I Believe that there should be a Zero Percent Tax Rate. And Organization B is Organization B. And Organization C is Organization C. And Organization D is Organization D.
And More News and Information from Around The World:
From The MiamiHerald.com: “Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she's running for Congress.”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Kangaroo Court”.
From Wikipeia.org: “Player Piano” (Self-Playing Piano).
From The NYTimes.com: “N.F.L. Owners Won't Penalize Players for Kneeling During Anthem”.
From ABCNews.com: “A Silent Epidemic of Cancer Is Spreading Among Men”.
From CNN.com: “An activist, a little girl and the heartbreaking origin of 'Me too' ”.
From Vogue.com: “Celebrities Share Stories of Sexual Assault for #MeToo Campaign”.
From CNN.com: “Trump warns McCain: 'Be careful because at some point I fight back' ”.
From NBCWashington.com: “Police: 'Active Shooter' Reports at Howard U. Were Unfounded”.
From CNN.com: “Trump calls sexual assault allegations 'fake' ”.
From CNN.com: “What Trump isn't tweeting about”.
From The MiamiHerald.com: “Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she's running for Congress.”.
From Wikipedia.org is Information about, among other Topics, The “Kangaroo Court”.
From Wikipedia.org is Information about The “Player Piano” also known as (aka) Self-Playing Pianos.
From TheHill.com: “Man rescued from Taliban: I thought my captors were kidding when they said Trump was president”.
From The BusinessInsider.com: “Jake Tapper presses Rex Tillerson to answer whether he called Trump a moron”.
And More of My Writings:
CD116G. Bond. Bonds. Common Bond (CB). Common Bond. Common Bonds (CB). Bonding. Bonded. Pretty Strong Bond. Pretty Strong Bonds. Strong Bond. Strong Bonds. The Ties that Bind. The Tie that Binds. And some Individuals have Strong Bonds with Certain other Individuals. And an Individual often has a Strong Bond with another Individual. And some Individuals have Strong Bonds with Certain Organizations. And an Individual often has a Strong Bond with an Organization. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Do You even think that that is a Real College? And do You even think that Students are Really Enrolled there? And do You even think that Students were Really Enrolled there? And do You think that Someone Really Graduated from there? And there is The saying, ‘Keeping up Appearances’. And wouldn’t it sort of be Funny if, for example, that College had Never Really Existed? And wouldn’t it sort of be Funny if, for example, Computer Animation was used, for example, for Creating Images of Buildings for a College that Never Really Existed? And would You Really be Surprised about this? And would You Really be Surprised about some other Stuff? And do You think, for example, that that Diploma is a Real Diploma? And do You think that that is Real? And have You Read The News Lately? And have You Heard the News Lately? And have You seen the News Lately?”
In one of My Writings, for example, The Man said, “Organization B Tried – and Failed – at Getting Organization C to do a Certain Action. And Organization C Tried – and Failed – at Getting Organization D to do a Certain Action.”
That Man should Pay Zero Percent in Taxes to that Organization. And that Woman should Pay Zero Percent in Taxes to that Organization. And that Person should Pay Zero Percent in Taxes to that Organization. And that Organization should Pay Zero Percent in Taxes to that other Organization. Zero Percent in Taxes. And a Zero Percent Tax Rate.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is The Only Clue that I Need. And those are The Only Clues that I Need.
And that is The Only Information that I Need. And that is Enough. And that is Sufficient.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There are Many Interesting Movies to Watch and/or to Listen to, including The Movie called, “Fantasia”. And there are Many Interesting Books to Read and/or Listen to, including, “The Clan of the Cave Bear”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “There have been some False Fronts. And do You think, for example, that that Organization is Really an Intelligence Agency for that Country? Would You be Surprised if that was instead just another Act of Deception by that Organization? And so, for example, some of that Organization’s Members could say, ‘You don’t like that Country if You don’t like Us?’ ” When in fact that would just be yet another attempt at Deception by that Organization to try to Pretend to Some Individuals that that Organization is an Intelligence Agency of that Country. An Attempt by that Organization to try to Deceptively Bind and/or Tie its Actions to a Country and Her Citizens. Would You even be Surprised if None of that Organization’s Members are Even Really Citizens of that Country? Or do You Not think that that Organization would Really Engage in that Level of Deception?”
