In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “Yeah -- I’m Not going to Pretend that that Person has that Accomplishment. And I’m Not going to Pretend that that Person has those Accomplishments. For example. And there is a Reason that The American Congress passed The Stolen Valor Act. The Stolen Valor Act. Stolen Valor.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “That should have the words Fiction, or Largely Fiction, or Partly Fictitious written on it. And that is Fiction. And that is Largely Fiction. And that is Partly Fictious. And that is a Work of Fiction. And those are Works of Fiction. And a lot of Pretending has Happened. And a lot of Pretending has occurred. And I think that You know that. And I think that You know this.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “That is Important to that Person. And that is Important to those People. And that is Important to Them. And that is Important to Us. And that is Important to Me. And that is Important to You. And that is Important to Her. And that is Important to Him. And that is Important. And to Someone that is Important. And to Some People that is Important. And that is Important to that Individual. And that is Important to those Individuals. And that is Important. And those are Important. And that is Valuable. And those are Valuable. To Him. To Her. To Me. To Us. To Them. To that Person. To those People. At that Time. At this Time. At these Times. During that Time. During those Times. During these Times. Here. There. Now. Then.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More Information and News from Around the World ---
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “That does Not have to do with that Person. And that does Not Really have to do with that Person. And that is Innate. And that is sort of Innate. And that is Genetic. And that is sort of Genetic. And that is Biological. And that is sort of Biological. And that is Hereditary. And that is sort of Hereditary. And that is Inborn. And that is sort of Inborn. And that is sort of Intrinsic. And that is Intrinsic. And that is By Birth (BB). And that is By Blood (BB). And that is sort of By Blood. And that is sort of By Birth. And – in reality – some Individuals sort of felt sorry for that Person. And that does Not Really have to do with that Person. And much of that is Fictional. And much of that is sort of Fictional. And that is Fictional. And that is sort of Fictional. And that is a Myth. And that is sort of a Myth.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). ------------
And More Information and News from Around the World ---
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “And as if it is Really Unusual for Someone to Try to ‘Influence,’ an Election. And as if Many Individuals throughout History have Not tried to ‘Influence’ an Election. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow.” -----------
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In one of My Writings, Someone said, “And this Company has Millions upon Millions of Paying Customers. And We have Billions upon Billions of Dollars. Millions, and Billions, and Maybe even Trillions, and Many other Big Numbers.” And The Man replied, “Wow. Wow. And Many things are often -- in large Part -- an attempt to Cope. And an attempt to Cope with Reality. And that Person probably tried to Cope. And Money – like Blood in the Body – Circulates, and Circulates, and Circulates. And, for example, You have only One Paying Customer. And I am Your only Paying Customer. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And there are the sayings, ‘Strange yet True,’ and, ‘The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.’ And if I were You, I would Try to Treat Your Only Paying Customer with Respect.”
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “And that Person talked on Television about How for a Period of Time He was a Patient during The Day at a Hospital, and at Night He would get out of His Hospital Bed and make His Rounds as a Doctor in the same Hospital. Wow. Wow. Wow.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “Many individuals are Extremely Secretive. And there are Many Ways in which Very Little is Really Known about Many Individuals and about Many Things. And Many things are Not Really Visible and Audible to Many other Individuals. And Many things are Extremely Well Concealed. And Camouflage is also Very Real. For example, D is visible to E, and Not Visible to F. Wow. Wow. Wow. Internets. Internets. Intranets. Intranets. Networks. Networks. And Plural Tense for Many things. Wow. Wow. Blurred. Blurry. Blocked. And Extremely Secretive. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. Whoa. Whoa.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “And there have been a lot of Games going on. And there are a lot of Games going on. For example, that Person sort of looks like that other Person because of Plastic Surgery and/or Genetic Engineering. Wow. Wow. Wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “Reality is something that should be Understood. And it is unfortunate that Viruses Spread, and Spread, and Spread. And it is also unfortunate that Many Viruses Mutate, and Mutate, and Mutate. And there are also Many Medicines. And as online News indicate, Currently about 66 Percent of the Population are Estimated to have the Herpes Viruses. Wow. Wow. And what do You think the Implications are when about 66 Percent of The Population is Estimated to have a Virus? And 66 Percent is Not too Far away from Nearly 100 Percent. And thankfully there are Many Medicines for Many things.” ----------------------------------------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “For example, there are Fake Beards, and Fake Mustaches. Glued on or Whatever. And there are -- of course -- Wigs and Toupees.” ------------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “There is Reality. And there are Realities. And there is a Portrayal of Reality. And there are Portrayals of Reality. And Many Individuals see different Portrayals of Reality. And Many Individuals would sort of be Surprised at some Different Portrayals of Reality. And also, for example, Person D can see E, and Not F. And, for example, Person D can see E, and sort of See F. And You would Probably Be Surprised by a lot of Stuff. And You would Probably also be Surprised at some of The Different Portrayals of Reality. And there is Reality. And there are also Portrayals of Reality. And much of this is also Entertaining.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More Information and News from Around the World ---
For example, there is a lot of Information about Fake Videos, and Altered Videos, and Computer Animation. And these things are Important to know about. And a Conspiracy is simply when two or more Individuals decided to act illegally and/or immorally. And Many Courts of Law have -- of course -- found Individuals guilty of Conspiracies.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “For example, wouldn’t it sort of Be Strange if We Learned that -- in Reality -- only one Person had ever been Pregnant? And if that Person also was the only Person who had Really given Birth? Pretty Interesting. And sort of Interesting.” --------------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “For example, wouldn’t it sort of Be Strange if We Learned that -- in Reality -- only one Person had ever been Pregnant? And if that Person also was the only Person who had Really given Birth? Pretty Interesting. And sort of Interesting.”
