I know from previous posts about this that I am going to get a lot of pushback from followers. I don’t care. Putting a sign into a shop window saying Syrians can pay five times what others pay is absolutely analogous to stains on human history like “no Jews/Irish or dogs”.
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The predicted social lynching has happened so: 1) No, this isn’t widespread practice but this photo went viral and was widely commended 2) But broad anger at Syrians is undeniably growing across the political spectrum 3) And I agree initial refugee policy was faulty but...
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Now that millions of Syrians live in Turkey, we do need a peaceful and humanist approach to integration. And it really doesn’t help your case that we are bringers of peace and kindness if you attack people with whom you disagree with ferociousness and vituperation.
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Majority of Turkish people were fuming and accused Iceland with racism just because they made our national team wait for 20 mins and some random tourist tried to interview with a brush. Now they are all hand in hand trying to force people go back to the warzone.
And meanwhile literally nobody questions the way how government handled the whole immigrant situation. They are not aware of the fact that the biggest part of the problem is themselves.
It is not a surprise though. It was all expectable by looking at the way we treat our minorities. I don’t believe in Turkish hospitality. We are only hospitable to ourselves and those who act and think the way we want them to act and think.
I do believe in Turkish hospitality. I’ve seen it over and over again in the nine years I’ve lived in Turkey. It awes me.
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I was curious about you. Well I am now sure that you are an enemy of Turkish society and government. What you’re doing is not only a criticism. You are acting against Turkish society “on purpose”.
The fuck is wrong with people like you? So its cool that your government is part of the reason for this never ending conflict but if anyone speaks about the shitty attitude some people in turkey have concerning refugees they are 'enemy of Turkish society and government'? Pathetic
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The Turkish people took enough responsibility for them, and they go beyond hospitality and even trade. If they have the power to do so, they can now return to their countries. That's it from us. Whether you accept it or not. They should go as they come.
Lol took enough responsibility for them? If turkey stops intervening in the war and stops supplying weapons and ammunition you can perhaps say that. Otherwise turkey is very much responsible for the refugees it helped displace with its actions.
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It is also disappointing for us to deal with 3.5 million Syrians rather than who caused the khaos. Do not put the blame on us. Put the blame on US and Israel, they provocated the civil war in Syria. They should take all these refugess.
The Turks were literally one of the first to oppose Assad and fund rebels and later the only ones funding islamists
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1. Türkiye hiç kimsenin yapmayacağı iyiliği yaptı Milyonlarca Suriyeliye kendi vatandaşı gibi her türlü hizmeti bedava götürdü Derin ekonomik kriz varken 5 sene öncesi 50 milyar dolar harcadı. Belki şu an 100 milyara yaklaşmıştır Suriyelilere yapılan harcamalar Bütün bunları yok
2. Bütün bunları yok sayıp 1 2 kişinin yazdığı yazıyı dünyaya gösterip Türkiye'yi kötülemeye çalışmak kimse kusura bakmasın ama tam manası ile orr...bu ç....luğu'dur
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What’s especially terrifying is that it hasn’t just been the usual suspects. People who have always claimed to care about human rights (including minority and LGBT rights) are saying the ugliest things and repeating fake news talking points like robots
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I wonder what
@MevlutCavusoglu would say if German shops were charging 5 times as much for the 3m Turkish consumers in Germany as they do for Europeans. Let me guess...xenophobia and racism against Turks? What an utter disgrace!!!!! -
Geez, that racist asshole of a shop owner made me agree with a Greek...a Greek! Pisses me off now even more. :)
It probably means you are one of the minority of free thinking Turks and not a fanatic.
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I understand how frustrating it is for Turks to have to deal with this issue, but even as a yabanci I know that Turks and the Turkish culture would never allow such treatment to take place!
Here, try to treat you if you want. The Turkish nation has done its part enough and does. We have problems as a country. We need to focus on that now. Enough hospitality.
No you’re right to say that, and a solution must be found.. but that is not an effective nor sustainable solution, don’t you think? If anything it wont get anything done and that’s why it’s pathetic to actually be okay with this..
The solution is simple. Syria can now live in their country, as they can go to their countries for calm and holiday. Because the Turkish people showed hospitality despite all the difficulties. To be criticized by those who do nothing for the pathetic solution.
What's the official number, by the government, in terms of the population of Syrian people in Turkey at the moment?
I think 3.5 million, not sure so don’t take my word for it
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