CC43. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Faith Takes Us Beyond Ourselves, to Where God is.”
CC44. There is a Picture of a Cross, and there are the Words by The Picture that state: “Taken last night during Stations of the Cross.”
CC45. There is a Title to a Paper entitled: “8 Prayers to Pray Each Day of Holy Week.”
CC46. There is a Cartoon Drawn by someone that States: “Please Enjoy this Culturally, Ethnically, Religiously, and Politically Correct Cartoon Responsibly. Thank You.” And Underneath those words is a Picture with Nothing in it.
CC47. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Christ didn’t stay dead, and He won’t stay gone.”
CC48. And Here is a Quote from The Bible, Psalm 46:1: “God is Our Refuge and Strength, an Ever-Present Help in Trouble.”
CC49. March 23rd is a Remembrance of Gregory The Illuminator, who was a Bishop and a Missionary.
CC50. Illuminate. Illuminates. Illuminating. Illuminated. Illumination. Illuminations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC51. There are, of course, Many Movies, including the 1940 Movie called, “Fantasia.”
May You have a Happy Easter. He is Risen, and -- like a Baptism -- that can Never be Undone. – Brandon
And More of My Writings:
CC52B. There is, of course, Much Information about Miracles and Many Other Topics. And there is the Movie called, “Miracles from Heaven.”
CC53B. There are Many Names for God. And there are Many Names for Many Things. And there are Many Names for The Same Things. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC54B. Many Names. Many Names of. Many Names for. Name. Names. Naming. Named. Name of. Name for. Names of. Names for. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC55B. Here is a Quote from Dr. Ben Carson: “They have a Whole Pastel of Terms They’ll Throw at You.” In other Words: “They will have a Whole Bunch of Terms that They Will Throw at You.”
CC56B. Shock Value. Shock Value (SV). For Shock Value. For Shock Value (FSV). Shock. Shocks. Shocking. Shocked. Shocker. Shockers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC57B. Name Caller (NC). Name Callers (NC). Name Calling (NC). Term Caller (TC). Term Callers (TC). Term Calling (TC). Disingenuous. Disingenuously. Dishonest. Dishonestly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There have been Many Wars. And there have been Many Conflicts. And there have been Many Major Conflicts.
May You have a Good Good Friday.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Yeah, I heard that too.” And The Woman said, “Yeah, I heard that too.” And The Person said, “Yeah, I heard that too.”
And More of My Writings:
CC58B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I’m Still Kickin’ It. And I’m Still Kicking It.” And The Woman said, “I’m Still Kickin’ It. And I’m Still Kicking It.” And The Person said, “I’m Still Kickin’ It. And I’m Still Kicking It.”
CC59B. Station. Stations. Stationing. Stationed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC60B. Many People have, of course, liked to Watch Many Movies, including The Saw Movies and other Movies.
CC61B. Reference. References. Referencing. Referenced. Refer. Refers. Referring. Referred. Word of Mouth. By Word of Mouth. Partly by Word of Mouth. Sort of by Word of Mouth. Kind of by Word of Mouth. Largely by Word of Mouth. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC62B. It is a Well Known Fact that Many Individuals have Questioned whether some other Individuals are Really Members of Certain Organizations, including whether some Individuals are Really Members of Certain Religions and Certain Religious Organizations.
CC63B. Mispresenting. Misrepresent. Misrepresents. Misrepresenting. Misrepresented. Misrepresentation. Misrepresentations. Skew. Skews. Skewing. Skewed. Cherry Pick (CP). Cherry Picks (CP). Cherry Picking (CP). Cherry Picked (CP). The Number. The Numbers. The Information. That. Those. Them. Us. Me. You. He. She. They. We. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC64B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Glad that They are Protesting. And I am Glad that They are Exercising Their God-Given and Natural Rights of The Freedom of Speech.”
CC65B. Christmas and Easter are some of My Favorite Holidays.
CC66B. In one of My Writings, “It is about Genetics. And it is about Biology.” Genetic. Genetics. Genetically. Biology. Biologies. Biological. Biologically. Biologic. Biologics. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC67B. War. Wars. Warfare. Conflict. Conflicts. Major Conflict (MC). Major Conflicts (MC). Past. Present. Future. Tense(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC68B. There are, of course, Many Television Shows, such as the Television Show named, “Growing Pains.”
CC69B.What is More Likely? And What is Very More Likely? And what is Extremely More Likely? About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC70B. What is More Probable? And What is Very More Probable? And what is Extremely More Probable? About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC71B. That is What that is. That is another Name for that. Those are What those are. That is another Name for that. Those are other Names for those. That is another name for those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC72B. That is Not What that is. That is Not another Name for that. Those are Not What those are. That is Not another Name for that. Those are Not other Names for those. That is Not another name for those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC73B. That Person is also. Those People are also. That Person is. Those People are. That is. Those are. That is also. Those are also. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC74B. That Person is Not also. Those People are Not also. That Person is Not. Those People are Not. That is Not. Those are Not. That is Not also. Those are Not also. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC75B. Classify. Classifies. Classifying. Classified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC76B. Not Classify (NC). Not Classifies (NC). Not Classifying (NC). Not Classified (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC77B. Correctly Classify. Correctly Classifies. Correct Classifying. Correctly Classified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC78B. Incorrectly Classify. Incorrectly Classifies. Incorrect Classifying. Incorrectly Classified. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC79B. Bless. Blesses. Blessing. Blessings. Blessed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC80B. It is, of course, Good to Know about Boundaries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC81B. Boundary. Boundaries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC82B. Good Boundary. Good Boundaries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC83B. There are, of course, Many Books and other Literature, such as Franz Kafka’s Book named, The Metamorphosis.
CC84B. There are, of course, Many Songs and Music Videos, such as the Songs named, “One Night in Bangkok,” and, “Der Kommissar,” and Their Music Videos.
CC85B. War Room. War Room (WR). War Rooms. War Rooms (WR).
That Path led to. Those Paths led to. That led to. Those led to. Because of that. Because of those. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
May You have a Happy Easter. -- Brandon
Here are Some Facts: in Iceland, in the year 2016, approximately 66 Percent of Children are Born to Unmarried Parents. And Many other Places in the World have a Large Percentage of Children Born to Unmarried Parents. And – as Mother Bear and Her Children Demonstrate, and as Mother Duck and Her Children also Demonstrate – We Humans are the only Species who sometimes Marry, unless there are Aliens who also sometimes Marry.
Seemingly Little Things often lead to Big Things.
And some More of My Writings:
CC86B. Likely. Very Likely (VL). Extremely Likely (EL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC87B. Not Likely (NL). Not Very Likely (NVL). Not Extremely Likely (NEL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC88B. Unlikely. Very Unlikely (VU). Extremely Unlikely (EU). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC89B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Cool Grand. And a Cool One Hundred Grand.” A Cool Grand (ACG). A Cool One Hundred Grand (ACOHG). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC90B. A Conflict. Some Conflicts. A Minor Conflict. Some Minor Conflicts. A Major Conflict. Some Major Conflicts. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC91B. A Conflict (AC). Some Conflicts (SC). A Minor Conflict (AMC). Some Minor Conflicts (SMC). A Major Conflict (AMC). Some Major Conflicts (SMC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC92B. There are Many Good Films to Watch, including The Movies called, “Old Yeller,” which played in 1957, and the 2004 Movie called “Million Dollar Baby.”
As of March 29, 2016, I have Never been Drunk. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never inhaled on a Cigarette. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never Smoked any Tobacco Product. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never Smoked. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never Smoked anything. And as of March 29, 2016, I have Never used Illegal Narcotics. -- Brandon Ryan Katrena
There have been Many Wars. And there have been Many Conflicts. And there have been Many Minor Conflicts. And there have been Many Major Conflicts.
And some More of My Writings:
CC93B. Incident. Incidents. Minor Incident. Minor Incidents. Major Incident. Major Incidents. As is also the Case with Wars, Conflicts, and (Minor and Major) Conflicts, there have been Many Incidents, Minor Incidents, and Major Incidents. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC94B. Hansel and Gretel left a Trail of Bread Crumbs to Follow. The Bread Crumb (TBC). The Bread Crumbs (TBC).
CC95B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We do Important Work.” And The Woman said, “We do Important Work.” And The Person said, “We do Important Work.” We do Important Work. We do Important Work (WDIW). Important Work. Important Work (IW).
And More of My Writings:
CC96B. My Grandma has Frequently said to Me, “There’s only one Brandon.”
CC97B. Treasure. Treasures. The Treasure (TT). The Treasures (TT). A Treasure (AT). Some Treasure (ST). Some Treasures (ST). Treasure Ship. Treasure Ships. Treasure Ship (TS). Treasure Ships (TS). The Treasure Ship (TTS). The Treasure Ships (TTS). A Treasure Ship (ATS). Some Treasure Ships (STS). Resource. Resources. The Resource (TR). The Resources (TR). A Resource (AR). Some Resources (SR). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC98B. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have Wrote about 100,000 Words so far in this Document.”
CC99B. Endear. Endears. Endearing. Endeared. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Coming from that Person, that is Not Very Endearing. And coming from that other Person, that is sort of Endearing.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC100B. Existential. Non-Existential (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC1C. A Document is often worth a Hundred Words, and a Picture is often worth a Thousand Words, and a Video is often worth a Thousand Words. Think what We would be asked to believe if there was Not Proof. And The Court of Public Opinion is an Important Court filled with Many Important People.
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
CC2C. Do People who put up “No Noise” signs and similar signs really think that there will be No Noise? Are they going to go up to a pair of Shoes and say, “Shoes, You are Squeaking on the Floor; can’t you read the No Noise Sign?”
CC3C. Why do They put Expiration Dates on Many of Our IDs? Do They Really Think that We will change Our Fundamental Qualities within a Short Amount of Time? Do They think that We are Shapeshifters?