In one of My Writings, The Man asked, “Do You Believe that that Person is Really a Citizen of that Country? And do You Believe that that Person is Really a Member of that Organization? And do You Think that that Person is Really a Member of that Profession? And what do You Really Think about that Person? And what do You Really Think about that Subject? And what do You Really Think about those Subjects? And what do You Really Think about that Topic? And what do You Really Think about those Topics? And what do You Really Think about that? And what do You Really Think about those?”
From Wikipedia.org can be found The Definitions for: “Charade” also known as (aka) Deception(s) and/or Deceit.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I do Not Recognize that Person’s so-called, ‘Authority.’ And He’s Not My President. And He’s Not My Leader. And He’s Not one of My Leaders. And that Person is Not My President. And that Person is Not My Leader. And that Person is Not one of My Leaders. And that Person is Not The Leader of Our Organization. And that Person is Not a Leader of Our Organization. And that Person is Not the President of Our Organization. And We do Not Recognize that Person’s so-called, ‘Authority.’ And He’s Not Our President. And He’s Not Our Leader. And He’s Not one of Our Leaders. And that Person is Not Our President. And that Person is Not Our Leader. And that Person is Not one of Our Leaders. And an Appeal to that Person’s so-called ‘Authority’ is Not Going to Work with Me. And an Appeal to that Person’s so-called ‘Authority’ is Not Going to Work with Us. And We know better. And We know better than that. And I know better. And I know better than that. And, as College Textbooks talk about, an Appeal to Authority is often a Logical Fallacy.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Everyone is Entitled to His or Her Own Opinion. And Everyone is Entitled to His or Her Own Opinions.”
On The Internet, for example, there is Information from Multiple Sources about Someone who passed away about 100 years ago, and who is Currently Believed by Some Individuals to have been an Inventor who Invented something, who was so “Mentally Deficient” that he was Expelled from a School by a Teacher who Wrote his Mother a Note Explaining that, due to his “Mental Deficiency,” it was Inappropriate for him to attend that School.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “What do You Know about [ ]? And I have Some Good News, and I also have Some Bad News. And The Good News is [ ]. And The Bad News is [ ]. And What You Should Know [ ]. And Some More Information that You should Know [ ]. And What We Should do [ ]. And What My Recommendation is [ ]. And What My Advice is [ ]. And [ ]. And do You have any Questions?”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Everyone is Entitled to Their Own Opinion. And Everyone is Entitled to Their Own Opinions.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Team Created that Invention. And a Team Helped Create that Invention. And a Team Helped Create that. And a Team Created that. And a Team did that. And a Team Helped do that.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man asked, “Why, for example, do We Not See Very Many People often Wearing Extremely Old Fashioned Clothes? And Why, for example, do We Not See Very Many People often Using Extremely Old Fashioned Technology, such as Early 1980s-Types of Computers? And what does This Information Mean? And what does This Mean? And what is The Significance? And What is The Deeper Meaning? And what is The Implication? And what are The Implications?”
And More of My Writings:
CD117G. Old Fashioned. Outdated. Out of Fashion. Not Fashionable. Very. Extremely. Sort of (SO).
To that Person (TTP). To those People (TTP). To Me. To Him. To Her. To You. To Them. To Us. At that Time. At Those Times. At this Time.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD118G. And Why, for Example, do Many People Regard Something as Out of Fashion or Not Fashionable? And what Might be, for example, some Psychological and/or Sociological Reasons for this? One Reason Might be a Desire for a lot of New Stuff, which Manifests itself in such things as a lot of Current News (as Opposed to, for example, an Extremely lot of News that Focuses on Events from, for instance, 300 years ago), and Clothes that tend to Reflect Many Individuals’ Current World Views and/or Mores.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
“The description of Nemo's ship, called the Nautilus, was considered ahead of its time, as it accurately describes features on submarines, which at the time were very primitive vessels” (Regarding The Book Entitled, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and the following Cited Quote was a Quote From Wikipedia.com: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty_Thousand_Leagues_Under_the_Sea#The_book).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Look at that organization Try to Pretend that it is an Intelligence Agency for that Country. And None of that organization’s members are Even Really Citizens of that Country. And that is Just Another Example of an Attempt at Deception by that organization. And that organization has Attempted to Deceptively Tie and Bind its Actions to that Country and to that Country’s Citizens.”
And More Information and News from Around The World:
From ILoveBeingChristian.com: “7 Miracles Caught on Camera Science Can't Explain (VIDEO)”.
