(bug) Can't unpin post on mobile
Cant pin post on mobile app
Steps to reproduce:
- Pin a post
- Try to un pin it
Browser and OS
Replicated on S7 edge v3.5.0 - suspect its platform agnostic.
mobile app reported by: @MindsGaming
added Triage::New Type::Bug (Triage) scoped labels
made the issue visible to everyone
changed title from mobile app pin/unpin to (bug) Can't unpin post on mobile
changed the description
automatically removed Triage::New Type::Bug (Triage) labels
changed milestone to %sprint: Elevated Eagle
assigned to @benhayward.ben
added Status::Backlog scoped label
changed weight to 3
changed milestone to %sprint: Interesting Iguana
added Status::InProgress scoped label and automatically removed Status::Backlog label
- Developer
Weird, the posts "pinned" is coming through in some cases as undefined. Those cases aren't solely posts that should be pinned though.
It looks like the pinned_posts in the user object is not being set in these instances, so I suspect the pinned variable is determined by the pinned_posts.
added Status::InProgress scoped label
changed milestone to %sprint: Interesting Iguana
changed weight to 3
moved from minds#444 (closed)
- Developer
Martin informs me the new changes should take care of this. Adding to follow up so that I can keep an eye on it.
changed milestone to %sprint: Jolly Jellyfish
automatically removed Status::Follow Up label
added Squad::Green scoped label
- Developer
Fixed now in the latest build