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “And sort of like a Vacation. And sort of like a Vacation for a Period of Time. And sort of like Vacations for Periods of Time. And sort of like Vacations. And some Rest. And some Rest for a Period of Time. And some Rest for Periods of Time.”
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “And I am Not going to have anything to do with that Collective Insanity. And I am Not going to have anything to do with that Collective Madness. And that encourages Collective Insanity with Many Individuals. And that encourages Collective Madness with Many Individuals. And I am Not going to have anything to do with that Collective Insanity. And I am Not going to have anything to do with that Collective Madness. And that would create Temporary Collective Insanity with Many Individuals. And that would create Temporary Collective Madness with Many Individuals. And I am Not going to have anything to do with that Collective Insanity. And I am Not going to have anything to do with that Collective Madness. Temporary Insanity. Temporary Madness. Temporary Collective Insanity with Many Individuals. And Temporary Collective Madness with Many Individuals. For a Period of Time. And for Periods of Time. And I choose to be Honest. And I choose to be Truthful. And I choose to be Truthful with You. And I Choose to be Honest with You.”
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And there are, of course, Reasons that there are Words such as, “Impostor,” and “Impostors,” and, “Fake,” and, “Fakes,” and, “Fraud,” and “Scam,” and, “Scams,” and, “Deception,” and, “Trickery,” and, “Conspiracy,” and, “Conspiracies”. And Many Individuals have – of course – been found Guilty of Conspiracies in various Courts of Law. And a Conspiracy is simply when Two or More Individuals decided to act illegally and/or Immorally.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “For example, that Papa Bear, and Papa Cat, and Papa Dog need Their Own Space. And there are, of course, different types of Parenting. And there are also different Psychological Needs. And there are also – for example – different Needs. And I also enjoy being a Bachelor. And there is also that which is Natural. And Many things are Really Natural. And Many things are also Really Unnatural. And Many things are Not Psychologically Good. And Many things are Not Really Natural. And there is Reality. And there is that which is Real. For example -- as Internet searches show -- Many Women currently choose to Wear Fake Baby Bumps in order to Pretend to be Pregnant. And -- as Internet searches show -- Many individuals also currently choose to wear Fake Beards and/or Fake Moustaches. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow. Whoa. Whoa.” ----------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “For example, Many Individuals need their Space. And Many Individuals have needed their Space. And Many Individuals need a lot of alone Time. And Many Individuals have Needed a lot of alone Time. And Many Individuals have Needed to Relax. And Many Individuals have Needed to Calm Down. And Many Individuals have Needed to Unwind. And Many Individuals have Needed a lot of Down Time. And Many Individuals have Needed to Rest. And Many Individuals have Needed Vacations. And there are different Personalities. And Many Individuals have different Personalities. And there are different Personality Types. And there are different Styles. And there are different Personality Styles. And there are different Parenting Styles. For example. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And there is – for example – By Blood. And there is – for example – by Birth. And We are Family Members (FM). And We are Family Members (FM) and Friends. And We are Friends.” -------------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “It’s Not like that I’m Your only Paying Customer. And it’s Not like that You are Nearly Totally Dependent upon My Resources. And it’s Not like that You are Nearly Totally Dependent upon My Money. And it’s Not like that You are Nearly Totally Dependent upon Me. And – sort of like How Blood in the Body Circulates – Money Circulates, and Circulates, and Circulates.” -----------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And it is My Hope that You don’t have to Hear Me say, basically, that, ‘You should have Hustled. And You should have been More Serious. And You should have been Serious. And You should have Known that Your Life depended upon that. For example, You should have Known that in Order to Live, You had to be in Reality. And now it is Too Late. And that is Terrible. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And You should have been More Serious. And You should have Hustled. And You should have Hustled as if Your Life depended upon that. And that was Your Choice. And that Was Your Decision. And it is Terrible that You Chose that. And that was Your Choice. And I can’t Help You anymore. And it would be sort of Insulting for Me to continue to Help You. And that was Your Choice.’ ”
And More Information and News from Around the World ---
From “Hell”. And, “Forever”. And, “Never Ending”.
