(bug): investigate boost view issues
There have been recent reports of boosts not gathering views. Possibly the view counter is lagging. Needs investigation:
added Bug Hunter label
added Priority::1 - High Product::Boost scoped labels
changed the description
added Squad::Yellow scoped label
changed the description
If it is not a bug but just a simple backlog, one good idea is to adjust the boost schedule so that it fits with research in Behavioral Economics*
A linear schedule (1 Minds token = 1000 views, 2 Minds tokens = 2000, etc) is esthetic and it looks "orderly"--but it is not how humans value things. Linear schedules will necessarily create backlogs, because there is diminishing marginal utility in the human valuation of quantities of things.
A "better-than-linear" schedule may be this:
[1000 views] * [# Minds tokens] ^ 0.88
Thanks for looking this over, --Urukagina
*Tversky, Amos and Kahneman, Daniel (1992): “Advances in Prospect Theory: Cumulative Representation of Uncertainty,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5, 297-323.