The Goal is the following: The goal is to get to Heaven. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to avoid being burned alive in the fires of Hell forever. The goal is to have a lot of good fun. The goal is to have a good life. I am a Third Degree Free Mason. I am a Third Degree member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. I am a Shriner. I am a Knights Templar. Many of the organizations that I am a Member of have high standards for Membership, and of course We do not accept everyone. We desire to make good people better. I like to watch Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Wrestling. I was on a Soccer team, Basketball team, and Swim team. My Dad was a coach of my Basketball team at Portland Christian School. I have had many jobs. I am a Writer. And I am a Blogger. And I am writing books and movies. I have been a member of the Republican National Committee (RNC) since the year 2004, and I am a member of the Oregon Republican Party, and I am a Republican. I like any good political party. A Man — President George W. Bush — called Himself a, “Compassionate Conservative.” And many People are, in a certain way, or in certain ways, Socially Conservative (SC) and Fiscally Liberal (FL) or Socially Liberal (SL) and Fiscally Conservative (FC) or Socially Conservative and Fiscally Conservative or Socially Liberal and Fiscally Liberal. Compassionate Conservative (CC). I am a member of several Christian organizations. And I am a Christian, and I am a Baptized Christian, and I am a Christian who has Professed The Articles of The Christian Faith. As is the case with Many Religions, Christianity has Many Traditions. Christianity and We Christians have, for example, the Traditions of Christmas and Easter. I am Straight. I have paid money to Christian World Vision to help care for Sorina, my daughter from Romania. When I was 7 years of age, I learned how to read and how to write at Portland Christian School. And when I was 18 years of age, I graduated from Cleveland High School with High Honors. I am an American. And I am a US Citizen. And I am also European. And I am 100 Percent European. Many of My Family Members are Fellow Members of Organizations that I am a Member of. And Many of My Family Members are Fellow Baptized Christians. And Many of My Family Members are Fellow Americans and Fellow US Citizens. And Many of My Family Members have been Fellow Registered Voters. And Many of My Family Members are Fellow Registered Republicans. And Many of My Family Members attended High School. And Many of My Family Members are High School Graduates. And Many of My Family Members attended College. And Many of My Family Members are College Graduates. When I was at Georgetown University, I joined Mensa, a High IQ organization, and I am a Mensan. I am a member of the IQ organization called the Top One Percent Society (TOPS). When I was a Junior at Georgetown University, I went to a Psychologist for an IQ Test, which was part of the process for Me to become a Mensa Member. From the IQ Test Report: “Mr. [Brandon] Katrena is functioning in the top one percent of the population in terms of his overall intellectual functioning. His relative strengths are in the area of verbal comprehension, including vocabulary, verbal reasoning and fund of knowledge, where he functions in the Very Superior Range.” My Cumulative IQ is in the Top One Percent (TOP): And My Verbal Comprehension Index IQ is about 150, and My Fund of Knowledge IQ is also about 150, and I scored Four Perfect Scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs): 800 Verbal; 800 World History; 800 Literature; 800 American History. Are you a Fellow Genius? And are you also a Fellow Verbal Genius? I am a Genius. And I am also a Verbal Genius (VG). I believe in Father God. A paraphrased question that was asked: “What is your favorite part of the body?” My Answer: The Brain and The Heart. — Brandon I read in a Scientific Journal that the Human Brain is often Not fully developed until about the age of 25, and what I read is probably true. And the following is from an MIT Website regarding Children, Youngsters, and Youths, and Their Brains: “According to recent findings, the human brain does not reach full maturity until at least the mid-20s. (See J. Giedd in References.) The specific changes that follow young adulthood are not yet well studied, but it is known that they involve increased myelination and continued adding and pruning of neurons. As a number of researchers have put it, “the rental car companies have it right.” The brain isn’t fully mature at 16, when we are allowed to drive, or at 18, when we are allowed to vote, or at 21, when we are allowed to drink, but closer to 25, when we are allowed to rent a car.” The Source: . And The Writers of The US Constitution made sure that a Man or a Woman had to be 35 years of age or older in order to be President of The United States of America. — Brandon According to Scientific Research, some individuals are given many new brain cells daily. And some individuals get about 300 million new brain cells daily. — Brandon A Person on Television said, “I call Surviving a Victory.” — Brandon In preparation for the unlikely event of a nuclear missile strike, organizations should make sure that there are Radiation Medicines. And, in preparation for the unlikely event of biological warfare and/or chemical warfare, organizations should make sure that there are stockpiles of vaccines and treatments for illnesses and diseases. Here is a logical and good solution for organizations to safeguard their important information from hackers: organizations should simply save their important information on disks and print this information out. Disks and papers are not connected to the Internet, and therefore hackers cannot get to the information safely stored on disks and on paper. Many disks and many papers should also be stored in fire resistant and water resistant containers and safes. This is logical and good. An Often Truthful saying is, “Do Not Place all of your Eggs in One Basket.” And another Often Truthful saying is, “There are a few bad apples in every bunch.” — Brandon The following is one of over 800 Jokes that I have Wrote: “You and I are Thinking, don’t do it: They have Nukes.” — Brandon Vital Infrastructure, such as our Power Grids, should be protected against the possibility of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. As the truthful saying states, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” In a College Psychology Classroom, I filled out paperwork, and My Myers-Briggs Personality Test is INTJ — An Acronym that stands for: Introverted; Intuitive; Thinking; Judging, also known as The Scientist and The Master Mind. And this Other Personality test that I had today, that matches people’s answers to questions with characteristics of Chocolate, says that I am like a Caramel Chocolate: The Test states that I am like a Caramel Chocolate because: “You’re fun, well-liked, and popular with those you meet. People feel comfortable with you, and you never let them down. Oh, and you’re incredibly sweet.” A Quote from Walt Whitman: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” This is Part of My Philosophy on Life: He was Just Shooting the Breeze. He was Just Talking to Talk. She was Just Shooting the Breeze. She was Just Talking to Talk. They were Just Shooting the Breeze. They were Just Talking to Talk. I have been around a lot of people, and they, like Me, have sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. You too have probably sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. Furthermore, The Context is Important. Maybe He is an Actor who Acted for an Acting Role. And maybe She is an Actress who Acted for an Acting Role. And maybe They are Actors and/or Actresses who Acted for (an) Acting Role(s). As the truthful saying and metaphor says: “Sticks and stones may break My bones but words will never hurt Me.” What someone says rarely really matters. Actions, what someone does, are Important. I got done reading some Good Writings, including reading some Interesting Satirical Fan Fiction (also known by the Acronym “SFF”). I have a Great and Wonderful Life. I have had a Great and Wonderful Life. I will continue to have a Great and Wonderful Life. We live in a Great and Wonderful World and Nation. The United States of America is a Great Nation. And there are many other Great Nations. America is doing Well, and America is Strong. And The United States of America is one of the Strongest Nations in The World. As My Grandpa said, paraphrasing, “America is Number One.” And Many Americans are doing Well, and Many Americans are Strong. And all of this is Good. — Brandon A few days ago, I mailed in My Voting Ballot for The Local, State, and Federal Elections. — Brandon Regarding World Events: When I read The News in the Newspaper, or when I watch The News on Television, I remind Myself that there are often just a Small Amount of Major (and Minor) Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done. 18 of My, Brandon’s, Logical Sayings: 1.) There are good goals. And there are bad goals. The Goal is the following: The goal is to get to Heaven. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to avoid being burned alive in the fires of Hell forever. The goal is to have a lot of good fun. The goal is to have a good life. 2.) Heaven is for more than 84,000 years. Heaven is for more than 84 trillion years. And Heaven is for forever. Individuals will live in giant houses in Heaven, and I am sure there will be great foods and great drinks in Heaven. 3.) There is no time like the present. 4.) As a truthful metaphor states, “A stitch in time saves nine.” And on many occasions a stitch in time saves much more than nine. 5.) As former United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, said: “There are known knowns. There are known unknowns. And there are unknown unknowns.” 6.) Some is often better than none. 7.) An attention to details is important. As the saying goes, “For lack of the nail, the war was lost.” 8.) Is this true? How do you know this to be true? How many ways do you know this to be true? Is this false? How do you know this to be false? How many ways do you know this to be false? What are some other possibilities? How many other possibilities are there? Is this important? Why is this important? How many ways is this important? Is this not important? Why is this not important? How many ways is this not important? 9.) If you put your hands on a wall in the forms of large parentheses ( ) and you look in the center of the large parentheses made by your hands, you will see just a portion of the wall. If you then look around the entire room, you will see a larger picture. The goal is to get to Heaven. 10.) Yesterday’s events made today’s events possible. 11.) Where would you rather be: Heaven or Hell? The goal is to get to Heaven. Father God, and God is also our Father, decides who goes to Heaven or Hell. 12.) Money is paper made from trees. Money is created by printing presses. Money is not very important. And Money Grows Back (MGB). You cannot take your money or your physical possessions with you when you go to Heaven. 13.) Is this good? Why is this good? How many ways is this good? Is this really good? Is this logical? Why is this logical? How many ways is this logical? Is this really logical? 14.) Potential Action A is different from Potential Action B. Potential Action B is different from Potential Action A. Potential Action A can be done, and Potential Action B does not have to be done. Potential Action B can be done, and Potential Action A does not have to be done. Not all actions should be done. It is not all actions or nothing. Not all actions should be done. Each potential action should be evaluated by itself. After each potential action is evaluated by itself, all the potential actions should then be judged in certain combinations, and then holistically, together, which will help show a bigger picture, and it will enable you to see what the good consequences are, and to see what the bad consequences are. The goal is to get to Heaven. 15.) As a truthful saying states, “The truth can be stranger than fiction.” 16.) An individual’s psychological outlook on life can influence a person’s physical health. 17.) Who? What? Why? How? Where? When? What is this? How many things is this? What do you know about this? How many things do you know about this? What important things do you know about this? How many important things do you know about this? What is the definition of this? What are the definitions of this? Does this make sense? Why does this make sense? How many things make this make sense? Does this Not Make Sense (which is the Acronym “NMS”)? Why does this Not Make Sense? For how many reasons does this Not Make Sense? What is necessary for someone or something to be something — for example, what is necessary for someone to be a Member of a Certain Organization? How many things are necessary for someone or something to be something? What important information is there? How much important information is there? What important information can there be? How much important information can there be? In the movie The Passion of the Christ, an actor who plays Jesus asks, “What is truth?” Good is that which Father God would approve of. Good is only that which Father God would approve of. Truth is that which is real. Truth is reality. Truth is only that which is real. Truth is only that which is reality. What someone has, and what someone does not have, is often a good indication of what has occurred, and what has not occurred. Some things should be done. Many things should not be done. Not everything should be done. There is a time for many things. There is a place for many things. There is not a time for many things. There is not a place for many things. I buckle my seat belt, as one serious mistake and it can all be over. The Theory known as Occam’s Razor is a False Concept. Occam’s Razor states that all things being Equal, the Simplest Explanation is the Answer, which is False, as Life is often more Complicated than a Broad Generalization about Explanations. And The Slippery Slope Concept is Not Always a Logical Fallacy, as individuals often become more tolerant, for Good or for Bad, to other things by gradual changes. Additionally, as seen throughout History, one Extreme will often, although Not always, set the groundwork for another Extreme. Moderation is often more desirable. 18.) As a truthful saying states, “Laughter is the best medicine.” — Brandon Katrena A Person called Me today on My Cellphone from an Unlisted Phone Number, and He said that His Make Believe Company detected that I had a Virus on My Computer, which was somehow detected by His Make Believe Company. I then told Him that I did Not believe Him, and I hung up My Telephone. Scam. Scams. — Brandon In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Things should be Viewed with a Healthy Dose of Thought and/or some Skepticism.” — Brandon Some of My Essays, many of which were written, or partly written, in about the year 2001: If you touch it, you might get a splinter in your hand. It comes from a nation consistently rated the number one place to live; however, you would not want to live there in the year 1349, as you could have gotten The Plague, as did about a third of the population. The country offers cradle to grave benefits, and it takes good care of its Citizens. And it was neutral during World War I. Many of its Citizens speak English, although that is not the official language. You might get the splinter in your hand from a Viking Ship, and the country is Norway. “Save us, oh Lord, from the fury of the Norsemen,” was an English Prayer said about 900 years ago, said to Father God to try to get help from the Vikings, many of whom came from the nation of Norway. And you too might say that prayer if you saw dozens of men departing from wooden Viking ships, battle axes, swords, and shields in their hands, running towards your house from the beach, screaming “seier!” which means “victory” in Norwegian. The Vikings settled in England, Ireland, Iceland (which is really quite hospitable, despite its name), Greenland (which is really Not very hospitable, despite its name), North America, and in Normandy, and, in 1066, a descendent of the Norsemen, William the Conqueror of Normandy, landed in England, and he established Norman rule there. No longer is that prayer about the Norsemen seriously said. And Modern-Day Norway is different than it was hundreds of years ago. Many of its Citizens speak English, and — like many other European Nations — its Socialistic Government offers cradle to grave benefits, paid for by taxes that take up about half of a person’s wages, and, according to the United Nations, Norway is the best place to live in the world. During World War I, Norway was Neutral. During World War II, fought from 1939 to 1945, Norway was initially Neutral; however, Nazi Germany invaded anyway, and Norway was occupied by about 100,000 German Soldiers. After World War II, Norway found large oil reserves in the nearby sea, which helped create one of the largest Investment Funds, valued at about 400 billion dollars, which will help the country when the oil runs out. Serious crimes are few and far between, and running towards houses after disembarking from wooden Viking boats, with battle axes, swords, and shields in hand, are things of the past. Your College: an Excellent School that, via Synergy, I can Benefit At 7:32 a.m. I squeeze the tube of toothpaste, and in a few minutes warm water envelopes my body. I begin the day doing activities ranging from helping in my Masonic Lodge to watching Ultimate Fighting Championship dvds to reading a good book to writing a good book to being a Board Member of a Non-Profit Foundation, which became incorporated in the state of Oregon in the year 2011, and which helps individuals overcome mental health issues. As the book The Republic said it would, the journeys called education and learning are helping to develop my character and way of thinking. While going through the usual process of growing up, I have discovered that self-discipline allows me to learn exponentially, and learning is awesome, in whatever setting, such as listening to professors give lectures to doing independent studies to reading the classics. There is so much for me to learn, and I long to better understand the ideas of such great educators as Sigmund Freud and Maimonides. Gone are the days when I, donning the hat of youthful immaturity, allowed test anxiety to get in the way of my education: I have jumped over that hurdle. These education and learning journeys have led me to want to graduate from your college, an excellent school with highly intelligent professors, with world class facilities, and where, as discussed on pages 261-284 of Stephen Covey’s bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this confluence of intelligent faculty, staff, and students creates synergy, making for powerful learning experiences. I like powerful learning experiences. From rolling up my sleeves and hosting fêtes for the college community, with plenty of brie, crackers, desserts, and music in my capacity as President of the French-Speaking Club to helping with UNICEF’s iodine deficiency relief project, as I have done in the past in the other schools I have attended, I can benefit, as well as be benefited by, the extracurricular activities that your school has to offer. As is the case with a confluence of intelligent individuals, I have found that a combination of educational and extracurricular experiences creates enriching synergy. And I sent in a black folder that has a copy of a newspaper article about this volunteer work written by Portland Community College’s The Bridge newspaper writer Trish Couture. Also included in this black folder is a copy of another newspaper article, this newspaper article was written by me, wrote when I was Treasurer of Alpha Eta Iota, which is part of Phi Theta Kappa, encouraging individuals to join the academic honorary society Alpha Eta Iota. And also in this black folder are copies of my transcripts and awards. Willamette University, the first university in the West, is a great school, with such notable graduates as United States Senator Mark Hatfield; and ever since the awards were given out in 1990, its professors, including three of the ones who taught me, frequently win the prestigious Oregon Professor of the Year award which is given by the Carnegie Foundation. Your school is an excellent institution of higher learning that provides a great education, and I would like to graduate from it, help create enriching synergy, and from there continue my education and learning journeys. —- This organization involves more than rituals. And this organization involves more than going through the motions. The Free Masons, My Brothers, make the world a better place for current and future generations, including for my future wife and my children. Free Masons roll up their sleeves and donate time and energy to charities. Additionally, this Fraternity contributes over 400 million dollars each year to charities, such as to the Shriners’ Hospitals, which help burn victims, and to local charity organizations. The Free Masons, and there have been millions of Free Masons — former United States Presidents George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Gerald Ford were Free Masons, and baseball legend Cy Young was a Brother Free Mason, and musical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a Free Mason, as was the movie star John Wayne — and We Masons are Members of the Masonic Fraternity that has been around for over 280 years, and many states and nations have Masonic Grand Lodges that are in charge of the individual Masonic lodges. I am glad to be a member of a Fraternity that has, and lives by, the motto: “Brotherly Love. Relief. Truth.” Words from a 19th Century Transcendentalist that Echo in My Soul Its 20 words belie its importance for it has made an enormous impression on me, influencing my thoughts, words, and actions. Poet Henry David Thoreau put it excellently when he stated: “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor,” which has led me to formulate a goal: to fully live a life that I view as worth living, and in order to do this, I must fulfill certain criteria. Constant self-improvement is a criterion. Going to college, in addition to being actively involved with clubs and organizations and working, gives me the opportunity to periodically exchange ideas with others, and this is important, as it is a means to improve my thinking. For example, several years ago, I read something regarding abortion. It made sense. After further contemplation, I changed my opinion about that subject. While it is vital to have an open mind, it is of course not the only means for self-improvement. Luckily, I came to the realization that the body and mind are in an inextricable relationship. Being healthy and mentally acute help me to fulfill another important criterion necessary to fully live a life worth living: contributing to the advancement of God’s children. It is my hope that someday soon our world will be a place where rationalism is ubiquitous, and where the world is more civilized, decent, honorable, and good. Do I presently fulfill all the criteria necessary to fully live a life that I view as worth living? Yes, as I am more altruistic and devoted to self-improvement than I was before, and I am — slowly, incrementally — coming closer to fulfilling my goal. A Joyous Reunion For much of my life, it had aged well. Many might have assumed from its bright blue hue, golden lettering, and wrinkle-free pages that it was 4 or 5 years old, when it was really 25. My Bible’s stay on my bookcase for most of its life was the secret to its youthful appearance. When I was a child, I read my Bible weekly. As I grew older, I only read it a couple of times a year, then not at all, and my Bible found its way on my bookcase, between Treasure Islandand The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. On a winter day in 2001, I was sitting at my desk wanting something to read, and I looked at my bookcase and golden letters on a book’s spine brought back old memories. I reached over, picked up my Bible, brushed off a thin layer of dust from its smooth surface, and opened randomly, reading for the first time in a long time stories like the parting of the Red Sea, Moses’s receiving of the Ten Commandments, Jesus’s Walking on Water, and Elijah’s going to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire. In addition to containing stories, I have found that the Bible also contains wisdom applicable throughout the ages. For example, I have learned that even in the most difficult of times, God is still there; the difficult times are only temporary, and all will be well. Whether at my desk, in the car, or at a religious service, where I go my Bible goes. It is starting to look its age. And that is good. — Brandon Katrena December 25th, Christmas, is the Celebration of Jesus’s Birthday. From The Bible, John 3:16: “For God so Loved the World, that He gave His only Begotten Son. For whosoever Believe in Him shall Not Perish, but Have Everlasting Life.” May you have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. — Brandon A Quote from Jules Verne: “While there is life there is hope.” The goal is to live a good life. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to get to Heaven. Being Moral is Very Important. Living a Moral Life is Very Important. Morality is Very Important. Money is not very important. You cannot take money or your physical possessions with you when you go to Heaven. I, Brandon, am a Hard Worker. I, Brandon, have been a Hard Worker. The means of production is sort of important. Work is sort of important. For example, someone might work in the Forestry Industry as a Forester picking up tree limbs in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work in the Restaurant Industry as a Dish Washer washing dishes in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work in the Journalism Industry as a Copy Editor in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work in the Real Estate Industry as a Real Estate Assistant in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work as a Nurse in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work as an Advisor in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work as a Writer in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may work at other jobs in exchange for other goods and services. Or someone may exchange a good or a service for another good or a service. “Minority Report” is a Great Movie to Watch. — Brandon In one of My Writings, The Man said, “You should be Careful Not to Group Everyone Together. Appearances can sometimes be Deceiving. And You should also be Careful Not to Stereotype Individuals. And you should also be Careful Not to Generalize about Individuals. And you should also be aware about the often Truthful saying that, ‘There are a few bad apples in every bunch.'” — Brandon I have a Very Good Life. I have had a Very Good Life. I will continue to have a Very Good Life. We live in a Very Good World. And The United States of America is a Very Good Nation. And there are Many other Very Good Nations. If a person has a House to Live in, Food to eat, Drinks to Drink, Clothing to Wear, some Money to Buy Things, Heat, and a Bed to Sleep in, and if He or She can Openly Worship Father God, and if He or She Likes Father God, that Person has it Very Good, and there is Little, and probably No, Reason to Complain. It can Be Cold in DC. It can Be Cold Anywhere. Anyone can Be Cold. It can Be Nice in DC. It can Be Nice Anywhere. Anyone can Be Nice. There are Good Times to Be Cold. There are Good Times to Be Nice. Cold. Nice. — Brandon No matter what the situation is, and no matter what the environment is, I have a Strong Moral Compass that has never let Me down. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and good is good, and bad is bad, and true is true, and false is false, no matter what year it is. Good Morals do not change. Good Morals do not change according to opinion polls. Good Morals are only that which Father God would approve of. Truth does not change. Truth does not change according to opinion polls. Good does not change. Good does not change according to opinion polls. Good is only that which Father God would approve of. Truth is only reality. Truth is only that which is real. Age to Age (ATA). And Year to Year (AYTY and YTY). It is Good to have a Good Anchor. — Brandon The V symbol produced by the hands means Victory. Many individuals, including Winston Churchill, who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and who was also a fellow Free Mason, gave the V symbol produced with his hands, which means Victory. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “What is something? What Really is something? What important information should you know? How much important information should you know? What, for example, is Really a House? A House is often basically just some Trees cut down as well as some Electronics. What is Really a Spacecraft? A Spacecraft is often basically just some Metals and Electronics. What are Really some Clothes? Clothes are often basically just some fabrics created from the wool of sheep. What is the Value of something? What is the Real Value (RV) of something?” — Brandon In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many things, such as Antibodies, are Very Important.” — Brandon Hot dog and ice cream in my hands, I watched the Portland TrailBlazers win a basketball game at the Rose Garden. In one of My Writings, The Man said to someone else, “For several reasons you have been Fortunate, including the fact that you are Older. You have lived many Good Days, and you have done Many Good Things.” — Brandon We live in a great nation. The United States of America is a great nation. I like Our US Government, which is Our Government, and which helps keep US safe. I am an American. And I am a US Citizen. I have many Family Members who are Americans. I have many Family Members who are US Citizens. I like Uncle Sam. Prosperity does Not happen through the Confiscation of Wealth: this is Not a Zero Sum Game. Instead, Prosperity for Many People can happen through the Wise Utilization of Resources, especially Natural Resources. Almost Everyone can Live Well. — Brandon In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Many Things, although Not everything, are Negotiable.” Negotiable. Not Negotiable (NN). — Brandon Close often only counts during The Games of Horseshoes and Darts. — Brandon This was a Great Super Bowl XLIX (49) to watch. — Brandon I have done many Good Things. And that is Good. I will do many Good Things. And that is Good. I am not too interested in many things. And that is Good. I do not want to do many things. And that is Good. I have not done many things. And that is Good. I will not do many things. And that is Good. It is often Good to have Restraint. It is often Good to have Self-Control. Zero number of Times is often a good number of Times for many things. As a Truthful saying and metaphor states: “Curiosity killed the cat.” — Brandon In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Because of Jesus are We Saved. And because of Jesus’s Blood that He shed for Us are We also Saved. And because of Him, the Entire World is Saved. Chalice.” — Brandon In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Good Instincts are Good to have. And Good Intuitions are also Good to have.” Good Instincts (GI). Good Intuitions (GI). Inherent. Inherently. Innate. Innately. Instinctual. Instinctually. Intuitive. Intuitively. Learn. Learned. Knowledge. Knowledgeable. Common Sense (CS). Common Knowledge (CK). Passed Down (PD). Passed Down from Generations (PDFG). — Brandon Some Important Concepts to know about: Logic. Logical. Rational. Reasonable. Reasonableness. Common Sense (CS). Common Knowledge (CK). What History Teaches (WHT). What Common Sense Teaches (WCST). Educated. Well Educated (WE). World View (WV). World Views (WV). The Individual (TI). The Individuals (TI). The Group (TG). The Groups (TG). Knowledge. Knowleadges. Knowledgeable. Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Subject Matter (SM). Subject Matters (SM). Goodness. Moral. Morality. Good Morality (GM). Good Morals (GM). Proportionate. Balanced. Well Balanced (WB). National Security (NS). Eminent Domain (ED). Reasonable. The Reasonable Person Standard in The Law. The Reasonable Person (TRP and RP). Reasonable Compensation (RC). Fair Compensation (FC). Fair. Justice. Reality. Realities. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). A Quote from Charles Darwin, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I confess, absurd in the highest degree…The difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection , though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered subversive of the theory.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Is that Appropriate? Or is that Inappropriate? It is Important to be Appropriate. And it is Important that Things be Appropriate. And, as the Philosopher Plato also believed, and as talked about in Plato’s Book, The Republic, it is Important for Things to be in Their Proper Places.” — Brandon On The Charlie Rose Television Show, which I began watching about 20 years ago, a Man said, paraphrasing, that a Goal was, “To Turn Chaos into Order. And to Turn Noise into Music.” — Brandon From The Bible, Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Child of God, May Father God bless you and keep you. May Father God make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May Father God lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. The Letter of Recommendation for My Mother, Debra Katrena: My Mother, Debra Katrena, like Me, is a Member of Several Organizations. And My Mother was, for example, a Member of The Camp Fire Organization when She was a Child. And My Mother, Debra, in addition to being the Mother of Three Children, was a Board Member of The Clackamas Community College Foundation Board, and She has been a Licensed Realtor for about 20 Years. And Not Everyone can become a Licensed Real Estate Agent, also known as being a Realtor, and being a Licensed Realtor involves Studying for, and Passing, The Real Estate Exam, and Passing a Background Check, and Paying Fees, and a Person has to be Very Intelligent and Very Knowledgeable to be able to do these Things. And My Mother, Debra, is a Christian, and She is a Baptized Christian, and She has Professed The Articles of The Christian Faith. My Mother, Debra, Graduated from High School. And My Mother, Debra, was, or was about, 18 years of age when She Graduated from High School. And Graduating from High School usually involves Successfully Passing about 13 years of School, usually Kindergarten through 12th Grade, and, of course, Not everyone is Capable of doing These Things, and, of course, Not everyone Graduates from High School, and that is OK. My Mother, Debra, is also a Senior at Marylhurst University, which is Her Alma Mater, and She has gotten Many Grades of A on Her Report Cards. And My Mother Debra, in addition to being a Licensed Real Estate Agent for about 20 Years, has had Many Jobs throughout Her Life, for example, She was the Owner of a Restaurant, and She is a Very Hardworking Person, and a Very Good Person, and a Very Intelligent Person, and a Very Knowledgeable Person. And She has Won Awards for Her Realtor Work. — Brandon Ryan Katrena ---- Some of My Jokes and My Sayings: 3. A News Reporter at a Press Conference: “Mr. President, What will You be Discussing at the Upcoming Meeting of World Leaders?” The President: “Candy Tastes Good.” 4. 7 Boxers Fought each Other at the Same Time during the Boxing Match. 5. The Onion Cried Tears When He was Chopped Up. 6. The Ant Thought There was no More to the World Than a Field of Grass. 7. You Put a Tattoo on Your Body Where? 13. Thomas’s Piggy Bank. 15. Are you an Angel? 16. Are you a Pit Viper? 19. Grandpa Stole My Soda Pop. 24. The Moth, Upon Seeing His Moth-Eaten Clothes With Holes, Thought to Himself, “This is What Happens When the Windows are left Open”. 27. The Man thought that he was 93% Alien, and that he was also 100% Human. 33. The Bandage Did Not Like to Wear Blood. 34. I Want to be a Beach Bum. 37. The Man cautioned Mr. David Waters and Mrs. Christine Waters that, “If you drink too much water you are going to die of water poisoning.” 40. There are many rooms in the Fun Room. 41. The pinata was filled with dead lizards. 42. The Man Asked For His Prescription from the Pharmacist, and the Pharmacist Yelled at Him, “Crackers and Beef Sticks! Sticks Beef and Crackers!” 43. I Don’t Want to be Sick. 50. The Boat Bobbed Gently in the Ocean, and the Boat Said, “I want to fly.” 55. Does your Grandpa have the Gramps Grumps? 65. “I have a surprise for you,” a wife said to her husband. She then pulled out a dead Lizard from a bag. 72. Do Your Feet Stink? 74. Mr. Jeremy Freeze was very cold. 78. Dr. Richard Richards, who worked as a Doctor in a Clinic, never Graduated from College, although he did attend College for 7 days. 79. The Musical Trio called “White Guys” Dreamed of Making It Big on Broadway. 81. My Dog Meowed, and My Cat Barked. 89. Get off the stage Presidential Candidate, I want to watch Jeopardy! 91. I won all of my wrestling matches. 92. A guy said to Me, “You are a good wrestler.” 93. On August 7th, Grandpa Filbert, his teeth green from cavities and gingivitis, wore his Santa Outfit, and he said, “Merry Christmas, Gary.” 94. “Do not touch my face,” said the Door Handle. 96. The Mean Man. The Nice Man. The Mean Man and The Nice Man are the Same Person. 97. The Weeping Willow Wept. 100. Many individuals believed to have been Geniuses were not very smart. 103. Buddy the Dog got a brainscan. 104. Mom Kicked Dad out of the House When He Explained Why He Came Home Late. 106. Grandpa, Why is Your First Name Sarah? 110. Psychological Projection 111. I Do Not Want to Do That. 114. The Man said to the Small Jar of Huckleberry Jam, “You are Such a Huckster.” 115. “Thank you,” said the Minotaur. 116. I am one of Them. I am one of US. I am We. 119. Thank you for the candy bar, and I want you to stop drinking my coffee. 122. The Dentist Who was Afraid of Going to the Dentist. 127. He won an Olympic Gold Medal for Eating the Most Hot Dogs. 130. Do you accept bottles for payment? 131. The van said, “Sloppy’s” 132. I am cold-blooded. 134. I will have a Hamburger with a Chainsaw on the Side. 135. Wouldn’t it Suck to be a Christmas Wreath? 140. We are the Good Guys. 143. He legally changed his first name to “Grandpa”. 146. Tony thought that he was a Unicorn. 151. Upon being elected President of the United States of America, The Ninja, while wearing his Ninja outfit and twirling two numbchucks, gave a speech to a Joint Session of the United States Congress. The Ninja also belched loudly 7 times during this speech. 154. Mrs. Cute Chick. 156. Covered head to toes in jeans, James Smith believed that he was a pair of jeans. 160. For 700 years, a nurse lived in the hospital’s basement. 161. The 13 year-old stood in line to vote for President of the United States of America. 165. Many individuals thought Dr. Thomas Beers was a Genius until they found out that he had Downs Syndrome. 169. “At least we had ice for our drinks,” said a Titanic Survivor. 172. When the guy said “Yes Sir,” tuna fish spewed forth from his mouth. 174. The Bee Who Did Not Like to Eat Honey. 176. A guy went to a job interview with purple paint all over his face, a cuckoo clock on his head, fake Vampire teeth covering his teeth, and wearing torn green jeans four sizes too small for his body. His first name was Portland. 186. After the Sermon, the Pastor said to each Member of the Congregation who left through the doors, “Do not eat a Rabbit’s Foot.” 190. Ockham’s Razor is False. 192. Not a Believer in Using Drinking Glasses, the Waiter Took a Big Drink Out of the Orange Juice Pitcher Before Asking if a Customer Wanted Some More OJ. 193. During the Trial, the Man suing the Defendant got out of his chair in the Jury Box, and He then went to the Witness Chair. 195. For 700 years, the famous Actor had bacon and pancakes with butter and syrup every day for breakfast. How healthy do you think he was? 199. There were only two things on the Menu at the Restaurant: Bacon and Eggs. 200. Congratulations! You are Pregnant. It is a Cougar. More of My Jokes and My Sayings: 209. A Woman Changed her First Name to “Texas.” 235. Buddy the Dog Likes to Play Board Games 236. A guy won a 488 million dollar lottery prize. Unfortunately for him, the lottery ticket was written with disappearing ink. The Pumpkin Monster strikes again. 251. You should have seen what was going on inside the Moving Truck. 255. Once you Go Blonde, you never Go Back. 259. An Ice Cream Store Worker, “What would you like to try?” The Customer’s Answer: “Spaghetti Flavored Ice Cream with a Carrot on Top.” 280. “Variety is the Spice of Life,” said Mr. Cinnamon. 281. There have been Some Close Calls. 291. A Concerned Citizen to a Police Officer at a Police Station: “I’m here to Report that a Young Man jaywalked.” The Police Officer: “Can you describe Him more to Me?” The Concerned Citizen: “He was a Young Man who jaywalked, what more information would you need?” 308. A Woman with a Camera in Her Hand said to a Family who were getting Their Picture Taken: “Say, ‘A Good Machiavellian Design.’” 309. A few seconds after Meeting Each Other, Two Men High-Fived Each Other, and They Both said, “Soda Pop.” 312. A Woman Blows a Whistle Every Time after she says “Hi” to someone, and she also yells, “Touchdown.” 313. After a Large Birthday Cake’s Candles are Blown Out, the Cake Batter goes everywhere, covering those near to it with Cake Batter. 314. A Man named Anthony said to a Man named Jack about a Man named Brian, “Brian this is Jack, and Jack this is My Friend Brian, My Blonde Haired Friend whom I also call Blondie.” 317. “What do you do for a Living?” A Man asked A Guy. The Guy Replied: “I am a Grape, and I work for The Grape Empire.” 319. A Man picked up a Television with one hand, and He set it down on a couch. Another Man tried to pick it up with both hands, and he could not, saying, “Whoa! This is too Heavy.” A Small Child picks the television up and moves around, and after the Small Child sets the television down, a Small Midget picks up the television set, and the Small Midget sets the television on the stand on the table in the Living Room. 322. A Man asked a Puppy Dog, “What college did you get your Ph.D. from?” 327. A Sailor, with packages of Moth Balls in his hands, and, after opening the packages, threw the Moth Balls on Boats, while saying to another Sailor, “I have Orders to Moth Ball the Fleet.” 329. A Nurse Looked at a Thermometer after it was in a Man’s Mouth, and He said, “The Main Thing that Will Save You is if this Thermometer Displays the Number 100.” 331. In a Lawyer’s Office, an Attorney said to his Client, “Don’t worry, the Statute of Limitations Expired 800 years ago.” 333. A Man said, “One of My Favorite Organizations is The VG.” 335. Two Flags with Big Happy Faces were carried to the Front of a Meeting, and a Man said, “All Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Happy Face Flags.” And those in the Room said, “I Pledge Allegiance to the Happy Face Flags.” 341. I have No Beef with That Hamburger Joint. 345. In a Restaurant, a Man who was also a Waiter did Karate Chops on a Salad, and He said to a Customer, “Here is your Chopped Salad.” 349. The Author Published the 89,438th Edition of His Book. 351. A Sign Said, “Caution: Clowns at Play”. 352. What a Difference a Century Makes. 355. Have you heard of a 5th year High School Senior? He was a 21st year High School Senior. 361. Are you an Alligator? 364. In a Courtroom, a Judge Approved a Motion by the Prosecutor to Charge an 8 Year Old Child as an Adult for the Crime of Watching Television Past His Bedtime. 366. A Waiter was holding cheese in his hand, and he said to a Man at a Restaurant: “You asked Me to hold the cheese on your hamburger. How long do you want Me to hold the cheese?” 372. The Bank Teller told The Man that The Man owed The Bank 88 Trillion dollars, and “how would you like to pay for that? With Cash or Credit Card?” 375. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) for The Chipmunk Catcher Corporation was Met with Applause at The Stock Exchange. 376. A Man Asked, “Who do you want to win? The Man in the Pink Trunks, or The Man in the Rainbow Colored Trunks?” 386. Throughout the Day, a Man Frequently Pulled Up His Jogging Pants. 388. A Man Came into a Sandwich Shop, and He Said to the Store Worker, “I bought this Sandwich from Your Store 21 years Ago, and I need to Return it, as I need some Gas Money.” 389. It can Be Cold in DC. It can Be Cold Anywhere. Anyone can Be Cold. It can Be Nice in DC. It can Be Nice Anywhere. Anyone can Be Nice. There are Good Times to Be Cold. There are Good Times to Be Nice. Cold. Nice. — Brandon 392. A Man was Weighed on a Scale at a Clinic, and the Doctor said, “You weigh Seven Pounds, and you should lose about 3 More Pounds to be at a Healthy Weight.” 399. “What are you doing? I’m Not Choking, ” repeatedly said a Man, as Many Restaurant Workers and Many Patrons at a Restaurant Repeatedly Gave a Man The Heimlich Maneuver, while Several of Them Said, “This Will Help you Stop Choking,” and “Let’s Get That Food Out of Your Windpipe,” and, “You’ll be Able to Breathe Again Soon Sir,” even though He Was Not Choking. 401. A Man Began to Chortle when He Thought That a Portal was a Moral Mortal. 402. “You have Gestational Diabetes,” a Doctor told His Male Patient. “Gestational Diabetes?! I’m a Man. I can’t Be Pregnant.” The Doctor: “By the look of that Big Belly of Yours I Beg to Differ.” 403. A Man fell Down at a Party in a Field, and People Around Him Began to Fall Down One By One in a Large Domino Formation. There was then a Zooming Out, and the Domino Formation spelled the Word “MOM” in Cursive. 404. A Man began to Put Ropes all over Another Man’s Body, while saying, “Our Boss Asked Me to Teach You The Ropes, and That is What I am Doing.” 405. The Man Did Not Wake Up from His Sleep. And Yet He Did. 407. A Man Pulled His Car into a Gas Station, and The Man said, “Fill it Up. No, Fill It Up Halfway. No, Fill it Up a Quarter. No, Fill it Up an Eighth. No, Fill it Up 0.0003%. Do you have a Siphon?” The Gas Attendant, “Yes.” The Man, “Fill it Up Negative 88 Percent.” 408. A Man went for a Job Interview, and The Man Giving The Interview kept on Saying, “There are thousands of Snakes crawling all over Me. Do you see the Snakes? There are thousands of Snakes crawling on Me. Here I caught One. Isn’t this a Big Snake?” And The Other Man said, “I don’t see any Snakes. Is it Imaginary Day Today?” 409. A Coat had a Price Tag of Negative 88 Trillion Dollars. A Man said to a Clerk, “This Price Tag for This Coat Must be Wrong, because it says Negative 88 Trillion Dollars.” And the Clerk said, “No, it is Not Wrong. If you want the Coat, here is your Briefcase of 7 Million Dollars, and the Rest of the Money that you’ll get is down in Our Basement, and also in a Warehouse that is Currently being Fumigated for Fleas.” 411. A Television Host: “Thank you Ronald Maynard for the Interview.” Ronald Maynard: “Why Thank You for Interviewing Me, and I Thank Myself, Ronald Maynard, for this Interview. I did a Great Job during this Interview, and I was Very Much on the Ball, and I did a Wonderful Job for this Interview. And I thank you, the Viewers of this Television Show, for Watching Me Doing such a Great Job being Interviewed.” 412. A Ceramics Instructor: “Annie, you really Broke the Mold this time with your Ceramics.” Annie: “Were My Ceramics really that Good?” The Ceramics Instructor: “No, I mean you literally Broke the Mold,” as the Instructor Pointed to the Broken Ceramics Mold. 415. Many People Often Just Talk in Order to Talk. Many People Do Not Often Really Mean what They Talk About or Write About. Many People Often Just Shoot the Breeze. As the Truthful saying and metaphor states, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me.” – Brandon 416. Many Things are Important. And Many Things are Not Important. Many Things are Good. And Many Things are Not Good. Many Things are True. And Many Things are Not True. Good is That Which Father God would approve of. Good is only That Which Father God would approve of. Truth is Reality. Truth is only that which is Real. — Brandon 418. A Patron left the following on the Restaurant’s Bill for a Meal: I Pay the Bill in Full. And, as to the Gratuity, I Bequeath to You, Waiter, a Gratuity in the Amount of Zero Dollars and Zero Cents, and I instead Request from You an Amount in the Sum of 31 Trillion Dollars, which should Be Sufficient to Pay for the Harm Caused By Looking at You. 419. Don’t you Hate the Pieces of Plastic that bind some Dress Socks together? It is like, why do they put those Pieces of Plastic in some Dress Socks? I don’t know, do they bind the socks together in order it to keep the socks from running away? And why do some stores put pins in pants? Are they trying to punish the pants? 420. At a Party, a Man with a French Press in His Hand said, while pouring glasses from the French Press, “This Coffee has been Aged 58 years, and I’m sure that it Tastes Great.” 421. Do you have a Direct Telephone Line to Mother Nature? (A Joke Told to Me over the Telephone by My Grandma Carolyn, and Written with Her Permission.) 422. It Seems Like Yesterday, and It also Seems, and Was, a Long Time Ago. 423. A Man kept on asking People that He Met at a Party, “Do you have an Awesome Memory? Do you have a Photographic Memory?” 429. “Oh, I just love Canada,” said a Woman. “It is the Place that I was Born and Raised. My Heart is in Canada. And I mean that literally, as I had a Heart Transplant in Montreal.” 435. He Made Fun of Them because He Sort of Liked Them. 440. “He is as Smart as a Whip,” said a Woman as She Whipped a Whip. 441. “How old are you?” a guy asked a Man. “31 years old,” replied The Man. The guy said, “You don’t look a day older than 121 years old.” 446. A Man played a Piano. And He then said, “Time for the Miniature Version of the Song,” and He then played a Small Piano about the size of a Hand. 448. Psychologically, it was Temporarily Devastating. 449. The Fan was Dizzy, and It was Also Tired, from Going Around and Around. 449. A Man said to a guy who was loading up furniture into a Moving Truck, “Let Me Chip in. Chip. Chip. Chip.” as He began to Chip away at an Ice Cream Bar with His Hand, throwing the Pieces of the Ice Cream Bar as well as Potato Chips Here, There, and Everywhere. 450. At a Town Hall Meeting, a Woman said, “And that is why I want the Law Changed to Require Schoolchildren to Wear Earmuffs and Scarves in the Month of June.” The Host said, “Thank you for your Input at Our Town Hall Meeting. Is there someone else who would like to Contribute to Our Discussion?” A Man raised His Hand, and He said, “I would like to give My 2 Cents.” He then Handed the Host 2 Cents, and He said to the Host, “Here are My 2 Cents. Now go buy yourself a decent toupee.” 455. A Grandmother Almost called the Police After Overhearing Her Grandson Talking on His Cell Phone, until She Realized that He was Talking about a Video Game. 456. All that Change Adds Up, for Good or for Bad, and Sometimes, in Some Ways, for Both Good and for Bad. And I’m Not Just talking about Pocket Change. A Good, Comprehensive, and Real Understanding is Needed. And then Good Actions that have Good Results can Happen. Many things Should Not Be Changed. And many things Should Be Changed. As a Truthful saying and metaphors states, “If it is not broke, do not fix it.” 461. I have put on Dozens of My Different Shirts on My One Body. 462. Just Like That. 463. A Man Daydreamed about Lower Interest Rates, Lower Payments, and Reduced Bills. 464. There is a Mark on the Carpet. Even if the Mark is Removed, there will always have been, whether it is Important or whether it is Not Important, and whether it is Very Important or whether it is Not Very Important, a Mark on the Carpet. If an Action occurs, that Action has occurred, whether it is an Important Action or whether it is Not an Important Action, and whether it is a Very Important Action or whether it is Not a Very Important Action, and whether it is a Good Action or whether it is Not a Good Action. Some Things are Important. And Some Things are Not Important. Some Things are Very Important. And Some Things are Not Very Important. Some Things are Good. And Some Things are Not Good. 466. I am The Happy Birthday Wisher for My Family and My Friends. 467. Many Good Wishes Come True. Good Wish. 469. I am Special. He is Special. She is Special. We are Special. I am Good. He is Good. She is Good. We are Good. I am Moral. He is Moral. She is Moral. We are Moral. 472. A 32 Year Old Man said to His Mother, “Think if I had Never Learned How to Read and Write.” 473. A Man said, “I am Not Biting. I am Unbiting.” 478. One of My, Brandon’s, Parables and Metaphors: A Man said “Hi” when Two People Walked in the Door at about the Same Time. He probably was saying “Hi” to Both of the People, although He May have only been saying “Hi” to one of Them. Both People probably thought, whether Correctly or Not Correctly, that The Man was saying “Hi” to both of Them. Perceptions, how someone Perceives Reality and Non-Reality, often Varies from Person to Person. As a Truthful Saying and Metaphor States: “Guard Your tongue, as you would Guard Your Life.” 480. If someone does not sleep, He or She will eventually probably Pass Out and Go to Sleep that Way. Many certain things happen, or do not happen, regardless of someone’s desire for certain things to happen or to not happen. 481. She Did Not Set the Clocks Forwards or Backwards for Daylight Savings Time, and for Half of the Year She was an Hour Early to Appointments, and for Half of the Year She was an Hour Late to Appointments. However, She is Still Special. 482. A Man asked a Bluebird who was eating from a Bird Feeder, “Are you a Bluebird? Are you also a Teacher?” 483. A Man had an Operation on His Hand, which Completely Fixed His Hand. And for the Rest of His Life, for over 12 years, all that He Talked about to His Family and Friends was How He Had Prepared for that Surgery. 486. A guy asked His Mom, “What was My First Word?” The Mom said, “Your First Word was ‘Loony,’ and Your Second Word was ‘Tunes’. And that is what you are.” 492. Shooting The Breeze. 494. A Man said to a Woman: “I Remember that it Was 18 Years Ago When You Told Me in a Movie Theater that I Had a Great Memory.” 495. Every day, a Man picked up from His Driveway His Daily Newspaper that was Always Completely Filled from Page to Page with Stories that happened 108 years ago, which He read while Watching on His 1966 Black and White Television Set The Television News Channel that for 32 years only talked about The Moon Landing. 496. Some things serve a Good Purpose to Accomplish Good Things. 499. Let Him Go. 501. 26 years ago the Soda Machine worked. Now it doesn’t. 503. He is Clever by Three Fourths. 504. He was Just Talking to Talk. 508. He does Not have the Sense to be a Good Manager of His Cents. 509. Mr. John Crackle Cracked Up When the Plate Cracked and Fell down the Street’s Crack. 510. His Mom told Her Son to turn the House’s Thermometer to 212 degrees, as She was Cold. 511. I Love You so Much. 512. Mr. Thomas Curly Cut and Curled His Curly and Cute Hair, while Uttering a Curt and Blood-Curdling Reply to a Question asked by His Wife about Milk Curds. 513. His Smartphone was Too Smart for Him. 514. He sometimes got Mad when His Door was left Unlocked. He did Not Get Mad when His Door Was left Unlocked when His Hands were Full. 516. Mrs. Kendall’s Doll was all Dolled Up after a Lot of Money Was Doled Out to Mr. Dole. 519. You and I are Thinking, don’t do it: They have Nukes. 521. Until about the year 2001, credit cards were rarely used for Fast Food Purchases. 524. A Sketchy Skier was Skiing while doing a Skit in Sanskrit. 528. If a Plate Breaks, it has Broke, whether it is Important or Not Important, and whether it is Very Important or Not Very Important. If, however, a Plate Does Not Break and Instead Just gets Pieces of Shards on It from a Broken Plate, those Shards can Just Be Washed Off, whether it is Important or Not Important, and whether it is Very Important or Not Very Important. As the Truthful Saying and Metaphor states: “No Harm, No Foul.” 532. A Man who was 33 Years of Age Only Ate Pizzas Topped Exclusively with Bananas. He was known to His Friends as The Banana Pizza Man. 533. A Three Year Old Child was Given a Credit Card for Her Birthday Present. 534. Many Individuals Have Money Highs and Money Lows throughout their Lives. 536. A Man Had Not Eaten in 33 Years. And He was Very Hungry. 538. Before a Morbidly Obese Man was Banned for Life from Eating at an All You Can Eat Buffet, the Restaurant’s Accountant Calculated that over the years The Morbidly Obese Man’s Excessive Eating had cost the Restaurant 33 Trillion Dollars and 32 Cents. 539. A Memory Snapshot. 541. I used to be Too Young to Understand that Movie. I am No Longer Too Young to Understand that Movie. 546. A Man said to Buddy the Dog: “You have it very Good Here. Never Run away from Home, Buddy the Dog. You live like Royalty, and you live like a King in comparison to Most People. The World can be a Very Scary and a Very Mean Place, which is something that you do not fully understand, which is why you try to run away.” 547. A Man spoke French, and He said, “Monsieur David Damon demande un daiquiri demain.” 548. A 32 Year Old Man said to His Mother, “Mom, 24 Years Ago, when I was 8 years of age, you Promised to Buy Me a Coloring Book, and You Forgot to Get Me that Coloring Book. Yesterday, I went to the store, and I bought Crayons, and I am Still Waiting for that Coloring Book from You.” 550. In Comparison to a Trout, I am a Gigantic Giant. And in Comparison to a Gigantic Giant, I am Small. To a Trout, I may be thought of as being a Gigantic Giant. And to a Gigantic Giant, I may be thought of as being Small. 553. A Man took out His Artificial Glass Eye, and He Put it on a Woman’s Arm, while He said, “I have My Eye on You.” 557. A Nurse told the Patient, “I’ll check on you in about 20 Minutes,” and then the Nurse left. 3 Seconds Later, the Nurse opens the Patient’s door, and He says, “It’s been about 20 minutes, how are you doing?” The Patient, “I’m doing great.” A Nurse then told the Patient again, “I’ll check on you in about 20 Minutes,” and then the Nurse left. 3 Seconds Later, the Nurse opens the Patient’s door, and He says, “It’s been about 20 minutes, how are you doing?” The Patient, “I’m doing great. It has only been a few seconds since you last checked on Me.” The Nurse replied, “Something must be wrong with the Clock in the Hall.” 558. At a Party, all that a Man said was the word, “Bear.” A Woman said, “Hi, My name is Mary. What is your name?” The Man replied, “Bear.” The Woman said, “Mr. Bear, would you like Me to get you a drink?” The Man said, “Bear.” Mary said, “I know that you are named Bear. Would you like an Appetizer instead?” The Man said, “Bear.” 563. The 821 Page Book on How to Remove Mildew from Bathtubs was, Surprisingly, Not a Page Turner. 564. To those Customers who Ordered Ice Cream Cones, and who the Fast Food Worker did Not like, the Ice Cream Cones were put in the To Go Bags along with the rest of the food. 565. The Book’s Page Numbers went from pages 1 to 2 then to page 863 then to 101 then to 21, and then it went downhill from there. . 567. A Man asked another Man why He was in The Hospital’s Emergency Room, and He replied: “My Body’s Transmission is Shot, My Right Eye’s Windshield Wiper is Acting Up, and the Brakes on My Feet aren’t Working.” 568. Is there a Serious Risk in having Him Write Some Wry and Witty Writs with His Broken Wrist? 569. A Man said to a Woman, “In order to save money on Deodorant, I only Wash My Armpits every Monday Night.” 570. From TV Stars to Radio Personalities to the Average Joe Blows to the Average Jane Blows, 83,298 Individuals, and 3 Dogs, and 2 Cats, were Successful in Suing Him for Defamation. Bankruptcy Solved His Problems. 572. At a High School Reunion, a Man said in Reply to Everything People said: “Do I have your permission to Use that in My Joke Book?” 573. A Supermarket had Signs that Advertised its, “Non-Special Deal of the Day.” 574. The Doctor said, “Symptoms of the Disease include having to Urinate.” The Patient, “You mean Excessive Urination?” The Doctor said, “No, I mean that any Urination at all is a Symptom of the Disease. Even if you tinkle a small sprinkle, you probably have the Disease.” 575. A Clinical Trial showed that the average person lost only 0.00038 pounds over a period of 21 weeks while on the Dietary Supplement. That Weight Loss Company’s Wallets were not the only things to remain Fat. 576. A Man was on His Way to Eat His 781st Brownie of the Day. 579. A Liquid Cheese Spray had the Warning: “Do Not Use this Liquid Cheese Spray as a Hair Spray.” 580. You Should Not Out Clever Yourself. You Should Not Over Clever Yourself. You Should Not Be Too Clever. 584. At Noon and at Night, a Nitpicker Knelt while He Knitted a Nice Pair of Knickers for a Knight. 