[Sprint/GiddyGiraffe] (feat): ability for channels to self-declare nsfw
closes minds#486
1/1 thread resolved
mentioned in merge request !349 (closed)
mentioned in merge request engine!248
- Developer
Link for the lazy: https://feat-self-declare-nsfw.minds.io/nemofin
Declaring works fine, but I am unable to undeclare myself.
added MR::Requires Changes scoped label
- Resolved by Marcelo Rivera
added Squad::Yellow scoped label
- Owner
@eiennohi another one we need to follow up. Lets not forget about these.
added 124 commits
- 6278cb77...0d5fd361 - 122 commits from branch
- d20eee0d - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into feat/self-declare-nsfw
- 5e631964 - (chore): only use the nsfw selector from the user dropdown
- 6278cb77...0d5fd361 - 122 commits from branch
resolved all threads
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