And More of My Writings:
CC4C. Heavy. Not Heavy (NH). Light. Not Light (NL). Heavily. Not Heavily (NH). Lightly. Not Lightly (NL). Heavenly. Not Heavenly (NH). Heaven. Heavens. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC5C. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That may be a Conspiracy to do something. And that may be a Conspiracy to have some People stop Believing in God. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people agree to do something illegal and/or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found Individuals Guilty of Conspiracies.”
And More of My Writings:
CC6C. Extrajudicial. Extra-Judicial (EJ). Extrajudicially. Extra-Judicially (EJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In a College Dormitory, a Fellow Man told Me that He knew a lot about a Person by Looking at Certain Features of that Person. And there is also Literature, and other Information, about these Topics. At the Time, I did Not know a lot about those Subjects, and now I do know a lot about those Subjects.
And More of My Writings:
CC7C. The Fellow Writer, Nietzsche’s, Concept of The Ubermensch, or The Superman. The Super Man (TSM). The Super Men (TSM). Super Man (SM). Super Men (SM). The Super Woman (TSW). The Super Women (TSW). Super Woman (SW). Super Women (SW).
And More of My Writings:
CC8C. Fundamental. Fundamentals. Fundamentally. Fun. Funny. Funnies. Fund. Funds. Funding. Funded. Found. Founds. Founding. Founded. Founder. Founders. Foundation. Foundations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC9C. Feature. Features. Featuring. Featured. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC10C. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Really Clicked with that Person’s Genetics. And that Really Clicked with that Person’s Biology. And that Really went Well Together with that Person’s Genetics. And that Really went Well Together with that Person’s Biology.” Click. Clicks. Clicking. Clicked. Went Well Together (WWT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC11C. From the Television Show, The Americans, on March 30th 2016: The Man whose Character is named Gabriel: “That’s what’s Not pressing now, Philip.” In other Words: That is Not what is Urgent Now.
CC11C1. (The) Press. (The) Presses. (The) Pressing (Issue(s)). (The) Pressed. (The) (A) Member of The Press. (The) (Some) Members of The Press. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC12C. Urgent. Urgently. Very. Extremely. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC13C. Not Urgent (NU). Not Urgently (NU). Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC14C. At First Glance, that May appear to an Individual and/or to Individuals to be going too Fast, when, at a Closer Look, it May be going at a Good Pace. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC15C. From The Channel 2 Evening News on March 30, 2016: “[Eyewitnesses and a] dashcam video told a different story,” about a Police Shooting that was Settled for about 2 Million Dollars. And there have been Many similar Settlements over the years. As the often Truthful saying states, “There are a Few Bad Apples in Every Bunch,” and in Many Professions too.
CC16C. Hug. Hugs. Hugging. Hugged. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
A Man and a Woman talked about How Their Organizations got The Lion’s Share of The Resources, and a Child said, “I did Not know Lions could own a Share.”
And More of My Writings:
CC17C. Trivia. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC18C. Trivial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Proud Family Member (FM).
And More of My Writings:
CC19C. Martial Law. Martial Laws. Martial Law (ML). Martial Laws (ML). Law. Laws. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC20C. I Believe that. I Believe that (IBT). And I do Not Believe that. And I do Not Believe that (AIDNBT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC21C. Some Words, Phrases, and Sentences are More Appealing than other Words, Phrases, and Sentences, including those that are Synonymous and basically mean the same things. For example, some People find the phrase, “Vegetarian Pizza” to be More Appealing than the Synonymous phrase, “Vegetable Pizza,” even though they basically mean the same thing.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “All of My Children. And all of My 1,399 Children.”
I enjoy being a Blogger and a Writer for Many of Brandon Katrena’s Networks (BKN).
And More of My Writings:
CC22C. Conclusion. Conclusions. Conclude. Concludes. Concluding. Concluded. The. A. Some. An. And. That. Those. These. Them. Is. Are. Was. Were. There. Their. They’re. They are. Are True. Are Partly True. Is True. Is Partly True. Are False. Are Partly False. Is False. Is Partly False. This Information. I Believe this Information. I Believe that Information. And I do Not Believe this Information. And I do Not Believe that Information. This Part. Those Parts. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC23C. Summary. Summaries. Summarize. Summarizes. Summarizing. Summarized. The. A. Some. An. And. That. Those. These. Them. Is. Are. Was. Were. There. Their. They’re. They are. Are True. Are Partly True. Is True. Is Partly True. Are False. Are Partly False. Is False. Is Partly False. This Information. I Believe this Information. I Believe that Information. And I do Not Believe this Information. And I do Not Believe that Information. This Part. Those Parts. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC24C. Sovereign. Sovereigns. Sovereignty. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC25C. Muddy. Muddies. Muddying. Muddied. Metaphor. Metaphors. Metaphorically. The Water. The Waters. Water. Waters. The Miracle of Water. The Miracle (TM). The Miracles (TM). Miracle. Miracles. Solve. Solves. Solving. Solved. Non-. That. These. Those. The. A. Some. An. And. Moreover. Furthermore. Additionally. In Addition. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC26C. Rhymes of Mine:
Mr. Cruise Cruised and then He went on a Cruise.
I will Miss Miss Missouri, and She will be Missed by Many Misses and Messieurs.
And Some More of My Writings:
As Internet Search Results show, there are Many Pictures of and/or Videos of and/or Information about what are said to be UFOs, Aliens, Angels, Bigfoot, that which is Paranormal, that which is Supernatural, and other Topics.
And More of My Writings:
CC27C. Martial. Martials. Martially. Military. Militaries. Militarily. Law. Laws. Lawful. Lawfully. Martial Law (ML). Martial Laws (ML). Military Law (ML). Military Laws (ML). Natural. Naturally. Unnatural. Unnaturally. Good. Goodly. Goodness. Well. Wellness. Bad. Badness. Badly. Neutral. Neutrality. Neutralities. Neutrally. Natural Law (NL). Natural Laws (NL). Unnatural Law (UL). Unnatural Laws (UL). Good Law (GL). Good Laws (GL). Bad Law (BL). Bad Laws (BL). Neutral Law (NL). Neutral Laws (NL). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC28C. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person does Not represent Us. And those People do Not represent Us. And That Person does Not represent Them. And those People do Not represent Them. And that Person does Not represent Me. And those People do Not represent Me.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And The Woman said, “That Person does Not represent Us. And those People do Not represent Us. And That Person does Not represent Them. And those People do Not represent Them. And that Person does Not represent Me. And those People do Not represent Me.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And The Person said, “That Person does Not represent Us. And those People do Not represent Us. And That Person does Not represent Them. And those People do Not represent Them. And that Person does Not represent Me. And those People do Not represent Me.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC29C. Reader. Readers. Reading. Readings. Read. The Reader. The Readers. The Reading. The Readings. The Read. A Reader. Some Readers. A Reading. Some Readings. A Read. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC30C. Abbreviation. Abbreviations. Acronym. Acronyms. Synonym. Synonyms. Synonymous. Synonymously. Diction. Dictions. Dictionary. Dictionaries. Thesaurus. Thesauruses. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
On April 3, 2016, on ABC News, there was information about the Utilization of “Diabetes Dogs,” who are said by some People to be able to sense when someone is about to have Blood Sugar Problems. Some People also believe that some Animals, such as some Dogs, are often able to Sense when there is about to be an Earthquake.
Here is a Quote from Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber: “All the people whom we honor in history are going to be people with flaws and deficiencies. If we made that argument for not honoring people, we would honor nobody. The right attitude is to honor people, but be honest about their failings.”
And More of My Writings:
CC31D. Enough is Enough. Enough is enough. That which is Sufficient is Sufficient. That which is Sufficient is sufficient. Enough. Sufficient. Sufficiently. Suffice. Suffices. Enough = Enough. Enough = enough. Sufficient = Sufficient. Sufficient = sufficient. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC32D. Riddle. Riddles. Riddling. Riddled. Solve. Solves. Solving. Solved. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC33D. Bogus. Fake. Faker. Fakers. Fraud. Frauds. Fraudulent. Fraudulently. Trick. Tricks. Trickery. Trickeries. Tricked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Some News Headlines from Around The World:
There is an Online Video called, “25 Historical Coincidences That are Almost Hard to Believe.”
There is an Online News Article from The National Geographic Magazine entitled: “Discovery could Rewrite History of Vikings in New World.”
There is a New York Times Newspaper Article entitled, “View from Space Hints at a New Viking Site in North America.”
There is information from NASA called, “Hubble’s Journey to the Center of Our Galaxy.”
There is a News Article from CNN entitled, “Real ‘Siberian unicorn’ remains found.”
There is a News Article from Fox News entitled, “Giant ‘Siberian unicorn’ existed much more recently than previously thought, experts say.”
There is a News Article from entitled, “Wheel of Fortune contestant solves puzzle with only one letter (and an ampersand)”. Ampersand = &. & = Ampersand. Dash = -. - = Dash. Dashes = --. -- = Dashes.
There is a News Article from Fox News entitled, “WWII survivor’s letter leads geologist to a secret.”
World War II = World War 2. World War 2 = World War II. World War I = World War 1. World War 1 = World War I.
There is a News Article from Discover Magazine entitled, “Metallic Ink Shines in Ancient Herculaneum Scrolls – D-brief.”
D Plus = D+. C Plus = C+. D Minus = D-. C Minus = C-. GPA = Grade Point Average. Cumulatively = Cumulative(ly). Passing = Pass(ing).
There is a New York Times Article entitled, “A Mailman Handcuffed in Brooklyn, Caught on Video.”
There is a Southern Methodist University News Article entitled, “Text in lost language may reveal god or goddess worshipped by Etruscans at ancient temple.”
There is an Online Poster that states, “Scientists say – Some people are born to be good at math & some are born to fail at it.”
There is a News Article entitled, “13 Giant Animals that Actually Exist.”
Here is a Joke Courtesy of My Mother, and Wrote with Her Permission:
A Leopard does Not change its Spots, unless that Leopard uses Hair Dye.