585. A guy asked a Man, “What is that sound?” The Man replied, “Oh, that’s just Izzy, My Dad, Anthony, Benjamin, Corey, Elizabeth, Abel, Grandpa and Grandma, and other Family and Friends talking while they are in the Walls. Sometimes they talk while they are in the Ceilings, Home Ventilation System, or in the Television Set. They have each been genetically engineered to be about one inch tall.” 586. Do you know what Separates Men from Animals? Men are not afraid of Vacuums. 589. I have walked with My Grandpa Sid into Lakes in order to Fish For Miles and Miles. 590. A Gas Attendant asked a Man, “Would you like Me to put some Air into that Flat Tire of Yours?” The Man said, “As long as you Do Not Put on Airs.” 594. A Woman said to a Man, “I hope that Bob was Lying to Me.” The Man, “Why would you want Bob to Lie to You?” The Woman, “Because He told Me that He had Stage 4 Brain Cancer.” 595. A Man said to His Mother, “Maybe We Should Do the Whipple Surgical Procedure on Grandma Irene.” The Mother Said, “What?! Grandma Irene has been dead for over 20 years. She Died of Pancreatic Cancer.” The Man replied, “It is Better Late than Never.” 596. A Man was 23 Hours Late, and He was 87 Cents Short. 597. A Woman Moved a Dog Outside, and She said to the Dog, “Go Potty Outside.” And the Dog said, “Forget that Lady, I Go Potty Inside the House while on the Toilet.” 598. A Man said to a Gigantic Giant: “Get your Head Out of the Clouds. And I mean that literally.” 599. A Man said to a guy, “I’ll buy your house for $485,000.” And the guy replied, “If you increase your offer by one penny, we’ll have a deal.” The Man picked up a Penny from the Ground, and He handed the Penny to the guy, and The Man sad, “We have a Deal.” 600. A Man was thrown from a Bicycle, and He landed in an empty seat at an Outdoor Café. Sitting across from His was His Long Lost Girlfriend, and the Man said, “Monica, is that you?” And Some More of My Jokes and My Sayings: 601. Some Jobs Should Be Performed Delicately. As is the case with many Surgeries, sometimes the Most Direct Method is Not the Best Method. While sometimes the Most Direct Method is the Best Method. 602. In the Preexistence, when the Earth was preformed, Good Angels Performed Great Performances, and the consequences still periodically permeate pretty much everything Today. 605. He said that when He was a Little Kid. He is No Longer a Little Kid. You probably also said a Lot of Things when you were a Little Kid. You, I, and Other People have said a Lot of Things. And words do not usually matter very much. Words are just words. As the truthful saying and metaphor says, “Sticks and Stones may Break My Bones, but Words Will Never Hurt Me.” 606. A Man was Named Mr. Scary, and He Lived Up to His Name. 607. At a Beauty Pageant, an Announcer said about a Contestant: “And She Used to Own Her Own Body. Pretty Neat, Huh?” 609. A Man asked Buddy the Dog, “Buddy, Which Beauty Pageant Contestant do you Want to Win?” And Buddy the Dog said, “The one who will give Me a Piece of Roast Beef.” 613. A Man said, “I Don’t Like Going to Zoos or to Circuses, as I don’t want to be on a Menu.” 615. Buddy the Dog was Repeatedly Scratching at the Couch, as He was Digging for Imaginary Bones. 616. I have been around a lot of people, and they, like Me, have sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. You too have probably sometimes Shot the Breeze: Talked Just to Talk. As the truthful saying and metaphor says: “Sticks and stones may break My bones but words will never hurt Me.” What someone says rarely really matters. Actions, what someone does, are Important. – Brandon 617. I always have to Recharge My Cell Phone after getting off the Phone with Her. And that is OK. 618. A Mother said to Her Son, “No, No.” And the Son Replied, “I Know, Know.” 619. Bill Hitchins went to the Restroom about 1,238 times a Day. His Nickname was Urinal Bill. 620. The Homes on the Street of Dreams quickly became The Homes on the Street of Nightmares. 622. A Woman said to a Man, “Do you have a Pen and Some Paper in order to Write Down My Telephone Number?” The Man Replied, “No, but I have Smoke and Mirrors to Write that Down.” 623. At a Meeting, a Man said to a Group of Men and Women, “My name is Apple Red, and I am a Recovering Addict: I used to Brush and Floss My Teeth about 21 Dozen Times a Day. I am a Recovering Brusher and Flosser.” The Men and Women said in Unison, “Hi Apple Red.” 625. One of My, Brandon’s, Parables and Metaphors: Some Glasses, such as Coffee Cups and Coffee Mugs, are Good at Holding Hot Drinks, such as coffees and teas, as well as Cold Drinks, such as water and colas. Other Glasses, such as the Glass Glasses, are Good at Almost Exclusively Holding Cold Drinks. You and Other Individuals Avoid Getting Burnt from Hot Liquids in Coffee Cups and Coffee Mugs with there being a Separation between Yourself and the Coffee Cup and Coffee Mug, which is a Handle Connected to the Cup or Mug; if that Handle gets Severely Broken, it is Hard for that Cup or Mug to be Useful at Holding Hot Drinks again, unless there are Repairs. Almost Everyone, and Almost Everything, can be Useful in Good Ways. 626. A Man said, “I Do Not Want My Monster to Come Out.” 627. A Man heard a Woman say to Her 88 Dogs, Cats, and Parakeets, “Time for US to go to the Portland Trailblazers Basketball Game.” He no longer believed that She was Pulling Their Legs when She loaded her Dogs, Cats, and Parakeets in Her Van. 634. The Burly Bear Bared His Bare Teeth while Bearing a Beautiful Beer and Eating a Deer. 635. The 2 Men were about to Play Chess, and they were setting up the Chess Board, when one of the Men said, “Checkmate. I won.” The other Man said, “We haven’t even started yet.” And the Man replied, “You are a Sore Loser.” 636. The Electricity Turned off in a Man’s House, and for 51 years, the Man sat at a Chair in His Living Room without Electricity, and He constantly wondered what to do about that. It never Dawned on Him to go in His Garage and Turn the Breakers on and off, which would have restored His Electricity. 637. A Mother asked Her Son, “What Color of Carpet do you want in Your Room?” The Man replied, “Every color is fine except for Pink.” 639. A Man said to His Mother, “If They are Looking to Hire a Good Person for that Job, They Will Hire You.” 641. A Man said to another Man, “This Bible is meant for your Pocket, it is a Pocket Bible,” regarding a Bible the Size of a Large Laptop Computer. 643. A Man had a Salt Shaker, and He Poured Salt on a guy, and The Man said, “Grab a Grain of Salt, as you’ll need to Take a Grain of Salt with what I’m about to Tell You.” 644. The Bean Counter Moonlighted as a Marble Counter. 645. A Man said, “I’ll give My 100 Cents Worth of Advice to You.” 647. A Man Looked into a Piece of Body Armor, and something or someone in the Body Armor said, “Booo!” 648. A Man asked a Woman, “What is your Ethnicity?” And the Woman replied, “A Little Labrador, a Little English Bulldog, a Lot of British, and a Whole Lot of Yelder.” 652. A Man was Sick with the Flu for 58 years. 654. A Bunch of Doctors Looked at the MRI of the Brain of a Man, whose Brain on the MRI was the Size of a Walnut, while one of the Doctors Said, “He’s as Smart as a Whip. Well He’s maybe not as Smart as a Whip, but with a Brain the Size of a Walnut, He’s as Smart as a Large Dinosaur.” 656. A Man said, “There are Some Food Riots. That’s all.” 660. A Mother said to a Father, “Michael, Our Son Needs Financial Help Again. Get your Penny Purse from the Safe.” 664.) When a guy was trying to get some straws, a Man said, “You are Literally Grasping at Straws.” 666.) A Man’s Favorite Drink was Spaghetti Sauce Mixed with Orange Juice with a Hint of Some Lemon. 667.) The Fleur de Lis is a Flower, while Flour is Not a Flower. 668.) A Boy asked His Dad, “Is a Car a Computer? And is a Bird an Elephant? And is a Beetle a Bee?” And His Dad said to His Son, “I’ll Have to Go the Library to Do Research to Find Answers to those Questions.” 669.) A Man was Frequently Terrified that a Great White Shark would Come Through His Bathtub’s Faucet. 674.) Sometimes it is Good to Coast. Sometimes it is Good to Coast Along. Many times it is Good to Have a Lot of Good Fun. — Brandon 675.) A Man pointed to the Earth, and He said, “Darn you Earth for having a Quake.” 676.) Mr. Good Check Mark Strikes Again. 677. A Restaurant Had a Sign on Its Door that Stated, “We are Open for Business 83 Hours a Day, 8 Days a Week.” 678. For 32 Straight Hours, a Man went 8,300 Miles Per Hour in His Car. He only stopped because his Car’s Gas Ran Out. 679. In a Big City Called Rap City, with a Population of 100,100,000 People, Rap Music was on 100 Percent of the City’s 84 Radio Stations, 100 Percent of the Time. 680. A Car Got 8.3 Billion Miles Per Gallon of Gas. It was an Environmentally Friendly Car. 682. A Man Sometimes Looked and Sounded Scary when He Laughed. 683. Many of My Male Family Members Bellies got Big Right After Eating Thanksgiving Meals, and it was Time to Adjust Their Belts. 684. Every day, a Man spent about three and a half hours Using 108 Sticks of Deodorant for His Arm Pits. 685. Instead of Saying “Right On,” a Woman frequently said, “Rap On.” For example, a Man said, “I got a Job Today,” and the Woman said, “Rap On.” The Man said, “You mean Right On, don’t you?” And the Woman replied, “Rap On.” 686. A Food Item had “Eat this Candy by 800 years after the Manufacturing Date.” 687. A Man was Brought to Trial for the Crime of Jaywalking 800 years after He Died, and He of course was unavailable to Really be Brought to Trial. The Defense Attorney said, “Judge, I understand that the Statute of Limitations have not expired, as Charges were brought against the Defendant before He Died; however, I object to this Trial, as the Defendant is Not Here to Defend Himself against the Charge of Jaywalking, as the Defendant Died about a thousand years ago.” The Prosecutor Responded, “Your Honor, I Cite Prosecutorial Discretion as a Basis for this Trial.” The Judge of course Threw out the Case, citing the Need for the Defendant to be in Court to Defend Himself against the Charge of Jaywalking. 688. A Man was Covered Head to Toe with Bandages, and The Man said to a Woman, “How do you like My new Bandage Outfit?” 697. A State Legislator named Brad went to the State Senate and introduced a bill to eliminate the question of a Defendant’s Mens Rea, and of course the State Senate did not approve the Motion, and many Fellow Legislators knew that the State Supreme Court and/or the United States Supreme Court would find the Motion Unconstitutional, and many Fellow Legislators questioned Brad’s Mens Rea for introducting a bill to eliminate the question of a Defendant’s Mens Rea. 698. A Man said, “I’m 20% Lion, 10% Wolf, 10% Grizzly Bear, and 60% Swedish. I am Swedish.” 699. Using Special Effects, Waiters and Waitresses passed Soda Pop from one mouth to other mouths until they poured it into a Customer’s Glass. 700. A Senator Filibustered when a Bill was being Debated about Limiting Filibusters in The Senate. 701. I Remember. I Remembered. 702. He Remembers. He Remembered. 703. She Remembers. She Remembered. 704. They Remember. They Remembered. 705. We Remember. We Remembered. 706. A Man had a Pair of Scissors, and He said, “I am No Longer going to be anyone’s Puppet. I am going to cut the strings of My Puppeteer.” 708. Aunt Mable crafted a Fable while Sitting at Her Marble Table and Watching Cable and Writing on Her Envelope a Label. 709. Why do they call a Single Jean a Pair of Jeans, and why do they have Jeans in Plural form, when it should be in Singular Form, with Jeans instead of Jean? And Why do they call a Single Scissor a Pair of Scissors, and why do they have Scissors in Plural form, when it should be in Singular Form, with Scissors instead of Scissor? My Theory is either because there are two pants legs on a single jean, and thus pair, and therefore plural form, and two blades on a single scissor, and thus pair, and therefore plural form, and/or because it sounds better with the words in plural form rather than in singular form, and with the addition of the words “Pair of.” 711. A Jury was Composed of 12 Puppy Dogs. The Prosecutor said, “The Prosecution Objects to there being Puppy Dogs as Members of the Jury.” And The Judge said, “Don’t you like Puppy Dogs?” And then the Judge said, “Ok, Ok, Bailiff Bring in the Next Round of Jurors,” and then Twelve Children who were about 7 years of age came in, and The Prosecutor said, “Your Honor, I Object. These People can’t be on the Jury, as They are Just Children.” And The Judge said, “What? You don’t like Children also? Mr. Prosecutor, You Exasperate Me. For Littering, I sentence your Client to 101 years of Prison. 713. A Man put on White Pads all over His Body, and He Said, “It’s Time to Pad those Numbers.” 714. A Man said, “I almost hit the Number 7 on My Calculator, which would have been a Disaster.” 715. A Mother said to Her Three Young Children, “It is Time for you to go to School at the Nursing Home.” 717. At a Doctor’s Office, a Man said to a Doctor, “Doctor, I would like a Blood Test.” The Doctor said, “What would you like a Blood Test for?” The Patient replied, “To see if I’m Made of Money.” 718. A Woman asked a Man, “Ask Buddy the Dog if He Wants to Go Outside.” And The Man said, “I Don’t Think that Buddy will Answer Me, and I’ll put Him Outside Anyway.” 719. That was Well Worth It. That Paid Great Dividends. That was a Great Investment. That was, and is, Good. 720. A Man said, “I Learned How to Walk Correctly with Scissors when I was in Kindergarten. And I Still Walk Correctly with Scissors. And I Will Always Walk Correctly with Scissors. The Bible states that if you teach a Child how to Behave Correctly, He or She will Not Depart from Behaving Correctly.” 721. Every time a Man got a New Pair of Pants, Shorts, or a Jacket, He Looked through the Pockets, and He Really Expected to Find a 24 Karat Gold Watch in the Pockets. 722. A News Anchor said on the News, “The average person only gains 218 pounds on Thanksgiving.” 727. A Man named James said to a Man named Bob, about Bob’s eyeglasses that were almost covered with Dirt, and that Bob was wearing, “Bob, I think that you need to wash your eyeglasses.” And Bob said, “Why? I can almost see out of them.” 728. A guy was chasing after a penny on the road, and He said, “I’ll get you Penny. I’ll get you.” He was then hit by a Truck, and he died. A Man then said, “While you should Not Let Everything Slide, There are a few things that you should Let Slide. While you should Not Let Everything Go, there are a few things that you should Let Go. Many Things are Worth Fighting for. And Not Everything is Worth Fighting for. Many things are Important. And Not everything is Important. Many things are Very Important. And Not everything is Very Important. A Trinket is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Bread Crumb is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Crumb is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Few Pennies are Often Not Worth Fighting for. Pennies are Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Penny is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Few Dollars are Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Dollar is Often Not Worth Fighting for. A Trinket. A Bread Crumb. A Crumb. A Few Pennies. Pennies. A Penny. A Few Dollars. A Dollar. 731. A Man moved a dozen fans outside, and He started all the fans. A guy asked The Man why He did this, and The Man replied, “I moved the Fans outside to Help Stop Global Warming.” 735. What a Good Difference a Word Makes. What a Good Difference Silence Makes. What a Good Difference an Action Makes. What a Good Difference a Non-Action Makes. What a Good Difference Zero Makes. What a Good Difference Zero Times Makes. What a Good Difference No Times Makes. What a Good Difference No Makes. What a Good Difference None Makes. What a Good Difference Zilch Makes. 736. A Waitress at a Restaurant said, “What would you like to Order?” And The Man said, “I’ll have Salmon, a Salad with Blue Cheese, and is Peace of Mind on the Menu?” 742. A Man said to Another Man, “Is that You, Uncle Sam? Good Old, Uncle Sam. We Good US.” 745. A Fictional Basketball Team was ahead 107 Points to the Other Fictional Team’s 68 Points, with 8.8 Seconds Left to Play, when the Team that was Ahead Collectively Left the Basketball Court in a Show of Support for a Cause, and thereby lost the Basketball Game due to a Forfeit. Was it Worth it? Probably Not. Was it Good? Probably Not. And about No One Really Cared about Their Display of Solidarity with a Cause that No One Really Cared about. The Basketball Team should have Continued Playing, and Thereby Win Their Game. 747. The Obscene Advisors. The Obscene. Obscene. The So-Called “The Obscene Advisors” should really be Called “The Highly Intelligent and Very Knowledgeable Advisors,” as They are Very Intelligent, and They are Very Knowledgeable. Highly Intelligent. Very Knowledgeable. Intelligent. Knowleadgeable. 749. Real. Reality. Unreal. Not Real. Smokescreen. A Delusion. Delusions. Coping. Cope. Copes. Make Believe. Make Believing. Fantasy. Fantasies. Fantasize. Fantasizings. Truth. True. False. Correct. Incorrect. Correctly. Incorrectly. Good. Bad. Neutral. Goodly. Badly. Neutrally. 752. A Man Skipped going to a Meeting about Clairvoyance, and He said, “I had a premonition that something Bad would have Happened had I gone to that Meeting about Clairvoyance.” 753. My Fortune Cookie stated: “You are The Life of any Party.” 754. Some Good Sets of Good Work. The Good Sets of Good Work. The Man Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. The Man Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. The Woman Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. The Woman Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. They Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. They Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. We Worked on Some Good Sets of Good Work. We Worked on The Good Sets of Good Work. 757. A Man walked up to a guy, and The Man said, “I am a VS, and I am also a WS, and I am also a WE, and I am also an US, and I am also a CMist, and I am also a VE, and I am Not a RT. Any Questions?” 758. When I poured My Dog, whose name is Buddy the Dog, some Dry Dog Food from a Bag, My Dog Looked at Me as if to Ask, “What is that? Would you eat that? Where is the Steak? What are you trying to Pull?” 759. A Man said, “Mens Rea, also known as MR, is More Important than You Might Realize.” 761. Aunt Mildred, using Her Walker, came down the Aisle to The Professional Wrestling Ring, and, in Her Match against a Male Wrestler, She Punched Him in His Stomach, and She Won the Match. 764. A Man said to a Turtle, “What are you Thinking?” 766. I am a GentleMan. 767. A Man said, “Many Important Things have been Stabilized. Many Important Things have been Made Stable. Many Important Things have been Centered. Many Important Things have been Centered Correctly. Many Important Things have been Balanced Correctly. Many Important Things have been Made Correct. Many Important Things have been Put in the Correct Proportions. Many Important Things have been Made Great. Many Important Things have been Made Excellent. Many Important Things have been Made Awesome. Many Important Things have been Made Right. Many Important Things have been Made Good. Stabilized. Stable. Centered. Centered Correctly. Balanced Correctly. Balanced. Made Correct. Correct Proportions. Great. Excellent. Awesome. Made Right. Made Good. Correct. Correctly. Right. Good.” 769. A Man said to another Man, “You should Often Skirt Much Controversial Talk when Talking with People. Avoidance of Much Controversial Talk when Talking with People is often Good to Do.” 770. Helmets on Their Heads, and Leather Biker Uniforms on Their Bodies, a Family of Eight went to The Flophouse Restaurant for Lunch, which was a Restaurant Building that was Put on a Large Flatbed Truck, and that Moved from the West Coast to the East Coast of the United States of America during Restaurant Hours and after Restaurant Hours. People were advised to wear Helmets and Leather Biker Clothes, as the only way off of The Flophouse Restaurant was either to Jump Off, or to get off when the Flatbed Truck ran out of Fuel, or when the Driver crashed the Truck when He had a Heart Attack or a Stroke, which sometimes happened as He weighed 887 Pounds. Getting to the Restaurant Consisted of either Jumping On, or to climb on when the Flatbed Truck ran out of Fuel, or when the Driver had The Big One, or The Ischemic Type or The Hemorrhagic Type. The Restaurant Served Award Winning Flap Jacks. 771. An Organization was Called “A Family of 7 Members,” and its Members were sometimes called “The 7,” and they were sometimes called “The 7 Members.” Another Organization was Called “A Family of 21 Members,” and its Members were sometimes called “The Lucky 21,” and they were sometimes called “The Lucky 21 Members.” And another Organization was called “A Family of about 787 Members,” and its Members were sometimes called “The 787”. 772. A Man said about another Man, “He has both Centralized and Local Support. He has a lot of Friends. He has Many Friends.” 773. A Man was 88 years old when He First Learned How to Tie His Shoes. He Learned how to Read and Write 7 years Later. 775. A Man’s Clothes were completely covered with Food, and Food Stains, and Drink Stains, and His Mother said to Him, “You should change your clothes. They are Dirty.” And The Man said, “These are Perfectly Clean Clothes. They are like New. They are Good Looking Clothes, and They Do Not Have Any Stains on Them. Do you need your Eyes Checked? Are you Blind?” The Mother said, “Would you go to a Job Interview wearing Them?” And The Man said, “Yesterday I did go to a Job Interview wearing these clothes.” And The Mother asked, “How did it go?” And The Man said, “The Interviewer told Me to go Home and Change My Clothes.” 779. A guy Flipped a Coin in the Air, and He asked a Man, “Heads or Tails?” And the Man replied, “I choose Ears.” 787. He was a King, and Now He Washes Canteens and Latrines, while Fixing a Machine, and Blogging about the Singer Avril Lavigne. 788. The Man said to a Person, “I was Speaking about a Version of You, or a Few Versions of You. I was Not Speaking about You.” 790. The guy did Not Understand that only a Few People Really Smiled Back at Him. 792. A Woman named Bethany asked Two Women where They were from. “Australia,” replied Both of Them. And then Bethany said, “Your English is Very Good,” to the Two Australian Women. 795. In the year 2013, A Man said to a guy, “Are you ready to be paid for your eight weeks worth of Labor? You get ¾ of a Penny. Do you have a Pair of Sharp Scissors?” 796. A Man said, “I am Nice when I should be Nice. And I am Not Nice when I should Not be Nice. And I am Non-Nice when I should be Non-Nice. And I am UnNice when I should be UnNice. I am Generous when I should be Generous. And I am Not Generous when I should Not be Generous. I am Non-Generous when I should be Non-Generous. And I am UnGenerous when I should be UnGenerous. I am a Good Person. I am a Moral Person. I am a Special. I am Good. I am Moral. I am Special. Nice. Not Nice. Non-Nice. UnNice. Generous. Not Generous. Non-Generous. UnGenerous.” 797. A Man said, “You should Guard Your Cereal Boxes, as a Cereal Killer is on The Prowl.” 799. A Man said to His Mother Every day, “Mom, I do Not have Ovarian Cancer. I am being Honest, and I don’t have that Cancer. I Swear, that I do Not have Ovarian Cancer.” And The Mother Replied, “Son, You have Told Me every day for about 8 years that You Do Not Have Ovarian Cancer. And for Several Reasons, I know that You are Telling Me the Truth.” 800. A Man gave a guy One Dollar. And The guy said, “This is only One Dollar, and You owe Me Two Dollars.” And The Man replied, “Put that One Dollar next to a Large Mirror, and you’ll have Two Dollars.” And some More of My Sayings and My Jokes: 804. During His Brief Conversation with Another Man, A Man touched His Own Face about 100 Times, and He Blinked His Eyes about 100 Times too. 807. A Person should be Concerned about Certain Things. And a Person should be Very Concerned about Certain Things. And a Person should Not be Concerned about Certain Things. And a Person should Not be Very Concerned about Certain Things. Many Things are Important. And Many Things are Very Important. And Many Things are Not Important. And Many Things are Not Very Important. Concerned. Very Concerned. Not Concerned. Not Very Concerned. Certain Things. Important. Very Important. Not Important. Not Very Important. 810. A Man put Mud all over His Body, and He said, “It’s Time to Go Mud Bathing.” 814. A Mother said to Her Son, “You Look Spiffy with Your Dress Clothes On. Are you ready to be a Scorpion to a guy?” 815. You Can’t Buy Health with Wealth, and you Can’t Get Wealth with Just Health. (A Joke Told to Me by My Grandma, Carolyn, and Written with Her Permission.) 818. A Man said to another Man, “If Grandpa Andrew Knew that, He would be Rolling in His Grave,” and Eight Seconds Later Grandpa Andrew, while in His Grave, Rolled Around because Rigormortous Set In. 827. A Man said to another Man, “During a War, and During Peace, Communications, and Communication Equipment, and Other Equipment, are Very Important. And During a War, and During Peace, Foods and Drinks are also Very Important. As a Truthful saying states, ‘An Army Marches on its Belly.’ And During a War, you do Not want You and Your Military to be Enveloped on Many Sides by The Enemy or by The Enemies. You also want to Avoid as Best as You can in Giving The Enemy, or The Enemies, Potentially Harmful Ammunitions that They can then Use against You. A Good Defense is often a Good Offense, and a Good Offense is often also a Good Defense. Morales, and Morals, are also Very Important. We Desire Peace.” 829. A Man said, “There is The MOM. And There is also THE MAM. And There is also THE MA’M.” 832. A Man put 3 Small Pumpkin Bread Crumbs in a Box, and He Mailed the Box with the Following Letter: “Dear Pumpkin Bread Manufacturing Company, My Name is Howard Howards, and I would like a Refund for My Purchase of Your Delicious Pumpkin Bread, and I have returned 3 Small Pumpkin Bread Crumbs to You, as I ate the Rest of Your Very Tasty Pumpkin Bread, and I believe, although I’m Not Positive, that, unlike the Portion that I ate, the Remaining Crumbs were Terrible, so I am Returning Them, and I would like, at the very Least, a Partial Refund, of One Eighty-Eighth (1/88) of the Money that I doled out, which is approximately 1.1 Percent of the Purchase Price, or else one penny, whichever is the Lesser Amount of Money. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Howard Howards.” 836. A Woman said to Her Son, while Holding Up Her Quilt Work, “Look Son, I Quilted a Picture of a Telephone.” And The Son Replied, “It looks Good Mom. You did a Good Job. Why, May I ask, Did You Choose to Quilt a Picture of a Telephone?” And The Mother Replied, “Because in a few seconds, I am going to pick up that Telephone that I Quilted in order to call the Ambulance to Pick Me Up, as I am Having a Psychotic Episode.” 837. Mr. Goodwin said, “A Good Win is a Good Win.” 839. A Man said to a Man named Brent, “You were about halfway in the points required to Make it in The World Record Books, and so We will put about Half of Your Name in the Record Books, which will read, ‘Bre’.” 840. A Man said, “The World is a Very Major Catastrophe away for it to be Horse and Buggy Time Again.” 841. A Man said, “Wouldn’t it Suck if Hot Sauce would Not have been Invented? Without Hot Sauce, who would Want to Eat Tacos and Burritos?” 842. A Man Buttered about 8 Pieces of Toast, while Sitting for Breakfast at His Kitchen Table, while He said, “I know which way My Bread is Buttered.” 843. Science is Very Important. Morality is Very Important. Goodness is Very Important. 844. A Man, “It may have Looked like The British Empire was about to Lose The Great War, but The British Empire Won The War. Appearances can be Deceiving, and as the often Truthful saying states, ‘Close only Counts in The Game of Horseshoes.’” 846. A Man said, “I have Good Balance, and I have Good Form.” 847. A Man asked His Insurance Agent, “Is there a Special Type of Insurance Just for a Life Threatening Paper Cut?” 848. A Teacher went to The Head of the Classroom, and He Threw a Strawberry Short Cake on His Face, and He Gorged Himself on the Cake. 850. A Woman said to a Man over the Telephone: “You have Good Manners. You were Raised Well.” And the Man Replied, “Thank You. You too have Good Manners. And you were also Raised Well.” 851. A State Lottery Official Thought about Having a Lottery Game where Winning Lottery Tickets would come from the Winning Numbers of Lottery Drawings for the Past 21 Years. However, He did Not Implement His Idea, as He did Not think Very Many People would Want to Spend Hours upon Hours Looking Up the Winning Numbers of Lottery Drawings that Happened Years Ago during the Presidencies of Several Different American Presidents. 852. A Man said to Buddy The Dog, “Buddy The Dog, You are My Buddy, and Buddy The Dog, You are Good, and You are a Good Buddy.” 853. A Man, when He was a Small Child, Had His Teeth Brushed by His Mother, and He had His Shoes Tied by His Mother, and Now, when He Grew Older, He Brushed His Mother’s Teeth, and He Tied His Mother’s Shoes. 854. A Man went to a Grocery Store, and The Clerk asked, “Would you like Paper or Plastic?” And The Man replied, “Paper, No, How about Plastic. No, How about Paper. No, How about Plastic. No, How about Paper. No, How about Plastic. No, How about Paper.” 857. A Man said, “That which may first appear to be Unimportant can actually have a Big, Good or Bad, Impact, and may have a Big, Good or Bad, Consequence. That which causes Small or Big Affects, can Have Good or Bad Affects. We can, for Good or for Bad, be Affected by Affects and by Effects.” 859. Izzy, dressed in His Wizard’s Uniform, thought to Himself, “I was a Spell Catcher.” 860. A Man said, while putting His Arms in the Symbol of an Arch, “Throw the Shawl of Temporary Insanity over that Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Insanity over that Man. That Woman is Safe. That Man is also Safe. King George is Not the Only Person who was Temporarily Insane. Temporary Insanity is also Known by the Acronym ‘TI.’” 862. Mr. Cotton Cautioned Mr. Cushion to Exercise More Caution. 863. The Man did Not do that. The Man has Never done that. The Man will Never do that. The Man knows what Bad Consequences (also Known by the Acronym “BC”) will Happen if He were to do that. The Man said, “No,” and He Meant what He said. The Man Frequently says, “No,” and He Means what He says. No. 865. A Man said, “Cleveland High School Taught Me Many Valuable Things. And Georgetown University also Taught Me Many Valuable Things. And Church Services also Taught Me Many Valuable Things.” 