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Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« on: September 11, 2007, 01:09:42 pm »
(I've updated broken links in this posting 5/02/2009 -thanks! -moderator)

In the below, I provide massive amounts of documentation wherein the U.S. government itself admits it is holding innocent people indefinitely without charges (including children and U.S. citizens), torturing them, raping them--including homosexually anally raping them--and murdering them, and that the orders to do so came from the highest levels of the U.S. government.


Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom

John Choon Yoo ( , ) is a professor of law at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall), one of the authors of the Patriot Act, and is one of the main White House legal advisers on the use of torture to President George Bush, Jr. Prof. John Yoo emigrated from South Korea with his parents when he was an infant, and is now married to Elsa Arnett, the daughter of reporter Peter Arnett.

Douglass Cassel ( ) is the Lilly Endowment Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Civil and Human Rights at Notre Dame Law School.

The below excerpt is from a debate between Prof. John Yoo and Prof. Doug Cassel on December 1, 2005 in Chicago:

Prof. Doug Cassel: If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him?

Prof. John Yoo: No treaty.

Prof. Cassel: And also no law by Congress. That's what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.

Prof. Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

You can listen to the above exchange on the following audio clip: (317,712 bytes)

The following audio clip is a longer recording which includes the above exchange:

See also:

"John Yoo Argues Pres. George Bush Has Legal Power to Torture Children," Philip Watts, Revolution Newspaper (


Since Public Law 107-56 (October 26, 2001), i.e., the "USA Patriot Act" (H.R. 3162), was passed without the Congress or Senate even being allowed to read it before voting on it, the police can now secretly search your house and take whatever they want from it without having to tell you about it until they issue you a warrant up to six months later (see Sec. 213). Also, the legal definition of "domestic terrorism" was changed to include any "acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State" (see Sec. 802)--which could quite literally be jaywalking.

Indeed, smoking a joint could quite literally be domestic terrorism as defined under this law, since the U.S. government considers such drug use to be dangerous to human life, and since it is illegal after all. But such an act is supposed to only qualify if it "appear[s ] to be intended to influence the policy of a Government by intimidation or coercion." So smoking a joint would only be an act of "domestic terrorism" if the U.S. Government thinks a person is doing it as a protest against their drug laws--the clause for "intimidation" already applies, otherwise the U.S. government would have no law against it.

And since Public Law 107-40 (September 18, 2001) was enacted and Bush, Jr. signed the November 13, 2001 Presidential Military Order, *habeas corpus* has been done away with as U.S. citizens can now be held indefinitely and in secret on the mere suspicion that they are in some way involved in "terrorism" (which can now be virtually anything: see the above redefined definition of "domestic terrorism") without even being charged; they can be tried by a secret military tribunal where they will not have the right to cross-examine their accusers; and they can be executed in secret. Of which color-of-law precedents that totally eviscerate the legal rights of U.S. citizens have now been further strengthened by Public Law No. 109-366, 120 Stat. 2600 (October 17, 2006), i.e., the "Military Commissions Act of 2006" (H.R. 6054); this law also retroactively attempts to get the U.S. government out from under the Geneva Conventions. Indeed, U.S. citizens have already been held for years without any charges even having been filed against them (such as José Padilla and Yaser Esam Hamdi), and the U.S. government says that it can keep U.S. citizens that way indefinitely.

So it's not surprising to find that the U.S. government has been torturing innocent people, including U.S. citizens. This includes U.S. soldiers torturing people in U.S. custody to death.

"Pakistan: U.S. Citizens Tortured, Held Illegally--FBI Participated in Interrogations Despite Apparent Knowledge of Torture, Abduction," Human Rights Watch, May 24, 2005

"Exclusive: Secret Memo--Send to Be Tortured," Michael Isikoff, Newsweek, August 8, 2005 issue  (moved)

"Outsourcing Torture: The secret history of America's 'extraordinary rendition' program," Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, Issue of February 14, 2005, posted February 7, 2005

"CIA kidnapped terror suspects in the EU: lawmaker," Reuters, April 26, 2006

"Bush admits the CIA runs secret prisons," Deb Riechmann, Associated Press (AP), September 6, 2006 (moved)

Khalid El-Masri, an innocent German citizen, was abducted from Macedonia and held by the U.S. military without charges from January 23 to May 28, 2004, during which time he was anally sodomized and tortured by the U.S. military. He was taken by the U.S. military to Baghdad, Iraq and then to the "Salt Pit" clandestine CIA torture center located north of Kabul in Afghanistan.

