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    Short for the word “sister” but also just an answer to any question ever.
    Susan: “how was your weekend?”
    Janet: “sis...”
    Susan: “omg sis what’s the tea sis—spill!”
    Janet: “sis!”
    Susan “sis”
    —and so on and so forth until Antichrist comes and the world is over
    by Theworldisflat.edu August 03, 2018
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    Short for sister, commonly used as a term of endearment to friends in urban new york/jersey areas
    by Caroline Might Fine November 14, 2016
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    Not meaning “sister”. Commonly used to refer to a close friend or bestfriend.
    what’s up, sis”
    by kaitlyn pender January 24, 2019
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    the abbreviation of "sister";
    a genderless term much like "bro" or "dude"

    people can also say it like "sister" but that doesn't change the definition

    like when you say "brother" instead of "bro"
    -"How do you feel about celebrity drama?"
    -"It's the tea, sis."

    -"Hey sisters!" -James Charles

    -"How u doing?"
    -"I'm so fucking depressed, sister"
    by Bakuhoe Katsubitch January 09, 2019
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    1) Short for sister
    2) In the song Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches, SIS seems to stand for Stay In School...
    My sis went to the movies with a scumball.

    "Stay in school... Cause it's the best..."
    by wxynot July 12, 2005
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    Abbreviation for: "Sisters, In, Spirit". Your Best Friend or Bae. Usually used to refer to someone really close to you, someone you spend a lot of time with, like your sister.
    Girl: OMG, squad on fleek!
    Girl 2: yas, we look #Fabulous
    Girl: Yas Sis Yas!
    by ChocolateWafflez April 15, 2015
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