I wish Kurds would teach me how to dance correctly, but they just hold my hand and look at my expectantly saying "Yek" and "Du" over and over again. They are so disappointed in me.
I have some folk dance experience from the past, so its not so difficult to learn for me
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Beyond these jokes, it would be great to have a statistical comparison of the conditions of camps for displaced Iraqis and Syrians fleeing the califate, especially Yazidis, since 2014, with the demographics, diseases and death rates of al Hol.
NE Syria admin has helped hundreds of thousands of IDPs and refugees with little resources while in an existential fight against both Daesh, and Turkish invasion. There are still camps at Ain Issa and of Afrin IDPs in Sheba. Journalists, HRW & UNHCR should provide data.
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