"Khalid El-Masri," Wikipedia, June 25, 2006

"Lawsuit Against CIA Is Dismissed: Mistaken Identity Led to Detention," Jerry Markon, Washington Post, May 19, 2006; Page A13

An innocent Algerian man, Laid Saidi, was held without charges in one of the same clandestine CIA torture centers in Afghanistan that Khalid El-Masri was held, from May 2003 to August 2004, wherein the two saw each other. Mr. Saidi was abducted from Tanzania and held by the U.S. military, during which time he was anally sodomized and tortured by the U.S. military.

"Algerian Tells of Dark Term in U.S. Hands," Craig S. Smith and Souad Mekhennet, New York Times, July 7, 2006

"CIA sent me to be tortured in Afghan prison, says Algerian," Jerome Taylor, Independent (U.K.), July 8, 2006

Below is the case of the innocent man, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen who was arrested in New York in September 26, 2002 by the U.S. government and taken to Syria to be tortured for ten months on behalf of the U.S. government:

"Canadian Was Falsely Accused, Panel Says--After Tip From Ally, U.S. Sent Muslim to Syria for Questioning," Doug Struck, Washington Post, September 19, 2006; A01  (moved)

"Canadian police errors led to man's torture--probe," David Ljunggren, Reuters, September 18, 2006 (moved)

"Report: Canadian Terror Suspect Tortured--and Was Likely Innocent," Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, September 18, 2006 (moved >huge story)

In the Bagram, Afghanistan U.S. military base, U.S. government officials publicly admit that they're murdering Afghan inmates there by torturing them to death:

"Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military interrogation base: 'Blunt force injuries' cited in murder ruling," Duncan Campbell, The Guardian (U.K.), March 7, 2003,3604,909164,00.html

"Prisoners 'killed' at US base," BBC News, March 6, 2003

"Army Details Scale of Abuse of Prisoners in an Afghan Jail," Douglas Jehl, New York Times, March 12, 2005

Included in the U.S. government's use of torture against innocent people is the rape of women and male children:

"US military confirms existence of horrific pictures and video," Andrew Buncombe, Independent (U.K.), May 9, 2004

Among other tortures, U.S. Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba's report details homosexual anal rape committed by U.S. soldiers. Also detailed in U.S. Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba's report and by other U.S. military sources, Military Intelligence and the CIA ordered the torture at the Abu Ghaib prison.

"U.S. Army report on Iraqi prisoner abuse: Executive summary of Article 15-6 investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade by Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba," NBC News, May 4, 2004

"Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade," Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba, U.S. Army

"Green light for Iraqi prison abuse came right from the top: Classified documents show the former US military chief in Iraq personally sanctioned measures banned by the Geneva Conventions," Andrew Buncombe, Independent (U.K.), April 3, 2005

"Pentagon Report Set Framework For Use of Torture: Security or Legal Factors Could Trump Restrictions, Memo to Rumsfeld Argued," Jess Bravin, Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2004

As Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said to reporters on May 7, 2004 concerning the pictures and videos of U.S. military torture of Iraqis that the U.S. government still refuses to release: "The American public needs to understand we're talking about rape and murder here. We're not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience. We're talking about rape and murder and some very serious charges." See:

"Rumsfeld: Worst Still To Come--Pentagon Boss Apologizes To Iraqis; Says More Videos, Photos Exist," CBS News and Associated Press (AP), May 7, 2004

"Rueful Rumsfeld: 'Cruel' truth hurts: Rape and murder feared in Iraq abuse," Noelle Straub, Boston Herald, May 8, 2004

And as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on May 7, 2004 before the Senate Armed Services Committee (and he essentially said the same thing before the House Armed Services Committee on the same date) concerning the pictures and videos of U.S. military torture of Iraqis that the U.S. government still refuses to release:

First, beyond abuse of prisoners, there are other photos that depict incidents of physical violence toward prisoners, acts that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhuman.