Here is one of Aesop’s Writings, called The Farmer and The Viper:
“One winter a Farmer found a Viper frozen and numb with cold, and out of pity picked it up and placed it in his bosom. The Viper was no sooner revived by the warmth than it turned upon its benefactor and inflicted a fatal bite upon him; and as the poor man lay dying, he cried, ‘I have only got what I deserved, for taking compassion on so villainous a creature.’”
One of My Writings of Fiction is called, “The Elephant Saboteur”: A Man said to a Woman: “This Elephant says that He is a Bird.” And The Woman replied, “What?! That Elephant is definitely Not a Bird. God has given Me Good Instincts, and I know that that Elephant is an Elephant, and that He is Not a Bird. Does He even Really think that He is a Bird? What Type of Bird does He say that He is?” And The Man replied, “No, He does Not Really think that He is a Bird. And he says that there is only one Type of Bird, and that Blue Jays, Robins, Finches, Canaries, Crows, Eagles, et cetera do Not exist. He also just says that He is a Bird. And He also says that He is an Impostor and a Saboteur, and that He wants to give Birds a Bad Reputation by Pretending that He is a Bird, and then Metaphorically Fall Down on Purpose. He also says that there are More Elephants doing what He is doing.”
One of My other Writings of Fiction is called, “The Vegetable’s Magic Wand”: The Man said, “What are You doing, Carrot?” And The Carrot replied, “I have this Magical Wand, and I’m trying to turn this Celery into a Carrot.” And The Man replied, “Carrot, that Celery has always been a Celery, and He will always be a Celery. He was Born a Celery, and He is a Celery by Birth, although You are both Vegetables, and You are both Vegetable Members (VM). He is a Celery Member (CM). Just as how You will always be a Carrot, and Just as how You have always been a Carrot, He will always be a Celery, and He has always been a Celery. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And that is Logical. And that is Rational.”
Another one of My Writings of Fiction is called, “The Future’s Heartfelt Wish”: The Future said to a Fellow Human, “Why don’t You chop down more Trees to make more Paper for Money to pay for Things, such as Space Ships? Wait a second. You don’t even need to do that, as Space Ships are often basically just Metals and Electronics. And Homes are often basically just Wood and Electronics. And Clothes are often basically just Cotton and Dye. It looks as though Money is often Not Really needed for Many Things. And it looks as though Capital is often Not Really needed for Many Things. Although We have been told otherwise.”
The Wolf and The Handcuffs
Written by Brandon Katrena
The Man was Working in a Field of Corn, when He met a Wolf. The Wolf said to The Man, “Here, put on These Handcuffs.” And The Man replied, “Why?” And The Wolf said, “This is a Game. A Game of Magic and Magical Things, to be exact.” And The Man said, “You are Not going to Make Me Nearly Defenseless and then Seriously Harm Me, are You, Wolf?” And The Wolf replied, “Me? Harm You? Heavens No. Of course Not. Who would ever hear of such a thing? And You should know that I’m a Vegetarian. I don’t eat Meat.” And The Man replied, “Well, I’ve Heard . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and said, “What You have Heard is Wrong. Those Rumors are False.” And The Man said, “Well, My God-Given Instincts tell Me . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and said, “Your Instincts must be Wrong too.” And The Man said, “Well, Your Reputation is such that . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and said, “I have an Excellent Reputation, and only Liars and the Jealous would speak ill of Me.” And The Man said, “Well, My Brain and My Mind say . . .” And The Wolf interrupted and He said, “Your Brain and Your Mind must Not be Working Correctly. Just ignore those CT and MRI Scans that say things contrary to what I say. And Ignore other Indicators, Commonsense, Logic, and Rationality. Obey Me. Listen to Me. Did I tell You that I am a Doctor? I may Not look like a Real Doctor, but I am one. And all Doctors tell You the Truth: ignore the History of Lobotomies, widespread Medical Malpractice, widespread Medical Errors, a History of forced Electrical Shocks, that Deaths from Medical Errors Account for a Huge Number of Deaths, and a History of Widespread Negligence and Mistreatment, et cetera. And don’t You Believe Me when I say that I’ve attended College for 8 Years? What, do You Think that You can Think for Yourself? Are You in Possession of Knowledge that Not everyone Possesses? Do You think that I am Lying to You when I say that I’m a Doctor? And do You think that I’m Lying to You when I say that I attended College for 8 years? Are You surprised that I’m Literate? Do You think that I’m illiterate? Do You think that I’m Stupid? 1238918298iBCCDEEDFAZZZY! The Structure is. The Process is. The Processes are. Go through the Process. The Processes. Go through the Hoops. The Paperwork. This has to be Legit. Do You think that I’m Dumb? Do You think that I’m Lying to You? Do you think that I’m Trying to Trick You? Do You think that I’m a Lying Deceiver, and that I engage in Widespread Deception? And do You think that I’m Trying Fool You? And do You think that I’m trying to Deceive You? Why would I do that? What would be My Motivation? That doesn’t make Sense. That is Not Rational. That isn’t Logical. Look at My Diploma. Do You think that it is a Fake Diploma? Do You think that I’m a Fraud, a Liar, and a Charlatan? Do You think that I’m a Fake? A Faker? Do You think that I’m Dishonest? Do You think that I’m a Dishonest Liar? Do You think that I’m a Cheater? Do You think that I’m a Real Wacko? Do You Really Think that I’m Really Wacky? Do You think that I’m Really Crazy? And Do You think that I’m Really Insane? And Do you think that the Ventricles in My Brain are Extremely Enlarged?” And The Wolf pulled out a Diploma, which He showed to The Man. “And, because I have attended College for 8 years, You should become Awestruck and Stunned – and ignore Your Gut and Your Instincts – and You should Obey Me. Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind My Diploma? Do You Question How I obtained My Diploma? Do You Doubt that I’ve Graduated from High School? And Do You Doubt that I’ve Graduated from Past Sixth Grade? And Do You Doubt that I have Graduated from College? And Do You Doubt that I have Graduated from Graduate School? Do You Question whether I’ve Graduated from Medical School? Do You think that I’m a Phony? A Phony Bologna. A Fraud. A Fraudster? A Thief. A Liar. A Coward. Dishonest. Mischievous. A Con Artist. A Lying Thief. A Literal, or Non-Literal, Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing or a Sheep in a Wolf’s Clothing. Do You have a lot of Questions? Do You Question Me? Do You have Doubts about My Motives? Do You think that I’m Greedy? Avaricious. A Sinner. A Serious Sinner? A Non-Serious Sinner? A Venial Sinner. A Mortal Sinner. A Committer of an Abomination? A Committer of Abominations? A Jokester, even. A Committer of Serious Sins. Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind a White Lab Coat or a Suit or a Uniform? And Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind a Name or a Title? Do You think that I’m Dishonest? A Liar? A Tricky Trickster? And Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind a Medical Degree? Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind the Name of a Profession or a Degree, such as the name ‘Doctor’? And Do You think that I’m Hiding Behind Something? My name is Mr. Wolf, and My Toothy Grin should Tell You that I’m a Good Medical Worker.” And The Man said, “Well, I have Read, Seen, and Heard, including Hearing from some of My Family Members that . . .” And The Wolf said, “Ignore all of that, especially from Your Family Members. Don’t You know that We are all part of a Gigantic and Friendly Family?” And The Man said, “Well, it is Common Knowledge that . . .Thereaintnosecond Chances, Son!” And The Wolf replied, “Ignore Common Knowledge. You Need to Obey Me. And You Need to Listen to Me. And You Need to Do what I tell You. Did I tell You that I’m also Very Religious? And did I tell You that I’m a Very Spiritual Person? I am also a Pastor. Look at Your Face! Prety boy. Prety Face, boy. Pretty. You are Pretty91i2o3i1wBCDE1299. Pretty Boy. How’s Your Life going? If You do what I tell You, I will make it worth Your while. You know what I’m saying. I’ll give you a lot of Money,” The Wolf then pulled out a Silver and Black Briefcase, and He opened it, and it was filled with Money.,” And The Wolf said, “This Money is Yours, all You have to do is do what I tell You.” And The Man said, “No. I’m Not going to put on those handcuffs.” And The Wolf said, “I am The Authority Figure Here. Did I tell You that I’m a Police Officer?” And The Wolf pulled out a Police Badge. And The Wolf said, “Obey Me, and Put on These Handcuffs. You are Under Arrest, Mister. And did You see My Limp? Don’t You have Compassion for My Limp? Don’t You have Compassion for My Disability and My Handicap? You know that I have Your Best Interest in Mind and at Heart. And You do know that I have Our Best Interest in Mind and at Heart. Don’t You Trust Me? Why don’t You trust Me? Aren’t You Logical? Are You Rational? Aren’t You Sane? Are You Logical? Illogical? Fable. Faboellllllzuy. Ajoijljkjl. Yeyyyyy Haww! 219i4ijakdjf. 