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主語がおかしい。「日本は」だろうが!絶対に許さんからな。 …
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Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - 재일동포 한인 Retweeted
「一橋大の米国人男性准教授が授業時にヘイトスピーチ」 在日コリアン大学院生が国立市に人権救済申し立て - 毎日新聞 …
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#KiaNow#Kia#Forte#Cerato#KiaCerato The#KiaForte is one of the most popular vehicles of 2019, according to J.D. Power via@usatoday - … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - 재일동포 한인 Retweeted
#Hyundai#KonaElectric was launched in India not long back at an introductory price of INR 25.30 lakh*. Now, on the account of the drop in GST on EVs from 12% to 5%, its price has been slashed by INR 1.59 lakh to INR 23.91 lakh* …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - 재일동포 한인 Retweeted
우리는 다시는 일본에게 지지 않을 것입니다. 우리는 수많은 역경을 이겨내고 오늘에 이르렀습니다. 적지 않은 어려움이 예상되지만, 우리 기업들과 국민들에겐 그 어려움을 극복할 역량이 있습니다.
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@tiffanyyoung has harnessed lunar power in her latest song,#MagneticMoon Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - 재일동포 한인 Retweeted
これで「慰安婦」少女像の展示が中止になれば、「表現の不自由」展はアートとして見事に完成するね。 …
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In an exclusive interview with CNC, Colombian President Ivan Duque Marquez said his country is open to discussion on the Belt and Road Initiative. Duque paid a state visit to China from July 28 to
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#あいちトリエンナーレを支持しますThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - 재일동포 한인 Retweeted
トヨタを抜いて自動車生産世界一となったフォルクスワーゲンが韓国サムスン電子とLG化学と中国企業に2兆5000億円を投資してEV生産300万台を目指す! ドイツ、韓国、中国連合が世界市場でトヨタを追い詰める! …
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アメリカは具体的に資料を持っている。どちらがデタラメかよく分かってる。日本以外の国は日本のイチャモンが分が悪いのをよく理解している。長い目で見れば外交経済両面で多大な損出を出すのは日本側。世界史史上稀に見る外交失策。一人負け。 …
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Hyundai is ready to enhance the driving experience of its European customers by offering Bluelink Connected Car Services on all its models – beginning this year with new IONIQ family.
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韓国除外を閣議決定。 馬鹿だね、 やっちゃったよ。世耕大臣記者会見で「日本経済に影響はない」? 影響がないはずないやろ。 輸出管理の運用変更だというが、運用はさじ加減で実質輸出規制と同じ事ができる。だから国際的には徴用工問題での意趣返しだと見られている。立憲も賛成だとか。アホ!
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#GalaxyA80 features the World's 1st Rotating Triple Camera with 48 Megapixels. Revolutionizes the way you capture beautiful moments of your life. Own now at ₹3554/-. Avail 5% Cashback. T&C apply. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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