Second, there are many more photographs, and indeed some videos. Congress and the American people and the rest of the world need to know this.

In addition, the photos give these incidents a vividness, indeed a horror, in the eyes of the world. ...

If these are released to the public, obviously it's going to make matters worse. That's just a fact. I mean, I looked at them last night, and they're hard to believe. And so beyond notice. That's just a fact.


"Rumsfeld Testifies Before Senate Armed Services Committee," FDCH E-Media (Federal Document Clearing House), May 7, 2004

"Testimony before the House Armed Services Committee: Transcript of Testimony by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, House Armed Services Committee," Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense, May 7, 2004

"In quotes: Rumsfeld faces Congress," BBC News, May 7, 2004


Yet almost all of the prisoners held by the U.S. military are completely innocent:

"Most 'Arrested by Mistake': Coalition intelligence put numbers at 70% to 90% of Iraq prisoners, says a February Red Cross report, which details further abuses," Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2004

"U.S. war prisons legal vacuum for 14,000," Patrick Quinn, Associated Press, September 17, 2006 (moved)

From the above article:

Many say they were caught up in U.S. military sweeps, often interrogated around the clock, then released months or years later without apology, compensation or any word on why they were taken. Seventy to 90 percent of the Iraq detentions in 2003 were "mistakes," U.S. officers once told the international Red Cross.

"AP: Gitmo Detainees Say They Were Sold," Associated Press, May 31, 2005


The U.S. government has been training its troops and foreign NATO and U.N. military for a long time (i.e., well before the U.S. government-staged 9/11 attacks) in putting U.S. citizens in concentration camps and for total gun confiscation.

Watch Alex Jones's first two Police State video documentaries (both published well before the U.S. government-staged 9/11 attacks) where you can see U.S. troops training with U.N. troops in disarming American citizens and putting them into concentration camps, and anouncing over their loudspeakers: "Be calm, there is food, there is water in the camp. Violation of camp rules will not be tolerated!"

They had American role-players screaming back at the U.S. and foreign U.N. troops, "I'm an American! I'm an American! You can't do this to me! I have rights!"

On Alex Jones's first two Police State video documentaries you can see many more of these training exercizes conducted in other cities and towns. Below you can watch Alex Jones's first two Police State videos in full and for free:

Police State 2000 (published 1999)

Police State II: The Takeover (published 2000)

There have literally been hundreds of these type of training exercizes going on in the U.S. since the early 1990s. For example, see:

Operation Urban Warrior, Oakland, California 1999

Australian, British and other foreign troops training with U.S. troops for total gun confiscation of U.S. citizens and in rounding up U.S. citizens into concentration camps at Operation Urban Warrior, Oakland, California 1999

For more on this subject, see below:

"U.S. Can Confine Citizens Without Charges, Court Rules," Jerry Markon, Washington Post, September 10, 2005; Page A01

"Reagan Aides and the 'Secret' Government," Alfonso Chardy, Miami Herald, July 5, 1987

"Martial Law Concerns," Congressman Jim McDermott, House of Representatives, March 11, 2003

Below are some archives for mainstream major media news articles dealing with these gulag matters:

Primary Prison Planet Mainstream-Media News Archive on FEMA Concentration Camps

FEMA Camps/Martial Law Archive

The below archived news articles deal with how the U.S. government can indefinitely hold U.S. citizens who have not been charged with any crime (as the U.S. government has already been doing), and how U.S. citizens in general can be tried by a secret military tribunal where they will not have the right to cross-examine their accusers, and they can be executed in secret:

Habeas Corpus Archive

The below news articles talk about how the U.S. government can quarantine whole cities and round U.S. citizens up to be put in concentration camps in the event of, e.g., a bio-weapons release:

Model States Emergency Health Powers Act [which has been passed on the Federal level] Archive

Below are some additional documentation resources to learn more about the FEMA concentration/extermination camps in the U.S.:

