Commit 1565b5e5 authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(fix): ugly fix but it works

parent eaa63ddc
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in 9 minutes and 23 seconds
......@@ -71,9 +71,19 @@ class Messages
// The below code sucks, but it works, kind of...
// The legacy entities_by_time table uses strings, not integers
// and cassandra interprets a 9 as being larger than a 10.
// Here, if we don't get back as many results as we asked for, then we attempt to load
// all the older posts, which cassandra sees as newer.
// If this doesn't make sense then speak to @mark or @edgebal
if ((!$idFix || (int) $cassandraOffset > 999999999999999999) && count($messages) < $limit) {
$olderEntities = $this->getMessages($limit - count($messages), $offset, "", true);
$olderEntities = $this->getMessages($limit - count($messages), 999999999999999999, "", true);
foreach ($olderEntities as $guid => $entity) {
if ($guid > 999999999999999999) {
$entities[$guid] = $entity;
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