From TheMiamiHerald.com: “Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she's running for Congress.”
From Wikipedia.org: “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”.
From FoxNews.com: “Monica Lewinsky tweets '#MeToo' ”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Truth and reconciliation commission”.
From Complex.com: “Herpes Is More Common Than You Think”.
From NBCNews.com: “A Silent Epidemic of Cancer Is Spreading Among Men”.
From The BusinessInsider.com: “2 former presidents — from both parties — blast the state of American politics in unprecedented day”.
From The MiamiHerald.com: “In attack on Frederica Wilson over Trump's call to widow, John Kelly gets facts wrong”.
From The WashingtonPost.com: “George W. Bush’s anti-Trump manifesto, annotated”.
From TheHill.com: “Ex-Clinton aide on Kelly: 'Don't be distracted by the uniform' ”.
From TheDailyBeast.com: “Lupita Nyong’o Details Experiences With Weinstein in Op-Ed”.
From USAToday.com: “Orionid meteor shower: Where it is, when to see it”.
From The Advances.ScienceMag.org: “Confirmation of a de novo structure prediction for an atomically precise monolayer-coated silver nanoparticle”.
From Phys.org: “Liquid metal discovery ushers in new wave of chemistry and electronics”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Charade”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is, for example, a Member of Organization B. And that Other Person is, for example, a Member of another Organization B. And that Person is a Member of Organization C. And that Other Person is a Member of another Organization C. And that Person is a Member of Organization D. And that Other Person is a Member of another Organization D. B2 and B3. C2 and C3. D2 and D3.”
And More of My Writings:
CD119G. In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone: “What’s Going on? And what is Going on? And what was Going on? And let’s See What’s Going on. And let’s See what is Going on. And let’s See what was Going on. And What’s Happening? And what is Happening? And what was Happening? And let’s See What’s Happening. And let’s See what is Happening. And let’s See what was Happening.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD120G. Many Words and Names are Synonymous with other Words and/or Names. For example, The Name “Bill” is often Synonymous with The Name “William.” And a Man named “Bill” often also goes by The Name, “William”.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “That’s like Something We Would Watch on a Soap Opera. And that’s sort of like a Soap Opera Drama. And that’s like Something We Would Watch on a Reality TV Show. And that’s sort of like a Reality TV Show. Or a Movie. Or a Bad Movie. Or a Television Show. Or a Bad Television Show. And that’s a lot of Drama. And there’s a lot of Drama. And that is a lot of Drama. And that was a lot of Drama. Drama.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CD121G. Salvage. Salvages. Salvaging. Salvaged. Salvage Operation (SO). Salvage Operations (SO). The Salvage Operation (TSO). The Salvage Operations (TSO). A Salvage Operation. Some Salvage Operations. Operation. Operations. The Operation (TO). The Operations (TO). An Operations. Some Operations. Operative. Operatives. Operator. Operators. Operating. Operated.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD122G. There are Many Interesting Songs to Listen to, including Sade’s Song called “Smooth Operator.” And there are Many Interesting Music Videos to Watch and/or Listen to, including that aforementioned Song’s Music Video.
From Prezi.com:
“Transcript of Mental disabilities of Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein Early Life When he was a baby he didn't speak and he had
difficulties to express himself.
He was a lonely child, and he didn't have friends
because he used to avoid the company of
other children.
He couldn't read until the age of nine. Education He studied in a catholic school and he liked to play the violin.
He did three attempts to enter to College and when he finally was admitted he studied Mathematics and
Physics. Disability Albert Einstein its believed to have been dyslexic
and autistic. How did he overcome his disability? As Einstein grew up, he started focusing in
the thing he was good at: Mathematics.
Soon he fought his disability and changed science
Einstein overcame his disability with hard work,
discipline and dedication. Albert Einstein By: Patricio Perez He was born in Germany March 14, 1879. Later he became a Switzerland and USA citizen.”
difficulties to express himself.
He was a lonely child, and he didn't have friends
because he used to avoid the company of
other children.
He couldn't read until the age of nine. Education He studied in a catholic school and he liked to play the violin.
He did three attempts to enter to College and when he finally was admitted he studied Mathematics and
Physics. Disability Albert Einstein its believed to have been dyslexic
and autistic. How did he overcome his disability? As Einstein grew up, he started focusing in
the thing he was good at: Mathematics.
