الإنسان العنصري إنسان غبي وفاشل وفارغ ، يستمد قيمته الذاتية من التعالي الزائف على الآخرين لأنه يشعر بفراغه و فشله! طيب كيف هيك واحد بدك ياه يفهم صورة فنية خليك واقعي يا مصطفى
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And keep in your mind...Bitch...pic.twitter.com/5CXvfBCjny
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What a pity...I suggest a subject for your next article "Syrian Cowards"....Write something about your citizens who live in Türkiye Finally, Protect your country like a man...Do you get it? Chicken-hearted....
At the same time I suggest you to investigate Turkish history and Turkish artists in the war....However you don't have ability to learn our history....Jacoup you are a Syrian loser in Usa...
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Senin Annen fahişe...dostum
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Sen sanat yapma amk salağı...
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Tamam sen gel Türkiye'ye ben sana yardımcı olucam bizzat ilgilenicez seninle
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المشكلة ان الناس يلي عم تخاطبهم بالانكليزي ما بيعرفوا إنكليزي، و لا عربي و لا فرنسي، لغة بلدهم فكط لا غير
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Why dont You protect your country? Go and make war for your freedom. Nobody Take Syrians in the world except Turkey. You must be thankful to the Turkey. You are coward chickens!
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Dünyada okadar vilayet varken neden bitek Türkiyenin kutsallarını karukatür ediyosun Suriye bitek Türkiyenin meselesi mi bi anlatsana kıvırma dan niye bitek Türklerin ilgisini cekmeye calışıyosun oturduğun yerden neyin beklentisi bu . anlat anlatsana severiz biz yalanlarıpic.twitter.com/ZMUuOC8X9O
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Yeah as if i'd BELIEVE that, you said you're living in America, but you're in Istanbul, do you think we're some stupids and you're some smarty-pants, we know who you are, where you are, i can't expect you to go against PKK while you're saying "TuRkS aRe KiLlinG SyRiAnS"
This claim IS THE SAME AS KURDISH CLAIMS, unlike illegal organisations we don't kill civilians as you guys are trying to implement, what's the point of killing civilians, we can't earn anything by killing civilians unlike terrorists mister.
If you THINK that you can escape after you rape, sexually harass Turkish womens and kill, beat Turkish childs, YOU'RE SO WRONG BECAUSE THIS IS NOT SYRIA, NEITHER ARABIAN STATE
These are nothing if we think about the total damage Syrians did http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gundem/suriyeliler-cocuk-dovdu-ortalik-ayaga-kalkti-40612861 … https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/mobi/suriyeli-10-kisi-14-yasindaki-kiz-cocuguna-tecavuz-etti-5233v.htm …https://www.newstr.net/suriyelilerden-nasil-kiz-tavlanir-videosu/ …
Also just adding cream to the pie: i can't expect someone to go against PKK and say "PKK protects American people" while he's living in America, that person can have trouble on living in America
You're literally and actually saying America protects PKK (which is true actually, not America but it's gov't tries to), and America recognises PKK as a terrorist organisation, so here's my question, what are you going to lie, make propaganda about now
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