0390293+32194i92i=1ljasld9bc. Ride em Cowboy! You too Gowgirls. 1953. You know what happened? You want Me to tell You are Secret? My Secret. You best do what I tell You then. Boy!!!!! Prety Boy. Look at You, Pretty Boy!!!! How are those Dude Snaters Doing! How do You like My Feet, Arms, and Thights. Say What! You little Rascals. Rascal Man. That’s Your Name! Laugher Applause. You areWorthless. Worlthless Noting. Nothing Worthless. How, what? What say what. How……..,” The Wolf then remained silent for about 31 Minutes, and He just stared at the Man while shuffling some Cards, and the Wolf then Yelled at the Top of His Lungs, “Aren’t You Rational?!!!!!! Irrational? Aren’t You Sane? Are You Insane? Are You Crazy? You should Obey Me. Listen to Me. Do What I tell You. I’m the Authority. And I’m the Authority Figure. If You don’t Obey Me there are going to be Serious Consequences for You. There will be Serious Ramifications. There will be Ramifications. And there will be Consequences. There will be Serious Consequences. And if You don’t Obey Me, You are going to be in Serious Trouble. You are in Serious Trouble. There is going to be Serious Punishment for You if You don’t Obey My Command. Obey Me! Listen to Me! Do What I Tell You! Who do You think that You are?! Do You think that You are Better than Me? Do You think that You are Better? Do You think that You are Special? We are all the same. No one is Better than the other Person in any Way, Shape, Form, or Ability. We are all Equal in all Ways, Shapes, Forms, and Abilities. How DARE YOU! How Dare You! Who do You think that You are? Birthday Time! Birthday Cake. LimtediknowledgeatthetimeIt’s My BIRTHDY! Cry. Crying. Fake Tearsrealtears Respect Me! Respect. Show some Respect! Reespect Your Elders! Aren’t You Compassionate? Aren’t You Nice? Aren’t You Good? Aren’t You Moral? Don’t You Care? Don’t You Feel Sorry for Me? You Need to Feel sorry for Me. You need to Believe Me. I promise You that You will be OK> Discredited, Not really. I know better. We know better. Insticnts. I beg of Youimbeggingyou. listentomeimbeggin. MutationMutantmutantsmaringoferrorerorsGood Instincts/Intuition.I will Protect You. You have My Protection. You have MY Word. Protect(ion)(s). Protected. You have my Word. You have My Promise. Promises. Promise. Prommised. Promised. Promising. PillowtalkI Swear that. You know what theysay about War and Love – all is Fair. All is Fair, there, Pal! Real Politik! Gesundeheit! Out organized! More Organised. Hey, Brandon! Come, On. Brando the Commando! Get away from My gold. Want to ehar a Joke? Take this! Say Grace. Shaming. Body Shaming Gonna get You checked out,ok/ Walk andchewgumatthesametime/ultitasking You have My Promise that. You have MY Guarantee that. We are all Humans. Don’t You believe that We came from Slime? Primoridal Slime? We are the Product of Slime from Evolution. We are all Slime. Descendants fro Primordial Slime. Mr. Slime. Mrs. Slime. Whootttt! Hooooooooo! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL……. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddd. Here’s the Deal. Sign on the Dotted Line. You Promised! You Swore! You gave Me Your Word. I give You My Word. I give You My Word that You’ll be OK. Okie Dokie. Ok? Ok. I believe in God. I’m Religious. I’m Spiritual. I believe in Heaven and Hell. I don’t want to go to Hell. You don’t want to be punished, do You. You will go to Jail. You will be sent to Prison. You will be Punished. You will be found Guilty. A Jury of Your Peers. Think of Your Reputation. What will They Think? How Embarassing! It’s Your Word against that Persons. It’s Your Word against Theirs. They won’t believe You. That doesn’t Make Sense. That isn’t Logical. That isn’t Rational. No. No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hold My Hand. Let’s Pray. Let’s Pray Together. Are You Hungry? We’ll get it all worked out. Here’s the Deal. Sign here. That is a Contract! We’ll figure it out. I’m here to Help. I’m here to Help You. It is in the Best Interest of. It is in Your Best Interest that. Synonymous. Synonymously. Pretty Much. Good Cop/Bad Cop (GCBC). Lies. Lying. Lied. Pretty Much. Exagerations(s). Misinformation. Information. Truthful. Untruthful. True. Untrue. Do You Believe in God? Don’t You Believe in God? Heaven? Hell? Right? Wrong? Moral? Immoral? National Security? The Common Good? Don’t You believe in ……? Here’s some Food. Water. Drink. Comfort. Someone. Something. Look what We have here. Surprise! Look at who We have here. Surprise!!!!! A Gift. Money. A Resources. Some Resources. Caught on Camera! Caught on Tape! Copy and Pasted. What would be the Motive? The Motivation? My Motivation? I am Here to Serve and Protect. To do No Harm. I am Neutral. I am the Boss. I’m The Boss. I’m in Charge. The Boss. The BossMan. The BossWoman. Are You Smart? Are You Stupid? Are You Talented? Smart. Stupid. Talented. Can You See? I can See clearly. You can see Clearly. You can Hear clearly. You can read clearly. I am Respectable. Aren’t You Honest? Honorable. Sleight of Hand. That Right thing to do is. The Correct thing to do is. Silence. Long Silence. A Seigh. Some Seigns. Distraction. Distractions. I care. I care about You. Don’t You have Compassion for Me? Don’t You Feel Sorry? Don’t You Feel Bad? Don’t You have a Conscience? We all Bleed. And We all have Blood. We are all Equal. We are all The Same. Haven’t We Bonded? Don’t We have a Commonality? Think of Our Commonalities. Don’t You Trust Me? Aren’t You a Truthful? Trustworhty? Dependable? Honest? A Nice Guy. A Nice Man? A Nice Person? Nice? Aren’t You a Trusting Soul? Do You think that I’m Ensouled? Don’t You think that I have a Soul? A Conscience? I would Never Hurt You. You know Me better than That. Do You want Me to Punish You? It is Time to Think about Your Action. And it is Time to Think about Your Actions. Don’t You Love Me? Don’t You like Me? Do You think that I’m a Criminal or a Thief? A Liar? A Henchman? A Murderer? An Adulterer? A Petty Criminal? A Crook? Put This Family First. And Put Your Friends First. Don’t be So SELFISH. Don’t be Greedy. Quit only Thinking about Yourself. Think about The Common Good. Aren’t You Good? Aren’t You Kind? Nice? Friendly? Don’t You care? Don’t You care what I think of You? What others think of You? You need to Shape up or Ship out. You need to Shape Up. You are a Handful. Do You know that others Laugh at You? Do You want Me to Laugh at You? Do You want someone to Laugh at You? Your Actions have Consequences. It is Time to Sit in that Corner. I am going to Punish You if You don’t do what I tell You to do. You are Traitor. You are a Treasonous Traitor. You are a Deserter. You are Mean. And You are Evil. You are a Meany. A Bully. A Crook. A Liar. And a Thief. A Cheater. A Coward. Look at Me when I’m talking to You. Wipe that Grin off Your Face. Wip that Smirk off of Your Face. Don’t Grin. Don’t Smirk. Quit being a Cry Baby. Do You know what I Really Think of You? I know what You did. We Know what You did. You are Disgusting. I am Disgusted with You. You are Crazy. You are Insane. You are Wacko. And You are Wacky. You are Not Right in the Head. You have a Screw Loose. Whoat! Whoas. Wow. Wowzer. Wowzers! Wacky. Crazy. Insane. A Loose Cannon. Wacko. Do You feel Barraged? You are being Barraged from all Sides. And You are Enveloped. You are Hopeless. Hopeless. Hopelessness. You are Helpless. Helpless. Helplessness. I have The Power. And I have all the Power. I am in Control, and You are Not in Control. Once I Snap My Fingers, You had better come Running. You had Best do what I tell You. Who do You think that You are? You are Nobody. You are Nothing. You are Not Special. What a LOSER! You are Surrounded. Put Up Your Hands. Put Up Your Dukes. Time to be Handcuffed, Mister. You are Under Arrest. Pleading the Fifth is Not an Option this time. Think How We are the Same. We are Cut from the Same Cloth. We are the same Flesh and Blood. We are God’s Children. We are Cousins. We are Family. We are Friends. Thatacrime! We are alike. We are Similar. Look at MY SMILE! Look How I’m Smiling. Look at My Grin. You know that I like You. We are Friends. Dismissed! Get outta here! We are Family. We are Family Members (FM). We are Fundamentally the Same. PsychoutNo one is Better than the other. Truth is Relative. Notlonger amember, really? No, not really. “Once a Marine, always a Marine!” Really a Lifteime member. Suspended, expelled. Experiecne. More Experience. Zip those lips. Magical powers. Someone would have to be Special for that. And that. Indicators. Masks. Jealousy. Illegible. Garbled. Encoded. Secret Meaning. Da Vincis Paintings. Come here! Yeah, You, come here! Stay there! Bingo! Democracy. Democracy natural? No, Committees are Natural and Good and make sense. Rule by Analysts and Committes, and Generals, unelected, make more sense, a lot more sense instead of Rule by the Masses. Diabetes. Diseases. Illness. Sweetness and Light. All is Fair in Love and War. Freedom and Liberty and Democracy Illussions. Do You think that I might have engaged in a Conpiracy? Do You think that I’m a Conspirator? A Murderer? A Thief? A Liar? A Fraud? Common Sense and Wisdom need to be Thrown out the Window. Where is Your Humanity? Don’t You believe in Democracy? We are all Equal. What about My Rights? Don’t You believe in Equal Rights? You are Quack. Quack, Quack, Quack! Hey PrettY Boy! You are a Pretty Boy! You are Weak. You are Weakling. Weak. Weaking. You are Nothing. Worthless. You are Wrothless. You are Worthless. Worthless. Good for Nothing. Nobody. Pretty Boy. Look at You Pretty Boy! There is a Big Conspiracy Slash Coverup and almost everyone is dying from Viruses and Slash Diseases, such as Cancers, except for One Man, who is also known as the Chalice, and His Blood and Stuff is used for Plasma Slash Immunotherapy to SAVE THE LIVES of ALMOST EVERYONE, and THAT IS JUST THE WAY THAT IT IS. Really?!1 Yeah Really!! 7. XSLoB91! AND there are few other People who each prolong lives for aobut 9 seconds each day aka THE CHALICES. IF that Plasma Gravy Station from bettewen about 9 at Night toabout Noooooooon each Day don’t ARIVE SON, People will get REALLLLY Sick and then Die/Expire. REAL SICK. SICK. SIC