Soon he fought his disability and changed science
Einstein overcame his disability with hard work,
discipline and dedication. Albert Einstein By: Patricio Perez He was born in Germany March 14, 1879. Later he became a Switzerland and USA citizen.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Let Me Review this. And Yes, upon Further Review, and in part because You had a Certain Amount of Points, You Really Won this.” Review. Reviews. Reviewing. Reviewed. Further Review. Point. Points. Pointing. Pointed. Out of [ ]. Out of this Many Points. Out of this Many Points [ ]. Out of a Possible. Out of a Possible [ ]. Out of a Possible Amount of Points. Out of this Possible Amount of Points. Out of this Possible Amount of Points [ ]. Your Score. Your Score [ ]. You Scored [ ]. Score. Scoring. Scored. The [ ] Score.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Grandma Hjordis, May You have a Happy Birthday in Heaven. --
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I was Born in about The Middle of August, in 1980, and at 2:00 a.m. 8/15/1980 at 2:00 a.m. And this is Pretty Interesting. And this is Rare. And this, among some other things, is also Interesting to Me. And Probably Some other Individuals find this, among other things, as being Interesting. And there are the Sayings, ‘Connect the Dots,’ and ‘Connecting the Dots,’ and ‘Connected the Dots’.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “And I know that an Attempt at Keeping Up Appearances Might be Currently Important to You, but I know that that Person did Not Really Accomplish that. And I know better than to Believe, for example, that that Person Really Accomplished that. And it is Obvious to Many Reasonable People that, for example, that Person did Not Really Accomplish that. And We Should be Truthful. And there are Reasons that there have been, for example, Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, as well as Truth Committees.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Grandmother Almost called the Police After Overhearing Her Grandson Talking, until She Realized that He had Just got Back from Drama Class, and He was Reciting a Speech for a School Play.
The Physical Resemblances between Two of My Family Members (FM) is so Strong, that one of My Social Networks (SN) probably thought that They were the Same Person, which I found out when I was asked to Tag One of My Family Members (FM) in a Photograph as being The Other Family Member (FM).
There are Some Strong Physical Resemblances between Some of My Family Members (FM).
It is My Belief that The Study of History is Very Important.
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “That Person does Not, for example, Have Real Legal Standing. And that Person does Not Really have Standing. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More Information and News from Around The World:
From Wikipedia.org: “The Island of Doctor Moreau”.
From CNN.com: “Soldiers' death in Niger trails a frightful back-story”.
From FoxNews.com: “McCain slams Americans who dodged Vietnam draft with 'bone spur' ”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Theory of multiple intelligences”.
From BuzzFeed.com: “21 Times ‘The Simpsons’ Bizarrely Predicted The Future”.
From The TravelChannel.com: “Giant Pumpkin Boat Race”.
From The NYDailyNews.com: “EERIE! Spooky cartoon predictions that came true”.
From The DailyWire.com: “Jimmy Carter Unleashed: Russians Didn't Alter Election, Obama Didn't Deliver, We Didn't Vote For Hillary”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Theory of multiple intelligences”.
From Reader’s Digest (Rd.com): “9 Historical Predictions That Actually Came True”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Linguistic intelligence”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Emotional intelligence”.
From The Qz.com: “Computers can now paint like Van Gogh and Picasso”.
From Wired.com: “An Algorithm That Makes a Computer Paint Like a Human”.
From The Cracked.com: “23 Eerily Specific Predictions from History That Came True”.
From The Cracked.com: “6 Eerily Specific Inventions Predicted in Science Fiction”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Reality television”.
From NBCNews.com: “Five Living Former Presidents to Headline Hurricane Relief Concert”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Thousand points of light”.
From FoxNews.com: “Rachel Maddow called out by fellow liberals for pushing anti-Trump conspiracy”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Truth and reconciliation commission”.
From Understood.org: “Famous People With Learning Disabilities and Disorders.”
And I am Pretty Healthy.
And More News and Information from Around The World:
From NewsMax.com: “Paul Ryan: FBI Will Give Congress Dossier-Related Documents”.
From MarieClaire.com: “Selena Gomez Gives Her Honest Review Of Taylor Swift's Upcoming Album 'Reputation' ”.
From The Heavy.com: “WATCH: Trump Says He Didn’t Order Niger Mission, His Generals Did”.
From The WashintonPost.com: “World leaders rehearse for a pandemic that will come ‘sooner than we expect’ ”.