"Concentration Camps in Okanagon County?," Associated Press (via KXLY News), February 25, 2003

Interview of Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz

And see also:

"Foundations are in place for martial law in the US," Ritt Goldstein, Sydney Morning Herald, July 27, 2002

"Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law: Nationwide initiative trains volunteers to teach congregations to 'obey the government' during seizure of guns, property, forced inoculations and forced relocation," Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, May 24, 2006

"Paramilitary Secret Police Kidnap, Detain, Torture Bilderberg Investigators: Interrogators threatened to 'cut off arms' during 6 hour marathon of hell," Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, June 29, 2006

"Terror Canadian Style," Joe Burd, TruthMovement.CA (accessed June 28, 2006)

"Man Raided By FBI, ATF, Canadian Law Enforcement After Handing Out 'Subversive' Alex Jones Material: Gun seller questioned on militia, ownership of George Washington speeches," Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, Prison, July 6, 2006
Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001)

Theophysics (a website with information on Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point Theory)

Offline agentbluescreen

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Re: Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 10:51:57 am »

I can't even bear to read most of this hideously evil insanity. It is all totally unjustifiable lawless criminality beyond human belief!

GET MADD (Muthas Against Drunken Dictators) NOW:

Offline chrsswtzr

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Re: Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 11:02:18 am »

I can't even bear to read most of this hideously evil insanity. It is all totally unjustifiable lawless criminality beyond human belief!

GET MADD (Mothers Against Drunken Dictators) NOW:
Thanks for the link. Yeah, I was just reading the link with Rumsfeld and Gen. Smith on the tortures and the Taguba reports... its outrageous! Donald Rumsfeld is a slithering snake.... he needs to be chopped off at the head!

Offline trailhound

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Re: Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 11:14:56 am »
And somebody recently told me we shouldnt audit the fed because the u.s. would lose its moral highground in the world :D ::) He thought the fed was federal too ::)

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Offline donnay

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Re: Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2009, 11:21:52 am »
Thanks for the link. Yeah, I was just reading the link with Rumsfeld and Gen. Smith on the tortures and the Taguba reports... its outrageous! Donald Rumsfeld is a slithering snake.... he needs to be chopped off at the head!

No, he should be injected everyday with Tamiflu and made to consume tons of aspartame!  My God, I couldn't bear to read the whole thing because I was getting nauseated--sick, sick bastards!   >:( >:( >:( >:(
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Offline agentbluescreen

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No, he should be injected everyday with Tamiflu and made to consume tons of aspartame!  My God, I couldn't bear to read the whole thing because I was getting nauseated--sick, sick bastards!   >:( >:( >:( >:(

Same here!  I just had to go back and update this valuable old reference post!

Infowarriors would be well advised to forget about this bogus "Swines Flew Epidemic" and get back to 9/11 Truth business and THIS VERY IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY for us NOW to DO ALL WE CAN TO ADVANCE THE FULLY RIPENED ANTI-TORTURE AGENDA! This will open the whole can of worms they used to bring America to this catastrophe!

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND ORDER has to be restarted somewhere!

June 25: Major Action in DC to Demand Prosecution of Torturers
Plus, Breaking News: Members of Congress Call for Special Prosecutor!

Now is the time all of us can make a huge difference.

IndictBushNow and a broad number of organizations are coming together for a major action on June 25, 2009 in front of the Justice Department in Washington DC.

Yesterday, John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and thirteen of his Judiciary colleagues formally appealed to Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a Special Prosecutor. This dramatic action in Congress is a direct result of the pressure generated by you and millions of other people. The letter to the Attorney General reads: "there can be little doubt that the public interest will be served by appointment of a special counsel. The authorization and use of interrogation techniques that likely amounted to torture has generated tremendous concern and outrage in this country, and has harmed our legal and moral standing in the world."

Please make an urgently needed donation to help us carry out this critical work. We have hundreds of volunteers but we must continue to raise the funds to help this movement continue to grow.

If you would, please click this link to make a donation.

