘Republic of Kosovo’, this Serbian province is being defiled by child sex trafficking and Islamism.

  15. The Daily Telegraph never learns. On Theresa May’s first performance as prime minister in the Commons, the newspaper described it as reminiscent of Thatcher. Today, the newspaper described Boris Johnson’s debut as Churchillian. Shallow analysis by The Daily Idiotgraph.

  16. “If Boris Johnson can deliver Brexit - and deliver it successfully - then he will be able to unite the Conservative Party and will be in a strong position going into an early general election.” TASS interviewed me on Boris Johnson:

  17. “Boris Johnson will not have a honeymoon period. He inherits a divided Conservative Party and a Conservative Government with a wafer-thin majority, which could become all the more thin if the Tories lose the Brecon by-election.” I discussed Boris Johnson:

  18. Russia’s REN TV interviewed me on what to expect from Boris Johnson’s premiership:

  19. "Boris Johnson is staunchly pro-American and staunchly anti-Russian...After the UK leaves the EU, London will place its own sanctions on Russia, which will be more severe than the EU's sanctions." I spoke with Russia's 360 about Boris Johnson:

  20. For Boris Johnson to remain in office, not only will he need to deliver Brexit but also he will have to deliver a Brexit which must be acceptable for the UK economy.

  21. “Under Trump, American support for the MEK terrorist organisation has increased. So much so that in Albania, which is a client state of the US, the Americans are training MEK terrorists who are then sent to Iran.” My latest appearance on Cross Talk:


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