Commit dffd0a4e authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(feat): introduce new mwa endpoint for pageview recording

parent 07015d77
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Pipeline #74187732 waiting for manual action with stages
in 11 minutes and 25 seconds
* Pageview analytics
namespace Minds\Controllers\api\v2\mwa;
use Minds\Api\Factory;
use Minds\Core;
use Minds\Core\Di\Di;
use Minds\Common\Cookie;
use Minds\Entities;
use Minds\Helpers\Counters;
use Minds\Interfaces;
class pv implements Interfaces\Api, Interfaces\ApiIgnorePam
public function get($pages)
return Factory::response([]);
public function post($pages)
if (!isset($_POST['url'])) {
return Factory::response([
'status' => 'error',
'message' => 'You must provide a url'
if (!isset($_COOKIE['mwa'])) {
//@TODO make this more unique
$id = uniqid(true);
$cookie = new Cookie();
->setExpire(time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12))
$_COOKIE['mwa'] = $id;
$url = strtok($_POST['url'], '?');
$event = new Core\Analytics\Metrics\Event();
if (isset($_POST['referrer']) && $_POST['referrer']) {
$event->setReferrerUri((string) $_POST['referrer']);
if (Core\Session::isLoggedIn()) {
return Factory::response([]);
public function put($pages)
return Factory::response([]);
public function delete($pages)
return Factory::response([]);
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