866. A Man called a Large Online Store’s Customer Service Department: “Hello, this is Customer Service. How May I Help You?” said a Store Worker. The Man replied: “Hi, I would like to Cancel the Mailing of an Order that I Placed 8 years ago.” The Store Worker: “Has the Order Arrived Yet? I imagine that it has.” The Man: “Yes, it Arrived about 8 years ago.” The Store Worker: “Well, you then can’t Cancel the Mailing of that Order, as you got that Order about 8 years ago.” The Man: “Why can’t I Cancel the Mailing of that Order? 8 years is Not that Long Ago.” 869. A Man said, “I am a 1980s Man. I was Born on August 15, 1980 (08/15/1980), and I was Conceived in My Mother’s Womb on about January 1, 1980 (01/1/1980), on about New Year’s Day. I was Born and Raised in the 1980s in The United States of America. This information, and other information, tells you a lot about Me. As does the Bible verse, in The Book of Psalms, that states that Father God, ‘Knew you when You were in Your Mother’s Womb.’” 872. A Man said to a Woman, “I was also a Member of several Karate Clubs, and I had a Karate Class during College.” 873. While The Man was Thinking about Funny Things, He frequently Laughed to Himself Aloud throughout The Day and throughout The Night as He Rocked in His Rocking Chair. 874. A Man called a Large Magazine Company and the Customer Service Representative said, “This is The Large Magazine Company, How May I Help You?” And the Man said, “About 88 years ago, My Great, Great Grandfather, Teddy, subscribed to The Large Magazine Company’s Magazine, and He only paid 21 cents then, which was a Hefty Amount of Money then. 21 cents is still a Hefty Amount of Money for Me, and that’s what I would like to pay for 12 issues of your Magazine. About 2 cents an Issue for Your Magazine seems like a Good Deal for Both Me and The Large Magazine Company. The Customer Service Representative Replied, “Sir, 88 years ago is a Long Time ago. Have you heard about The Concept of Inflation?” The Man then Replied, “What is Inflation? That sounds like a Conspiracy Theory to Me.” 877. A Teacher asked a Man during Class, “Have you heard about The Concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, also Known by the Acronym MAD?” The Man replied, “MAD sounds like a Happy and Fun Concept.” 878. A Man said, “I do Not want to Paint Myself in a Corner. And I do Not Want to Paint Very Many Individuals in Corners, except this guy, who is also My Lightning Rod,” as The Man Literally Painted a guy in a Corner with Paint, while The Man said, “guy, Hold this Lightning Rod,” and The Man gave the guy a Lightning Rod to Hold. 879. The Horseshoe Gazette Newspaper had 1.21 People who were Subscribers to the Newspaper. 880. A Man Named Mort, while He was Visiting a Port, went to a Court to File a Tort. 881. A Police Officer said to a Woman, “I just saw the Most Horrible Crime Known to Humanity when I looked into a Man’s Window.” The Woman asked, “What was that?” The Police Officer replied, “I saw an Elderly Man drinking a Beer. Isn’t that Just Horrible? I am seriously thinking about going to a Judge to Ask for an Arrest Warrant for that Man.” The Woman then said, “Was there a Time Warp? Is this the 1920s to the early 1930s?” 882. The Man’s Phone was Not Smart. And The Man did Not Want a Smart Phone. And The Man did Not Buy a Smart Phone. The Man had a Normal Phone that was Easy to Use, and that was More Inexpensive than a Smart Phone. 883. A Man said, “I have Flown in an Airplane. And I have Flown in a Helicopter. And I have gone Snowmobiling on a Snowmobile.” 884. A Man said, “Dr. Daniel Billmeyer was My Physician for Many Years. And He was The Physician for Many of My Family Members for Many Years.” 885. Buddy The Dog went Out The Door of a House, and a Woman said, “Buddy The Dog, please close the door behind you. And Don’t forget to call Me on Your Cellphone if You Need Anything. And Don’t Play in Traffic.” 886. A Man and a Woman wheeled a Giant Microwave in a Home’s Living Room, and They Both got in the Giant Microwave, while the Man said, “When That Villain comes Home, He will Never Suspect that We are Listening to Him while We are in this Giant Microwave. It is the Perfect Secret Hideaway.” And the Woman Replied, “What if He sees US by looking through the Giant Microwave’s Glass Door?” And The Man said, “That will Never occur to Him.” 887. A Woman asked a Man, “What are you Looking at on The Internet?” And The Man replied, “I am Looking up the Television shows that were on between the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 58 years ago. I do this Every Day at Noon and at Midnight. I want to see what Television Shows that I missed while I was in School.” 888. A Man frequently Wanted there to be only Two NBA Basketball Teams, with One Team called The West Coast, and The Other Team called The East Coast, and with The West Coast Basketball Team representing The East Coast, and The East Coast Basketball Team representing The West Coast. The Man was a Big Believer and Participant in Opposite Day, and, for Him, every day was Opposite Day. 890. A Man said to Buddy the Dog, “I like that you are also a Brindle Dog.” 891. While in His Car, a Man got Pulled over by a Police Officer. The Police Officer said, while Shining His Flashlight in the Car, “Is that an open Soda Bottle? You know that it is against The Law to Drive with an Open cola Bottle don’t You? Get out of the car.” The Man got out of the Car, and The Man said, “Officer, I can Explain.” The Police Officer replied, “Whoooo! WE! Your Breath smells like Sugar. Have you been Drinking and Driving after You drank some Soda? You know that the Legal Blood Sugar Limit in North Dakota is Zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero Eight Percent, Correct?” The Man said, “Officer, I can Explain.” The Police Officer said, “Don’t Smart Mouth Me, Mr. Sassy. Put your Hands behind your back and be prepared to be Handcuffed. While you are Not being Arrested, You are instead being Placed in Police Custody until You get a Blood Sugar Test. Son, are you Ready to go to Jail for up to 8 years if your Blood Sugar is more than The Legal Limit?” The Police Officer then Handcuffed the Man, and He drove Him to get His Blood Sugar Test. 892. A Man said, “I’m Blondie. And My Name is also Blondie.” 894. A Man said to a Nice Looking Woman who weighed about 120 Pounds, “You don’t need to Wear that Girdle. You are Thin and Good Looking without that Girdle.” The Woman replied, “You have Never seen Me without Me wearing this Girdle. I don’t think that You’ll Like what I Look without this Girdle On. I am going to take it off for You right Now.” The Woman took off Her Girdle, and, when the Camera came back to Viewing Her, She, was, while Wearing a Fat Suit, appeared to weigh about 800 pounds, with about 3 Chins, with Rainbow Colored Hair, and while Wearing an Eye Patch, and While Grinning while Wearing Dentures that had Very, Very Crooked Teeth, and Yellow Teeth, and with a Very Withered Hand, and while Wearing Clothing with Holes all over Them, and with Moths Flying Almost Everywhere. She then said, “Do you like What I look like with Without My Girdle On?” The Man then said, “Put that Girdle on Right Now. Right Away!” 896. A Greeter at a Store said to Each Shopper, “Hey, That is Insurance Fraud! You should Know Better. You could Spend about 8 Years in Prison for That. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! Thank You for Shopping at Our Store.” 897. A Man said, “Going to Christian Summer Camps as a Child was Good Fun, and I Learned a Lot.” 899. A Man said, “I Learned about The Looking Glass Concept from a Professor while I was in a College Classroom about Sociology. And that Concept, and Other Psychological and Sociological Concepts, is Sometimes Important to Know About.” 900. A Man was Standing on a Street Corner, and He Told Everyone who Passed by Him, “I learned in Biology Class that Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses Spread Easily.” 901. On a Social Networking Website, a Woman asked, “Should I post pictures of My Tattoos?” And The Man replied, “If you would like. It would depend on where The Tattoos are.” 902. A Man named Jason, after He Washed His Hands in a Water Basin, asked a Haitian, who was also a Mason, How Many People He Knew who were Named Jason, Jacen, Tyson, or Dyson. 903. For about 33 years, whenever someone asked a Man what the Day was, The Man would always reply, “Today’s Date is December 22nd, 2013.” A Woman said, “Before and after the year 2013, and for about 33 years, you have always said that is December 22, 2013.” And the Man replied, “Don’t you like The Christmas Season?” 905. A Man said, “Like what Like would Like You Like Want Like to Like Like Do Like?” 906. A Group of Adults were Watching TV, when one of Them said, “Let’s Play a Game of Phone Tag.” 907. A Man on the Street kept on Yelling: “He has a Jaspers Stone, Oh No! He has a Jaspers Stone, Oh No! He has a Jaspers Stone, Oh No!” 910. A Man said, “I have that guy’s Number, Both His Metaphorical Number, as well as His Literal Number.” 911. A Man called a guy, and The Man said, “Hello, is this My Next Door Neighbor who is also a Member of Felons’ Anonymous?” And the guy said, “Yes, would you please make it Quick, as I have to Report to Prison Tonight for My Recent Grand Larceny Conviction.” And the Man Replied, “Before you Head off to Prison, could you please Head to My House? I need a Dependable Person, such as Yourself, to Hold on to My Winning Lottery Ticket. I won a 488 Million Dollar Lottery Prize, and I do not want anything to Happen to It. Are You up for the Task of Being My Guardian of My Winning Lottery Ticket?” And the guy replied, “I’ll be over to Your House in about 8 Seconds. And be sure Not to sign the back of that Lottery Ticket, as I don’t want to be Accused Again of Being in Possession of Stolen Goods. I have served Enough Time in Prison as it is.” And The Man said, “I know that My Lottery Ticket will be in Good Hands.” 912. A Man said, “I have Always had Friends. And I have Always had A Lot of Friends. I have Friends. And I have A Lot of Friends. And I will Always have Friends. And I will Always have A Lot of Friends. Having Friends is Important. And Having A Lot of Friends is also Important. Having Friends is Good. And Having A Lot of Friends is also Good.” 918. A Man said, “Sometimes it Really Matters what a Person Says and Writes, and Sometimes it Does Not Really Matter what a Person Says and Writes. You should have Metaphorical Broad Shoulders. A Grown Adult should Not be a Metaphorical Cry Baby about Unimportant Things. Many Things do Not Really Matter. And Many Things do Really Matter. Many Things are Important. And Many Things are Not Important. Many Things are Very Important. And Many Things are Not Very Important. You should be Strong. Strong.” 919. A Man said, “There are often Different Strains and/or Different Versions of Viruses, and with Some Strains and/or Some Versions of Viruses being More Harmful and/or More Deadly than Other Strains and/or than Other Versions of Viruses. You often do Not Want to Contract Certain Strains and/or Versions of Certain Viruses, and Some Strains and/or Versions of Certain Viruses are Very Difficult, and Perhaps Impossible, to Cure, and Some Strains and/or Versions of Viruses have Different Affects on Bodies, and Some Strains and/or Versions of Viruses can Kill You Quickly. The Same is Also Often True with Other Diseases.” 920. A Man said, “You should Not do Many Things. And You should Not Write Many Things. And You should Not Say Many Things. If You Do, Write, or Say Many Things, Someone, or Karma, May Get You. You should frequently have Restraint. You should frequently Not do Certain Things. Having a Good Amount of Restraint is Often Good. Restraint.” 921. A Man said, “I have a Good Memory. And I have a Very Good Memory. And I have a Great Memory. And I have a Very Great Memory. And I have an Excellent Memory. And I have a Very Excellent Memory. And I have an Awesome Memory. And I have a Very Awesome Memory. I am Good. I am Moral. And I am Special.” 922. A Man said, “You should Not be a Person who Kills The Metaphorical Goose who Metaphorically Lays The Golden Eggs. A Person should be Smart. A Person should be Good. Smart. Good.” 923. A Man said, “I often Care about Not Asking Someone something that is Embarrassing. And I often Care about Not Asking Someone something that is Potentially Embarrassing. As is the case with Many Other Individuals, I am often Concerned about Not Asking Questions, or Doing Certain Things, that can Cause a Person to Lose Face. There are also Different Priorities, and with Certain Things being More Important, and with Certain Things being Much More Important, than Other Things. I am Good. I am Moral. I am Special.” 925. A Man said, “Sometimes, in Some Ways, I am The Mimic, and I Sometimes do Mimicking, and it is often Good for People to be Mimics, and it is often Good for People to do Mimicking.” 926. A Man said, “Certain Things should Be Done and/or Said and/or Written in Private, and Certain Things should Be Done and/or Said and/or Written in Public, and Many Things should Not Be Done and/or Said and/or Written at all. It is Good to Frequently have Restraint. There is a Time, and there is a Place, for Many Things, and there is Not a Time, and there is Not a Place, for Many Things. Private. Public. Restraint.” 930. Grandpa Charles and Grandma Irene won a Basketball Game against 21 Professional Basketball Teams, whose Basketball Players were all on the same Basketball Court at the Same Time. 931. A Five Foot Nine Inch Man said to another Man, “My New Year’s Resolution is to Weigh 7 Pounds. Or do You think that is Too Extreme?” 932. A Man said to Buddy The Dog, “You have a Good Head on Your Shoulders, if You have Shoulders.” 935. A Woman was Wearing an Avocado Cream Mask on Her Face, and She Went into Seizures, when She said, “I am Not Doing Well on My New Medication.” 936. A Man made a Very Unnecessary Risk on a Game Show, as He would have Won a lot of Money even if He had not Made a Very Unnecessary Risk, and another Man then said, “He won enough Money to go to a Psychologist to see why He Made that Very Unnecessary Risk.” 938. A Man said, “For 58 Consecutive Years, I have worn Nicotine Patches to Help Me Stop Smoking, and in about 31 More Consecutive Years of Wearing These Patches, I Think that I’ll be Able to Cease from Wearing Them. I will only be 121 years of age then.” 942. A Man said to a Woman, “This is My Very Mini Mini Mini Mini French Press for My Coffee, for the Times when I only want to have a Very Small Sip of Coffee, and this is also My Very Mini Mini Mini Mini Refrigerator for My Bread Crumbs, and actually it can only hold about One Bread Crumb, and it is a Very Energy Efficient Refrigerator,” as The Man showed a Woman His French Press that was about 1 inch tall, and He Showed a Woman His Refrigerator that was also about 1 inch tall. 943. A Man who was 100 Years of Age was Overheard saying, “I think that I’ll get My Law Degree in about 51 Years.” 944. A Man had a Coffee Cup that was about 8 Feet Wide, and about 8 Feet Tall, and that was Sitting in His Living Room, and The Man said to a guy, “This is My Coffee Cup that I fill to the Brim with Coffee Every Day, and I also sometimes Swim in it.” And the guy replied, “It’s Huge! Why do you have such a Big Coffee Cup?” And The Man replied, “My Doctor told Me to Limit the amount of Coffee I drink every day by Limiting My Consumption to about One Cup of Coffee a Day. And I’m Just Following My Doctor’s Orders.” 945. A Man said, while Looking and Acting Very Paranoid, “Lookalikes are Pouring in! Lookalikes are Pouring in Right and Right!” And a guy replied, “You mean Lookalikes are Pouring in Left and Right?” And The Man replied, “No, They are Not Coming in from The Left, only from The Right.” 946. A Man said to a guy, “This is My Personal Collection of 801 Flashlights,” as The Man pointed to some of His Many Flashlights around His House. And the guy said, “Why do you have so Many Flashlights?” And The Man said, “You Never Know if the Power to the House will go Out, and a Flashlight might also Malfunction. It is better to be Safe than to be Sorry. I thought about getting 8,001 Flashlights, but I thought that might be Excessive. Do you want to see My Personal Collection of Fire Extinguishers? I have 801 of them too, as one of them might Malfunction.” 947. A Man asked a guy, “Do you want some Peanuts?” And the guy replied, “That sounds great.” And The Man said, “How about One Eighth of just one Peanut. I’m sort of running low on Peanuts.” 948. Using Computer Animation, a Golf Ball, which was said to have a Computer Chip in it to do these things, completed Loops and other Acrobatic Feats before it went into 8 Holes in One, one by one. 949. A Man said to a Hotel Clerk, “I would like a Room in your Hotel as close to the Top of the Building as Possible.” And The Clerk replied, “Sir, May I ask Why you want that?” And The Man replied, “I like to be as close to Heaven as I can. And on Wednesday, which is Tomorrow, I would like to be Housed in Your Hotel’s Basement, as I also like to be as close to Hell as Possible, and I would like then for the Furnace and the Air Conditioning and The Fans to be Turned off, and for you to deny Me Food, Water, and Sex when I go to Your Basement, which will Help Replicate what it is Like in Hell.” 950. A Man said, “The Apostrophe, ‘ , can mean much more than Many People realize, and it can also indicate present tense, future tense, and past tense.” 951. A Pizza Delivery Guy unlocked His Customer’s Front Door, and He went inside the House, and He then said, “Knock Knock, The Pizza Delivery Guy is Here with Your Pizza.” And The Man and The Woman who owned the House, who were Startled, said, “How did you get in here? How did you get a key to Our House?” And The Pizza Delivery Guy said, “Didn’t you read the fine print when you ordered your Pizza Online? It states that by Ordering Online with Our Pizza Company, you consent to We having a Key to Your House. It also states that We Must have a Key to Your Automobile, and also Keys to Your Safes, or else the Correct Number Codes to Your Safes if applicable, as well as the Passwords to Your Email Addresses and to Your Social Network Websites, and Please Fork those Over to Me Now. Don’t you know that the Most Important Thing in Life is to obey a Contract?” 953. A Sign on a Mailbox said, “Missing, Wanted, and with an Award of 8 Trillion Dollars for Whoever Finds: A Mini Mini Mini Mini French Press for Coffee that is Only about One Inch Tall. And it was Last Seen Shattered into Small Parts of Glass and Thrown into a Trash Can. I miss that French Press So Much. And Please Help Me Find it. — Mrs. Harriet Harre.” 954. A Man wore a Tee-Shirt that stated, “Invade The Future Now.” 955. A Man had a Chin that was about 8 Feet Long, and it also had a Bird’s Nest on the End of the Chin, with Birds Flying Almost Everywhere. 958. At a Wedding Ceremony, when The Bride and The Groom were Leaving, instead of throwing Sesame Seeds, the Members of The Audience Threw Turkeys, both Live Turkeys and Dead Turkeys, Turkey Basters, Pans, Apples, and Oranges at The Bride and The Groom. 963. A Man said, “Regarding My Ethnicity, I’m Negative 88 Percent Honey Badger, and I’m Negative 63 Percent Brown Bear, and I’m Negative 9 Percent Squid, and I’m 808 Percent Zimmow. Any Questions?” 966. A Man said, “These Devices in this Box are Ball Bearings,” and He then Fell Down, and the Ball Bearings went all over the place, and The Man said, “I lost My Bearing!” 967. It was Very Foggy Outside, and a Man in a car said to another Man, “If this Fog causes a Car Accident, who are We going to Sue? Mother Nature? Last Time that I heard, Mother Nature was Judgment Proof.” 969. A Man said, “Buddy The Dog, where are you?” The Man then Picked Up Buddy’s Collar with Buddy’s ID Tag on It, and, while Moving the ID Tag Up and Down, The Man said, “Buddy, I hear your Collar’s ID Tag Jangling, so you must be close By. Where are you?” 972. A Bear was Skiing on a Ski Slope, and a Man asked, “Why are you skiing here, Bear?” And The Bear replied, “Because the Weather is Humid in Washington, DC.” 974. The Woman was a Character for only about 10 minutes to about 31 minutes a Day, about every Day. 975. While Wrapping Presents, a Man got caught up in Wrapping Paper, and He eventually Fell down the Stairs, after Going around and around while Wrapped up in His House. 976. Mr. Michael Mayer was a Mayor, and He did Not Like Sandwiches with Mayo. 977. A Man looked at a Food Item in His Refrigerator that had an Expiration Date of January 2, 1865, and The Man said, “I only eat Food with Expiration Dates after The Civil War Ended. Food with Expiration Dates from January 1st 1880 onwards would be Safe, while Foods with Expiration Dates of January 2nd 1865, and before, would Not be Safe.” 978. A 33 year old Man said to His Mother, “Do you still have My Clothes when I was about 8 years old? I have only grown about two feet since then, and I have only gained about 120 pounds since then, and I think that those clothes may still fit Me.” 979. Buddy the Dog said, “Mom, I want to see you put My food on My plate right after you open up the can. I don’t want worming medication in My food again.” 980. A Stapler stapled a Man’s tie to a piece of paper, and then the Stapler had a mind of its own, and it stapled pieces of equipment throughout The Office. 981. A Man repeatedly changed His Shirts within a Very Short Amount of Time, saying, “I got tired of that Shirt. How do you like this one?” 982. Buddy the Dog said, “Why don’t you offer Me a piece of Chocolate? I’m tired of eating Dog Food.” 983. A Man said, “I drove an ATV Vehicle before. I’ll drive this one.” The ATV then went all over the place, and it crashed. 984. A Man said, “I often look under My Blankets and My Sheets before I go to Sleep to see if there is a Turtle there having a Wrestling Match.” 985. The Man is a Virus Researcher (known by the Acronym VR), and He Helped, and He Helps, Cure Viruses. The Man is also a Scientist, and He also Helped, and He Helps, Cure other Diseases. 987. A Website’s Number of Page Views decreased until it reached a Negative Number, and the Number of Page Views for a Website was Negative 8,862. 988. Men and Women were Laughing and Having a Great Time, and a Man said, “What is Wrong? You guys look Sad. Why are you Sad? Why are you Not Happy? Why are you Crying?” 989. A Realtor said to Her Clients after They came into a House, “This House is Vacant. It has been Vacant for Several Years.” A Family of Eight were inside the House, and They said, “What are you Talking About? We are Here. Our House is Not Vacant. And it’s Not for Sale. How did you get in?” And the Realtor then said to Her Clients, “Someone must have accidentally left the water on upstairs, which is Why you are Hearing that Background Noise. I think that the Owners made the Right Move by Moving Out of the House while it is Up for Sale.” And one of the Owner’s Said to the Realtor, “What? What Planet are you From?” And The Realtor then said to Her Clients, “That Water being on Upstairs is Really Annoying, and I’m going to go Up there and Turn it Off Now.” When the Water was Turned Off, the Owners of the House turned into Birds, and They Flew out of The House. 990. The Man said, “Not all of US like US. And Not all of US are Friends of US. Some People like US. And Some People are Friends of US. It is Rare for Someone to like US. And It is Rare for Someone to be Friends of US. US. Like. Rare. Friends.” 991. A Man ran into His House, and He said to His Mother, “The Weirdos are Out There. I Barely Escaped the Weirdos from Getting Me.” A Piece of Paper was Put Under the Front Door, and the Man read it, and it said, “The Weirdos would like to come in. Can We come inside? — Signed, Mr. Walter Weirdo.” 992. A Man said, “In the Year 2013 and Beyond, A Person was Rich if He or She had 7 or More Dollars. And In the Year 2013 and Beyond, a Person was Correctly Considered Lucky, Fortunate, Blessed, and Rare if He or She had Food to Eat, Drinks to Drink, Clothes to Wear, and a Home to Live in.” 993. A Man turned on one Burner of His Stove, and He said to His Friend, “The Furnace is Not Working, and this Burner to the Stove should Heat the House in about 8,001 Hours.” And The Man’s Friend said, “Why don’t you turn on all four burners of the stove, instead of just turning on One?” And The Man replied, “I don’t want to get the House too Hot too Fast.” 996. For 22 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week, for 8.2168 years, The Man quoted Nonstop from the 19th Century Prime Minister of Great Britain, Benjamin Disraeli. 997. The Man said, “I have Never Really been Vulnerable. I am Not Really Vulnerable. And I will Never Really be Vulnerable.” 998. On December 12, 1212, and, according to the Local Sun Dial, it was about 12:01 p.m., a Company was Denied a Business License by The Local Authorities for Operating a Fast Food Drive Thru that at Night Served as a Drive In Movie Theatre, as it was said to be Too Advanced for that Age. 999. During a Period of about 31 Seconds, a Man repeatedly asked about 21 times another Man, “Do you Want some of this Food? Are you sure? Do you Want some of this Food? Are you sure? Do you Want some of this Food? Are you sure?” 1,000. During a Period of about 31 Seconds, a Man repeatedly asked about 21 times another Man, “What is your Name? Are you sure? What is your Name? Are you sure? What is your Name? Are you sure?” 1,001. The Man said, “I know how to Count to Zero.” And some More of My Sayings and some More of My Jokes: 1,002. An Eight Year Old Boy said, “I’ve Worked for 89 Years. I worked in The Newspaper Industry. I was a Copy Editor and a Staff Writer for a Newspaper. And I am an Alumnus of Georgetown University, which is also My Alma Mater. And I’m Retired Now. I have worked for 81 more years than I have been alive.” 1,005. In Order to Lose Weight, The Man was on a Candy Bar, Lollipop, Soda Pop, and Popcorn Diet. 1,006. While Outside, The Man said, “Hey Doll, how are you doing?” And The Woman replied, “I’m doing Great. How are you doing?” And The Man said, “I’m Not Talking to you. I’m Talking to Your Doll that’s on the Windowsill.” 1,008. A Computer was all Smashed up, and a Man said to His Wife, “The Tech guy is coming over to see what is wrong with My Computer, and why it won’t work.” The Tech guy came, and upon picking up the Smashed up Computer, He said, “I think the problem is the power cord.” The Man said, “OK, can you have a look at the TV. It’s Not working either.” The Tech guy looked at the Smashed Up TV, whose screen was also all Smashed to Pieces, and the Tech guy said, “I think the problem with Your TV is that its power cord has serious poblems.” The Man replied, “You don’t think the problems with My Computer and My Television is that They are Very Smashed Up, and that Their Screens are Shattered to Pieces?” And the Tech guy said, “No, I think the problems are with their Power Cords.” 1,012. A Man said to another Man, “In this Town, if You Burp, within about 8 minutes everyone Here will know about that.” 1,013. At a Party, a Man said to every Question, “I will Consult My Attorney about that.” For example, someone asked Him, “What is Your Name?” And The Man replied, “I will Consult My Attorney about that.” A person replied, “Why would you have to Consult Your Attorney about that?” And The Man replied, “I will Consult My Attorney about that.” 1,014. The Man said, “His Moustache is Fake. And His Double Chin is Real.” 1,018. A Dog went to the Witness Stand in a Courtroom, and a Dog Translator Translated the Dog’s Barking into the English Language. 1,019. A Man said to another Man, “Good Morning approximately 9.283 Hours before it is Morning. A Very Early, Early Morning Greeting to You.” 1,020. While Cooking Lamb with a Frying Pan, The Man said, “Man, Uncle Sam is Here Ma’am, and He’s Here to Help you Out of Your Jam and Lam.” 1,021. In Alaska, a Marathon Lasted for 88 Consecutive Days and Nights. And it was a Long Marathon. And The Runners were Very Tired. And The Runners were Very Cold. 1,022. A Boy asked His Mother, “Is Cottage Cheese Made in Cottages? Or are The Cottages made in The Cheese?” 1,023. By the Sea, you can Search for and See Lions, Sea Lions, Sea Urchins, and Seals. 1,024: There are Many Ways to Correctly and to Truthfully Express the Concept and the Phrase “it is 7:51 p.m.” For example, You can say, it is Nine Minutes until 8:00 p.m. Or you can say, it is Seven Hours and Fifty One Minutes past Noon. And you can say, “it is 4 Hours and Nine Minutes until Midnight.” All those Phrases are Correct and are Truthful in Expressing the Concept and the Phrase, “it is 7:51 p.m.,” and “7:51 p.m.,” as is the case with other easy to understand phrases, is often used instead of more complex phrases, as it is easier to understand, and it is easier to say, and it is a commonplace and easy to understand phrase, rather than being an esoteric, and perhaps strange, phrase. 1,025. A Man said, “There may be Sometimes Tears in Heaven, which You may Witness when it Rains.” 1,026. Everywhere a Man went, both Inside His House, and Outside His House, He carried a Large Vacuum Cleaner, and a Large Carpet Cleaner, and He said, “You Never know when a Carpet will be in Need of a Good Cleaning.” 1,027. The Man said, “A Drive Thru is Better than a Drive By.” 1,028. At a Party, a Man said to about 4 People, “You would Look Better in a Tank Top. Don’t you think that you’d look Better in a Tank Top? I know that you would.” 1,030. The Man said, “I haven’t gotten the Mail in over 2 years. Today is a Sunday, so there shouldn’t be any Mail in the Mailbox.” 1,031. The Man said, “Do you think that He that makes His Own Money?” And The Man also said, “How do you think that He makes His own money?” These are Double Entendre Phrases, and they are Double Meaning Phrases. 1,032. There is a Phrase that I have Seen, which I will Paraphrase, “Don’t Make it so that a Loyal Person No Longer Gives a Darn.” 1,033. The Man said to a Group of Runners, “Runners, On your Mark, get Set, Win VR.” 1,034. The Man said, “Lift on the Count of 3. Ready? Eight Thousand Forty Four, 9 Million and Ten, 3, and Lift.” 1,038. The Man said, “He is counting His Pennies too Much. And He should instead be counting His Dollars More. And He should be Looking at The Big Picture More. And He should be Looking at The Big Pictures More.” 1,039. During The United States of America’s Presidential Debates, a Presidential Contestant debated another Presidential Contestant who was in a Coma, and The Man in a Coma had a Running Mate who had passed away, and He was Ashes in an Urn. The Man in the Coma, and His Vice President who was in an Urn, won The Presidential Election. 1,041. The Man asked a guy, “How are you doing?” And the guy replied, “7.” The Man then said, “What have you been up to?” And the guy said, ‘7.’” And The Man said, “What do you mean by saying ‘7?’” And the guy replied, “7.” 