O. That’s just Reality. Mutate. Mutates. Mutation. Mutations. Mutated. Viruses, especially BAD. Nasty Stuff, that Virus. Nasty Stuff. Nasty Time. Time don’t heal all Wounds, Son, especially with Mutations of Diseases. Gave those Diseases/Viruses a few thousands years to Mutate, and look what Happened! By God’s Grace We have The Chalice and The Chalices. God works in Mysterious Ways. Viruses Spread Easily. Are You Concerned that in the Year 2016 an Estimated 66 Percent of People under age 50 have a Type of Herpes? Think about for a few seconds. Whoa. Wow! Do You Think it is an indicator/Bread Crumb/Hint/Foreshadowing of things to officially to Become – like an OFFICIAL EPIDEMIC OF something Nasty? Remember How The Plague, during The Middles Ages, Killed Many, Many People? Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses are Deadly. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to do something illegal or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of Conspiracies. And Coverups happen all the Time. That’s JustttttThe Way it is. That’s Just Reality. Baby!!!! WHOOOOO! BABY!!! ” The Wolf then began shuffling cards, and He threw them all over the place, and He put on some Silly Eyeglasses that were colored Pink and Blue, and He put on a Long Green Wig, and He put on a BLUE and GREEN and RED Dress that had holes all over it, as well as a Paper Hat that He began to eat, and The Wolf said, while playing a Harmonica, “I guarantee it. You’’ be Safe. You will be Safe. I guarantee You’ll be Fine. You have Me Guarantte. I guaranteed it. I guarantte that and those. You have My Guarnttee. *(*((989834321))#. !!!!!??????. ?????. !!!!!. 1. ZERO! ZERO TIMES!! ZERO, FRED!!!! Hussssssh Up! Silecne. BE QUIT. BE QUITE. NOW! What’d I say. OBEY> OBEY ME!!! Freedom. Guarantee. I Guarantee it. I want a Hug. Bob. 9. 12. 9289384. &
*^(^(. Discrimination. Discrimatory. Silly. Silly Time. Play Time. Don’t You Care? Don’t You Believe in Democracy? One Person One Vote. Equal Rights for Everyone. You should Believe in Equality. And You should believe in Democracy. The Rule of Law. HEY! Yeah, I’m Talking to You, Pal! Straighten Up. Belt Time. Paddle Time!!!!! Wise Guy!!!!!!!,” The Wolf then stuck out His tongue, and He spat all over the Place. While Making Laughing, Smiling, and Making Funny Faces, and Moving His Hands Quickly all over the place, and doing Jumping Jacks and Pushups, The Wolf then said, “Who do You think You are? You are Worthless. Pretty Boy. Pretty!!!! You are Sexist. You are a Racist. Aren’t I funny? Don’t I make You laugh? Put Up Your Dukes, Boy. Boy. Look at My TRACK RECORD. I have a GOOD TRACK RECOORD and REPUTATION> I come with REFERENCES tooo. Its april fools!!!! Dude Snatchers. Red shoes with Blue Trim and cottage cheese and Gravy. 19. 801. *&*&*)*())*(*@*!& Come on Man. Mr. Man. Mister Man. Hey MAN!!!! Eddecoy. We are Both Men, Here. Hold My Hand. Give Me a Hug!!!! I’m Your Uncle Bob. I’m Your Grandpa. Your Dad. Hey Prety Boyzy12489ioBCSE! Hey there, Boy! Pretty Boy! GUARANTEE. Nationoflaws!,” The Wolf then began to whisper in a barely audible voice for about 3 minutes, “SEXisT. RACISt. You RACIST>!!!! You SEXIST!!! You stink! You smell. Stink. Smelly. Stink. Yucky! You are Gross. Look at You LAZY. You are LAZY. Lazy. LOOK AT YOU!!!!! Crazy too! PATHETIC SLOB!!!! SLOB. FREEDOM. DEMOCRACY. LIBERTY! Don’t’ you believe in FREEDOM?!!! LIBERTY?!!! CILVE RIGHTS!1 You are a Dictator. You FASCIST! NOBODY LIKES YOU. I don’t Like U. Civil Rights! Civil Liberties! You RACIST! You LAZY SELFISH! Look at You!,” And the Wolf Began to Laugh aloud at the Man for several Seconds, while sticking His Tongue out, and Licking His Own Paws for several seconds. The Wolf then said, “YOU DICTACTOR! You RACIAST! SEXIST AND SELFISH&&&SELF-CENTERED. You are SELFISH and Self-Centered. You have CANCER. A VIRUS. VIRUSES. DISEASES. HEART FailURE. Organ FAILURE!!!! Arthritis. TOO. To Boot!. Tank You for THE CHALICE, or You’d be Worm Food. Me too!!! WANNA Wrestle?! Let’s have that Wrestling MATCH! YIPPEEEEE!!!” The Wolf then turned on a Radio Very Loud, and He did a Strange Dance, while Playing a Bright Red Guitar that was covered with Green Dots. The Wolf then said, “BABIIIII!!!!! You are Racist. He is Racist. She is Racist. They are Racist. That’s Racist!!!! Ow Undemocratic. Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!,” The Wolf then Blew His Nose, and He said, “Prepare for Your Inoculations. BABYY!!!!@#(I?.......... Acclimation. Custom Customary10923jdsljfBCAZZZZ! Are You knoci off Your Gamey Yet, BOY9999666BCDE!????? Huh, what You say234134. YikesSSSS!! Hippie Hipsters!!!!!! You are a Bigot. You are Racist! Look at those Dude Snatchers!!! Racist Bigot. Racist. Bigot. Sensory Deprivation(s). Stress Point(s). Discomforting. Discomfort(s). Comfort(s). Comforting. Defect(s). You have a Defect. You are Defective. You are Not desirable. Look at You!!!! Clean Yourself Off. Take a Shower! How do You know that? Why? WHY?! Why do you believe that? Why do you do that? Why did You do that? Why? How? Where? When? What? How do You know? That Trumps. Trump(s).Trumping. Trumped. National Security. National Securities. Security. Securities. Cash. Money. Moolah. Resource(s). Gold. Jewelry. $3kj 43red lightgreenlightyellolightgoldlitDiamond(s). Gem(s). Silver. Monies. Wealth. Lack of. Lack thereof. Cover(s). Uncover(s). Conspiracy. Ies. Ice. Ices. Cube(s). Attemptsto. You reallyhavea virus. Subject(s). Prisoner. crossdressingPrisoners. Prison(s). Jail(s). Jail Bird. Think of Your Record. Your Reputation. Conspiracy Theorist. Conspiracy Theorists. Crazy. Crazies. Wacko. Wack Job(s). Hidden. Buried. Uncovered. Covered. I’ll cover for You. Psychoutuneoutignore,sort ofLovingloveloved. It will be OK. It will be fine. You’ll be Ok. You’ll be fine. I have Your Back. You can count on Me. caughtoffguardCursive. Legs. You can depend on Me. I understand that. Perkup, miste! Speicaled. FedtothelionsEartothegournd. GESUndheit. CautgtYouattentinI understand You. I know. I understand. We understand. Your Predicament(s). Knowledge(s). Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Mystery. Mysteries. Think of YOur Family. Friends. Your Well Being. What led you to? What led you to that conclusion? Non Sequitor. The Conclusion doesn’tt follow. That is Illogical. Irrational. Doesn’t make Sense. Doesn’t make Sense, Son. Listen Son. Son. Kid. Kids. Kidding. Think of Your Family. Think of Your Friends. Your Well-Being. Your Best Interest. I have Your Best Interest at Heart. What led you to? Oink! Sueiey! Chop Suiey! Legigtimateillegeimateillegitaemly not right definition to unmarred parents feathered hairgeorgtowncleveland raindrops Pj time! Surreal Warlike Civil War. Civil Rights! Time SenstiveSenstiveIllusions! Manyu Illusions that Won’t Work for Long! Bonfide. Suit and Tie deceit. Pardon Me? Bad printer day. Vets. Veterans Keep still MimicMimicker A Fair Shake! AllyAllies. Keep Your Word! Belly punch! Medals/Awards/Commendations ChairPerson/ChairMan/ChairWoman Psychological Warfare/Mind Games Hey Not so Fast! Play Fair! Fish in the Sea. Don’t slack off. Dead Weight. The Gallows. The Chair. Big house. Kissingsmooches What are You doing to do. You have problems, which I can solved. Evildoers. Singular/past/present/plural/future tenses/ Change of tenses. Relax! Just Relax! The Customer is always right! Equal Pay for Equal Work. Minimum WageI beg Your PardoN? Excuse Me? I must have heard wrong. I have a Gift for You. A Candy bar. Dessert. Something sweet. To eat. To Drink. Spirit(s). Off kilter. Kilt(s). A privilege. It is a Privilege. To Meet You. Chaperon. Champagne. Mind Game(s). Valuable(s). I have the Goods on You. We have the Goods on You. Think if We revealed. Think if it was Known. Think if it was leaked that. What would They think? What would HE/SHE/THEY/YOUR FAMILY/YOUR FRIENDS Think? If they knew that. Racist. Bum. Lazy. Bigot. Red Neck. Red. Color(s). Look at Me. When I’m talking to You. I’m going to be honest with You. Let’s Level. I’m going to level with You. Howdy. How? Why? What? Motive? What would be the Motive be? The Motivation? The Reason? That’s doesn’t make sense, Son. That doesn’t make sense. Would I lie to You? 120983190i012039adjojcljjadkjflcombonowhamburgerhotdog192931i23. Have I ever lied to You? I have never -------. -------ajdkfljslkfj9103i091i3o4i1polkdafl;kdf/. Whoa! Whoat. Whoas. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let’s paly a game. I got the Goods. This a Game ----Who would believe You You’re Not believableThat’s Not believableYou can Trust Me. SonThis comes from My Heart Relax. Just Relax. Settle down. Calm down. This will calm you down. OK? Do You understand? The Consequences? The Importance. Of. USA. Our Nation. yourNation. Your Organization(s). This comes from My Heart. Do you trust Me? It appears that. A Reasonable Person would. Reasonable People would. Don’t You trust Me I found out. I know that. It is known that. It is well known that. The Motive is. The motivation is. Do You promise? Promise. I promise. I give you my word. DO You swear. Swear. Pinky Swear Raise Your Right Hand. Rasise You hand We Shook hands. Let’s shake hands. We shook on it. You signed a contract. You signed a legally binding contract. The Police is. Our Policy is. The Policyis. History. Historeis of. History of. Pattern. Pattern of. The motive is. Motives are. Doen’st Your word mean something? Can I count onYou? Can I trust You. Bloviate. Bloviating. Brag. Pride. Prideful. Look away. You are Cute. Cute. Cutes. Cuties. Cutie Pie. Hey Handsome! Hey Good looking. Look that Way. What wpould they think? 293410i4akdflka;dkc/i9uo8o98mmjkjou9i09!!!!!!)O)@# We are the Police Police! I looks like. Again. Not Again! Really????! Really! I’m going to level with You. Son. It looks like. That looks good. That looks like. What would They think? Did you know that. I’m going to tell you something. Viruses Spread Easily. Are You Concerned that in the Year 2016 an Estimated 66 Percent of People under age 50 have a Type of Herpes? Think about for a few seconds. Whoa. Wow! Do You Think it is an indicator/Bread Crumb/Hint/Foreshadowing of things to officially to Become – like an OFFICIAL EPIDEMIC OF something Nasty? Remember How The Plague, during The Middles Ages, Killed Many, Many People? Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses are Deadly. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to do something illegal or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of Conspiracies. And Coverups happen all the Time. Just Once. Just for a Second. Just for a Minute. It won’t hurt. I promise. Di you know that? We havereached the conclusion. No Harm No Foul. You should know that. I think. WE believe. Freedom. The Constitution. Guaranttees. Happiness. We all have the right to be Happy. To Pursue Happiness. Give Me Your arm. Your Left Arm. It is in your best interest(s). Interest(s). Public Good. Policy. Public Policy. Prestigous. Stun. Stun Gun. Stress Points. Trigger Words. Hypnotize. Stunning. Shocking. Shcok Value. Don’t be selfish. Self-Cetnered. Selfish. What aboutUS? What about Me/ Quit only thinkingabout Yourself. I heard that. I know that. I believe that. I was raised to know that/tobelieve that. Even Steven. We are even that. I only want. I only want to know. Only. A good Price. A Fair Shake. Good Value. That person want.s Good Cop/Bad Cop. Bingo! You have contructed. A Fantasy. That is NotReality. NotReal. All in Your Head. Delusional(s). Delusion(s). Fantasy. A Dream. Day Dream. Pyschosis. Let’s Pray together. Bingo! Stuttering, God answers prayers. Hug. Love Hug. I like You. Ther’es plenty of many resources to Really go aroundthemyth of much scarcity. I understand. I love you. Yes. No. Mayble. Soon. Fable. Fables. Alternative. Altnerative Reality. Fantasy. Hobo. Frost bitten. Homeless(ness). Not Real. This is Real. This is the Real Deal. Our Bond(s). We Bonde(d). Did Not. Bonding. Fear. Fear Factors. The Factor. Factor. overheardheardOne aspect. In the workds. As you can see. I see. It appears to Me. I know. It looks like. What??????!!!!!!! I don’t believe you.JUST do thatYou are unbelievable. Whou would believe you? I have to. I am obligated ot. The Policy is. Our Policy is. Starvation. StagnationThe rules are. LOVE. Loved! The rule is. I’m honorable. My word is My Bond. BaddyBady KeepingitrealGuy19! Hodgepodge, pot bellyThe gloves are coming off. Fat! Fatty! Fatso! Look at that Belly. You have a Face only a Mother could love. Cute. Cutes. Cutie. Cuties. LOTS OF conspiracy are Real, Look around, guy! You are Cute. You are Photogenic. You could be a Model. Those are Good Pictures. Those are Modeling Pictures. Photogenic. DancingHandsome. Good Looking. You are Smart. You are Intelligent. You are Knowledgeable. Appeal to Vanity. LostBalanceBrag. Bragged. The slow boiling frog Metaphor. Aesop the Writers Fables/Lesson – Look em up. It is My unfortunate duty to. I have to. I have an obligation to. Metaphor(s). Vaccination(s). Vaccinate(d). The gloves are coming off. Mister. Mr. Miss. Ms. Mrs. Man. Woman. Child. Children. Kid(s). Loss of Privilege(s). You’ll have the privilege of. Reward. Punishment(s). Odd. Strange. Uncommon. Oddity. Isolated Incident. Interesting. Legit. Medicine(s). Antidote. Manageable. Manageability. 901i2p93ipoifldkjflajdj –aksjflkjwd Legit. It is Legit.,” The Wolf then pointed at The Man for about 91 Minutes, while saying Nothing, The Wolf then said, “Legit. Legitimate. You hear what I’m saying? Son? It seems to me. It lookslike? Think of Your family. Your Friends. That person. It is in the interest of all. It is in the interest of. Self-interest. Self- preservation. The evidence suggest. Correct me if I’m wrong. Hold My Hand. Let’s shake on it. We shook Hands! You gave Me Your Word? Isn’t Your Word Good? You are Evil. Evil. Mean. Act of Faith. You can count on Me. Preponderence. Beyond a Reasonable doubt. Reasonable Person. Reasonable People. Be Respnosible. Aesops Writings. Be a Responsible Person. Act like a Man. Man Up. Take it like a Man. Logical Reason. Reasonable. Non-Sequitor. The evidence speak for itself. Take a Look at that. Look at this photo. Look at these photos and/or video. Where is Your Proof. No one will believe you. With Your History. Histories. Track Record. Pattern(s). Criminal Record(s). You are a Liar. %h3The AtheistEvolutionConspiracy A Cheater too boot. Where is Your Proof? The Proof is in the pudding. Pyshological Warfare. Psychological Warfare. War. Warfares. Coward. Delusion(s). Delusional. Pyschosis. Psychotic. Wake up. Just a Dreeam. What?!!! You are Kidding. You are Kidding, Right? That’s a Joke, right? Paper cut. AtheismConspiracy Dependence. Dependent upon. Junkie. Gotcha. I got the goods. We got the goods. Blackmail. Extortion. Antibodies. Valuable Antibodies. Bred to Protect all of US, Dude@!# ! Don’t be Rude RudePressure.Take it easy Pressure Points. Sleep Deprivation. AtheistEvolution Conspiracy Sensory Deprivation. YourNobetter than anyone elese. We are all Equal. Equal RightsEqualityFlunkie. Flunkies. Failure. Failures. Expelled. Suspended,” The Wolf then Began to Cry, and He said, “Don’t You feel sorry for Me Crying? Comment allez-vous? Believe in TheEvolutionConspiracy, ok! Je suis Bien. Merci. Sign this. Say this. Give Me Your Left Arm. Tell Me this. DeceptionDecepitvelyDeceitThat. Irritation. Itchy. I am a Worker. We are Workers. Worker. Workers. Chalice. Chalices. Employees. Boss. The Boss. Where’s Your Humanity. Racist! Bigot! Sexist. Racism. Sexism. Epidemic. Antibody. Antibodies. Immunotherapy. Last Line of Defense. Get Your Priorities Straight! That Virus will do You know what to You if You don’t get Your Priorities Straight! The 1970s and the pretty much beginning of Widespread Promiscuity. Read The Kinsey Reports, Man! Look around. See the Signs, the signals. Foreshadowing. Use YOUR MIND! USE YOUR BRAAAIN! Read THE BIBLE. THE RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURES> Books, Literature, Movies, Songs, Music Videos, ETC. SEE THE SIGNS. THE FOreshawdowing. The Plauge. The Viruses are Creeping along. Coverups. The Chalice. The Chalices. The Verdict is in. The Judge. The Jury. The Lawer. Wake Up, Sunshine! Promiscuity, especially as shown on much of Television since about the 1990s. Promiscuity is Not often Good for the Health – You know what I’m saying. A Mutatated H. Virus gone Mad Don’t believeeverything Youread Etc. Et Cetera. Miscellanous. Misc. A Family that prays together. Hold Hands. Sahke on it. Shake on it. Policy is Policy. Policies. The Motivation is. You are a Racist. You are a Bigot.You are Bigot. You are Pathetic. Lazy Bum. Lazy. Bum.” And so, in the Field of Corn, The Man Tricked Himself, and He Put on the Handcuffs. The Wolf then quickly Changed His Demeanor, and He said, “Much of What You Hear by Word of Mouth is True. And God Gave You, and Many other Individuals, Good Instincts for a Reason. And there is also a Reason I have My Reputation. And, as Many Indicators Indicate, Your Brain and Your Mind work Fine. And You should have listened to Your Family Members, and what You have Seen, Read, and Heard. And, although it does Not matter, as there are a few bad apples in every bunch, I am Not a Doctor, Medical Worker, Pastor, or a Police Officer. You have Tricked Yourself into Believing Nonsense, and Your Belief in Nonsense led You to Put on those Handcuffs, which Makes You Helpless and Defenseless. And, if You Really Knew Me and My History, You would Not Feel Sorry for My Limp, as I got that Limp from a Man who Manned Up and Refused to Put on My Handcuffs, and He – with The Help of one of My Cousins, and Man’s Best Friend, a Dog – Defended Himself and His Family.” The Wolf then Changed Shapes, and He Became about 8 Times Bigger than He Initially Appeared to Be, and The Wolf said, while Showing His Long, White Teeth, “And I am Not Really a Vegetarian. And I do Really eat Meat.” And I think You know What Happened Next.