More than 400,000 people have signed petitions calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a Special Prosecutor. A coalition of civil rights and human rights organization presented 250,000 petition signatures to the Attorney General last week. More than 150,000 people have signed the petition at IndictBushNow.

The people of every country must see that We The People of the United States are uniting to demand accountability for those who committed great crimes in our name.

The crimes are too great to let pass. Secret prisons, extraordinary renditions and torture, massive spying on the people of the United States and waging an unprovoked war of aggression on Iraq based on lies and deceit.

People are coming to Washington DC on June 25 from all over the country to say loud and clear: No One Is Above the Law!

Please organize a June 25 IndictBushNow committee in your local area to bring people to Washington DC or, if you are to far away, organize a local June 25th action at the Federal Building or in another central location in your city or town.

Posters, leaflets and logistics information for June 25 will be available in the coming days.

Spread the word. Tell your friends to sign the petition calling for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by clicking this link.

(last week,  just before the big phony Swines Flew Scandals)

Faced with overwhelming public demand,
Obama now says he is open to prosecution

.Dear Infowarriors,

The government's effort to stop prosecution has backfired. In the last few days the demands from people around the country and the world for the investigation and prosecution of Bush Administration torture officials has caused a dramatic shift in the U.S. political scene. IndictBushNow has mounted a major campaign flooding Congressional representatives with demands for justice and a constituent letter writing campaign to newspapers around the country.

Please click here to make a donation to help us keep up the momentum and support these efforts at this most important moment.

Under growing pressure from the people, President Obama has made a significant departure from the his position of last week that, "nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past." Just today he stated that the prosecution of those who authorized the sadistic torture tactics "is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don't want to prejudge that."

Events are starting to break quickly:

The New York Times on Sunday issued a major editorial, "The Torturers' Manifesto," that began, "To read the four newly released memos on prisoner interrogation written by George W. Bush's Justice Department is to take a journey into depravity." The editorial continued:

"Until Americans and their leaders fully understand the rules the Bush administration concocted to justify such abuses and who set the rules and who approved them there is no hope of fixing a profoundly broken system of justice and ensuring that that these acts are never repeated....

"And if the administration will not conduct a thorough investigation of these issues, then Congress has a constitutional duty to hold the executive branch accountable. If that means putting Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales on the stand, even Dick Cheney, we are sure Americans can handle it. "

This view is being echoed by both major newspapers and local publications all over the country. There is no stepping back now.

Today's front page of the New York Times has this headline: "Pressure Mounts on President Obama for a More Thorough Investigation." The article goes on to say that the release of the torture memos has "provoked a furor that continued to grow on Monday as critics on various fronts assailed his position."

Congressional officials have called for accountability. Diane Feinstein, chair of Senate Intelligence Committee has issued a letter to the Obama Administration requesting that it withhold decisions on prosecution until the Committee is able to conduct a thorough investigation.

Feeling the heat, Dick Cheney has taken a gamble and gone on television to state that more memos should be released. As New York Magazine wrote this morning, "The more the American public learns and thinks about all of this, the more it's going to ask for someone's head ..."

We have extraordinary momentum on our side right now and we must seize the moment to make indictment and prosecution a reality. We must use all available means including newspaper ads, organizing constituent pressure on Congress, and intensive media and outreach work.

No Torture in Our Name!

-- From all of us at

Offline agentbluescreen

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Re: Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2009, 10:55:40 am »
June 25: Major Action in DC to Demand Prosecution of Torturers
Plus, Breaking News: Members of Congress Call for Special Prosecutor!

Yesterday, John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and thirteen of his Judiciary colleagues formally appealed to Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a Special Prosecutor. This dramatic action in Congress is a direct result of the pressure generated by you and millions of other people. The letter to the Attorney General reads: "there can be little doubt that the public interest will be served by appointment of a special counsel. The authorization and use of interrogation techniques that likely amounted to torture has generated tremendous concern and outrage in this country, and has harmed our legal and moral standing in the world."

Spread the word. Tell your friends to sign the petition calling for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by clicking this link.

Offline donnay

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Re: Crushing Children's Testicles: Welcome to the New Freedom
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2009, 11:07:00 am »
It is done.  Justice must be served!
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