Commit 9dd42d20 authored by Olivia Madrid's avatar Olivia Madrid

(feat): Media modal - removed a condition

1 merge request!467WIP: (feat): Media modal
Pipeline #73564910 running with stages
<div class="m-mediaModal mdl-shadow--4dp">
<div class="m-mediaModal__theater">
<!-- Media: image -->
<!-- This is the element that goes into fullscreen -->
<div class="m-mediaModal__stage m-mediaModal__stage--image" *ngIf="entity.modal_subtype === 'image'">
<img [src]="entity.thumbnail" (load)="inProgress = !inProgress"/>
<div class="mdl-spinner mdl-js-spinner is-active" [mdl] *ngIf="inProgress"></div>
......@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
<!-- Comments -->
<div class="m-mediaModal__commentsWrapper" *ngIf="entity.guid && !isFullScreen">
<div class="m-mediaModal__commentsWrapper" *ngIf="entity.guid">
<m-comments__tree [entity]="entity"></m-comments__tree>
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