Rob Clark


Postgrad Defence Researcher | Previously Research Assistant | Contributor @ | Once a Soldier

Joined August 2018

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    7 hours ago

    LIES! He answered very clearly the question you asked about the NHS and a Trade Deal. So don’t say ‘he failed to answer a single one’ - it’s a lie!

  3. Retweeted
    8 hours ago
  4. 5 hours ago

    Myself and discuss the need for a renewed strategy in the in light of recent events . . . 'Protecting National Interests: The Requirement for a New British Strategy in the Gulf'

  5. Retweeted

    Thank you Futures and Concepts for a enlightening day. Great to discuss and the dramatic change in how we fight through . It will inform the new concept for .

  6. Retweeted
    Jul 25

    On , noted that was paid by Tehran's propaganda channel, has "repeatedly sided with the mullahs ... over our friends in the United States". "How incredible that we should even think of entrusting that gentleman with ... this country's security".

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  7. 19 hours ago
  8. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    And rightly so. EU idea sounded more politically driven than capability led. CENTCOM led force has capability & proven C2.

  9. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    Thread: I think what’s troublesome about this is that it sets up PRCs expectations that Boris will continue the prioritisation of investment over all other facets 👇🏻:

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  10. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    As the political leadership goes for a change @JohnBew and myself reflect upon how to make Global Britain work, how the play a security role in the Indo-Pacific, and how to assess national power.

  11. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    Fantastic new data set from Thorsten Gromes and Matthias Dembinksi. Helping to address an empirical gap in the study of humanitarian military interventions and refute some common assumptions.

  12. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    The UK has its first Chancellor of Muslim extraction. And it's the "Islamophobic" Conservative Party that did it. What a mockery this makes of the false suggestion the party is institutionally racist

  13. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    "Far-right", "racist", "fascist" PM appoints Pakistani-origin Chancellor of the Exchequer and Indian-origin Home Secretary . Much of the British political liberal-left really needs to behave in a more mature and rational manner.

  14. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    If Javid is Chancellor this is good for Defence. He’s always been very pro-Defence and his brother was in the Navy. So let’s hope he’d give the MOD the cash they need.

  15. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    Not today crusty That copper must have sweating his ball bag off in this weather, hope someone purchased a cold one for him

  16. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    The appointment of Sajid and Priti are a message to all Muslim lads and Hindu girls across the UK, whether in Bham or Bristol, that in Britain talent and hard work will get you anywhere. The biggest erosion of race as a barrier in decades. That makes me very proud to be British.

  17. Retweeted
    Jul 24

    Full list of Johnson’s Cabinet appointments

  18. Jul 24

    Absolutely fantastic news. As much as I liked Gavin, there's no substitute for a man who's been there, where the metal meets the meat. Former , Mentioned in Dispatches - new Secretary of State for Defence ♠️

  19. Jul 24

    'Britain should give up on a European coalition against Iran and take sides with the Americans' Here for outlines the exact position I take regarding shaping a more robust policy in the against states like

  20. Jul 24

    My interview with concerning the situation between the & in the Whilst the UK still seeks diplomacy & wider engagement with the JCPOA - due for talks this weekend in Vienna - will be required for greater presence

  21. Jul 23

    Here raises the need not only for increased spending, but also raising military industrial activity once we leave to support this - or face being caught out in the again . . .


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