O. That’s just Reality. Mutate. Mutates. Mutation. Mutations. Mutated. Viruses, especially BAD. Nasty Stuff, that Virus. Nasty Stuff. Nasty Time. Time don’t heal all Wounds, Son, especially with Mutations of Diseases. Gave those Diseases/Viruses a few thousands years to Mutate, and look what Happened! By God’s Grace We have The Chalice and The Chalices. God works in Mysterious Ways. Viruses Spread Easily. Are You Concerned that in the Year 2016 an Estimated 66 Percent of People under age 50 have a Type of Herpes? Think about for a few seconds. Whoa. Wow! Do You Think it is an indicator/Bread Crumb/Hint/Foreshadowing of things to officially to Become – like an OFFICIAL EPIDEMIC OF something Nasty? Remember How The Plague, during The Middles Ages, Killed Many, Many People? Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses are Deadly. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to do something illegal or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of Conspiracies. And Coverups happen all the Time. That’s JustttttThe Way it is. That’s Just Reality. Baby!!!! WHOOOOO! BABY!!! ” The Wolf then began shuffling cards, and He threw them all over the place, and He put on some Silly Eyeglasses that were colored Pink and Blue, and He put on a Long Green Wig, and He put on a BLUE and GREEN and RED Dress that had holes all over it, as well as a Paper Hat that He began to eat, and The Wolf said, while playing a Harmonica, “I guarantee it. You’’ be Safe. You will be Safe. I guarantee You’ll be Fine. You have Me Guarantte. I guaranteed it. I guarantte that and those. You have My Guarnttee. *(*((989834321))#. !!!!!??????. ?????. !!!!!. 1. ZERO! ZERO TIMES!! ZERO, FRED!!!! Hussssssh Up! Silecne. BE QUIT. BE QUITE. NOW! What’d I say. OBEY> OBEY ME!!! Freedom. Guarantee. I Guarantee it. I want a Hug. Bob. 9. 12. 9289384. &
*^(^(. Discrimination. Discrimatory. Silly. Silly Time. Play Time. Don’t You Care? Don’t You Believe in Democracy? One Person One Vote. Equal Rights for Everyone. You should Believe in Equality. And You should believe in Democracy. The Rule of Law. HEY! Yeah, I’m Talking to You, Pal! Straighten Up. Belt Time. Paddle Time!!!!! Wise Guy!!!!!!!,” The Wolf then stuck out His tongue, and He spat all over the Place. While Making Laughing, Smiling, and Making Funny Faces, and Moving His Hands Quickly all over the place, and doing Jumping Jacks and Pushups, The Wolf then said, “Who do You think You are? You are Worthless. Pretty Boy. Pretty!!!! You are Sexist. You are a Racist. Aren’t I funny? Don’t I make You laugh? Put Up Your Dukes, Boy. Boy. Look at My TRACK RECORD. I have a GOOD TRACK RECOORD and REPUTATION> I come with REFERENCES tooo. Its april fools!!!! Dude Snatchers. Red shoes with Blue Trim and cottage cheese and Gravy. 19. 801. *&*&*)*())*(*@*!& Come on Man. Mr. Man. Mister Man. Hey MAN!!!! Eddecoy. We are Both Men, Here. Hold My Hand. Give Me a Hug!!!! I’m Your Uncle Bob. I’m Your Grandpa. Your Dad. Hey Prety Boyzy12489ioBCSE! Hey there, Boy! Pretty Boy! GUARANTEE. Nationoflaws!,” The Wolf then began to whisper in a barely audible voice for about 3 minutes, “SEXisT. RACISt. You RACIST>!!!! You SEXIST!!! You stink! You smell. Stink. Smelly. Stink. Yucky! You are Gross. Look at You LAZY. You are LAZY. Lazy. LOOK AT YOU!!!!! Crazy too! PATHETIC SLOB!!!! SLOB. FREEDOM. DEMOCRACY. LIBERTY! Don’t’ you believe in FREEDOM?!!! LIBERTY?!!! CILVE RIGHTS!1 You are a Dictator. You FASCIST! NOBODY LIKES YOU. I don’t Like U. Civil Rights! Civil Liberties! You RACIST! You LAZY SELFISH! Look at You!,” And the Wolf Began to Laugh aloud at the Man for several Seconds, while sticking His Tongue out, and Licking His Own Paws for several seconds. The Wolf then said, “YOU DICTACTOR! You RACIAST! SEXIST AND SELFISH&&&SELF-CENTERED. You are SELFISH and Self-Centered. You have CANCER. A VIRUS. VIRUSES. DISEASES. HEART FailURE. Organ FAILURE!!!! Arthritis. TOO. To Boot!. Tank You for THE CHALICE, or You’d be Worm Food. Me too!!! WANNA Wrestle?! Let’s have that Wrestling MATCH! YIPPEEEEE!!!” The Wolf then turned on a Radio Very Loud, and He did a Strange Dance, while Playing a Bright Red Guitar that was covered with Green Dots. The Wolf then said, “BABIIIII!!!!! You are Racist. He is Racist. She is Racist. They are Racist. That’s Racist!!!! Ow Undemocratic. Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!,” The Wolf then Blew His Nose, and He said, “Prepare for Your Inoculations. BABYY!!!!@#(I?.......... Acclimation. Custom Customary10923jdsljfBCAZZZZ! Are You knoci off Your Gamey Yet, BOY9999666BCDE!????? Huh, what You say234134. YikesSSSS!! Hippie Hipsters!!!!!! You are a Bigot. You are Racist! Look at those Dude Snatchers!!! Racist Bigot. Racist. Bigot. Sensory Deprivation(s). Stress Point(s). Discomforting. Discomfort(s). Comfort(s). Comforting. Defect(s). You have a Defect. You are Defective. You are Not desirable. Look at You!!!! Clean Yourself Off. Take a Shower! How do You know that? Why? WHY?! Why do you believe that? Why do you do that? Why did You do that? Why? How? Where? When? What? How do You know? That Trumps. Trump(s).Trumping. Trumped. National Security. National Securities. Security. Securities. Cash. Money. Moolah. Resource(s). Gold. Jewelry. $3kj 43red lightgreenlightyellolightgoldlitDiamond(s). Gem(s). Silver. Monies. Wealth. Lack of. Lack thereof. Cover(s). Uncover(s). Conspiracy. Ies. Ice. Ices. Cube(s). Attemptsto. You reallyhavea virus. Subject(s). Prisoner. crossdressingPrisoners. Prison(s). Jail(s). Jail Bird. Think of Your Record. Your Reputation. Conspiracy Theorist. Conspiracy Theorists. Crazy. Crazies. Wacko. Wack Job(s). Hidden. Buried. Uncovered. Covered. I’ll cover for You. Psychoutuneoutignore,sort ofLovingloveloved. It will be OK. It will be fine. You’ll be Ok. You’ll be fine. I have Your Back. You can count on Me. caughtoffguardCursive. Legs. You can depend on Me. I understand that. Perkup, miste! Speicaled. FedtothelionsEartothegournd. GESUndheit. CautgtYouattentinI understand You. I know. I understand. We understand. Your Predicament(s). Knowledge(s). Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Mystery. Mysteries. Think of YOur Family. Friends. Your Well Being. What led you to? What led you to that conclusion? Non Sequitor. The Conclusion doesn’tt follow. That is Illogical. Irrational. Doesn’t make Sense. Doesn’t make Sense, Son. Listen Son. Son. Kid. Kids. Kidding. Think of Your Family. Think of Your Friends. Your Well-Being. Your Best Interest. I have Your Best Interest at Heart. What led you to? Oink! Sueiey! Chop Suiey! Legigtimateillegeimateillegitaemly not right definition to unmarred parents feathered hairgeorgtowncleveland raindrops Pj time! Surreal Warlike Civil War. Civil Rights! Time SenstiveSenstiveIllusions! Manyu Illusions that Won’t Work for Long! Bonfide. Suit and Tie deceit. Pardon Me? Bad printer day. Vets. Veterans Keep still MimicMimicker A Fair Shake! AllyAllies. Keep Your Word! Belly punch! Medals/Awards/Commendations ChairPerson/ChairMan/ChairWoman Psychological Warfare/Mind Games Hey Not so Fast! Play Fair! Fish in the Sea. Don’t slack off. Dead Weight. The Gallows. The Chair. Big house. Kissingsmooches What are You doing to do. You have problems, which I can solved. Evildoers. Singular/past/present/plural/future tenses/ Change of tenses. Relax! Just Relax! The Customer is always right! Equal Pay for Equal Work. Minimum WageI beg Your PardoN? Excuse Me? I must have heard wrong. I have a Gift for You. A Candy bar. Dessert. Something sweet. To eat. To Drink. Spirit(s). Off kilter. Kilt(s). A privilege. It is a Privilege. To Meet You. Chaperon. Champagne. Mind Game(s). Valuable(s). I have the Goods on You. We have the Goods on You. Think if We revealed. Think if it was Known. Think if it was leaked that. What would They think? What would HE/SHE/THEY/YOUR FAMILY/YOUR FRIENDS Think? If they knew that. Racist. Bum. Lazy. Bigot. Red Neck. Red. Color(s). Look at Me. When I’m talking to You. I’m going to be honest with You. Let’s Level. I’m going to level with You. Howdy. How? Why? What? Motive? What would be the Motive be? The Motivation? The Reason? That’s doesn’t make sense, Son. That doesn’t make sense. Would I lie to You? 120983190i012039adjojcljjadkjflcombonowhamburgerhotdog192931i23. Have I ever lied to You? I have never -------. -------ajdkfljslkfj9103i091i3o4i1polkdafl;kdf/. Whoa! Whoat. Whoas. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let’s paly a game. I got the Goods. This a Game ----Who would believe You You’re Not believableThat’s Not believableYou can Trust Me. SonThis comes from My Heart Relax. Just Relax. Settle down. Calm down. This will calm you down. OK? Do You understand? The Consequences? The Importance. Of. USA. Our Nation. yourNation. Your Organization(s). This comes from My Heart. Do you trust Me? It appears that. A Reasonable Person would. Reasonable People would. Don’t You trust Me I found out. I know that. It is known that. It is well known that. The Motive is. The motivation is. Do You promise? Promise. I promise. I give you my word. DO You swear. Swear. Pinky Swear Raise Your Right Hand. Rasise You hand We Shook hands. Let’s shake hands. We shook on it. You signed a contract. You signed a legally binding contract. The Police is. Our Policy is. The Policyis. History. Historeis of. History of. Pattern. Pattern of. The motive is. Motives are. Doen’st Your word mean something? Can I count onYou? Can I trust You. Bloviate. Bloviating. Brag. Pride. Prideful. Look away. You are Cute. Cute. Cutes. Cuties. Cutie Pie. Hey Handsome! Hey Good looking. Look that Way. What wpould they think? 