From FoxNews.com: “Legionnaires' disease infects 12 people in NYC”.
From TheSun.co.uk: “Black death warning in NINE countries - including Brit holiday hotspots”.
From The WashintonPost.com: “World leaders rehearse for a pandemic that will come ‘sooner than we expect’ ”.
From WMagazine.com: “Rosie O'Donnell Breaks Her Silence on Donald Trump: ‘I Seriously Worry Whether I Will Be Able to Live Through His Presidency’”.
From TheSun.co.uk: “Black death warning in NINE countries - including Brit holiday hotspots”.
From Phys.org: “Liquid metal discovery ushers in new wave of chemistry and electronics”.
From The Wired.com: “An Algorithm That Makes a Computer Paint Like a Human”.
From The WashingtonPost.com: “World leaders rehearse for a pandemic that will come ‘sooner than we expect’”.
From TheHill.com: “Trump says his recollection of call with Gold Star widow is better than hers”.
From The CPSC.gov: “Fisher-Price Recalls Infant Motion Seats Due to Fire Hazard”.
From AOL.com: “Trump reacts to question on civility: 'I'm a very intelligent person' ”.
From The WashintonPost.com: “World leaders rehearse for a pandemic that will come ‘sooner than we expect’ ”.
From The WashingtonPost.com: “Opinions: Enough.”.
From AZCentral.com: “Read Flake's bombshell Senate speech: 'Mr. President, I rise today to say: Enough' ”.
From FoxNews.com: “Trump, Corker reignite feud with nasty war of words”.
From USAToday.com: “Teen says he'll defy cease-and-desist letter from his congressman”.
From Wikipedia.org: “The Island of Doctor Moreau”.
The Chalice and The Lynchpin
Written by Brandon Katrena
An Excerpt from My Literature: “This is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How -- in Large Part -- People’s Will to Survive led Them to Create Individuals whose Antibodies and Plasma are Used to Help Create Medicines. And these Medicines are Needed for Our Survival. Viruses Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are Helped Kept in Check by The Antibodies and Plasma Created by The Chalices and The Lynchpins. And Father God Works in Mysterious Ways.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That should be Properly Addressed. And this Should be Properly Addressed. And that should be Properly Explained. And this Should be Properly Explained. And a Proper Explanation is in Order. And what is in Order is for that to be Properly Addressed. And what is in Order is for this to be Properly Addressed.”
As is also the case with Many other Dictionaries, from TheFreeDictionary.com there are Many Definitions for Many Words, such as for the word, “Drugged”.
---- In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have, for example, Our Own Organization B. And They have, for example, Their Own Organization B. And We have Our Own Organization C. And They have Their Own Organization C. And We have Our Own Organization D. And They have Their Own Organization D.”
And More of My Writings:
CD123G. Render. Renders. Rendering. Rendered. Rendition. Renditions. The. A. An.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD124G. Extradite. Extradites. Extraditing. Extradited. Extradition. Extraditions. The. A. An.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CD125G. Process. Processes. Processing. Processed. The. A. An.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “That Might be an Untrue Rumor. And those Might be Untrue Rumors. And that Might be Untrue Gossip. And those Might be Untrue Gossip. And that Might be Untrue. And those Might be Untrue.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More News and Information from Around The World:
From NewsMax.com: “Paul Ryan: FBI Will Give Congress Dossier-Related Documents”.
From NBCNews.com: “Former Trump adviser Carter page questioned by Senate panel”.
From FoxNews.com: “Trump frustrated by secrecy with JFK files
From The WashingtonPost.com: “Trump delays release of some JFK assassination documents, bowing to national security concerns”.
From NBCNews.com: “JFK files show Hoover wanted the public convinced Oswald acted alone”.
From TheSun.co.uk: “Violence erupts in Barcelona as Catalonia police chief is sacked and Spanish PM orders fresh elections in bid to seize control of breakaway region”.
From The Telegraph.co.uk: “British newspaper received mystery call minutes before JFK assassination”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Deception”(s).
From Wikipedia.org: “Devil's advocate”.
From Wikipedia.org: “The Devil's Advocate (1997 film)”.
From FoxNews.com: “Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Disguise”(s).
From Wikipedia.org: “Prosthesis”.
From Congress.gov: “S.585 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017”.
From Wikipedia.org: “Flowers for Algernon”.
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