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#WonderfulIndonesia - a land where Indonesian police torture West Papuans and call them "monkeys" Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
One day the Morning Star flag will fly freely in every town and village across Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Stand in solidarity with West Papuans demanding a free and fair vote to determine their future. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Students in
#Vanuatu show their support for#WestPapua's struggle for Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#Indonesia is killing our children, raping our mothers & sisters, burning our villages & imprisoning our Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Thanks to everyone who is raising the
#WestPapua flag in solidarity with those being oppressed Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
West Papuan women are united in the fight for a Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
#WestPapua flags available through our site & delivered worldwide Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Free West Papua!
Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#WonderfulIndonesia - a country that imprisons people in occupied#WestPapua for political Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
All over the world people are raising the
#WestPapua flag supporting freedom from#Indonesia's colonial Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
The people of
#WestPapua are calling for a UN peacekeeping mission to protect us from#Indonesia's Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Global solidarity for a
#FreeWestPapua. This movement is growing fast in every corner of the Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#WonderfulIndonesia? Where children living in occupied#WestPapua grow up in a climate of fear and military Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Women across
#WestPapua are rising up and bravely taking a stand against#Indonesia's brutal Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Papuans deserve the freedom to determine their own future, freely, fairly & democratically. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
We are united in our struggle against
#Indonesia's colonial rule. We won't stop till we are Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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