Commit f0b50533 authored by Emiliano Balbuena's avatar Emiliano Balbuena

(fix): Send boosted onchain flag and right boosted flag

1 merge request!235WIP: Boost Campaigns (&24)
Pipeline #73778302 passed with stages
in 11 minutes and 4 seconds
......@@ -80,8 +80,9 @@ class BoostCampaignResolverDelegate implements ResolverDelegate
$entity = $this->resolver->setOpts(['ignoreAcl' => true])->single(new Urn($campaign->getEntityUrns()[0]));
$entity->boost = true;
$entity->boosted = true;
$entity->boosted_guid = $campaign->getUrn();
$entity->boosted_onchain = true;
$entity->urn = $campaign->getUrn();
return $entity;
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