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Despite most surveyed journalists believing that the reporting of civilian harm is critical to broader war coverage, major US news organisations too often failed properly to report on the issue during the conflict against ISIS. Our new report is out. …
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The amazing
@airwars research team has been documenting the cross-border airstrikes conducted by the Turkish Air Force against suspected militants in northern#Iraq and northern#Syria and looks claims of civilians casualties. More here …
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Check out this interactive map of US-led Coaltion strikes in Syria and Iraq, painstaking compiled over 4 years by
@airwars And, drumroll... you can download the data! Despite being
#opensource, I doubt you will find this data, clean and intact, anywhere else …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
Coalition has used military force against Syrian govt or their allies at least six times in the Tanf region: Once on 18 May 2017 Once on 6 June 2017 Twice on 8 June 2017 Once on 20 June 2017 Once on 21 June 2018. Yet UK claims this is not occupation and so no duty to civilians.
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@SyriaUK has shared recent correspondence with us from the UK's@foreignoffice on al Tanf, claiming the "Coalition Against Daesh, and by extension the UK, is not an occupying force in Syria" and blaming the Assad government for the this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Between 2014 and 2018 the US-led Coalition declared the dates and nearest large population centres for 30,801 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria against ISIS. Airwars has mapped every attack. …
#datavisualization by@rctngle#getthedataThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
NEW: The United States won’t feed 30,000 starving Syrians living under its protection …
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New research from
@NewAmericaISP reports per capita deaths in Raqqa compared to the rest of Syria between 2011 and 2015. Deaths were below average compared to the rest of the country, but living conditions in the city worsened during ISIS’ reign. … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
@NewAmericaISP released its latest report, a culmination of field observations and hundreds of interviews on the ground in Syria. Check out “How Raqqa Became the Capital of ISIS” by@NateRosenblatt and David Kilcullen. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
There is also complete silence on this preventable catastrophe from the US's remaining international military partners in the war against ISIS - the UK and France- though both continue to conduct strikes in Syria. …
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The US is refusing to provide food to 30,000 Syrians trapped in a US-controlled part of Syria because it doesn’t want to create the impression it is planning a long-term presence in Syria. So they are slowly starving to death. By
@joshrogin …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
US strikes in
#Afghanistan have dipped back down, the June strike summary released from@ResoluteSupport showed today. There was a peak in May of 719 - the most strikes they've publically admitted in a month since we started monitoring the war@TBIJ in Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
New study reveals important gaps in media coverage of this aspect of the anti-ISIS operation, largely a war of air strikes. via
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"Short wars, they say, change governments, but long wars change people."
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Children - of 80+ different nationalities - are dying from acute diarrhoea and flu-like infections in NE Syria. Urgent repatriation to their countries of origin is needed …
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1. Many journalists continue to travel to Afghanistan. Their stories appear nationwide. 2. One of the reason that there has been a reduction in coverage of U.S. operations in Afghanistan is there has been a reduction in access. You want more coverage? Embed more journalists. …
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Trump later boasted at length about how big a hole in the ground and how loud a noise his "Mother of All Bombs" made in Afghanistan in 2017, then claimed, "They were going to make many of them, and I said no. We don't have - I don't want to drop that. I don't want to do that."
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Here's the president's quote just now on how he could win the war in Afghanistan by wiping out Afghanistan and killing 10 million people but does not want to do
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"Airpower-dominated conflicts, especially when they are conducted without large contingents of US ground forces, should get greater scrutiny and more consistent oversight by major media institutions, not less."
@alexadobrien on our new media report. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
"For the last six months, I’ve been trying to answer that question for
@Airwars," writes@alexadobrien. Among her findings: "reporters believe civilian harm remains critical to the coverage of both war and oversight of US government and military strategy, policy and operations." …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Airwars Retweeted
Where’s the Coverage of Civilian Casualties in the War on ISIS? My thoughts for
@DefenseOne on the last six-months researching and writing about the subject for@airwars new report …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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