1,043. The Man said, while putting His Arms in the Symbol of an Arch, “Confused. Confusion. Throw the Shawl of Confused on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Confusion on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confused (TC) on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confusion (TC) on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confused (TC) on The Man. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confusion (TC) on The Man. Throw the Shawl of Confused on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Confusion on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confused (TC) on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporary Confusion (TC) on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confused (TC) on The Woman. And Throw the Shawl of Temporarily Confusion (TC) on The Woman. That Man is Safe. And that Woman is Safe. King George is Not the Only Person who was Confused, had Confusion, was Temporarily Confused, and had Temporary Confusion. Temporary Confused is also known by the Acronym TC. And Temporarily Confusion is also known by the Acronym TC. Confused. Confusion. Temporarily Confused. Temporary Confused. Temporarily Confusion.” 1,046. The Man said, “Will, He has a Strong Will, and He Will do that in His Will.” 1,048. As a Person’s Intellectual and Cognitive Abilities Increase, so often does someone’s Thinking and/or Certain Actions and Inactions. For example, a person who is 33 years of age will often play a card game differently than when He or She was a Child. 1,049. At a Dentist’s Office, The Man said, “I have only had 89,352 Dental Cavities so far, and I think that there will only be 31,898 more Dental Cavities during this Dental Exam, although there may be 2 more Dental Cavities than that.” And The Dentist Replied, “You must brush your teeth every day.” 1,050. A Cat and a Microwave Oven and a Mini Refrigerator and a Boom Box came out of a Man’s Mouth during a Dental Exam at a Dentist’s Office. 1,051. The Man said to another Man, “I am a Reader. And I have Read Millions upon Millions of Words, and I have Read Thousands upon Thousands of Pages, and I have Read Dozens of Books. Are you also a Reader?” 1,054. The Man said, “I am also an AVI, which also Means that I am also a VIA.” 1,061. “Tit for Tat, Mr. Matt,” said a Cat during some Chit Chat. 1,063. At The Movie Set, The Man said, “Actors and Actresses, are you ready for the Next Scene? 1, 2, 3, and Turnips, Celery, and Cabbages!” 1,065. The Man said, Very Fast, and Very Quickly: “I am a Clevelander. And I am a Portlander. And I am an Oregonian. And I am an American. And I am a Georgetowner. And I am a Willametter. And I am a Bridger. And I Learned a Lot. And I am a Good Person. And I’m a Good Person.” 1,066. The Man said, “There is Reality. And there are also Multiple Realities (also known by the Acronym “MR”). There is that which is Good. And there is that which is Moral. And there is that which is Special.” 1,067. The Secretary of a Doctor’s Office said that there would be Out of Pocket Costs, and The Client, who is a Man, said, “Let Me see what I have in My Pockets.” And He pulled out a Washer, a Dryer, a Large Refrigerator, and an Elephant out of His Pockets. 1,070. Older Hands do Much Good Work that Younger Hands can Not do, and Younger Hands also do Much Good Work that Older Hands can Not do. Both Older Hands and Younger Hands do Much Good Work. 1,071. The Man went up to 4 People at a Party, and He said, “Both are True. Yea Hah!” 1,072. The Man said, “It is Not Very Important, and My Skin’s Color sometimes changes color, and it can, and it has, on different occasions be a Very White Color, a Pale Color, a Porcelain Color, an Ivory White Color, a Blushing Color, especially when I am Hot, or when it is Hot outside, and other Colors, and in some ways sort of like a Chameleon. Chameleon.” 1,074. The Man said, “Those Fictional Ones. Those Fake Ones. That person may be, and is probably, referring to Those Fictional Ones. And that person may be, and is probably, referring to those Fake Ones. Fictional. Fake.” 1,076. The Man said, “That is US, and so I won’t do That. US.” 1,077. The Man said, “I help Create Good Medications. Good Medications (also known by the Acronym ‘GM’). Medications.” 1,078. The Man said, “I often know that that is Just the Way it is. That is That. And This is This. And I am often Not Too Interested in the Question of ‘Why.’ Curiosity killed the Metaphorical cat. And I am Not too Curious about Things.” 1,079. The Man who was 33 Years of Age said, “That I am Still Alive is Significant and Important. And that I am Healthy is also Significant and Important. And that I am Well Educated is also Significant and Important. And that I am Well Fed is also Significant and Important. And there are Many More Things that are also Significant and Important.” 1,082. The Man said, “It could have been Much More Sick. And it could have been Sicker. And it could have been Much More Icky. And it could have been Ickier. And it could have been Worse. And it could have been Much More Worse. And it could have been Worser.” 1,083. The Man said, “We have Many Warm Water Ports (WWP), and this is Good. Warm Water Ports are Good to Have. And We are Good.” 1,084. The Man said, “I know that by My Instinct (MI). And I know that by My Good Instinct (MGI). My Instinct. My Instincts (MI). My Good Instinct. My Good Instincts (MGI). Instinct. Instincts. Good Instinct (GI). Good Instincts (GI).” 1,086. The Man and The Woman were both Thinking about Paradise. And The Man and The Woman are both Thinking about Paradise. And The Man is Thinking about Paradise. And The Woman is Thinking about Paradise. And The Man was Thinking about Paradise. And The Woman was Thinking about Paradise. And We are Thinking about Paradise. And We were Thinking about Paradise. Paradise. 1,087. The Man said, while Ironing His Clothes with an Iron, “Irene, I have Ire, and I am Irked, that you are having Iron Supplements.” 1,088. The Man Stared and Stared, and Comically Stared and Stared, at Many People. Finally, a Man asked, “What are you staring at? Can I Help You?” And the Staring Man replied, “I wanted to know if you had a candy bar? I like to eat candy bars, in moderation.” 1,093. The Man said, “That Person should, and probably will, Play that Card only if that Person should Play that Card. And that Person should, and probably will, Play those Cards only if that Person should Play those Cards. And all of this is probably Good. Card. The Card. The Cards. Cards. Card Playing. The Playing of Cards. Game. The Game. The Games. Games. Game Playing. The Playing of Games.” 1,096. The Man said, “I am Frosty. And My Name is also Frosty. Frosty.” 1,097. The Man said, “I was a Defender for My Soccer Team. And I Played Pretty Well. And I won an Award from My Soccer Team, which was called The Astros.” 1,099. The Man said, “The Bill is due on the 88th Day of this Month.” 1,101. The Man said, “Does that Person know The Whole Story? And does that Person know all of the Very Important Parts of the Whole Story?” 1,103. Some of Buddy the Dog’s hair is Coarse, Rough, and Hard, and some of Buddy the Dog’s hair is Soft. And this is also a Metaphor about Many Important Things in Life. 1,104. The Man said, “She is a Fellow Good Character, and I like Her. And she is a Fellow GC, and I like Her. A Good Character, and also Good Characters, are known by the Acronym ‘GC’.” GC. 1,105. On His Hand, The Member of The Cast had on a Cast, from His Time when an Airplane Crash made Him a Castaway on an Island that had a Caste System. 1,106. When The Man opened His Mailbox, an Arm came out of The Mailbox, and someone from inside the Mailbox asked, “Can I please borrow 21 dollars and Fifty Eight cents?” 1,108. The Man said, “Are you Elizabeth Morse’s Daughter?” And The Woman replied, “No, and I am Elizabeth Morse.” And The Man said, “But you must be Elizabeth Morse’s Daughter, as you look just like Elizabeth Morse.” 1,110. The Man said, “That Curse lasted for only about 7 days, and then that Curse ended.” 1,114. The Man said, while looking at a Dam, “Man, Izzy is a Man!” 1,115. The Man said, “My Mom and My Dad are both Listed on My Birth Certificate.” 1,116. At a Restaurant, after telling the Waitress that He would like his first dessert a la carte and his second dessert from the cart, Mr. Benjamin Card said, “Mrs. Carr, you need a New Card to get a Car.” 1,117. The Man said, “I am also Psychic. Psychic.” 1,119. When the The Topic of Alzheimer’s Disease came Up, The Man in the College Classroom said “What I have Not discussed so far is . . .” while saying the same Thing over and over. 1,120. When The Man was asked to do Chores, He said, “I am going to Recuse Myself from doing that Chore, as there is a Conflict of Interest. Furthermore, I am going to Recuse Myself from doing Every Chore, as there are Conflicts of Interest.” 1,123. The Man said to a Person at a Party, Very Frantically, “That was a Typo. Almost everyone has made a Typo. And the website wouldn’t allow Him to Change the Year of Birth that was a Typo. Have you ever made a Typo? It would be Rare for an Adult over the age of 21 to have Never made a Typo. I used to correct Typos for a Living at a Newspaper as a Copy Editor, and I know that many People have made Typos. And that is OK.” Typo. 1,125. The Man said, “I have had Many Jobs in My Life, and I am also My House’s Dishwasher and Housecleaner.” 1,128. The Woman asked The Man, “What happened to your Hands? I have Never seen Hands with so Many Burns. What Happened?” And The Man replied, “That is from My Years of Handling Scalding Hot Pots and Pans, as I learned about Eight Years ago from someone that Oven Mitts are Very Unhealthy to Use.” 1,132. The Man said, while Moving His Hands Up and Down by His Own Face: “I am a Scholar. And I am a Student of Psychology. And I am also a Student of Abnormal Psychology. Boing!” 1,136. The Man said, “The Statute of Limitations for that Crime is between about 7 seconds to 7 minutes, and then that Crime is Time Barred (TB) from being Tried in Court.” 1,137. The Adult Male Basketball Players wore Hockey Masks, Skis, Snow Shoes, and Dresses while Playing Basketball on The Basketball Court. 1,142. The Man said, “Because He Loves US. And because He Likes US. And because He Loves Me. And because He Likes Me. Because She Loves US. And because She Likes US. And because She Loves Me. And because She Likes Me. Loves. Likes.” 1,143. The Man said, “Because He Loved US. And because He Liked US. And because He Loved Me. And because He Liked Me. Because She Loved US. And because She Liked US. And because She Loved Me. And because She Liked Me. Loved. Liked.” 1,145. The Man said, “The Talented and Gifted Person. Talented and Gifted. TAG. TAGGED.” 1,150. During a Baseball Game, The Baseball Team Members that wore Red Uniforms all went into Convulsions on the Field, as did all Spectators wearing Red T-Shirts and/or Red Sweatshirts and/or Red Coats in The Stadium, and all the Spectators wearing those things while watching The Game on Television, with there being, for example, 8 Family Members watching The Game on Television, and two of those Family Members who were wearing Red Went into Convulsions. 1,152. The Man said, “That May Backfire. And that will Likely Backfire. And that will Very Likely (VL) Backfire. Backfire. Bad Consequences (BC).” 1,154. The Man said to Eight People at a Party, each Individually, “Janus.” 1,158. The Man said, “My Name is Mr. Purloined, and that Man just Purloined your Toilet Plunger (TP).” 1,159. The Man said, “Many Dogs do Not Understand (DNU) why they should Not Usually (NU) Bark while they are Outside during The Night. And that is OK.” 1,160. The Man said to another Man, “Remember that there may be some Agent Provocateurs (AP) prowling around trying to get you to do something Incriminating.” 1,161. The Man said, “I would Never participate in a Comedy Roast of another Individual. And I will Never participate in a Comedy Roast of another Individual. And I have Never participated in a Comedy Roast of another Individual. And I am Not participating in a Comedy Roast of another Individual.” 1,162. The Man said, “I am The Watcher. And I am The Observer. And I am The Reader. And I am The Writer. Watcher. Observer. Reader. Writer. TW. TO. TR. TW.” 1,163. A Man named Zak put Large Artificial Wings Man over another Man named Tim, and Tim said, “What are you doing?” And Zak replied, “Someone told Me to take you under My Wings. And that is what I’m doing.” 1,165. While Playing Poker, The Man said, “Check out these cards: A Royal Flush. This is My 288th Royal Flush that I’ve had today.” 1,167. The Store Clerk asked the Grocery Store Client, “Would like to Pay the Real Value (RV) for this Candy Bar?” And The Client said, “How much is the Real Value for this Candy Bar?” And The Clerk replied, “87.184 Trillion Dollars and 42 Cents.” And The Man said, “I think I’ll instead pay the price that is on the candy bar instead.” And The Clerk Replied, “Are you an Honest Person?” 1,168. The Woman said to a guy, “It is Nice to see you. How are you doing My Friend? I like your shirt.” And the guy replied, while Jumping up and Down and while being Greatly Upset, “How dare you! Those are Fighting Words. You should know that those are Fighting Words. Take those words back you Evil Person (EP).” 1,169. The Man was Washing and Lathering His Hands in a Sink with Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Lettuce, Salami, Red Paint, Glue, and Rocks, and a guy asked, “Why are you washing your hands with Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Lettuce, Salami, Red Paint, Glue, and Rocks?” And The Man replied, “Someone needs to Teach you some Good Lessons about Personal Hygiene, Mister.” 1,170. The Vipers looked around. And The Viper looked around. The Snakes looked around. And The Snake looked around. The Vipers (TV). The Viper. The Snakes (TS). The Snake. Vipers. Viper. Snakes. Snake. 1,176. The Man called His Professor, and The Professor said, “I can’t write your recommendation to Georgetown University, as I’ve been Officially Dead for 28 Years after I Officially choked to death on toothpaste.” 1,179. The Man asked the Woman, “The Hot Water has Not been ran in this house for 33 years, and do you think this has been enough time for the Water Heater to have had time to reheat the water?” And The Woman replied, “33 years is probably Not enough Time. Let us give the Water Heater 34 more years to Rejuvenate, and then We can see if the Water gets Heated. You should be Patient.” 1,181. The Construction Workers used Turkey Basters, Toilet Plungers, Spoons, Forks, Hot Dogs, Oranges, Apples, and Bananas to do Construction Work, to Pound in Nails, and to Break up Bricks. 1,182. While Watching Television, and while Looking in Mirrors, and while doing other Activities, The Man frequently made Guttural sounds with His Mouth, sort of Like Baby Talk (BT), as one of His Ways of Communicating, and while He Frequently Smiled, and while He Frequently Laughed. 1,184. The Man said, “All is Quite on the Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern Fronts. There is Peace. Peace.” 1,185. The Man said, “That could potentially Cost Too Many Chips. Chips, in addition to being Literal Objects, are also Metaphors. Chips.” 1,187. The Woman said, “Does He shave His Legs?” And The Man replied, “If you really knew Him, that would Not be the Thing that you would be Really Focusing on.” 1,188. The Man, who was Dressed in a Halloween Outfit — a Wizard’s Clothing — knocked at a Door, and He said, “Happy Halloween.” And The Woman replied, “It is Christmas, Not Halloween.” And The Man said, “I live by The Motto: The Early Bird gets the Worm.” 1,189. The Man stuffed Cake, Pie, and Ice Cream in a Mailbox, and He made a Big Mess. A Woman asked, “What are you doing?” And The Man replied, “I want to leave The Mailman a Christmas Gift, so that He does Not Starve to Death.” 1,193. Two Soccer Teams played a Soccer Match on an Ice Skating Rink, while wearing cleats, and Many Soccer Players slipped and fell on the ice. 1,196. The Man asked a guy, “What are you doing? Why are you gluing 801 Shoe Heels Together?” And the guy replied, “I want to be Well Heeled.” 1,197. The Television Show had its 89th Trillion Television Episode. 1,199. The Man said to another Man, “After you Bathe, and after you have put on Deodorant, and after you Brush your Teeth, and after you stop Stinking, We will go to the Coliseum to See the Wrestling Matches that happened 81 Trillion Years ago. I Normally do Not care if someone Stinks; however, today is a Tuesday, and Tuesdays are the one day of the week where I care if someone stinks.” 1,202. The Man said, “I am going to call Myself on My Cellphone to See if I’m still Here.” 1,203. The Man said, “Do Not allow that to Sabotage You. Sabotage. And there are Stumbling Blocks (SB). Stumbling Blocks. SB.” 1,205. The Man said to another Man, “Today is your 89th Billion 683 Million 173 Thousand 482nd Birthday. Happy Birthday! You have had a lot of Fun. And you will continue to have a lot of Fun.” 1,206. The Store Clerk said, “Here are your lottery tickets. Now What Lottery Numbers should I input into the Computer to be the Winning Numbers?” 1,209. The Person said, “The Messiah.” The Messiah. Messiah. 1,210. The Man said, “There is a Compartment for this Compartment’s Compartment, for when you want to Compartmentalize a Compartment’s Compartment.” 1,212. The Police Officer gave a Person a Speeding Ticket for, “Walking 2.8 Miles per hour in a 1.8 Miles per hour Section of the City.” 1,213. The Man was Rolling a Rolling Pin up and down His arms, when a guy asked, “What are you doing?” And The Man replied, “I’m trying to spread Myself Too Thin with this Rolling Pin.” 1,214. The Man kept on Yelling, “I’m a Proud Welfare Mama,” and another Man replied, “I’m also a Proud Welfare Mama, and please keep it down, as I’m Watching Wrestling on Television.” 1,215. Two Fabric Threads on a Fashion Runway were Pulled, which caused Two Models to Spin around and around until They were just left with their Undergarments on. 1,217. The Man said, “My Girlfriend and I like to go Fishing together.” And the other Man replied, “My Girlfriend and I like to Drink like Fish together.” 1,222. The Man filled The French Press Completely with Coffee Grounds, and He said, “I like My Coffee Very Strong. So Strong that there is No Room for the Hot Water on the Coffee Grounds in The French Press.” 1,225. In The Restaurant, The Man who was also a Waiter, took off His Eye Glasses, and He Pushed one of the Lenses into a Cup of Coffee, and He asked a Customer, “Excuse Me, did you say that you wanted One Eye Glass Lens in your Coffee, or Two?” 1,227. The Post Man cut 4 Envelopes in Half, and a Post Woman asked, “What are you doing? Why are you cutting those envelopes in Half?” And The Post Man replied, “These customers only have half the postage required on each of their envelopes, and so the recipient will only get half of their envelope. Half for Half.” 1,230. A Very, Very Miniature Wagon was pulled by a Van, and The Man said, “Is this the Van to the Airport?” And The other Man replied, “No, the Van is the Very, Very Miniature Wagon, and in order to fit inside the Wagon, you’ll need to lose about 98.7% of Your Body Weight, and you’ll also need to lose about 99.99351% of Your Height. Time to get in Shape, Mr. Mister Flabby.” 1,232. The Man said, “I am going to Invent games called Chess, Checkers, Blackjack, Poker, and Solitaire.” And The Woman replied, “Those games were already Invented a long time ago.” And The Man said, “You’re kidding Me. I have Never heard of them before.” 1,233. The Woman said to The Man, “You have a Very Nice Pair of Legs.” And The Man replied, “Thank you. I am Attached to Them. And I mean that both Figuratively and Literally.” And the following are some More of My Jokes and My Sayings: B1. Many people, right next to each other, telegraphed things to each other, and also in Multiple Languages. B2. “Different” as a Double Entendre – You are Different from when I last saw you 7 years ago. B3. The Man said, “That Meal was Great. And I’m Full.” And The Woman replied, “No, you are Brandon.” Contributed by Grandma Carolyn, and Written with Grandma Carolyn’s Permission. B4. The Man’s Name is Tableau Rasi. B5. The Man said, “Two more are often better than Tumors.” B6. A Kitchen Mixer for a Keyboard, and a Microwave for a Computer Mouse. B6A. The Man said, “I would lose My Head if it were Not attached. And that would be a terrible thing to lose.” B7. The Plant was Literally Hollering for Light, while saying “Hollering. Hollering.” B8. What time? Too early. B9. Information Booths are Good for Information. B10. “Mr. Links Links Links More Links Even More Links 88 Links 84,000 Links,” your Table is Ready. B11. A Change of Address Form: A Sewer somewhere in Antartica. B12. Baggage Tags for Many Things for a Short Car Ride. B12A. The Plant Bloomed for Her after His Death. B13. Can you go to the Restroom for Me? B14. Physical at a Doctor’s Office for Silverware and Plates and Glasses and Clothing. B15. Preemptive Water Dousing for Firefighters in a House – Because there is an approximate 0.000081% Chance of a Fire in the Next 101 Years. B16. Raccoon and Other Figurines Fed and Watered. B17. The Automobile had a Button that was Pushed that Had a Banana Peel (for other Car’s Slipping after it lifted up and tried to avoid walking over the banana peel) and Ice Cream, and other Things come out of the back of the car. B18. Stairs and other Objects Bounced. B19. He Literally Won’t do that again. B21. Lottery Ticket Calling Back on a Telephone – Kidnapped. B21A.. Clothes Pins while in the Car because of the Stench. B22. Christmases at Grandma’s House, sweat pouring off Her forehead, Great Foods and Drinks, and other Rememberances. B31. Stink Spray B32. Funeral for a Toilet Plunger and a Raccoon, and the Funeral Attendees wore Toilet Paper Suits and Toilet Paper Clothing. B33. Birthday for Lottery Numbers and Lottery Tickets. B34. Long Rolls of Toilet Paper for Earrings. B34A. The Dead Man is dug up from His Grave, and His Skeletal Remains are Placed Under Arrest, and He is Miranderized, and He is Given Food and Water in a Prison, and He put on Trial, “Why don’t you speak when I ask you a Question?” Placed in Contempt of Court. B35. 0.00000083 of a Penny Proposal, which translates into for those Very, Very, Infinitismal, Very Infinitsmal Purchases, for example, when someone buys one sixteenth of a piece of gum. Some of My Writings: B36. A Landsem Family Member – He said that He saw Family and Friends while on His Death Bed. B37. A Legion of Angels – 10,000 or More Angels – Aunt Go Go B38. A Joke: Shirt and Pants Really, Really Shrunk from the Washer and the Dryer – Need to lose some Weight. B38A. I Want to See Brandon. B39. A Joke: Tissue – came back looking for a Fallen piece of Tissue that was connected to His Shoe after walking out of the Restroom – Elmer, The Piece of Tissue, are you Here? Where are you Elmer? -- 83 years later. B40. Long Skipping Contest. B41. Choking Hazard for Elves, Nymphs, Goblins, and Dinosaurs, specifically Flying Dinosaurs with only 3 and a Half teeth. B42. Hamburger Face and Hot Dog Face and Apple Face – with Pieces of Hamburger, Hot Dog, and Apples on Their Faces. B43. Got the Joke 83 Zillion Years Later. B43A. Clothes, such as Clothes on Beaches, throughout History – World View, as World Views Manifest Themselves in Many Tangible and Intangible Ways. B44. A Turtle was asked to go “outside” of the Bar for a Fight. “Shell Shock.” B46. Surrounded by Strong Men and by Strong Women throughout My Life. B47. The Man said, "I’m Too Tired to be Tired." B48. He was a Crooner and a Coroner who also Played a Coronet, and He had an Abrasion on His Cornea from a Piece of Corn. B49. A Joke: Voter – 8 Million Votes for Each Voter? B50. Speculation and Hearsay Joke in a Courtroom. B51. Always Add, and you cannot Always Subtract – Grandma Carolyn B53. Grandma Carolyn: “Marlin was such a sweet kid.” B55. About Uncle Marlin: “Went on to a Better Life,” and She, “Knew that He believed in God.” B56. “Grandpa Ted was Very Happy Go Lucky.” ----- B57. Good Times with Family and Friends – Fishing, Skiing, and Hiking, and I am, “Set up athletically to be good at those things.” (Grandma Carolyn). B58. I would, as a small child, walk behind Grandpa Sid and say, “Bite Grandpa, Bite.” About pickles, etc. B59. “You look tired Grandpa. Let’s take a Break,” about 4, 5, and 6 and Beyond. Hiking into Lakes. B60. Grandpa Sid, “We used to catch a lot of trout.” B61. Aunt Fan: “You are looking old Maude,” Maude: “you are Not looking like a Spring Chicken Yourself.” Grandpa Sid, “The war is going on.” Grandpa Sid: “First time I heard them say that they loved each other,” and they hugged each other. Maude in the parking lot: “who was that?” B62. Grandpa Ted, “Full of Family Values. Very, Very Intelligent. Great sense of Humor. Jokester. Happy, Happy, Happy. A self-made Man. A Hardworker.” – Grandma Carolyn. B63. “My chunky legs,” as a Child – Grandma Carolyn. B64. Grandpa Sid’s Grandpa, Crawford, a good Friend of President Abraham Lincoln, in Indiana and lived near Him, and Lincoln gave Him a cane. B65. A Man, from Oregon, right before He died, he said, as did a Landsem Family Member right before His Death, that He saw My Grandpa Ted, and He said, on His Deathbed, “Ted is right here. He’s come to get Me.” B66. Uncle Marlin Talked Very Little about what happened in Vietnam, and, as My Grandpa Sid said, Very Few Men talked about Everything that Happened during Wartime. ---- B67. Grandma Carolyn – Grandpa Ted had on an Oxygen Mask, and Grandma Carolyn asked Him, “Dad, can you hear Me?” Grandpa Ted then squeezed Her Hand. Grandma Carolyn then said, “I love you. I love you.” B68. After His Stroke, Uncle Larry Marched by the Nurse’s Station after it was discussed whether to Pull His Life Support Tubes. B69. Grandpa Ted’s Funeral nearly shut down the whole town of Molalla, when He passed away in the 1960s. Shriners. ----- B70. Mom – Tap Dancing and Recitals. Wanny Loues instead of Lonny Loues. B71. Grandma Carolyn Haughton’s Bartering Award for Cruise Ship’s Contest. B72. Tom Didvad – Friends of the Landsems, and He was the only child from parents who came on a boat from Norway. He started by picking up eggs in his car. Tom and Sally started Willamette Egg Farms. I remember going Fishing and Skiing with Tom, Grandpa Sid, and Myself. B73. US Marines – A person who is a US Marine will Always Really be a US Marine – as told to Me during a Meal at a Subway Restaurant by the Wife of a US Marine, and Nurse who was a Roommate in our House – She had come from Texas to Oregon for a Job as a Nurse. B74. Landsems – a close Knit Family; reunions; visiting; Sunday Visiting; ------------- And Some More of My Jokes and My Writings: B75. When Fishing with Grandpa Sid: Ospreys, saw many while fishing. Birds of Prey and Fish – claws and fish can drown the Birds. —– B75A. Spring pulled back too hard – in one of My Movies. —– B76. A lot of Book Readers (BR) in My Family. —– B77. Grandma Carolyn, about Me as a Child, “So easy to take care of. Rocked you and singing to you Baby Songs.” “Love you forever and ever.” —– B78. Joke: It is OK if you talk to yourself, as long as you do Not answer yourself. —– B79. “Come on Bess,” Grandma Hjordis about Her Car. Music Lessons and Voice Lessons. Played the piano. Sung at Her Church and elsewhere. —– B80. Grandpa Ted to Grandma Carolyn: “Does this make sense?” About Accounting, etc. Change to Grandma Carolyn for Lunch, etc. —-- B81. “Over the Hill” – Double Entendre Meaning. —– B83. A Joke: Ghetto part of a Shopping Mall. —– B85. Dab of Sunscreen Joke – A Person thinks that that Dab is Enough, and He says, after Looking at His Severe Sunburn, “at least this part didn’t get Very Badly Burnt.” —– B86. New Toilet and Appliances Joke – They Wear out quickly, like from One Flush – Time for a New Toilet. —– B90. 2 Extreme Sizes of Water Fountains. —– B91. Joke: Extremely Large Print – One Letter Per Page. —-- B92. Joke: Respect This Toothpick. —– B93. Joke: Male Home Pregnancy Tests. —– B94. A Joke: Closet and Refrigerator – a place to Sleep? Joke. Toilet and shower and toothbrush and toothpaste: what is that? And scared of those Things. B95. Jokes: Clothes have Grown! And They Really Grew Huge. B96. Grandma Carolyn, “you still don’t like things around your neck.” Which can be a Double Entendre. —– B98. A Joke: A Very, Very Short Sleep and other Activities – both Long and Short Amounts of Time, for example, tying the shoes and eating. —-- B99. Joke: The Bank Charged 8 million percent interest per year for a deposit into a Savings Account. And someone charged the LENDER 18 million percent interest per year for being allowed to BORROW money. ——— —- B100. A Joke: Many people say they are “Full” after eating a very small amount of Food, and drink a very small amount of Liquid. Eat Air too. —– B101. A Joke: A child was charged for basic items by his parents. —– B102. A Joke: A person is sued for smiling at another person, and asking, “How are you doing?’ —– B103. A Joke: Errors in teaching basic math and spelling and geography and history. —– B106. Lollipop Fever and Spaghetti Cold – Causes and also the cures. Spaghetti causes Fever, and cures the cold, and Lollipops causes Cold, and cures Fever. Joke. ——-- B107. RL (Real Law) TRL (The Real Law) —— ——- Joke Alphabet: B108. WQARESTZYZQETUOTA – Now I know The Jumbled and Twisted WQAs, Next time won’t you refuse and refrain from singing with Me and the Crocodile Next Door? —-- B109. Joke: “8 people arrested for Public Nudity and Indecent Exposure and Disorderly Conduct by Not wearing Hats and Watches.” —– B110. Joke: Unconditional Love for you. I will Always love you. And the person replies: Even if . . . . Even if . . . —– B111. Joke: A real orange for a phone, and a head of lettuce for another phone, and a Milk Carton for a Computer. Ate the phone and drank the computer? Those electronics are expensive! ——- B112. Joke: Premonitions about My Pet Goldfish, My Pet Guppies, My Soap, My Wig, My Toupee, and My Cane deaths in 8.38 years. Can I get a draw on My California State Widows Benefits? Ma’m – No one can get an advance because of a premonition on Widows benefits. And Widows benefits are Not for Goldfish, Guppies, Soap, Wigs, Toupees, and Canes. The first person: “Why Not? I have My Marriage Licenses for those 6 things right here. Are you Weirdophobic?” —-- B113. Bread, Apple, and Banana, and Lollipop Cars. —– B114. A Joke: A Person is in love with a Blank Notebook (other was Worn Out – and too many tattooes on its pages.) Fatter than My Previous Notebooks. I love you so much My Fat Notebook. Writes – Will you marry Me My Chubby Notebook. The Person then writes – Human, you are moving too Fast. Let’s go on a Date First. The person writes: Where would like to go? Human, nearly anywhere except a Shredder. —-- B121. Funny Questions at a Job Interview. “Am I allowed to bring an Ampersand to Work? Then a picture of an Ampersand (&) is shown. This Ampersand is My Best Friend.” —-- 122. Trouthouse Restaurant in Sunriver; Blondies Restaurant – that had Great Muffins and other Foods and Drinks — by the Video Store that in the early 1990s had VHS Tapes, with tags by the movies that were picked up and carried to the counter. —- B123. A Norwegian at Sunriver: “This is a Landsem! She’s Rich,” about Grandma Carolyn. —– B124. Pepperoni Tree – people picking up pepperoni. —– B125. A Joke: Hopefully they won’t like these brownies so we can get more of them. Should we say that someone sneezed all over them? —- More of My Jokes and Writings: C1. A Joke: During a Press Conference in an indoor room, a Man in a Parachute was Propelled Sideways, and He almost bumped into the Speaker. C2. The Rating System(s). The Rating System(s), from 0 to 10. The Rating System(s), from 0 being Extremely Low (EL), to 10 being Extremely High (EH). About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects. C3. Subjective. Subjectives. Subjectively. Subjectiveness. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects. C4. Objective. Objectives. Objectively. Objectiveness. About that Subject. About those Subjects. Not about that Subject. Not about those Subjects. C5. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). C6. A Greater Understanding. Greater Understanding. A Better Understanding. Better Understanding. Understanding. C7. Some Greater Understandings. Greater Understandings. Some Better Understandings. Better Understandings. Understandings. C8. A Greater Understanding (AGU). Greater Understanding (GU). A Better Understanding (ABU). Better Understanding (BU). Understanding. C9. Some Greater Understandings (SGU). Greater Understandings (GU). Some Better Understandings (SBU). Better Understandings (BU). Understandings. C10. Holistic. Holistically. Not Holistic (NH). Not Holistically (NH). C11. Specific. Specifically. Not Specific (NS). Not Specifically (NS). C12. A Joke for one of My Movies: Diabetes and Hypoglycemia do Not go Well together. C13. The Man said, “You have Plenty of Time. And You have had Plenty of Time. And You will have Plenty of Time.” C14. The Man said, “You have Plenty of Time if that occurs. And You have had Plenty of Time if that occurs. And You will have Plenty of Time if that occurs.” Plenty of Time (POT). Plenty of Time if that occurs (POTITO). C15. A Joke: Under Duress, The Man wore a Dress while Making a Big Mess while engaging in a Kiss with a Miss. C16. A Joke: The Man accidently put the Pumpkin Pie in the Microwave for 60 Minutes instead of 60 Seconds, which made a Huge Mess. C17. Federal. The Federal (TF). The Federal Property (TFP). The Federal Properties (TFP). The Federal Space (TFS). The Federal Spaces (TFS). The Federal Land (TFL). The Federal Lands (TFL). The Federal Territory (TFT). The Federal Territories (TFT). Federal Property (FP). Federal Properties (FP). Federal Space (FS). Federal Spaces (FS). Federal Land (FL). Federal Lands (FL). Federal Territory (FT). Federal Territories (FT). The Property (TP). The Properties (TP). The Space (TS). The Spaces (TS). The Land (TL). The Lands (TL). The Territory (TT). The Territories (TT). My Property (MP). My Properties (MP). My Space (MS). My Spaces (MS). My Land (ML). My Lands (ML). My Territory (MT). My Territories (MT). His Property (HP). His Properties (HP). His Space (HS). His Spaces (HS). His Land (HL). His Lands (HL). His Territory (HT). His Territories (HT). Her Property (HP). Her Properties (HP). Her Space (HS). Her Spaces (HS). Her Land (HL). Her Lands (HL). Her Territory (HT). Her Territories (HT). Our Property (OP). Our Properties (OP). Our Space (OS). Our Spaces (OS). Our Land (OL). Our Lands (OL). Our Territory (OT). Our Territories (OT). Their Property (TP). Their Properties (TP). Their Space (TS). Their Spaces (TS). Their Land (TL). Their Lands (TL). Their Territory (TT). Their Territories (TT). Property. Properties. Space. Spaces. Land. Lands. Territory. Territories. C18. The Worker Member (TWM). The Worker Members (TWM). Worker Member (WM). Worker Members (WM). Worker Organization (WO). Worker Organizations (WO). Worker Organization Member (WOM). Worker Organization Members (WOM). C19. A Joke: The Love Family (TLF and LF) frequently told Individuals, including a Stranger, and including Strangers, that They Loved Them. C20. The Man said, “That would have been Worse. And that would have led to something Worse.” Worse. Worsen. Worsened. And that Would have been Worse (ATWHBW and TWHBW and WHBW). C21. A Joke: Give Our Pet a Pet. C22. Makes Sense (MS). Does Not Make Sense (DNMS). C23. The Artificial (TA). The Artificials (TA). The Artificially (TA). The Natural (TN). The Naturals (TN). The Naturally (TN). The Real (TR). The Reals (TR). The Really (TR). The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). Reality. C24. The Not Artificial. The Not Artificials. The Not Artificially. The Not Natural. The Not Naturals. The Not Naturally. The Unnatural. The Unnaturals. The Unnaturally. The Not Real. The Not Reals. The Not Really. The Not Reality. The Not Realities. Not Reality (NR). C25. The Man Made (TMM). Man Made (MM). C26. Artificial. Artificials. Artificially. Natural. Naturals. Naturally. Real. Reals. Really. Reality. Realities. C27. Not Artificial (NA). Not Artificials (NA). Not Artificially (NA). Not Natural (NN). Not Naturals (NN). Not Naturally (NN). Unnatural. Unnaturals. Unnaturally. Not Real (NR). Not Reals (NR). Not Really (NR). Not Reality (NR). Not Realities (NR). C28. (The) Devil’s Advocate (TDA and DA). (The) Devil’s Advocates (TDA and DA). C29. Calm. Calms. Calmly. Calming. Calmed. Not Calm. Not Calms. Not Calmly. Not Calming. Not Calmed. About that Subject. About those Subjects. C30. The Mitigating Factor (TMF). The Mitigating Factors (TMF). Mitigating Factor (MF). Mitigating Factors (MF). The Mitigating (TM). Mitigate. Mitigating. Mitigated. The Non-Mitigating Factor (TNMF). The Non-Mitigating Factors (TNMF). Non-Mitigating Factor (NMF). Non-Mitigating Factors (NMF). The Non-Mitigating (TNM). Not Mitigate (NM). Non-Mitigating (NM). Not Mitigated (NM). Mens Rea (MR) — someone’s True Intention (TI). Mens Rea — someone’s True Intentions (TI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. C31. I encourage You to Watch and Listen to the Movie called, 300, and The Oracle Scene in that Movie, and there is also an Oracle in The Matrix Movies, and there are also Psychics in The Movie called, Minority Report, as well as in other Books and Movies. C32. The Man said, “It is Not Very Important, and different parts of My Body are often different colors than other parts of My Body.” ------------ ———-- And Here are some More of My Jokes and My Writings: C33. A Joke: A Pen Sharpener on Television, and Ink gets about everywhere, and a Salesperson say, “That’s OK if that Ink gets Everywhere, as I Heard that Ink is Good for Your Skin.” D1. Specialty. Specialties. The Specialty (TS). The Specialties (TS). D2. Professional. Professionals. The Professional (TP). The Professionals (TP). A Professional (AP). Some Professionals (SP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). D3. Skilled. Skills. The Skilled (TS). The Skill. (TS). The Skills (TS). The Skill Set (TSS and SS). The Skill Sets (TSS and SS). A Skill (AS). Some Skills (SS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Skill. Skills. Skilling. Skilled. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). D4. Expert. Experts. The Expert (TE). The Experts (TE). An Expert (AE). Some Experts (SE). Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). Expertise. Expertises. Not an Expertise. Not Expertises. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). D5. Recovery from That (RFT). Recovered from That (RFT). Recover from That (RFT). Recovers from That (RFT). D6. Recovery. Recovered. Recover. Recovers. D7. A Joke: one of The Best Friends of a Child is a Coat’s Loop for a Button, and the Coat’s Loop is named “Frankie.” D8. The Stage. The Stages. Stage. Stages. D9. The Stage of that Person’s Life. The Stages of that Person’s Life. That Stage of that Person’s Life. Those Stages of that Person’s Life. D8A. The Phase. The Phases. Phase. Phases. D9A. The Phase of that Person’s Life. The Phases of that Person’s Life. That Phase of that Person’s Life. Those Phases of that Person’s Life. D10. Significant. Very Significant. Extremely Significant. About that Subject. About those Subjects. About that Topic. About those Topics. D11. Not Significant. Not Very Significant. Not Extremely Significant. About that Subject. About those Subjects. About that Topic. About those Topics. D12. Insignificant. Very Insignificant. Extremely Insignificant. About that Subject. About those Subjects. About that Topic. About those Topics. D13. (The) Network. (The) Networks. (The) Networking. (The) Networkings. D14. The Man said, “The Psychological Concept (TPC and PC) known as Psychological Projection (PP) means when someone believes, either Correctly or Falsely, that someone believes something, which can be a Reflection of a Person’s own Thinking(s) and/or own Action(s). And Not everything has to do with Psychological Projection, as there is Reality, and there is Non-Reality (NR).” D15. The Man said, “That might be a Coping Mechanism (CM). And those might be Coping Mechanisms (CM).” That Might Be (TMB and MB). Those Might Be (TMB and MB) D16. The Man said, “I sort of like Shirley Temple (ST). And I sort of like another Person. And I sort of like other People.” D17. Careful. Carefuls. Carefully. Care. Cares. Caring. Cared. D18. The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). Reality. Realities. The Subjective(s). The Subjectively. The Objective(s). The Objectively. The Holistic(s). The Holistically. The Information. The Informations. The Informative. The Informatives. The Instruction. The Instructions. The Instructioning. The Instructionings. The View(s). The Point of View(s). The World View(s). The OK. The Fine. The Sufficient. The Satisfactory. The Passing. The Pass. The Passes. The Passed. The Cumulative. The Cumulatives. The Cumulatively. The Gratitude(s). The Blessing(s). D19. A Joke: Once Grandma was nearing the End of Her Puzzle, she got Nail Clippers, a Hammer, and a Chisel, and She was determined with Those Tools to make the Puzzle Pieces fit together. D20. (The) Process of Elimination (TPOE and POE). (The) Processes of Elimination (TPOE and POE). D21. (The) Process of Eliminations (TPOE and POE). (The) Processes of Eliminations (TPOE and POE). D22. Intensity. Intensities. Low Intensity (LI). Very Low Intensity (VLI). Extremely Low Intensity (ELI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D23. Intensity. Intensities. High Intensity (HI). Very High Intensity (VHI). Extremely High Intensity (EHI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D24. Intensity. Intensities. Normal Intensity (NI). Very Normal Intensity (VNI). Extremely Normal Intensity (ENI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D25. Intensity. Intensities. Not Normal Intensity (NNI). Very Not Normal Intensity (VNNI). Extremely Not Normal Intensity (ENNI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D26. Intensity. Intensities. Medium Intensity (MI). Very Medium Intensity (VMI). Extremely Medium Intensity (EMI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D27. Intensity. Intensities. Good Intensity (GI). Very Good Intensity (VGI). Extremely Good Intensity (EGI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D28. Intensity. Intensities. Bad Intensity (BI). Very Bad Intensity (VBI). Extremely Bad Intensity (EBI). About that Subject. About those Subjects. D29. Good Pace. Good Paces. Good Pacing. Good Pacings. Good Paced. Bad Pace. Bad Pace. Bad Pacing. Bad Pacings. Bad Paced. About that Subject. About those Subjects. D30. The Man said, “Like many Individuals, the Famous Writer, Adam Smith, often lived in the same House with His Mother. And Many People live with Family Members. And Many People live with Friends. And Many People live with Family and Friends. And in Many Countries it is Very Common to have Family Members living in the Same House. And in Many Countries it is Very Common to have Many Family Members living in the Same House.” D31. A Joke: The Person said, “I’m Too Full for the Rest of My Meal, and I am Not Too Full for that Candy Bar.” D32. The Man said, “I sort of Helped Us. And I also sort of Helped You.” In a Roundabout Way (IARW). Not in a Roundabout Way (NIARW). In a Direct Way (INDW). In Not a Direct Way (INADW). In an Indirect Way (IAIW). Helped Us (HU). Helped You (HY). Helped Me (HM). D33. Interdependent. Interdependency. D34. In one of My Books: The House remembered when He was Little. And The House remembered when She was Little. And He remembered when that Person was Little. And She remembered when that Person was Little. And I remembered when that Person was Little. And We remembered when that Person was Little. And They remembered when that Person was Little. D35. A Joke: A Person goes from Door to Door with a Sign on His Neck that says, “Me and My Dog Step on Stinker Bugs for Free.” D36. A Joke: Facial Beards within Facial Beards, with different colors of Beards. D37. A Person lets The Man rest when The Man should Rest. And Many People let The Man Rest when He should Rest. And The Man lets a Person rest when that Person should Rest. And The Man lets Many People Rest when They should Rest. And the same is also true with Recuperation. (The) Recuperation (TR). (The) Recuperations (TR). (The) Rest (TR). (The) Rests (TR). D38. The Man said, “That is Right. And that other Thing is Not Right.” Right. Not Right (NR). D39. The Man said, “That is Really Right. And that other Thing is Really Not Right.” Really Right (RR). Really Not Right (RNR). D40. From the 2001 Movie, The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Rings: Galadriel: “It all began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves; immortal, wisest, and fairest of all Beings.” D41. The Man said, “About One Percent. About Two Percent. About Three Percent. About Four Percent. About Five Percent. About Six Percent. About Seven Percent. About Eight Percent. About Nine Percent. About Ten Percent. About a Tenth. About 1/10th. About Eleven Percent. About Twelve Percent. About an Eighth. About 1/8th. A Great Part (AGP). Great Part (GP). A Part (AP). Part. A Little (AL). A Dab (AD). Present. A Lot (AL). A Good Percent (AGP and GP). A Good Percentage (AGP and GP). Some. About Twenty Five Percent. About a Quarter. About a Fourth. About 1/4th. About a Third. About Thirty Percent. About Thirty Three Percent. About 1/3rd. About Half. About Fifty Percent. About 1/2. About Fifty Eight Percent. About Two Thirds. About 2/3rds. About Seventy Five Percent. About One Hundred Percent. One Hundred Percent. 100 Percent. 100%. Completely. Totally. Complete. Completes. A Heritage (AH). The Heritage (TH). Heritage. Heritages. The Heritages (TH). The Ancestor (TA). The Ancestors (TA). The Ancestry (TA). The Ancestries (TA). Ancestor. Ancestors. Ancestry. Ancestries.” D42. A Joke: Pumpkin Carvings in Funny Shapes. D43. Apparent. Apparently. Not Apparent (NA). Not Apparently (NA). D44. Really Apparent (RA). Real Apparently (RA). Not Really Apparent (NRA). Not Real Apparently (NRA). D45. Obvious. Obviously. Not Obvious (NO). Not Obviously (NO). D46. Really Obvious (RO). Real Obviously (RO. Not Really Obvious (NRO). Not Real Obviously (NRO). D47. The Reasonable Person (TRP and RP). The Reasonable Person Standard in Law (TRPSIL and RPSIL). D48. A Given (AG). Givens. Not a Given (NAG). Not Givens (NG). D49. A Real Given (ARG). Real Givens (RG). Not a Real Given (NARG). Not Real Givens (NRG). D50. On The Table (OTT). On The Tables (OTT). Not on The Table (NOTT). Not on The Tables (NOTT). D51. Really On The Table (ROTT). Really On The Tables (ROTT). Not Really on The Table (NROTT). Not Really on The Tables (NROTT). D52. Debatable. Not Debatable (ND). D53. Really Debatable (RD). Not Really Debatable (NRD). D54. Too Much (TM). Not Too Much (NTM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). D55. The Congruently (TC). Congruently. The Simultaneous (TS). Simultaneous. The Simultaneously (TS). Simultaneously. At the same Time (ATST). At the same Times (ATST). D56. Latent — Present although Hidden. Latently. Not Latent. Not Latently. Non-Latent. Non-Latently. D57. Satisfactory. Very Satisfactory. Extremely Satisfactory. Sufficient. Very Sufficient. Extremely Sufficient. Not Satisfactory. Not Very Satisfactory. Not Extremely Satisfactory. Not Sufficient. Not Very Sufficient. Not Extremely Sufficient. D58. Icarus. The Story of Icarus. The Story of Icarus and His Wings that Melted when His Wings got Too Close to the Sun. Icarus’s Story. Icarus’s Story about His Wings that Melted when His Wings got Too Close to the Sun. D59. (The) Emotion. (The) Emotions. (The) Emotional. (The) Emotionally. On that Subject. About that Subject. D60. (The) Logical. (The) Logicals. (The) Logically. On that Subject. About that Subject. D61. (The) Both Emotion and Logic. (The) Both Logics and Emotions. (The) Both Emotional and Logical. (The) Both Logically and Emotionally. On that Subject. About that Subject. D62. (The) Sense. (The) Senses. (The) Sensing. (The) Sensings. (The) Sensed. D63. (The) Pecking Order. (The) Pecking Orders. D64. (The) Metaphorical Pecking Order. (The) Metaphorical Pecking Orders. D65. (The) Hierarchy. (The) Hierarchies. (The) Hierarchal. D66. (The) Interest. (The) Interests. (The) Interesting. (The) Interestings. (The) Interested. D67. (The) Operating Cost. (The) Operating Costs. D68. (The) Room. (The) Rooms. D69. (The) Ad Hoc (AH). (The) Tailor Made. (The) Specifically Made. (The) Non-Tailor Made. (The) Not Specifically Made. (The) De Jure. (The) Concerning of The Law(s). (The) Concerning of The Real Law(s). (The) De Facto. (The) Concerning of The Fact(s). (The) Concerning of The Real Fact(s). D70. The Man said, “Many Jobs are Really Good Jobs.” Good Job (GJ). Good Jobs (GJ). ———-- And Here are some More of My Writings: D71. (The) Observation. (The) Observations. (The) Observed. D72. (The) Description. (The) Descriptions. (The) Descriptive. D72. (The) Amount. (The) Amounts. D73. (The) Portion. (The) Portions. D74. (The) Size. (The) Sizes. D74A. (The) Weight. (The) Weights. D75. (The) Information. D76. (The) Data. (The) Datum. D77. (The) Comparison. (The) Comparisons. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). About that Person (ATP). About those People (ATP). Not about that Person (NATP). Not about those People (NATP). D78. (The) Knowledge. About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). About that Person (ATP). About those People (ATP). Not about that Person (NATP). Not about those People (NATP). D79. Talented. Very Talented (VT). Extremely Talented (ET). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). D80. (The) Extent. (The) Extents. About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). D81. Egregious. Very Egregious (VE). Extremely Egregious (EE). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). D82. Not Egregious (NE). Not Very Egregious (NVE). Not Extremely Egregious (NEE). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). D83. Not. Yes. No. Maybe. Sometime. Sometimes. Perhaps. On the Condition that (OTCT). On the Conditions that (OTCT). About that Subject (ATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). ———-- And More of My Writings: D84. (The) Common Bond. (The) Common Bonds. (The) Uncommon Bond. (The) Uncommon Bonds. (The) Bond. (The) Bonds. (The) Commonality. (The) Commonalities. D85. Resource. Resources. D86. The Man said, “I frequently Sleep Well at Night. And I have frequently Slept Well at Night. And I will frequently Sleep Well at Night. And I frequently Sleep Well. And I have frequently Slept Well. And I will frequently Sleep Well.” D87. The Pelican. The Pelicans. Pelican. Pelicans. D88. The Pelican Feeding a Fellow Pelican. The Pelican Feeding Fellow Pelicans. The Pelicans Feeding a Fellow Pelican. The Pelicans Feeding Fellow Pelicans. D89. The Writing. The Writings. Writing. Writings. D90. The Book. The Books. Book. Books. D91. The Movie. The Movies. Movie. Movies. D92. The Film. The Films. Film. Films. D93. The Comedy. The Comedies. Comedy. Comedies. D94. The Joke. The Jokes. Joke. Jokes. D95. The Compartment. The Compartments. Compartment. Compartments. D96. The Compartmentalization. The Compartmentalizations. Compartmentalization. The Compartmentalizations. D97. The Compartmentalized. Compartmentalized. D98. The Smart. The Smarts. Smart. Smarts. About that Subject. About those Subjects. D99. The Intelligent. The Intelligents. Intelligent. Intelligents. About that Subject. About those Subjects. D100. The Brilliant. The Brilliants. Brilliant. Brilliants. About that Subject. About those Subjects. D101. The Genius. The Geniuses. Genius. Geniuses. About that Subject. About those Subjects. D102. (The) Skills. (The) Skilled. (The) Skill. (The) Skilling. (The) Skill Set (TSS). (The) Skill Sets (TSS). My Skills (MS). My Skill (MS). My Skill Set (MSS). My Skill Sets (MSS). D103. The Man Frequently thought to Himself, “I am Special. And I am So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself, “I am Special. And I am So Special.” And The Man Frequently thought to Himself that that Person is, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself that that Person is, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently thought to Himself that that We are, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself that We are, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently thought to Himself that They are, “Special. And So Special.” And The Man Frequently, and Correctly, thought to Himself that They are, “Special. And So Special.” Special. So Special. Specials. So Specials. The Special. The Specials. The So Special. The So Specials. D104. The Special Person. The Special Persons. The Special Man. The Special Men. The Special Woman. The Special Women. The Special People. The Special Peoples. D105. The So Special Person. The So Special Persons. The So Special Man. The So Special Men. The So Special Woman. The So Special Women. The So Special People. The So Special Peoples. D106. The Man said, “That Person is an Individual. And that other Person is also an Individual. And, while there may or Not be Similarities, they are Two Separate Individuals. And, while They may or may Not be on a Same Team, they are Two Separate Individuals. And, while They may or may Not be on the Same Teams, they are Two Separate Individuals. And the same is True with Two Individuals. And the same is also true with more than Two Individuals.” D107. The Man said, “That is Who I am. And that is Just Who I am.” That is Who I am. Who I am. That is Just Who I am. Just Who I am. D108. The Man said, “That is Who I am Not. And that is Just Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. That is Just Who I am Not. Just Who I am Not. D109. The Woman said, “That is Who I am. And that is Just Who I am.” That is Who I am. Who I am. That is Just Who I am. Just Who I am. D110. The Woman said, “That is Who I am Not. And that is Just Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. That is Just Who I am Not. Just Who I am Not. D111. The Person said, “That is Who I am. And that is Just Who I am.” That is Who I am. Who I am. That is Just Who I am. Just Who I am. D112. The Person said, “That is Who I am Not. And that is Just Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. That is Just Who I am Not. Just Who I am Not. D113. The Man said, “That is Who that Person is. And that is Just Who that Person is.” Who that Person is (WTPI). Just How that Person is (JHTPI). D114. The Woman said, “That is Who that Person is. And that is Just Who that Person is.” Who that Person is (WTPI). Just How that Person is (JHTPI). D115. The Person said, “That is Who that Person is. And that is Just Who that Person is.” Who that Person is (WTPI). Just How that Person is (JHTPI). D116. The Man said, “That is Who We are. And that is Just Who We are.” Who We are (WWA). Just How We are (JHWA). D117. The Woman said, “That is Who We are. And that is Just Who We are.” Who We are (WWA). Just How We are (JHWA). D118. The Person said, “That is Who We are. And that is Just Who We are.” Who We are (WWA). Just How We are (JHWA). D119. The Man said, “That is Who They are. And that is Just Who They are.” Who They are (WTA). Just How They are (JHTA). D120. The Woman said, “That is Who They are. And that is Just Who They are.” Who They are (WTA). Just How They are (JHTA). D121. The Person said, “That is Who They are. And that is Just Who They are.” Who They are (WTA). Just How They are (JHTA). D122. The Person said, “That is Who I am Not.” That is Who I am Not. Who I am Not. ———-- And Here are some More of My Writings and My Sayings and some More of My Jokes: E1. The Man said, “Annie gave Me one of My Jobs. And Annie Hired Me. And I am Thankful for that. And I am Thankful for another Thing. And I am Thankful for other Things.” E2. (The) Compromise. (The) Compromises. (The) Good Compromise. (The) Good Compromises. (The) Very Good Compromise. (The) Very Good Compromises. (The) Extremely Good Compromise. (The) Extremely Good Compromises. E3. (The) Compromise. (The) Compromises. (The) Bad Compromise. (The) Bad Compromises. (The) Very Bad Compromise. (The) Very Bad Compromises. (The) Extremely Bad Compromise. (The) Extremely Bad Compromises. E4. Consequence. Consequences. Bad Consequence (BC). Bad Consequences (BC). Very Bad Consequence (VBC). Very Bad Consequences (VBC). Extremely Bad Consequence (EBC). Extremely Bad Consequences (EBC). E5. Consequence. Consequences. Good Consequence (GC). Good Consequences (GC). Very Good Consequence (VGC). Very Good Consequences (VGC). Extremely Good Consequence (EGC). Extremely Good Consequences (EGC). E6. A Joke: A Person keeps wanting to time things, so that person keeps on resetting the timer on an Oven that is cooking food, and the food gets Very Burnt, and the Person says, “It looks like My Taste Buds will have to get used to Extremely Burnt Steak. Yum!” E7. The Man has Good Hearing, and often when someone is on the stairs outside, The Man frequently said to the Woman, “Someone is Here,” and The Woman said, paraphrasing, “You have Good Hearing,” and a few seconds later someone unlocked the front door, and much of this frequently occurred. E8. The Man (TM). The Woman (TW). The Person (TP). The People (TP). The Men (TM). The Women (TW). The Persons (TP). The Peoples (TP). Man. Woman. Person. People. Men. Women. Persons. Peoples. E9. The Man said, “A Woman taught Me, Correctly, that often, although Not Always, a Person should give in a little, and compromise, on Many Things, although Not on Everything, or else someone can Really Lose that Person’s Balance, among other Real Negative Things that can Happen.” E9A. (The) Hierarchy. (The) Hierarchies. (The) Hierarchical. (The) Real Hierarchy (RH). (The) Real Hierarchies (RH). (The) Real Hierarchical (RH). Sort of a Hierarchy. Sort of Hierarchies. Sort of Hierarchical. It Depends (ID). Somewhat. Sometime. Sometimes. Many Times (MT). Never. The. E10. (The) Order. (The) Orders. (The) Ordering. (The) Ordered. Of Something (OS). Of Things (OT). E11. The Man said to Woman, “You have a Real Vacation (RV) every year. And You have Real Vacations (RV) every year. And We have a Real Vacation every year. And We have Real Vacations every year. And the same is true with a Real Holiday (RH). And the same are true with Real Holidays (RH). And the same is True with a Real Break (RB). And the same are True with Real Breaks (RB). And all of this is Good.” E12. The Person said, “That Man is Frequently Generous (FG). And that Man has been Frequently Generous. And that Man has a Good Heart (GH). And that Man Really has a Good Heart (RHAGH).” Frequently Generous. Good Heart. Really has a Good Heart. E13. The Man said, “As The Truthful saying States, paraphrasing, ‘A D often means a Diploma. And Ds often mean Diplomas. And D Cumulative Average often means a Diploma. And D Cumulative Averages often mean Diplomas. And D stands for a Diploma. And D stands for Diplomas.’” E14. Passing. Pass. Passes. Passed. Cumulative. Cumulatively. E15. The Man said, “That was about The Best Time for that. And those were about The Best Times for that. And that happened at about The Best Place for that to Happen. And those things happened at about The Best Places for that to Happen.” E16. The Man said, “The Rejuvenation. And The Rejuvenations.” E17. The Man said, “The Regeneration. And The Regenerations.” E18. The Man said, “The Volunteer. And The Volunteers. And The Volunteering. And The Volunteerings.” E19. The Man said, “Many Things are Best Left Unsaid.” E20. Sometimes it Matters. And Sometimes it Mattered. And Sometimes it Really Matters. And Sometimes it Really Mattered. And Sometimes it Very Much Matters. And Sometimes it Very Much Mattered. And Sometimes it Matters Extremely Much. And Sometimes it Mattered Extremely Much. To that Person. And To those People. And to Us. And to Him. And to Her. And to Me. And to Them. The Context. The Contexts. Context. Context. E21. The Man said, “A Paraphrased, and often Truthful saying is, ‘Listen to a Fool Gladly. And Listen to Fools Gladly.’” E22. Bone of Contention. Bones of Contention. Non-Bone of Contention. Non-Bones of Contention. E23. Manage. Managed. Managing. Manages. Micro Manage. Micro Managed. Micro Managing. Macro Manages. Macro Manage. Macro Managed. Macro Managing. Macro Manages. About a Certain Thing. About Certain Things. A Certain Thing. Certain Things. E24. An Attribute. A Certain Attribute. Certain Attributes. Attributes. E25. A Characteristic. A Certain Characteristic. Certain Characteristics. Characteristics. E26. The Man said, “Be careful Not to Group all those People Together. And be careful Not to Group all those People in the same Group. And be careful Not to Group all those People in the same Groups.” E27. The Devil’s Advocate (TDA), and a Different Type of Thought, and a Different World View Disclaimers in Many of My Writings. E28. From The Heart (FTH). Not From the Heart (NFTH). E29. Sincere. Sincerity. Sincerely. Not Sincere (NS). Non-Sincerity (NS). Not Sincerely (NS). E30. The Man said, “That shows that that Person has a Good Amount of Restraint. And that also shows that that Person has a Good Amount of Self-Control. And that also shows that that Person is Hardworking. And that also shows that that Person is Intelligent. And that also shows that that Person has Discipline. And that also shows that that Person has something else. And that also shows that that Person has some other things. And that is Indicative of something. And that is Indicative of some other things. And that Demonstrates something. And that Demonstrates some other things.” Shows. Shows. Showed. Showing. Indication. Indicative. Indicatives. Indicated. Indicating. Illustrates. Illustrate. Illustrated. Illustrated. Illustrating. Demonstrate. Demonstrates. Demonstrated. Demonstrating. E31. Subtle. Subtles. Subtlity. Subtleness. Non-Subtle. Non-Subtles. Non-Subtlity. Non- Subtleness. E32. Obvious. Obviously. Non-Obvious. Non-Obviously. E33. Implied. Implies. Imply. Implying. Not Implied (NI). Not Implies (NI). Not Imply (NI). Not Implying (NI). E34. A Joke: The guy kept on Repeatedly Physically Tripping (RPT and PT) on Purpose (OP). E35. Volunteer. Volunteers. Volunteer Member (VM). Volunteer Members (VM). E36. Worker. Workers. Worker Member (WM). Worker Members (WM). E37. Entertainer. Entertainers. Entertainer Member (EM). Entertainer Members (EM). E38, Blogger. Bloggers. Blogger Member (BM). Blogger Members (BM). E39. Staff. Staffs. Staff Member (SM). Staff Members (SM). E40. Writer. Writers. Writer Member (WM). Writer Members (WM). E41. Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectual Member (IM). Intellectual Members (IM). E42. The Right Time (TRT). The Right Times (TRT). Right Time (RT). Right Times (RT). The Wrong Time (TWT). The Wrong Times (TWT). Wrong Time (WT). Wrong Times (WT). Not The Right Time (NTRT). Not The Right Times (NTRT). Non-Right Time (NRT). Non-Right Times (NRT). E43. The Man said, “I am Not a Real Classist. And I do Not Really Believe in Class Warfare. And I do Not Really Believe in Class Warfares. I do Not Really Care for Very Long How much Money a Person Has. I do Not Really Care for Very Long How much Money People Have. And I do Not often Really Care for Very Long about what Job a Person Has. And I do Not often Really Care for Very Long about what Job People Have. I am Special. We are Special.” Special. Specials. E44. Justice. Injustice. Real Justice (RJ). Real Injustice (RI). E45. Justices. Injustices. Real Justices (RJ). Real Injustices (RI). E46. Unique. Uniqueness. Commonality. Commonalities. Special. Specials. Specialty. Specialness. E47. One System (OT). Two Systems (TS). Several Systems (SS). Many Systems (MS). A Few Systems (AFS and FS). E48. Not. Knot. Knots. No. Nos. Non. Yes. Yeses. Ayes. Ayes. Oui. Nay. Nays. Maybe. Maybes. Probably. Probablies. Probably Not. Probably Yes. Maybe Yes. Maybe No. Very. Extremely. Mild. Mildly. Harsh. Harshly. Fair. Fairly. Unfair. Unfairly. Good. Bad. Right. Wrong. Neutral. Neutrally. Neutrality. Neutralities. Neutrals. E49. The Man said, “I am Not The Thought Police. And I do Not Really Believe in The Thought Police E50. What I Want to Do. Not What I Want to Do. What I Want to Really Do. Not What I Want to Really Do. E51. Recognize. Recognizes. Recognized. Recognizing. Recognizings. Non-Recognize. Not Recognizes. Not Recognized. Non-Recognizing. Non-Recognizings. Unrecognize. Unrecognizes. Unrecognized. Unrecognizing. Unrecognizings. E52. Independence. Independences. Limited Independence (LI). Limited Independences (LI). Restricted Independence (RI). Restricted Independences (RI). Freedom. Freedoms. Limited Freedom (LF). Limited Freedoms (LF). Restricted Freedom (RF). Restricted Freedoms (RF). E53. Independence. Independences. Real Independence (RI). Real Independences (RI). Real and Limited Independence (RLI). Real and Limited Independences (RALI). Real and Restricted Independence (RARI). Real and Restricted Independences (RARI). Real Freedom (RF). Real Freedoms (RF). Real and Limited Freedom (RALF). Real and Limited Freedoms (RALF). Real and Restricted Freedom (RARF). Real and Restricted Freedoms (RARF). E54. The Man said, “Regarding that Subject, I do that. And Regarding that Other Subject, I do Not do that. And I do that Thing. And I do Not do that other Thing. And I do that. And I do Not do that. And I do Those Things. And I do Not do Those Things.” E55. The Man said, “I cannot Think of Too Many Real Scandals (RS).” Real Scandal (RS). Real Scandals (RS). E56. (The) Observation. (The) Observations. Observe. Observes. (The) Observing. (The) Observed. (The) Observer. (The) Observers. E57. Discipline. Disciplines. The Discipline (TD). The Disciplines (TD). Disciplined. Discipline. Disciplines. The Disciplined (TD). The Discipline (TD). The Disciplines (TD). E58. Pretty. Pretties. Prettiness. Beautiful. Beauty. Beautifully. Beauties. Beau. Belle. Beaux. Belles. Handsome. Handsomes. Handsomeness. Handsomely. About That Subject (ATS). About Those Subjects (ATS). Not about That Subject (NATS). Not about Those Subjects (NATS). E59. Intelligent. Very Intelligent (VI). Extremely Intelligent (EI). About That Subject (ATS). About Those Subjects (ATS). Not about That Subject (NATS). Not about Those Subjects (NATS). E60. Private. Privately. Public. Publicly. E61. Shock Jock (SJ). Shock Jocks (SJ). The Shock Jock (TSJ). The Shock Jocks (TSJ). E62. Liberal. Very Liberal (VL). Extremely Liberal (EL). Conservative. Very Conservative (VC). Extremely Conservative (EC). Conservatives. Liberals. Extreme Conservatives (EC). Extreme Liberals (EL). Middle Ground (MG). Middle Grounds (MG). No Middle Ground (NMG). No Middle Grounds (NMG). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). E63. Prophet. The Prophet (TP). Prophets. The Prophets (TP). Prophecy. The Prophecy (TP). Prophecies. The Prophecies (TP). Prophesized. Prophesizing. The Prophesized (TP). The Prophesizing (TP). E64. The Man said, “I often do Not get Overly Involved with Many Things. And this is Good.” Overly Involved (OI). Very Overly Involved (VOI). Extremely Overly Involved (EOI). Involved. Very Involved. Extremely Involved. Not Overly Involved. Not Very Overly Involved. Not Extremely Overly Involved. Not Involved. Not Very Involved. Not Extremely Involved. E65. The Following is a Joke: The Man said to a Police Officer, “They are Not Thickly Built Thieves. They are as Thin as Thieves,” and then it went Downhill from there with the Police Officer, who insisted that the saying was, “As Thick as Thieves.” E66. As an Often Truthful saying states, “There are a few Bad Apples in Every Bunch (TAAFBAIEB).” E67. The Man said, “Cleveland. The Bridge (TB). Bridge. Willamette. Georgetown. Johns Hopkins (JH). PCC. Private School (PS). Private Schools (PS). Public School (PS). Public Schools (PS). School. Schools. College. Colleges. University. Universities.” E68. The Man said, “Many People would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And Many Europeans would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And a Certain Person would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And Certain People would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And I would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And He would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And She would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And We would Not Really Care for Very Long about that. And They would Not Really Care for Very Long about that.” Long. Very Long. Extremely Long. Not Long. Not Very Long. Not Extremely Long. Really Long. Really Very Long. Really Extremely Long. Not Really Long. Not Really Very Long. Not Really Extremely Long. For. Really Care (RC). Not Really Care (NRC). Really Care for Very Long (RCFVL). Not Really Care for Very Long (NRCFVL). Many People (MP). Many Europeans (ME). Some People (SP). People. A Person (AP). Some Persons (SP). Person. Persons. European. Europeans. About that (AT). And About Those Things (AATT and ATT). World View (WV). World Views (WV). Different World View about That Subject. And Different World Views about Those Subjects. Same World View about That Subject. And Same World Views about Those Subjects. Similar World View about That Subject. And Similar World Views about Those Subjects. Different World View. Different World Views. Same World View. Same World Views. Similar World View. Similar World Views. (On) Some (OS). (On) Something (OS). (On) Some Things (ST and OST). (On) Many (OM). (On) Many Things (MT and OMT). E69. The Man said, “Many People would Really Care for Very Long about that. And Many Europeans would Really Care for Very Long about that. And a Certain Person would Really Care for Very Long about that. And Certain People would Really Care for Very Long about that. And I would Really Care for Very Long about that. And He would Really Care for Very Long about that. And She would Really Care for Very Long about that. And We would Really Care for Very Long about that. And They would Really Care for Very Long about that.” Long. Very Long. Extremely Long. Not Long. Not Very Long. Not Extremely Long. Really Long. Really Very Long. Really Extremely Long. Not Really Long. Not Really Very Long. Not Really Extremely Long. For. Really Care (RC). Not Really Care (NRC). Really Care for Very Long (RCFVL). Not Really Care for Very Long (NRCFVL). Many People (MP). Many Europeans (ME). Some People (SP). People. A Person (AP). Some Persons (SP). Person. Persons. European. Europeans. About that (AT). And About Those Things (AATT and ATT). World View (WV). World Views (WV). Different World View about That Subject. And Different World Views about Those Subjects. Same World View about That Subject. And Same World Views about Those Subjects. Similar World View about That Subject. And Similar World Views about Those Subjects. Different World View. Different World Views. Same World View. Same World Views. Similar World View. Similar World Views. (On) Some (OS). (On) Something (OS). (On) Some Things (ST and OST). (On) Many (OM). (On) Many Things (MT and OMT). E70. I am an American. And I am also a European. American. Americans. European. Europeans. The American (TA). The Americans (TA). We Americans (WA). The European (TE). The Europeans (TE). We Europeans (WE). E71. The Man said to Me, paraphrasing, “She has Beautiful Blonde Hair.” E72. The Man said, “Antibodies. And Mutation. And Mutations. And Strain. And Strains. And Disease. And Diseases. And Illness. And Illnesses. And Medicine. And Medicines.” Antibodies. Mutation. Mutations. Strain. Strains. Disease. Diseases. Illness. Illnesses. Medicine. Medicines. E73. This is a Joke for one of My Movies: A Mother said to Her Son, “I heard that there is a Baby Tornado in the Midwest. Let’s get Our Baby Powder and Diapers and Take Care of That Baby Tornado.” E74. The Man said, “That May be an Attempt to Psych Someone Out.” Psych Out (PO). E75. The Man said, “That May be an Attempt to Distract. And that May be a Distraction. And that Just Distracts. And that may be Distractions.” Distract. Distracts. Distraction. Distractions. E76. Belief. Beliefs. Believe. Believes. Believed. Believing. Believable. Unbelief. Unbeliefs. Unbelieve. Unbelieves. Unbelieved. Unbelieving. Unbelievable. E77. Healthy. Unhealthy. Very Healthy (VH). Extremely Healthy (EH). Very Unhealthy (VU). Extremely Unhealthy (EU). E78. Patient. Patients. Patiently. Impatient. Impatients. Impatiently. That Subject (TS). Those Subjects (TS). That Time (TT). Those Times (TT). That Instance (TI). Those Instances (TI). ———– And Here are some More of My Writings: E79. Comedian. Comedians. The Comedian (TC). The Comedians (TC). The Comedian Member (TCM). The Comedian Members (TCM). Comedian Member (CM). Comedian Members (CM). E80. Comic. Comics. The Comic (TC). The Comics (TC). The Comic Member (TCM). The Comic Members (TCM). Comic Member (CM). Comic Members (CM). E81. Cool Down (CD). Cool Downs (CD). Cool Downing (CD). Cool Downings (CD). Cool Downed (CD). Pace. Paces. Paced. Pacing. Pacings. The Pace (TP). The Paces (TP). The Paced (TP). The Pacing (TP). The Pacings (TP). Tempo. Tempos. Tempoed. Tempoing. Tempoings. The Tempo (TT). The Tempos (TT). The Tempoed (TT). The Tempoing (TT). The Tempoings (TT). A Good Pace (AGP). Good Paces (GP). Well Paced (WP). Good Pacing (GP). Good Pacings (GP). The Good Pace (TGP). The Good Paces (TGP). The Well Paced (TWP). The Good Pacing (TGP). The Good Pacings (TGP). A Good Time (AGT). Good Time (GT). The Good Time (TGT). The Good Times (TGT). Good Times (GT). Well Timed (WT). The Well Timed (WT). Good Timing (GT). The Good Timing (TGT). Good Timings (GT). The Good Timings (TGT). God’s Timing (GT). God’s Timings (GT). E82. Radar. Radars. Sensor. Sensors. E83. The Radar (TR). The Radars (TR). The Sensor (TS). The Sensors (TS). E84. A. An. And. Furthermore. Moreover. Additionally. In Addition. Some. Many. Much. The. These. Those. To. Too. Too Much (TM). Too Many (TM). Right. Just Right (JR). Rightly. Righteous. Righteously. Righteousness. E85. Instance. Instances. The Instance (TI). The Instances (TI). E86. Non-Instance (NI). Non-Instances (NI). The Non-Instance (TNI). The Non-Instances (TNI). E87. Information. Informations. Informative. Informatives. Misinformation. Misinformations. Misinformative. Misinformatives. E88. The Information (TI). The Informations (TI). The Informative (TI). The Informatives (TI). The Misinformation (TM). The Misinformations (TM). The Misinformative (TM). The Misinformatives (TM). E89. Proper. The Proper (TP). Improper. The Improper (TI). Properly. Improperly. E90. The Man said, “Of Course (OC). And of Course Not (AOCN and OCN).” E91. Reserve. Reserves. Reserved. Reserving. The Reserve (TR). The Reserves (TR). The Reserved (TR). The Reserving (TR). E92. Resource. Resources. Resourced. Resourcing. The Resource (TR). The Resources (TR). The Resourced (TR). The Resourcing (TR). E93. It Does Not Matter (IDNM). It Doesn’t Matter (IDM). It Does Matter (IDM). It Matters (IM). That Does Not Matter (TDNM). That Doesn’t Matter (TDM). That Does Matter (TDM. That Matters (TM). Those Do Not Matter (TDNM). Those Don’t Matter (TDM). Those Do Matter (TDM). Those Matter (TM). Does Not Matter (DNM). Doesn’t Matter (DM). Does Matter (DM). Do No Matter (DNM). Don’t Matter (DM). Do Matter (DM). Matter. Matters. E94. Holy Man (HM). Holy Men (HM). Holy Woman (HW). Holy Women (HW). Holy Person (HP). Holy Persons (HP). Holy People (HP). Holy Peoples (HP). E95. The Holy Man (THM). The Holy Men (THM). The Holy Woman (THW). The Holy Women (THW). The Holy Person (THP). The Holy Persons (THP). The Holy People (THP). The Holy Peoples (THP). E96. Action. Actions. Inaction. Inactions. The Action (TA). The Actions (TA). The Inaction (TI). The Inactions (TI). E97. Complicated. Complicate. Complicates. Complicating. Uncomplicated. Uncomplicate. Uncomplicates. Uncomplicating. Not Complicated (NC). Not Complicate (NC). Not Complicating (NC). E98. The Man said, “That is a Broad Generalization that is Not True (TIABGTINT and ABGTINT). And those are Broad Generalizations that are Not True (ATABGTANT and ABGTANT). And that is a Generalization that is Not True (ATIAGTINT and AGTINT). And those are Generalizations that are Not True (ATAGTANT and GTANT).” True. Truths. Not True (NT). Untrue. Untruth. Untruths. Broad Generalization (BG). Broad Generalizations (BG). Generalization. Generalizations. E99. The Man said, “That Might Be a Broad Generalization that May Possibly Not Be True. And those Might Be Broad Generalizations that are Possibly Not True. And that Might Be a Generalization that is Possibly Not True. And those Might Be Generalizations that are Possibly Not True.” True. Truths. Not True (NT). Untrue. Untruth. Untruths. Broad Generalization (BG). Broad Generalizations (BG). Generalization. Generalizations. That Might Be (TMB and MB). Possibly. Possibilities. Likelihood. Estimated Percentage (EP). Estimated Percentages (EP). Percentage. Percentages. In Every Case (IEC). In Some Cases (ISC). In Many Cases (IMC). In One Case (IOC). E100. Branch. Branches. Section. Sections. District. Districts. City. Cities. County. Counties. State. States. Region. Regions. Regional. Regionals. Regionality. Regionalities. Planet. Planets. World. Worlds. Solar System (SS). Solar Systems (SS). System. Systems. Galaxy. Galaxies. Group. Groups. Universe. Universes. Dimension. Dimensions. Product. Products. Productivity. Productivities. Material. Materials. Materiality. Materialities. Spiritual. Spirituals. Spirituality. Spiritualties. Both. Either. Neither. One. None. Material and Spiritual (MAS). Materials and Spirituals (MAS). Materiality and Spirituality (MAS). Materialities and Spiritualities (MAS). Moral. Morals. Morality. Moralities. Immoral. Immorals. Immorality. Immoralities. F1. Often. Sometimes. Sometime. Never. None. Once. Twice. Thrice. Interchangeable. Terms. Interchangeable Term. Interchangeable Terms. F2. Tonight and Today The Person on Television said, “I call Surviving a Victory (ICSAV).” Surviving. Survived. Survive. Survives. Victory. Victories. F3. The Man said, “That Man is a True Blue Trooper (TBT). And That Woman is a True Blue Trooper. And That Person is a True Blue Trooper. And They are True Blue Troopers. And We are True Blue Troopers.” True Blue Trooper. True Blue Troopers (TBT). Super Trooper (ST). Super Troopers (ST). Trooper. Troopers. F4. A True Story: My Mom, paraphrasing, “When you are doing Puzzles, you will see things differently when the Puzzles are in One Light than you will when the Puzzles are in another Type of Light.” Type. Types. F5. A True Story: Someone told My Mother that She would Not be able to do a 5,000 Piece Puzzle. And, while it Took Time, My Mom did Completely Put Together that Big Puzzle (CPTTBP and CPTTP and PTTBP and PTTP). And My Mom has done other Puzzles too. F6. Rule. Rules. Real Rule (RR). Real Rules (RR). Intricacy. Intricacies (RI). Real Intricacy (RI). Real Intricacies (RI). Detail. Details. Real Detail (RD). Real Details (RD). Fact. Facts. Real Fact (RF). Real Facts (RF). More. Mores. Real More (RM). Real Mores (RM). Moral. Morals. Real Moral (RM). Real Morals (RM). Correct. Correctly. Really Correct (RC). Real Correctly (RC). Right. Rightly. Really Right (RR). Real Rightly (RR). Righteous. Righteously. Really Righteous (RR). Really Righteously (RR). F7. The Man said, “A Person’s Foundation is Important. And a Person’s Foundations are Important. And a People’s Foundation is Important. And a People’s Foundations are Important. And Peoples’ Foundation is Important. And Peoples’ Foundations are Important. And an Organization’s Foundation is Important. And an Organization’s Foundations are Important. And Organizations’ Foundation is Important. And Organizations’ Foundations are Important. The same is True with a Base. And the same are True with Bases. And the same is True with a Fortress — both Metaphorical and Real and Tangible and Intangible. And the same are True with Fortresses — both Metaphorical and Real and Tangible and Intangible.” Foundation. Foundations. Base. Bases. Foundation. Foundations. Metaphorical. Metaphor. Metaphors. Real. Reality. Realities. Tangible. Tangibles. Tangibility. Tangibilities. Intangibles. Intangibility. Intangibilities. F8. The Man said, “Whoa. Whoas. Whoa! Whoas!” F9. Situated. Well-Situated (WS). Not Well-Situated (NWS). Very Well-Situated (VWS). Not Very Well-Situated (NVWS). Extremely Well-Situated (EWS). Not Extremely Well-Situated (NEWS). F10. The Man said, “Speculation. Speculations. Speculated. Speculates.” F11. The Man said, “There has Always been Time. And there is Time. And There Always will be Time. Although there have Not Always been Watches. And Many Things have Existed with or without Certain Technology.” F12. Umbrella. Umbrellas. The Umbrella (TU). The Umbrellas (TU). Under The Umbrella (UTU and TU). Under The Umbrellas (UTU and TU). He is. She is. He was. She was. He will be. She will be. We are. We were. We will be. They are. They were. They will be. That Person is. That Person was. That Person will be. I am. I was. I will be. You are. You were. You will be. My. Mine. Our. Your. Their. His. Her. That Person’s. F13. Asset. Assets. My Asset (MA). My Assets (MA). Our Asset (OA). Our Assets (OA). Your Asset (YA). Your Assets (YA). His Asset (HA). His Assets (HA). Her Asset (HA). Her Assets (HA). Their Asset (TA). Their Assets (TA). Serious Asset (SA). Very Serious Asset (VSA). Extremely Serious Asset (ESA). Serious Assets (SA). Very Serious Assets (VSA). Extremely Serious Assets (ESA). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). F14. Property. Properties. My Property (MP). My Properties (MP). Our Property (OP). Our Properties (OP). Your Property (YP). Your Properties (YP). His Property (HP). His Properties (HP). Her Property (HP). Her Properties (HP). Their Property (TP). Their Properties (TP). Serious Property (SP). Very Serious Property (VSP). Extremely Serious Property (ESP). Serious Properties (SP). Very Serious Properties (VSP). Extremely Serious Properties (ESP). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). F15. Territory. Territories. My Territory (MT). My Territories (MT). Our Territory (OT). Our Territories (OT). Your Territory (YT). Your Territories (YT). His Territory (HT). His Territories (HT). Her Territory (HT). Her Territories (HT). Their Territory (TT). Their Territories (TT). Serious Territory (ST). Very Serious Territory (VST). Extremely Serious Territory (EST). Serious Territories (ST). Very Serious Territories (VST). Extremely Serious Territories (EST). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). F16. The Man said, “I have No Shame. And I have No Guilt. And I have No Embarrassment. And I have No Shame, Guilt, and Embarrassment.” No Shame (NS). No Guilt (NG). No Embarrassment (NE). F17. The Person said, “I Believe You.” F18. The Man said, “Consider The Source. And Consider The Sources.” Source. Sources. F19. Collectivistic. Individualistic. Both Collectivistic and Individualistic (BCAI and CAI). Collectivistic depending on The Subject (TS). Collectivistic depending on The Subjects (TS). Individualistic depending on The Subject (TS). Individualistic depending on The Subjects (TS). Both Collectivistic and Individualistic depending on The Subject (TS). Both Collectivistic and Individualistic depending on The Subjects (TS). ———– And some More of My Writings and My Sayings: F20. Exception. Exceptions. Exceptional. An. The. F21. Non-Exception (NE). Non-Exceptions (NE). Non-Exceptional (NE). An. The. F22. (The) Measurement. (The) Measurements. F22. (The) Measurement of Time: (The) Second(s). (The) Nanosecond(s). (The) Minute(s). (The) Hour(s). (The) Day(s). (The) Night(s). (The) Week(s). (The) Month(s). (The) Year(s). (The) Time(s). (The) Time Period(s) (TFP). (The) Age(s). F23. Birthday. Birthdays. Anniversary. Anniversaries. Holiday. Holidays. Christmas. Christmases. Vacation. Vacations. Work. Works. New Year (NY). New Year’s (NY). Easter. Easters. Good Fun (GF). Fun. A Good Fun Time (AGFT). Good Fun Time (GFT). A Fun Time (AFT). Fun Time (FT). Funny. Funnies. Travel. Travels. Travelling. Traveled. Traveler. Travelers. Meal. Meals. F24. (The) Review. (The) Reviews. (The) Reviewing. (The) Reviewed. F25. (The) Read. (The) Reading. (The) Reads. F26. (The) Well Read (TWR and WR). F27. Writing. Write. Writes. Wrote. F28. Viewing. View. Views. Viewed. F29. Watching. Watch. Watches. Watched. F30. Entertaining. Entertain. Entertains. Entertained. ———– And some More of My Jokes and My Writings: F31. He Should Have That. She Should Have That. They Should Have That. We Should Have That. I Should Have That. He Should Not Have That. She Should Not Have That. They Should Not Have That. We Should Not Have That. I Should Not Have That. Should. Have That (HT). Not Have That (NHT). That Should be Done (SBD). That Should Not be Done (TSNBD). F32. Deserve. Deserves. Deserving. Deserved. Not. F33. I read in a Scientific Journal that the Human Brain is often Not fully developed until about the age of 25, and what I read is probably true. — Brandon F34. A Joke: A Person got an A+ on that Person’s college test for writing these words in the Test’s Blue Book: “Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.” The Person then Really Graduated (RG) from college after only attending there for about 7 days. F35. Minor. Minors. Non-Minor (NM). Non-Minors (NM). Serious. Very Serious (VS). Extremely Serious (ES). Not Serious (NS). Not Very Serious (NVS). Not Extremely Serious (NES). Seriously. Very Seriously (VS). Extremely Seriously (ES). Not Seriously (NS). Not Very Seriously (NVS). Not Extremely Seriously (NES). Child. Children. Young Child (YC). Young Children (YC). Infant. Infants. Adult. Adults. Young Adult (YA). Young Adults (YA). Young. Youngster. Youngsters. Youth. Youths. Very Young (VY). Very Young People (VYP). Middle-Aged (MA). Middle-Agers (MA). Very Middle-Aged (VMA). Very Middle-Aged People (VMAP). Elderly. Elderly People (EP). Very Elderly (VE). Very Elderly People (VEP). F36. The Man said, “Cycle. Cycles. The Cycle (TC). The Cycles (TC).” F37. The Man said, “My Cycle. My Cycles.” F38. FThe Man said, “Our Cycle. Our Cycles.” F39. The Man said, “That Person’s Cycle. That Person’s Cycles.” F40. The Man said, “Those People’s Cycle. Those People’s Cycles.” F41. Community. Communities. The Community (TC). The Communities (TC). Our Community (OC). Our Communities (OC). Their Community (TC). Their Communities (TC). F42. The Man said, “Timing is often Important (TIOI). And Timing is often Very Important (ATIOVI and TIOVI). And Timing is often Extremely Important (ATIOEI and TIOEI). And some Timing is Not Important (ASTINI and STINI). And some Timing is Not Very Important (ASTINVI and STINVI). And some Timing is Not Extremely Important (ASTINEI and STINEI).” Timing. Timings. Time. Times. An Important Timing (AIT and IT). Some Important Timings (SIT and IT). An Important Time (AIT and IT). Important Times (IT). An Unimportant Timing (AUT and UT). Some Unimportant Timings (SUT and UT). An Unimportant Time (AUT and UT). A Not Important Timing (ANIT and NIT). Not Important Timings (NIT). A Not Important Time (ANIT and NIT). Not Important Times (NIT). Not Important Times (NIT). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Unimportant. Very Unimportant (VU). Extremely Unimportant (EU). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). F43. Balanced. Well-Balanced (WB). Balance. Balances. Good Balance (GB). Good Balances (GB). Unbalanced. Not Well-Balanced (NWB). Unbalance. Unbalances. Bad Balance (BB). Bad Balances (BB). Good. Bad. Nice. Nicely. Niceness. Not Nice (NN). Not Nicely (NN). Non-Niceness (NN). Serious. Not Serious (NS). Sense. Nonsense. Logic. Logically. Illogical. Illogically. Appropriate. Appropriately. Appropriates. Inappropriate. Inappropriately. Inappropriates. About That Subject (ATS and TS). About Those Subjects (ATS and TS). Subject. Subjects. About That Thing (ATT and TH). About Those Things (ATT and TT). Thing. Things. About That Item (ATI and TI). About Those Items (ATI and TI). Item. Items. National Security (NS). National Securities (NS). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Unimportant. Very Unimportant (VU). Extremely Unimportant (EU). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). True. Truly. False. Falsely. Right. Rightly. Wrong. Wrongly. F44. The Man said, “Many Things are Curable. And Many Things are Manageable. And Many Things are Curable and Manageable (whose Acronym is CAM). And Many Things are Not Curable. And Many Things are Incurable. And Many Things are Unmanageable. And Many Things are Not Manageable. And Many Things are Not Curable and Unmanageable (NCAU). And Many Things are Not Curable and Not Manageable (NCANM). And Many Things are Incurable and Unmanageable (IAU). And Many Things are Incurable and Not Manageable (IANM).” Curable. Cure. Cured. Cures. Manageable. Manage. Managed. Manages. Not Curable (NC). Incurable. Unmanageable. Not Manageable (NM). And there is Always Hope (ATIAH and TIAH). And there is Hope (ATIH and TIH). Always Hope (AH). Always Hoping (AH). Always Hoped (AH). Hope. Hoping. Hoped. Hopes. Often Hope (OH). Often Hoping (OH). Often Hoped (OH). Hope. Hoping. Hoped. Hopes. F45. Regarding World Events: When I read The News in the Newspaper, or when I watch The News on Television, I remind Myself that there are often just a Small Amount of Major (and Minor) Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done. – Brandon F46. The Glitch (TG). The Glitches (TG). Glitch. Glitches. Minor Glitch (MG). Minor Glitches (MG). Major Glitch (MG). Major Glitches (MG). Typographical Error (TE). Typographical Errors (TE). Many Activities (MA). Activity. Activities. Many Jobs (MJ). Job. Jobs. Small Amount of Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done (SAOGRTTAOAD). Small Amount of Major Glitches Relative to the Amount of Activities Done (SAOMGRTTAOAD). F47. A Joke: The Man said, “I have Not Starved to Death.” And a guy replied, “You have Not Starved to Death? You are Lying to Me: You have Starved to Death.” F48. The Man asked a Woman, “Are You In? And are You In about That Subject (TS)? And are You In about that Other Subject (OS)?” In. No. Yes. Maybe. Probably. That Subject (TS). Other Subject (OS). Those Subjects (TS). Other Subjects (OS). F49. The Man said, “Ronald Reagan was known as The Teflon President because He was said to get away with a lot of Things, such as The Iran Contra Affair.” Teflon. Controversy. Controversies. The Teflon President (TTP and TP). The Teflon Person (TTP and TP). The Teflon Emperor (TTE and TE). The Teflon Member (TTM and TM). The Teflon Members (TTM and TM). The Teflon Man (TTM and TM). The Teflon Men (TTM and TM). The Teflon Woman (TTW and TW). The Teflon Women (TTW and TW). The Teflon People (TTP and TP). The Teflon Peoples (TTP and TP). F50. The Man said to The Woman, “That Person is Suffering from some Cognitive Dissonance (CD). And that Person should have a Healthy Dose of Reality (HDOR) and DOR).” F51. The Man said, “It is a Brand New Day. And it is also a New Day.” A Brand New Day (ABND). A New Day (AND). Brand New Day (BND). New Day (ND). F52. Word. Words. Term. Terms. Phrase. Phrases. Sentence. Sentences. Paragraph. Paragraphs. Paper. Papers. Essay. Essays. Book. Books. Movie. Movies. Film. Films. Writing. Writings. Entertainment. Entertainments. Some. F53. A Truthful saying, “There are a lot of Fish in the Sea.” ———-- And some More of My Writings, Sayings & Jokes: F54A. The Metaphorical Aegis System (TMAS and MAS) — Able to Handle Many Things, and Able to Handle Many Things at Once. The Metaphorical Aegis Systems (TMAS and MAS). Aegis System (AS). Aegis Systems (S). Aegis. F54. The Activity (TA). The Experience (TE). The Event (TE). The Activities (TA). The Experiences (TE). The Events (TE). The Many Activities (TMA). The Many Experiences (TME). The Many Events (TME). The Job (TJ). The Jobs (TJ). The Many Jobs (TMJ). The Life Experience (TLE). The Life Experiences (TLE). The Many Life Experiences (TMLE). The Restraint (TR). The Restraints (TR). The Many Restraints (TMR). Activity. Activities. Many Activities (MA). Experience. Experiences. Many Experiences (ME). Event. Events. Many Events (ME). Job. Jobs. Many Jobs (MJ). Restraint. Restraints. Many Restraints (MR). The Good Restraint (TGR). The Good Restraints (TGR). The Many Good Restraints (TMGR). Good Restraint (GR). Good Restraints (GR). Many Good Restraints (MGR). F55. The Good Activity (TGA). The Good Experience (TGE). The Good Event (TGE). The Good Activities (TGA). The Good Experiences (TGE). The Good Events (TGE). The Many Good Activities (TMGA). The Many Good Experiences (TMGE). The Many Good Events (TMGE). The Good Job (TGJ). The Good Jobs (TGJ). The Many Good Jobs (TMGJ). The Good Life Experience (TGLE). The Good Life Experiences (TGLE). The Many Good Life Experiences (TMGLE). Good Activity (GA). Good Activities (GA). Many Good Activities (MGA). Good Experience (GE). Good Experiences (GE). Many Good Experiences (MGE). Good Event (GE). Good Events (GE). Many Good Events (MGE). Good Job (GJ). Good Jobs (GJ). Many Good Jobs (MGJ). Restraint. Restraints. Many Restraints (MR). The Good Restraint (TGR). The Good Restraints (TGR). The Many Good Restraints (TMGR). Good Restraint (GR). Good Restraints (GR). Many Good Restraints (MGR). F56A. A Good Day (AGD). A Bad Day (ABD). F56. The Paradox (TP). The Paradoxes (TP). The Reality (TR). The Realities (TR). The Truth (TT). The Truths (TT). Paradox — seemingly contradictory yet true. Paradoxes — seemingly contradictory yet true. Reality. Realities. Truth. Truths. F57. Mutually Beneficial Relationship (MBR). Mutually Beneficial Relationships (MBR). Symbiotic Relationship (SR). Symbiotic Relationships (SR). Beneficial. Beneficials. Beneficially. Symbiotic. Symbiotics. Symbiotically. The Symbiotic (TS). The Symbiotics (TS). Symbiotic Member (SM). Symbiotic Members (SM). F58. Fair Deal (FD). Fair Deals (FD). Fair Exchange (FE). Fair Exchanges (FE). Good Deal (GD). Good Deals (GD). Good Exchange (GE). Good Exchanges (GE). Fair. Good. F59. Realization. Realizes. Realize. Realized. Realizations. Reality. Realities. Aware. Awares. Awareness. Awarenesses. Good Consequence (GC). Good Consequences (GC). Bad Consequence (BC). Bad Consequences (BC). Consequence. Consequences. F60. The Man said, “The Point of No Return (TPONR). Point of No Return (PONR).” The Point of No Return. Point of No Return. The Point of Return (TPOR). Point of Return (POR). F61. The Man said, “Yesterday’s Events made Today’s Events Possible. And, of course, Many Individuals have had Good Things Happen, and, of course, Many Individuals have also had Not so Good Things Happen. Have You ever had Good Things Happen? And have You ever had Not so Good Things Happen? Of course, someone who has lived, for example, for 34 years or more than 34 years has usually had Good Things Happen (GTH and GT), and also Not so Good Things Happen (NSGTH and NSGT), and that Person has probably been around a lot of People, and that Person has probably been around a lot of Different People (DP), and that Person has also probably been around The Metaphorical Block (TMB and MB) Many Times (MT), and that Person has also probably Seen, Read, and Heard Many Things (MT), and that Person has also probably Seen, Read, and Heard Many Different Things (DT), and that Person has probably done Many Things (MT), and that Person has probably done Many Good Things (MGT).” F62. Strain. Strains. The Strain (TS). The Strains (TS). F63. Virus. Viruses. The Virus (TV). The Viruses (TV). F64. Disease. Diseases. The Disease (TD). The Diseases (TD). F65. Illness. Illnesses. The Illness (TI). The Illnesses (TI). F66. Medicine. Medicines. The Medicine (TM). The Medicines (TM). F67. Healing. Healings. The Healing (TH). The Healings (TH). F68. Rejuvenation. Rejuvenations. The Rejuvenation (TR). The Rejuvenations (TR). F69. Regeneration. Regenerations. The Regeneration (TR). The Regenerations (TR). F70. Cure. Cures. The Cure (TC). The Cures (TC). F71. Satirical Piece of Work. Satire. Satirical. Satirically. F72. My Body (MB). My Thought (MT). My Thoughts (MT). My Action (MA). My Actions (MA). My Non-Action (MNA). My Non-Actions (MNA). My Inaction (MI). My Inactions (MI). My Restraint (MR). My Restraints (MR). F73. Thought. Thoughts. Action. Actions. Non-Action. Non-Actions. Inaction. Inactions. Restraint. Restraints. F74. Joke: Witnesses, Attorneys, and Jurors were given a Very Short Amount of Time to Speak, about 4 seconds each, by The Judge, and then The Judge found The Defendant Guilty. F75. The Man said, “Some Things are Priceless.” Priceless. F76. The Man said, “Zero amount of Times and Zero Times (ZAOT and ZT) is often a Good Number of Times. And Zero amount of Times and Zero Times is often better than One Time. And None is often better than Once.” F77. The Man said, “I don’t Care about that (IDC and IDCAT.) And I do Not Care about that (IDNC and IDNCAT). And I do Care about that (IDC and IDCAT).” F78. The Man said, “I am a Member of a Family. And I am a Member of Families. And I am a Family Member (FM).” Family Member (FM). Family Members (FM). Family. Families. F79. The Man said, “I am also a Journalist. And I have worked in a Newspaper’s News Room (NNR and NR).” F80. Joke: Men and Women began to put together Funny Puzzles, while saying Funny Things about what those Puzzles were, and what those Puzzles looked like. F81. A Joke: The Man said, “Jeepers Creepers.” And another Man said to a Woman, “If that Man Really Knew Me, He would be saying Jeepers Creepers more often, and with more Emphasis and with more Enthusiasm.” Jeeper Creeper (JC). Jeepers Creepers (JC). F82. The Man said, “It is Not a Real Crime to have an Opinion. And it is Not a Real Crime to have Opinions. And it is Not Really Wrong to have an Opinion. And it is Not Really Wrong to have Opinions. Almost everyone has an Opinion. And that is OK. Do you have an Opinion about something? And that is OK. As the Truthful saying states, ‘Sticks and Stones may break My Bones but Words will Not Hurt Me.’” F83. Were. Are. Was. Am. Is. Will Be (WB). Will. Just. Where. Present Tense (PT). Past Tense (PT). Future Tense (FT). Present. Past. Future. Grammar. Grammarian. Grammarians. Spelling. Speller. Spellers. History. Historian. Historians. Psychology. Psychologist. Psychologists. Writing. Writer. Writers. Author. Authors. Language. Languages. English Language (EL). Foreign Language (FL). Foreign Languages (FL). Teacher. Teachers. Social Studies (SS). Memorization. Memorizations. Academic. Academics. Intellectual. Intellectuals. Worker. Workers. Jack of all Trades (JOAT). Jacks of all Trades (JOAT). Jack of many Trades (JOMT). Jacks of many Trades (JOMT). Jack of some Trades (JOST). Jacks of some Trades (JOST). Member. Members. Advisor. Advisors. Advising. Advice. Advices. Committee. Committees. Advisory Committee (AC). Advisory Committees (AC). Committee Member (CM). Committee Members (CM). Advisory Committee Member (ACM). Advisory Committee Members (ACM). Advisory Board (AB). Advisory Boards (AB). Advisory Board Member (ABM). Advisory Board Members (ABM). People. Peoples. The People (TP). The Peoples (TP). Their People (TP). Their Peoples (TP). Our People (OP). Our Peoples (OP). F84. The Man said, “That is Just where that Person is. And that is Just where He is. And that is Just where She is. And that is Just where I am. And that is Just where That Man is. And that is Just where That Woman is. And that is Just where We are. And that is Just where They are. And that is Just where Our People are. And that is Just where Their People are. And that is Just where The People are.” F85. The Man said, “That is Just where that Person was. And that is Just where He was. And that is Just where She was. And that is Just where I was. And that is Just where That Man was. And that is Just where That Woman was. And that is Just where We were. And that is Just where They were. And that is Just where Our People were. And that is Just where Their People were. And that is Just where The People were.” F86. The Man said, “That is Just where that Person will be. And that is Just where He will be. And that is Just where She will be. And that is Just where I will be. And that is Just where That Man will be. And that is Just where That Woman will be. And that is Just where We will be. And that is Just where They will be. And that is Just where Our People will be. And that is Just where Their People will be. And that is Just where The People will be.” F87. Joke: A Person just knew three words at the age of 33 — “Hot Mama” and “Velcro.” F88. A Joke: Football Players tried and failed to break through a paper banner at a Football Game. F89. The Man said, “He has a Criminal-Free Record.” F90. The Man said, “My Children (MC). All of My Children (AOMC). And My Approximately 701 Children.” F91. The Man said, “Don’t Worry, Money Grows Back.” Money Grows Back (MGB). F92. Joke: A Man tried to Fill Measuring Cups with Too Much Milk and Food. F93. The Man said, “I have Wrestled. And I have Won a Wrestling Match. And My Arm was Raised by The Referee when I Won a Wrestling Match. And I have done Many Things. And I have done Many Good Things.” F94. As the saying states, “Once a Marine, always a Marine.” Forever. F95. The Man said, “There are Two Parts to doing this Vacuuming Correctly. First, Vacuum The Backyard’s Dirt. And then you should press this button on the Vacuum that shoots the dirt all over the house, like this. And then you Vacuum the dirt back up.” And The guy asked, “What’s the point of this?” And The Man said, “Don’t you have a Good Work Ethic?” F96. Sufficient. Very Sufficient (VS). Fine. Very Fine (VF). Good. Very Good (VG). Sustainable. Very Sustainable (VS). Stable. Very Stable (VS). Passing. Very Passing (VP). Cumulative. Cumulatively. Holistic. Holistically. Member. Members. Organization. Organizations. Section. Sections. Sectional. Sectionals. District. Districts. Region. Regions. Regional. Regionally. City. Cities. County. Counties. State. States. Stately. Nation. Nations. National. Nationally. Country. Countries. Planet. Planets. System. Systems. Galaxy. Galaxies. Universe. Universes. Dimension. Dimensions. World View (WV). World Views (WV). Subjective. Subjectives. Subjectively. Objective. Objectives. Objectively. Opinion. Opinions. Opinionated. Fact. Facts. Factional. Fund of Knowledge. Funds of Knowledge. Fund. Funds. Fun. Funs. Funny. Funnies. Good Time (GT). Good Times (GT). Nice. Nicely. Good. Goods. Goodly. F97. The Man said, “That would probably make The Situation Worse.” Worse. F98. The Man said, “A Group of Students and I went inside the Belgian Embassy Building, which means that We and I went to Belgium. C’est Bon.” F99. The Man said, “A Response. A Mild Response. A Very Mild Response. An Extremely Mild Response. A Harsh Response. A Very Harsh Response. An Extremely Harsh Response. A Moderate Response. A Very Moderate Response. An Extremely Moderate Response. A Proportional Response. A Very Proportional Response. An Extremely Proportional Response. A Disproportional Response. A Very Disproportional Response. An Extremely Disproportional Response.” F100. The Man said, “Response. Mild Response (MR). Very Mild Response (VMR). Extremely Mild Response (EMR). Harsh Response (HR). Very Harsh Response (VHR). Extremely Harsh Response (EHR). Moderate Response (MR). Very Moderate Response (VMR). Extremely Moderate Response (EMR). Proportional Response (PR). Very Proportional Response (VPR). Extremely Proportional Response (EPR). Disproportional Response (DR). Very Disproportional Response (VDR). Extremely Disproportional Response (EDR).” G1. Joke: A Sponge was Squeezed and Giraffes and Rabbits and Porcupines Popped Out of the Sponge. And an Octopus and a Squid came out of Liquid Soap. G2. Joke: Literally Trying to Feed and Water someone over the Telephone and over the Internet on a Computer. G3. The Man frequently thought to Himself, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The Woman frequently thought to Herself, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The Person frequently thought, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The People frequently thought to Themselves, “That is Just the Way it is.” And The People frequently thought to Ourselves, “That is Just the Way it is.” That is Just the Way it is (TIJTWII). G4. The Man said, “Several years ago, when an Author, George Orwell, read His Book War of the Worlds over the Radio, many Individuals Falsely Believed that there was an Alien Invasion. And, since Radio and Television Broadcasts travel through Space, perhaps Individuals of another Civilization will also think that there is an Alien Invasion.” The Woman said, “Do you think that there are Friendly Aliens?” And The Man replied, “Yes, there are probably Friendly Aliens who are Friendly to some Individuals, and there are also probably Friendly Aliens who are at Times Unfriendly to some Individuals. And these things are true with Many Individuals. The Context is Important. And The Contexts are Important.” Context. Contexts. G5. The Man said, “I sometimes wear Many Hats, and sometimes at The Same Time. And I sometimes wear Several Hats, and sometimes at The Same Time. And this is Good. And all of this is Good. ” Hat. Hats. The Hat. The Hats. G6. The Man said, “That Man’s Earlier Writings are sort of Like The Old Testament (OT) of The Bible, and That Man’s Later Writings are sort of Like The New Testament (NT) of The Bible.” G7. A Joke: After eating a Filbert, Mr. Fibber told a Fib while He was on the Defibrillator. G8. Paraphrasing from Greg Wheelhouse, a Roommate of Mine, and used with His Permission, “I do Not know who won a 1988 Emmy Award, although I do want to know what Twerking means.” G9. Good Anchor (GA). Good Anchors (GA). The Anchor (TA). The Anchors (TA). The Good Anchor (TGA). The Good Anchors (TGA). G10. The Man said, “Useful. Very Useful (VU). Extremely Useful (EU).” G11. The Man said, “Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI).” G12. Joke: Dogs and Cats had their Boarding Passing in their Mouths for an Airplane Ride, and the Workers asked the Dogs and the Cats to wag their Tails 3 times for Yes, and to wag their Tails 4 times for No. G13. Friend. A Close Friend (CF). A Very Close Friend (VCF). Friends. Close Friends (CF). Very Close Friends (VCF). G14. A Joke — Too Many Referees in a Wrestling Match. G15. Joke: A Television Control was Put in Several Places in order to work, and was attached to a string in a Person’s mouth in order to work. And an individual tried to Hocus Pocus and Abracadabra the Television Control to try to get it to work. G16. A Joke: A Woman answered a Telephone, and She said, “Hello? Hello? Hello?” And then she hung up the phone, and she said, “No one was on the phone.” And then a Person burst in the room, and he said, “What do you mean by calling Me a No One?” G17. Greg Wheelhouse, a Roommate, and written with His Permission: The Landlord said, “That’s Not a Chihuaha! That’s a long-haired Rat.” G18. Joke: The Man called His Insurance Agent for Insurance on His Invisible and Imaginary Double Decker Bus. G19. A Joke: The Man, by Himself, played a Football Game against a Football Team. G20. A Joke: A Big Book about how to burn between 0.8 to 1.8 calories. G21. Joke: Throwaway China Plates. G22. Joke: Literal and Metaphorical Red Tape. G23. The Man said, “There should be a Law where every single day is Wednesday. That way I will bring the garbage and recycling cans to the curb everyday.” G24. A Joke: A Lemonade Salesperson wants a Pay Raise from a Lemon. And He Blackmails a Lemon, “Lemon, if you don’t give Me a pay raise during the summers when I work at this lemonade stand, I’ll turn you into lemonade. And you too Apple, Orange, and Grape!” G25. Joke: Buddy the Dog said, “I’m 21 years of age in Dog Years, so stop treating Me like I am a Baby.” G26. Joke: How can a very small person with a sensitive nose live in a Natural Gas Alarm? G27. The Man yelled, “There is a Mousse by the Refrigerator! I am Scared!! There is a Mousse by the Refrigerator!” And The Woman replied, “Do you Mean that there is a Mouse by the Refrigerator?” And The Man said, “No, there is a Blob of Mousse by the Refrigerator. The Mice are by the Bookcase.” And then The Woman Screamed when She saw the Mice. G28. Joke: The Man said to the lottery official, “I am pretty sure that I thought about picking the winning numbers, and I’m 0.8 Percent Multiplied by 0.9 Percent divided by 3 Percent sure that I thought about picking the winning numbers? So, can I have the Lottery Prize? G29. Joke: The Man thought that a person on Television – with a Television that was on Mute – was the voice of someone who was talking on a laptop Computer. G30. Joke: A Person with a bald head – hair looks great, although it is a little long. G31. Joke: Literally “Strong” Coffee. G32. Joke: Literally “Bull by the Horns.” G33. Joke: Beware of “The Garagers!” G34. A Literally Hot Check, and a Literally Bounced Check. G35. A Joke: A very “quick” dishwashing machine. G36. Joke: The Man said, “That Smartphone should be called The Stupid Phone.” G37. A Tailor may also be a General. And a Housekeeper may also be a General. And a Dishwasher may also be a General. And a Soldier may also be a General. And a Volunteer may also be a General. And a Writer may also be a General. And a Worker may also be a General. G38. A Joke: A Funny Tombstone – Shapes, Words, Talking, Videos, and Holograms. G39. Joke: The Man was Overly Helpful, and He kept on Asking The Other Man if He Needed Help doing Just about Everything. G40. The Woman said, “From the Woman at the Well to the Woman down on Her Knees, you are The God who Really Sees, El Shaddai.” G41. The Man said, “Many Men, Women, and Children have People who Care about Them. And Many Men, Women, and Children have People who Sort of Care about Them. Care. Sort of Care (SOC).” G42. On June 23, 2014, My Mom and I were Watching and Listening to the News on Television, and We heard about a Child who Fell from a Building, and My Mother and I prayed aloud to Father God for the Safety and the Well Being of that Child who had Fallen. ———– And Some More of My Writings: G43. From Mom, Jokingly about Ted, Our Dog, “I need to get busy pushing boxes around or saving people on a mountain, even helping Mum with Real Estate, anything….” G44. Demeanor. Demeanors. G45. Trait. Traits. Character Trait (GT). Character Traits (GT). G46. Track Record (TR). Track Records (TR). G47. Conscience. Consciences. G48. Ensouled. Soul. Souls. ———- And Here are some More of My Writings: G49. Temperament. Temperaments. G50. Aware. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). On that Level (OTL). On those Levels (OTL). Level. Level. On that (OT). On those (OT). About that (AT). About those (AT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Conscious. Consciously. Subconscious. Subconsciously. Sort of (SO). About. ———– And some More of My Writings: G51. Written. Unwritten. Known. Well-Known (WK). Not Known (NK). Not Well-Known (NWK). To that Person (TTP). To Him (TH). To Her (TH). To Me (TM). To Them (TT). To Us (TU). To those People (TTP). About that Person (ATP). About Him (AH). About Her (AH). About Me (AB). About Them (AT). About Us (AU). About those People (ATP). Information. Information about (IA). Him. He. Her. Them. Us. We. Me. I. You. Relevant. Irrelevant. ———-- And More of My Writings: G52. When? What Happened (WH)? What was Happening (WWH)? Possibility. Probability. Possible. Probable. Likelihood. Estimated Percentage (EP). Estimated Likelihood (EL). Estimated Probability (EP). Now. Later. Time. Time Period (TP). Time Periods (TP). Amount. Amounts. Approximate. Approximately. Today. Tomorrow. Then. The. These. Those. Contingent Upon (CU). Contingent. Contingency. Contingency Plan (CP). Contingency Plans (CP). There. Their. To. Too. Two. Thrice. The Number (TN). The Number of Times (TNOT). Serious. Very Serious (VS). Extremely Serious (ES). Seriously. Very Seriously (VS). Extremely Seriously (ES). Not Serious (NS). Not Very Serious (NVS). Not Extremely Serious (NES). Not Seriously (NS). Not Very Seriously (NVS). Not Extremely Seriously (NES). Specifically. Specifics. Specific. Example. Examples. Holistically. Holistics. Holistic. An. A. Some. Many. A Few (AF). Un. Une. Le Repas. Les Repas. Un Repas. Des Repas. La Bibliotheque. Les Bibliotheques. Des Bibliotheques. Des Bibliotheques. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not About that Subject (NATS). Not About those Subjects (NATS). ———-- And More of My Writings, Sayings & Jokes: G53. Joke: The Waiter said, “We are all out of Coffee, although We do have Plenty of Coffee Grounds. Here are some Coffee Grounds.” G54. Joke: A Person makes a big deal out of a dented plastic bottle, thinking that it is indicative of something very terrible. G55. Joke: A Person yells His Name when He is asked what His Name is, and He yells out other Information. G56. Trevor was Clever when He Pulled a Lever in Denver. G57. The Man said, “We Toughen Up Many of Our People by Having Them do Some Physical Labor. Toughen Up. Toughen. Tough. Strong. Strengthen.” G58. Can you undo a Baptism? No, you cannot. Can you undo a Confirmation? No, you cannot. Can you undo Many Things? No, you cannot. Some Things are Important. And Some Things are Not Very Important. G59. A Joke: Best Friend or Favorite Friend?! G60. A Joke: Tossed Produce, such as Tomatoes, joke – Good as New. G61. A Joke: A Person can hear very non-Loud Sounds, and Not hear loud sounds. G62. Joke: A person paid in Moldy Banana Peels. G63. A Joke: A Business: A Representative and The Sign said, “Bankrupt,” then “We are Back in Business,” over and over again after getting a Telephone call and an Email and a Singing Telegram from someone saying that They are Bankrupt and then They are Back in Business, over and over again. G64. Joke: Two People Really Loved their cellphones, and They were thought of as “Twin Children,” complete with Diaper Changing, etc. G65. Joke: Mute button did Not Mute it, and instead turned the Television Very, Very Loud. G66. The Proposed Legislative Bill would Outlaw the Usage of Passwords for Emails and Banking Websites, as there should be a “Greater Amount of Transparency Among Complete Strangers.” G67. Joke: “I cook Crazy, but I Cook Fast.” G68. Joke: about 31 people are Chosen for a Beauty Modelling Contract, except for One, Very, Very Beautiful Woman. G69. Joke: Waiting for Bottle Caps to be The Official Currency. G70. New Hope Cross – I have Heard that The Cross has saved at Least One Life from Suicide. G71. A Joke: Grocery Cart Crash corresponds with a Car being Harmed even though they are both far away from each other. G72. The Man said, “The Changing of My Voice is a Talent that Very Few People Have. And I can talk Very, Very Fast.” G73. My Mom was so Proud of Buddy the Dog when He ate a Bite of Apple. It does Not take much for Mom to be Proud of Buddy the Dog, as Buddy is Part of The Family. G74. Joke: The Man ordered a salad at a Restaurant, and there were Whole Apples, Bananas, Tomatoes, and Oranges on the Salad – “Open Your Mouth Very Wide.” G75. Joke: Literally World by The Tail. G76. Joke: The Man in The Trenches said, “Gas Masks On! There is an Incoming Tickle Attack!” G77. Joke: Hand in the forms of Phones for Cheaper call Rates. G78. A Joke: Repeatedly Blows His Nose on His Shirt. G79. The Man turned into an Elephant after eating two bananas in a day. G80; Joke: The Man said, “Did I have My Multivitamin Today? I will have a Multivitamin just in case I forget to have one,” over and over and having a Fake Multivitamin from a Container over and over again. G81. A Joke: The Man said, “My Name is Mr. Brandon Burper,” and He then repeatedly Burped again and again. G82. What I learned from Economic Class about How Moderation is Good: especially President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR’s) New Deal Programs helped prevent Radical Leftists from Taking Control of The United States Government, and lots of Times, Moderation is Wise. G83. The Man said, “We will see what Develops.” Develops. G84. The Man’s Face and Shirt was covered with Ranch salad dressing, and He said, while Throwing Ranch Salad Dressing almost Everywhere, “You need to stop being Stingy with the Salad Dressing.” G85. Buddy the Dog, even when He is upstairs, and when I’m downstairs, almost always knows when to come downstairs when I get pieces of salami from the Refrigerator. And I usually given Him some Pieces of Salami. G86. Joke: A Pitchfork for a Measuring Cup. G87. The Man said, “I am both Optimistic and Pessimistic.” G88. Joke: “Where’s My 1/20th of one cent for My Coupon’s Redemption Value?” The Reply: “There is Not a coin that is 1/20th of one cent.” “Why don’t you create 1/20th of one cent? I want to buy a Quarter of an Ice Cream cone with that 1/20th of one cent.” G89. Joke: The Carnivorous Anti-Herbivorous Political Party. G90. A dog with Goggles and a Swimsuit and a Swimming Head Cap. G91. Joke: Grow Smaller Fingers for a Mini-Keyboard: the potion: Brussells Sprouts mixed with Honey and Sugar make the person grow Smaller Fingers for a Mini-Keyboard. G92. A Joke: A Huge Jockey using Computer Special Effects. G93. There are Types of Genius. For example, someone may be a Literary Genius and/or a History Genius and/or a Genius at Something else. And someone may have about a 150 Verbal IQ, which makes that Person a Verbal Genius and/or someone may have about a 150 Fund of Knowledge IQ, which makes that person a Knowledge Genius. Verbal Genius. Knowledge Genius. History Genius. Literature Genius. Not everyone can do everything Extremely Well, and that is also OK. And someone may score 800s, Perfect Scores, on The Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs), for Verbal, World History, Literature, and American History, which is also indicative that that Person is a Verbal Genius and/or a History Genius and/or a Literature Genius and/or a Fund of Knowledge Genius, which, of course, means that Person is a Genius. G94. Joke: Buddy the Dog said, “I’m your Uncle and your Brother at the same time.” G95. Joke: Bunny Slippers and Pig Slippers to Work day. G96. Joke: The Man said during a Job Interview: “The correct Questions are No Questions.” G97. Joke: Overzealous in Watching a Purse. G98. Golf-Ball Sized Hail. No, literally hailing Golf Bails. Double Entendre too. G99. Joke: Talking about 2 Different Things. G100. Underwear weighs 840 pounds and eyeglasses weigh 841 pounds and watch weighs 842 pounds. Replicas of what they would look like. H1. A Joke: The Discussion of the Importance of a College Education to a Dog and to a Cat. H2. A Joke: Waiting for 84 years for someone to click enter on a Computer. H3. A Joke: Many People Upset because He and They were supposed to throw the game. Mad at the Referees too. H4. A Joke: 22 on a Card for Blackjack. H5. Joke: Computer Icon jumped and hid. H6. Joke: Instead of an Elevator or an Escalator or Stairs: Jumping Up and Human Pyramid to go upwards towards The Top of the Building. H7. Joke: The Man said to another Person, and to several other People, “I’m playing Games,” over and over. H8. Joke: “Not a believer in Using Silverware.” H9. About Reuben Our Dog, as said to Me by My Mother, May 30, 2014, “God saved Him.” Paws worn out by The Highway, and it was a Busy Highway, for about a week. My Mother, Debra, placed an Advertisement (Ad) in a Newspaper , and a UPS Man called Mom, and He said that He saw Reuben, Our Dog. And other People called, Mom, and She was Afraid that they’d call and say that he was, in My Mother’s Words, “Dead. Not a Good Deal. Losing a Dog is Not a Good Deal.” The Wondering too, “Waiting by the phone.” Dogs are, “Parts of The Family.” H10. A Joke: Tripped on a Book, and did Acrobatics, Jumping Jacks, Pushups, et cetera. H11. Joke: A Very Minor Sound Bothered someone Immensely. H12. A Joke: A Huge Rush to use coupons that expire about 3 Months Later. H13. A Joke: Too Hot and Too Cold – Sweaters, Clothes Off, Et Cetera. H14. A Joke: Candy truck sounds for police cars instead of sirens and cow music for an Ambulance, and dog barking for a Fire Truck. H15. A Joke: Using Computer Special Effects, Literally Raining Cats and Dogs. H16. A Joke: Mining for Cotton Candy and Cookies. H17 Joke: Literally Cookies on a Computer instead of the non-literal cookies. H18. Some More of My Jokes: Raccoon wearing X-Ray Glasses in a cage instead of X-Rays at a Dentist’s Office. H19. Uncle Lyle Landsem – Saw, on His Deathbed, after The Lord’s Prayer was recited by Family and Friends, Grandpa Ted (His Brother), Grandpa Lars (His Father who came on a Boat from the Country of Norway), and Ingaborg (His Mother who also came on a Boat from Norway), and, “All of His Relatives were there [in the Room with Him] except for the ones that had gone to Heaven,” Aunt Gloria on 5/27/2014, and before this day. H20. Grandpa Lars Landsem – took off His Leg’s Caste, because He wanted to go back to Work. Grandpa Ted said, according to Aunt Gloria. and Gloria is Grandpa Ted’s Daughter, that Grandpa Lars, “he sawed His Caste Off,” because He wanted to go back to work. H21. Aunt Gloria about Grandma Ingaborg Landsem, she was, “The Sweetest. Angel. White Hair. Never Raised Her Voice. Like an Angel. Always had a Smile on Her Face,” and that She owned, “a wine velvet Davendport [a Couch].” And that She cut Aunt Gloria’s, “fingernails and toenails Very Carefully.” —– H22. Joke: Get on the Horn (literally). H23. The Man said, “As of 2/19/2014, I have Very Rarely shaken because of hunger. I am almost always full. And I am almost never hungry. And I have Never gone to bed hungry. And I am Thankful. And I am Grateful.” H24. A Joke: Did you take a shower for me too? Waiting for you to take a shower for Me too. H25. A Joke: Cell phone radiation not by head joke, but by Another Body Part. H26. Some More of My Jokes: Double entendre jumping in the shower. And Fingers walking to snatch a purse stop that thief from that same person whose own fingers are trying to snatch the purse. H27. A Joke: The Judge during sentencing to the Person found Guilty: “You are cute.” And love letters. And marriage proposal. H28. A Joke: Repeatedly hi, good morning, and good evening. H29. A Joke: About a business dept. They are crazy in that business dept of ours — straight jackets and tin foil hats while talking on the phones. H30. A Joke: Blow up bed in an automobile. H31. Jokes: many people on a computer, and eight people per person per letter and number. H32. A Joke: Drove back while about 4 Inches from The Driveway, after Pushing the Car for Fuel, as it did Not Quite Reach The Destination’s Driveway. H33. A Joke: Because of a Slight Chance of a leak in the Roof. Raincoat and goggles on, as it is “Better to be Safe than to be Sorry.” —-- H34. A Joke: 8 million percent tax rate. H35. I reached and scooped that fish with My net. H37. A Joke: Drive to Europe and moon. H38. Joke: You’ll find your lost cell phone, as it does Not have legs. And using Computer Animation, the Cell Phone Grows Legs and walks away. H39. Joke: Cabinet and Figurines Moved Non-Delicately. ——– |