And for 9 Trillion Years. And for Forever. And Never Ending. And for 9 Trillion Years and Counting. And for 9 Thousand Years. And for 9 Thousand Years and Counting. And during the Year 2018. And during the Year 2018B. And during the Year 2018C. And during the Year 2018D. And during the Year 2018 and Beyond. 2018. 2018B. And 2018C. And 2018D. Forever. And Never Ending. And for 9 Trillion years and Counting. Cool. Cool. Cool. The Goal.
“The Goal is the following:
The goal is to get to Heaven. The goal is to live for a long time. The goal is to live forever. The goal is to avoid being burned alive in the fires of Hell forever. The goal is to have a lot of good fun. The goal is to have a good life.-- Brandon”.
From The “Neglect”. And there is also, “Severe Neglect,” and, “Extreme Neglect,” and, “Some Neglect,” and, “A little Neglect,” and, “A lot of Neglect”. And then there are the Consequences of that. And then there are The Consequences of that Neglect.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
From The “The Power of the Purse”. The Power of The Purse. And there are also the sort of Well-Known sayings, “Money Helps Make the World go Around,” and, “Money Helps Make the World go Round.”
From “Boycott”. And, “Boycotts”. Partial. Partially. Fully. Completely. A Little. A lot. Some. Many. Much. And the Consequences. And the Consequence. Now. Then. At that Time. During that Time. During those Times. At this Time. Who. What. Where. When. Why. How. And there is also Neglect. And there are also The Degrees of Neglect. From Zero to 10. With Zero being Very Little, and with 10 being Extremely Severe. From Zero to 10. And from 1 to 10. With 1 being Not very Much, and with 10 being a lot. And from 1 to 10. And from Zero to 100. And from 1 to 100. With Zero being Not a Lot, and with 100 being a Lot. And with 1 being a lot, and with 100 being a Lot. The Description (TD). And The Descriptions (TD and ATD). Description. Descriptions.
From The "the definition of two-way street". And a Two-Way Street. And a Two Way Street. And Mutually Beneficial. And Symbiotic. And a Symbiotic Relationship. And Symbiotic Relationships. And one Hand washes the other Hand. And We Help each other. And We Helped each other. And We gave Resources to each other. And We give Resources to each other.
And from there is the sort of Well-Known song, “Rita Rita Runkin!”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “You might be Surprised that that is Really only Known to a Few People. And that is only Known to a Few People. And You might be Surprised that that is Really only Known to a small Percentage of The Population. And that is only Known to a small Percentage of The Population. And only about One Percent of The Population know that. And only about One Percent of Individuals know about that. And only about One Percent of The Population know about that. And Not as Many People as You might think Really know about that. And Many individuals see different things. And it Might Surprise You what Many individuals see. And Many individuals hear different things. And it Might Surprise You what Many individuals hear. And it Might Surprise You what Many Individuals Believe. And Many things are Blocked. And The News is Very different for Many Individuals. And Information is Very different for Many Individuals. And the Portrayal of Reality is Very Different for Many individuals. And – for example – Many Individuals would be Surprised at Who is Portrayed as being a Leader of Something. And Many individuals are asked to believe Very Surprising Things. And the Portrayal of Reality is Very different for Many individuals. And there is Reality. And there is the Portrayal of Reality. And there are The Portrayals of Reality. And there is Blur. And there are Blurs. And there are Blurry. And there is Blurred. And there is Blocked. And there is Blocks. And there is Block. And there is Blocking. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man put a New Piece of Clothing -- that was Red, Orange, and Blue in Color -- in the Washing Machine by itself, and once the Door was Closed, The Clothing whispered, “Ok, do the Parts of this Clothing that are different Colors agree Not to Spill their Colors on Each other during this Washing Cycle? And The Red Part said, ‘Yes,’ and The Orange Part said, ‘Maybe,’ and The Blue Part said, ‘I will think about it. And it sort of depends on The Temperature of the Water.’ ” -------------------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And there are only so Many Resources. And there is only so much Food to go around. And Your Survival depends upon those Resources that I provide for You. And right Now You seem to be Easily Distracted. And You seem to be Distracted right now. And You currently seem to be More Interested in waiting for the ‘Perfect Moment,’ and You seem to be More Interested in Playing Elaborate Games than Choosing to Live, and Choosing to Continue to Survive. And that is Very Interesting. And I would Hope that You Quickly Decide that You want to Survive instead of Playing Elaborate Games and Trying to wait for that ‘Perfect Moment’. And You can Choose to Have ‘Atlas Shrug,’ and You can Choose to Run out of Resources, and You can Choose to Run out of Food. And that would be Your Choice. And You should Not be so Easily Distracted. And You can Choose Life or Death for You and Many of Your Family Members (FM). Life or Death. And either ‘I Shrug,’ or ‘I do Not Shrug’. And right Now I am Hearing Excuses, and Excuses, and Excuses. And Excuse after Excuse after Excuse. And Waiting for that ‘Perfect Moment,’ that will Probably Never Come. And Playing those Elaborate Games instead of Choosing to Survive. And there are Deadlines. And there is a Deadline. And the Time is Almost Up. And You are almost out of Time. And there are Time Constraints. And The Time is almost Up. And You are currently Choosing to Sabotage Yourself. And You should Stop Sabotaging Yourself. And You are currently Tripping Yourself up with False Thinking. And it is Your Choice whether You Run out of Resources. And – believe it or Not – I may Choose Not to continue to Provide You with the Resources that You need to Survive. And much of Your Current Thinking about Stuff is Irrelevant. And that is Irrelevant. And that is Not Relevant. And Please envision what would Happen to You if I do Not Provide Resources for You. And what would Happen to You if ‘I Shrug’? And with Many things, I can go from Zero to 99 in about One Second. And with Many things, I can ‘Turn on a Dime’. And I suggest that You get with The Program. And I suggest that You Quickly do what is Necessary for You and Your Family Members (FM) to Survive. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And I am getting Tired of You waiting for that, ‘Perfect Moment,’ and I am getting Tired of You trying to Play Elaborate Games instead of Choosing to Continue to Live. And soon I may Choose to ‘Shrug,’ and with the way that You are currently Behaving, I may Choose to Stop Providing You with The Resources that You Need to Continue to Survive. And that is Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And right Now I am getting Tired of Providing You with the Resources that You Need to continue to Live. And I might be getting Close to ‘Shrugging’. And I suggest that You get Serious. And I suggest You start acting like Your Life depends upon this. Because Your Life depends upon Me Not ‘Shrugging’. And because Your Life depends upon Me Choosing to Continue to Provide You with Resources. And I suggest that You start getting Serious about that.” --------------
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “You May have Misspoke, as there are No Men in the Waiting Room right Now -- those are Boys.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “My Fellow Man -- Did You say that his name was Gert or Bert? And he’s Not a Member of The Cubs. And he’s Not a Cub. Ok.”
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “For example, is that Good or Bad? Is that Good or Bad? Good or Bad. Good or Neutral? Neutral or Bad? Is that Needed? Or is that Not Needed? Is that Vital? Or is that Not Vital? Important or Not Important. Is that Important, or is that Not Important? And is that Time Sensitive (TS)? Or Not Time Sensitive (NTS)? Time Sensitive or Not Time Sensitive? For example.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “Someone would do that. And someone would Probably do that. And there are Individuals who would do that. And there is an Individual who would do that. And there are People that would do that. And there is a Person who would do that. And We have Someone who would do that. And We have People who would do that. And They have Someone who would do that. And They have People who would do that.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “You might want to look into Getting Earthquake Insurance.”
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “It’s almost too Late. And it’s Almost The Point of No Return. And The Time is Almost up. And the Deadline is Near. And it’s almost too Late. And You should have been Mentally Stronger. And You should have been Tougher. And Reality is Reality. And The Truth is The Truth. And that’s Just the Way that it is. And that’s Just Reality. And You should have Tried to be Stronger. And You should have Tried to be Mentally Stronger. And You should have been More Serious about that. And You should have Realized how Important that is. And Life is Not all Fun and Games. And soon You Might have to Pay the Piper.”
