[ verb es-tuh-meyt; noun es-tuh-mit, -meyt ]
/ verb ˈɛs təˌmeɪt; noun ˈɛs tə mɪt, -ˌmeɪt /
verb (used with object), es·ti·mat·ed, es·ti·mat·ing.
to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate approximately: to estimate the cost of a college education.
to form an opinion of; judge.
verb (used without object), es·ti·mat·ed, es·ti·mat·ing.
to make an estimate.
an approximate judgment or calculation, as of the value, amount, time, size, or weight of something.
a judgment or opinion, as of the qualities of a person or thing.
a statement of the approximate charge for work to be done, submitted by a person or business firm ready to undertake the work.
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Origin of estimate
Related forms Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019
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British Dictionary definitions for estimate
verb (ˈɛstɪˌmeɪt)
to form an approximate idea of (distance, size, cost, etc); calculate roughly; gauge
(tr; may take a clause as object) to form an opinion about; judgeto estimate one's chances
to submit (an approximate price) for (a job) to a prospective client
(tr) statistics to assign a value (a point estimate) or range of values (an interval estimate) to a parameter of a population on the basis of sampling statisticsSee estimator
noun (ˈɛstɪmɪt)
Derived Formsestimative, adjective
Word Origin for estimate
C16: from Latin aestimāre to assess the worth of, of obscure origin
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