And Here are some Paraphrased Lyrics to a Song, “You have to be Cruel to be Kind, in the Right Measure.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And I sort of have a Living Will. And -- sort of like how Blood in the Body Circulates -- many of My Resources Circulate, and Circulate, and Circulate. And Many of My Resources Circulate, and Circulate, and Circulate. And I am the Resource Circulator (RC). And I am The Resource Circulator.”
And Here is a Quote from Paul Van der Merwe -- “Money makes the world go round; however, happiness greases the axle. Without this lubricant, life will seize.”
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And there are -- of course -- Many Good Songs to Listen to, including Olivia Newton-John’s song called, “Magic”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “So – currently -- there are often Great differences between Reality and the Portrayal of Reality. This Graph shows Reality. And this Graph shows the Portrayal of Reality. And – for example – Reality D2 is Shown as D9. And Reality D3 is shown as D13. And, at this Time, there are often Great Discrepancies between Reality and the Portrayal of that Reality. And – in many Cases – it will be better when the Two Graphs more Closely Align. And there should often be a Great Alignment of those Two Graphs – Between Reality and the Showing of that Reality.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “B., Bo, andThe Bear.”
And here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone, “And Information is also the Lifeblood. And that is also The Lifeblood.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “It is Not often Good to ignore Reality. And Reality should often be Paid attention to. For example -- for about 9,000 years -- approximately 99 Percent of The Population had The Name, ‘Boy’. And there were about 99 Trillion individuals named ‘Boy’. And only about One Percent of The Population had a name other than ‘Boy’. And there were only about 89,000 individuals who had names other than ‘Boy’. About One Percent. Wow. Wow. Wow. And a lot has Changed over the years. And a lot has Changed. Wow. Wow. Wow.”
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From “Anti-inflammatory”. And that which Helps Promote Anti-inflammation. And there is Inflammation. And there is Anti-inflammation. And there is -- of course -- that which Helps Create Anti-Inflammation. And there is Swell. And there is Not Swell. To Swell. And Not to Swell. And there is Up. And there is Down. And there is Left. And there is Right. And Something can go Up, and then something can go Down. And something can go Left, and then it can go Right. For example. And there can be a Reaction. And then often that Reaction can be Diminished. And for Many things there are -- of course – Antidotes and Medicines. Metaphorically. And Not Metaphorically (NM). A Metaphor. Metaphors. Not a Metaphor (NAM). Not Metaphors (NM). Literal. Literally. Not Literally (NL). For example.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And I sort of Thought that was a Joke. And that was sort of a Joke. And that is sort of a Joke.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And I sort of Thought that was Fictional. And that was sort of Fictional. And that is sort of Fictional.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And I know that is Not Real. And I know that is Probably Not Real. One of the Current Problems is that You should Directly Address that. And You should Directly Correct that Perception. And You should Directly Fix that. And that should be Properly Addressed. And that should be Properly Corrected. And that should be Properly Fixed. As soon as Possible (ASAP). And as Soon as Possible.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And His Hands are on Many Levers. And His Hands are on Most of The Levers. And He is involved in Many things. And He is involved in Most Things. And He is also a Conductor.”
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, "So -- for example -- I am Related about One Percent to that Person, and to that other Person I am Related about 99 Percent."
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, "From Zero to 99. And Full Step. And Half Step. And a Quarter Step. And at that Time. And at this Time. From about Zero to 99. And that Person sort of likes that Person from about Zero to 99. And that Person sort of [ ] that Person from about Zero to 99. At that time. At this Time."
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, "About Zero Percent Chance. And about Zero. And about Zero Percent Chance. And about [ ]. And about [ ] Percent Chance. And about Zero and Infinity. And about Zero and Infinity Chance. And that Person. And that Person sort of [ ]. And that sort of [ ]. And that [ ]. And in Reality [ ]."
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, "For example, there are different Versions of Many Individuals. And Many Individuals -- for example -- are Members of Groups that are different than there Versions and/or Doubles are. For example. a Person might be a Member of Group B3, and His Version and/or Double might be a Member of Group D9."
And More Information and News from Around the World ---
From “Anti-inflammatory”. And that which Helps Promote Anti-inflammation. And there is Inflammation. And there is Anti-inflammation. And there is -- of course -- that which Helps Create Anti-Inflammation. And there is Swell. And there is Not Swell. To Swell. And Not to Swell. And there is Up. And there is Down. And there is Left. And there is Right. And Something can go Up, and then something can go Down. And something can go Left, and then it can go Right. For example. And there can be a Reaction. And then often that Reaction can be Diminished. And for Many things there are -- of course – Antidotes and Medicines. Metaphorically. And Not Metaphorically (NM). A Metaphor. Metaphors. Not a Metaphor (NAM). Not Metaphors (NM). Literal. Literally. Not Literally (NL). For example.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And in one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, "And I am a Leader. And I am also a Member. And I am also a Leader of an Organization. And I am a Member of an Organization. And I am Not the only Leader. And I am Not the only Member."
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, "And the Translation of that sort of Means, 'Wrestling,' or 'Grappling'. "
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And that is sort of H., and that is Not Really F. And that is sort of H. And that is sort of 99 H. And that is Not F. And that is Not Really F. And that is about Zero F.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
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In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “The Reality is, is that Their Survival depends upon Me. And those Individuals are Nearly 100 Percent Dependent upon Me for Their Very Survival. And I am Nearly Zero Percent Dependent upon Them for My Survival. And I am Really about Zero Percent Dependent upon Them. And -- in Reality -- They are Nearly 100 Percent Dependent upon Me. And the Sooner those Individuals Realize this, The Better it will be for Them. And I have The Real Power of The Purse, among other things. And I am also glad that I am often a Reasonable Person. And – sort of like How Blood in the Body Circulates – Resources and Money Circulate, and Circulate, and Circulate. And I am also The Money Circulator. And I am also The Resource Circulator.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “It is -- of course -- Very Important that You know the Basic Rules. And Many Individuals should Know The Basic Rules. And there are also Influence Campaigns. And there are – of course – Campaigns to Retain and Obtain Influence. Influence Campaigns. And Basic Rules. And there are also Spheres of Influence. Spheres of Influence. For example.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “And – currently – Many of The Dams are Bursting, and Many of those Individuals are too Busy Sabotaging Themselves by Trying to Prop Up F., which They should Not be doing. And Many of The Trains are Leaving The Station. And Right Now Many of The Dams are Bursting. And They are – currently – Busy Sabotaging Themselves by Trying to Prop Up F. that should Not be Propped Up. And that does Not Make Sense. And Many of the Elevator Doors are Closing. And Many of the Dams are about to Burst. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And instead of Trying to Survive, Many of Them are currently Not doing what Should be Done, and what Needs to be done. Sort of like Deer staring into the Headlights. Wow. Wow. Wow. And They Need to Get Real. And They should Get Real Very Quickly. And They should Get Real Very Soon. Wow. Wow. Wow. Game Changer. Game Changers.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “And You know what is sort of Interesting – They Need that Magic Money, and They Need those Magic Resources. And, for whatever Reason, They are Currently Not Protecting that Magic Money, and those Magic Resources Very Well. And that is about the only Thing that could do them in. Forever. And The Resource Circulator, and The Money Circulator is Not currently being Treated Very Well by that Organization, which doesn’t Make Sense. And that Organization is about 100 Percent Dependent upon The Magic Man, and The Magic Man is about Zero Percent Dependent upon them. And without – for example – that Magic Money going to Them, They will Wither, and They Will Wilt. Wither. And Wilt. Forever. And so they are doing This, and This, and That, and they are Currently Neglecting to Treat The Magic Man with the Respect that He deserves. And without The Magic Man, They will Wilt, and They Will Wither. Forever. And – Right Now -- The Magic Man might be Tired of Supplying Them with The Money and The Resources that They Need to Survive, because of The Way that He is being Currently Treated by Them. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just The way that it is. And – sort of Like How Blood in the Body Circulates, and Circulates, and circulates – Money and Resources Circulate, and Circulate, and Circulate. And The Game Changer (TGC and GC). And The Game Changers.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “Wow. And there are Reasons that there are Phrases such as ‘Fake News’. And only about One Percent of those News Articles are Extremely Accurate. And much of that is Not Accurate. And Much of that is Not Truthful. And much of that was done for Entertainment. Entertainment. Laugh out Loud. LOL. And some Good Jokes. And some Bad Jokes. Could You imagine? And could You imagine if that Were True? And could You imagine if that Would have been allowed to Have Happened? By Us? Fiction. And Fictional. And Largely Fictional. And Largely Fiction. And Satire. And Largely Satirical. LOL. Laugh out Loud. Jokes. Joke. Humor. Entertainment. Fake. LOL. Laugh out Loud. Fictional. Works of Fiction. And a Work of Fiction. Entertainment. Wow. Wow. Wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
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