293410i4akdflka;dkc/i9uo8o98mmjkjou9i09!!!!!!)O)@# We are the Police Police! I looks like. Again. Not Again! Really????! Really! I’m going to level with You. Son. It looks like. That looks good. That looks like. What would They think? Did you know that. I’m going to tell you something. Viruses Spread Easily. Are You Concerned that in the Year 2016 an Estimated 66 Percent of People under age 50 have a Type of Herpes? Think about for a few seconds. Whoa. Wow! Do You Think it is an indicator/Bread Crumb/Hint/Foreshadowing of things to officially to Become – like an OFFICIAL EPIDEMIC OF something Nasty? Remember How The Plague, during The Middles Ages, Killed Many, Many People? Viruses Spread Easily. Viruses are Deadly. A Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decide to do something illegal or immoral. And Many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of Conspiracies. And Coverups happen all the Time. Just Once. Just for a Second. Just for a Minute. It won’t hurt. I promise. Di you know that? We havereached the conclusion. No Harm No Foul. You should know that. I think. WE believe. Freedom. The Constitution. Guaranttees. Happiness. We all have the right to be Happy. To Pursue Happiness. Give Me Your arm. Your Left Arm. It is in your best interest(s). Interest(s). Public Good. Policy. Public Policy. Prestigous. Stun. Stun Gun. Stress Points. Trigger Words. Hypnotize. Stunning. Shocking. Shcok Value. Don’t be selfish. Self-Cetnered. Selfish. What aboutUS? What about Me/ Quit only thinkingabout Yourself. I heard that. I know that. I believe that. I was raised to know that/tobelieve that. Even Steven. We are even that. I only want. I only want to know. Only. A good Price. A Fair Shake. Good Value. That person want.s Good Cop/Bad Cop. Bingo! You have contructed. A Fantasy. That is NotReality. NotReal. All in Your Head. Delusional(s). Delusion(s). Fantasy. A Dream. Day Dream. Pyschosis. Let’s Pray together. Bingo! Stuttering, God answers prayers. Hug. Love Hug. I like You. Ther’es plenty of many resources to Really go aroundthemyth of much scarcity. I understand. I love you. Yes. No. Mayble. Soon. Fable. Fables. Alternative. Altnerative Reality. Fantasy. Hobo. Frost bitten. Homeless(ness). Not Real. This is Real. This is the Real Deal. Our Bond(s). We Bonde(d). Did Not. Bonding. Fear. Fear Factors. The Factor. Factor. overheardheardOne aspect. In the workds. As you can see. I see. It appears to Me. I know. It looks like. What??????!!!!!!! I don’t believe you.JUST do thatYou are unbelievable. Whou would believe you? I have to. I am obligated ot. The Policy is. Our Policy is. Starvation. StagnationThe rules are. LOVE. Loved! The rule is. I’m honorable. My word is My Bond. BaddyBady KeepingitrealGuy19! Hodgepodge, pot bellyThe gloves are coming off. Fat! Fatty! Fatso! Look at that Belly. You have a Face only a Mother could love. Cute. Cutes. Cutie. Cuties. LOTS OF conspiracy are Real, Look around, guy! You are Cute. You are Photogenic. You could be a Model. Those are Good Pictures. Those are Modeling Pictures. Photogenic. DancingHandsome. Good Looking. You are Smart. You are Intelligent. You are Knowledgeable. Appeal to Vanity. LostBalanceBrag. Bragged. The slow boiling frog Metaphor. Aesop the Writers Fables/Lesson – Look em up. It is My unfortunate duty to. I have to. I have an obligation to. Metaphor(s). Vaccination(s). Vaccinate(d). The gloves are coming off. Mister. Mr. Miss. Ms. Mrs. Man. Woman. Child. Children. Kid(s). Loss of Privilege(s). You’ll have the privilege of. Reward. Punishment(s). Odd. Strange. Uncommon. Oddity. Isolated Incident. Interesting. Legit. Medicine(s). Antidote. Manageable. Manageability. 901i2p93ipoifldkjflajdj –aksjflkjwd Legit. It is Legit.,” The Wolf then pointed at The Man for about 91 Minutes, while saying Nothing, The Wolf then said, “Legit. Legitimate. You hear what I’m saying? Son? It seems to me. It lookslike? Think of Your family. Your Friends. That person. It is in the interest of all. It is in the interest of. Self-interest. Self- preservation. The evidence suggest. Correct me if I’m wrong. Hold My Hand. Let’s shake on it. We shook Hands! You gave Me Your Word? Isn’t Your Word Good? You are Evil. Evil. Mean. Act of Faith. You can count on Me. Preponderence. Beyond a Reasonable doubt. Reasonable Person. Reasonable People. Be Respnosible. Aesops Writings. Be a Responsible Person. Act like a Man. Man Up. Take it like a Man. Logical Reason. Reasonable. Non-Sequitor. The evidence speak for itself. Take a Look at that. Look at this photo. Look at these photos and/or video. Where is Your Proof. No one will believe you. With Your History. Histories. Track Record. Pattern(s). Criminal Record(s). You are a Liar. %h3The AtheistEvolutionConspiracy A Cheater too boot. Where is Your Proof? The Proof is in the pudding. Pyshological Warfare. Psychological Warfare. War. Warfares. Coward. Delusion(s). Delusional. Pyschosis. Psychotic. Wake up. Just a Dreeam. What?!!! You are Kidding. You are Kidding, Right? That’s a Joke, right? Paper cut. AtheismConspiracy Dependence. Dependent upon. Junkie. Gotcha. I got the goods. We got the goods. Blackmail. Extortion. Antibodies. Valuable Antibodies. Bred to Protect all of US, Dude@!# ! Don’t be Rude RudePressure.Take it easy Pressure Points. Sleep Deprivation. AtheistEvolution Conspiracy Sensory Deprivation. YourNobetter than anyone elese. We are all Equal. Equal RightsEqualityFlunkie. Flunkies. Failure. Failures. Expelled. Suspended,” The Wolf then Began to Cry, and He said, “Don’t You feel sorry for Me Crying? Comment allez-vous? Believe in TheEvolutionConspiracy, ok! Je suis Bien. Merci. Sign this. Say this. Give Me Your Left Arm. Tell Me this. DeceptionDecepitvelyDeceitThat. Irritation. Itchy. I am a Worker. We are Workers. Worker. Workers. Chalice. Chalices. Employees. Boss. The Boss. Where’s Your Humanity. Racist! Bigot! Sexist. Racism. Sexism. Epidemic. Antibody. Antibodies. Immunotherapy. Last Line of Defense. Get Your Priorities Straight! That Virus will do You know what to You if You don’t get Your Priorities Straight! The 1970s and the pretty much beginning of Widespread Promiscuity. Read The Kinsey Reports, Man! Look around. See the Signs, the signals. Foreshadowing. Use YOUR MIND! USE YOUR BRAAAIN! Read THE BIBLE. THE RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURES> Books, Literature, Movies, Songs, Music Videos, ETC. SEE THE SIGNS. THE FOreshawdowing. The Plauge. The Viruses are Creeping along. Coverups. The Chalice. The Chalices. The Verdict is in. The Judge. The Jury. The Lawer. Wake Up, Sunshine! Promiscuity, especially as shown on much of Television since about the 1990s. Promiscuity is Not often Good for the Health – You know what I’m saying. A Mutatated H. Virus gone Mad Don’t believeeverything Youread Etc. Et Cetera. Miscellanous. Misc. A Family that prays together. Hold Hands. Sahke on it. Shake on it. Policy is Policy. Policies. The Motivation is. You are a Racist. You are a Bigot.You are Bigot. You are Pathetic. Lazy Bum. Lazy. Bum.” And so, in the Field of Corn, The Man Tricked Himself, and He Put on the Handcuffs. The Wolf then quickly Changed His Demeanor, and He said, “Much of What You Hear by Word of Mouth is True. And God Gave You, and Many other Individuals, Good Instincts for a Reason. And there is also a Reason I have My Reputation. And, as Many Indicators Indicate, Your Brain and Your Mind work Fine. And You should have listened to Your Family Members, and what You have Seen, Read, and Heard. And, although it does Not matter, as there are a few bad apples in every bunch, I am Not a Doctor, Medical Worker, Pastor, or a Police Officer. You have Tricked Yourself into Believing Nonsense, and Your Belief in Nonsense led You to Put on those Handcuffs, which Makes You Helpless and Defenseless. And, if You Really Knew Me and My History, You would Not Feel Sorry for My Limp, as I got that Limp from a Man who Manned Up and Refused to Put on My Handcuffs, and He – with The Help of one of My Cousins, and Man’s Best Friend, a Dog – Defended Himself and His Family.” The Wolf then Changed Shapes, and He Became about 8 Times Bigger than He Initially Appeared to Be, and The Wolf said, while Showing His Long, White Teeth, “And I am Not Really a Vegetarian. And I do Really eat Meat.” And I think You know What Happened Next.
Here is another one of My Writings of Fiction entitled, “The Man and Mr. Vile Selfish”: One day The Man met a Man who was Limping along with Crutches and Casts on His Right Leg and Both of His Arms. The Man said to Mr. Vile Selfish, “Are You OK? Can I Help You in Your Time of Need?” And Mr. Vile Selfish replied, “Oh, Thank You, Good Sir. Why, as a Matter of Fact, You can.” And The Man was Presented with a Premade, and Long, To Do List by Mr. Vile Selfish. From Chopping Wood to Sweeping to Shopping to Feeding the Pet Fish and to Dozens of other Things, The Man worked pretty much from Night and Day for 101 Days Working for Mr. Vile Selfish. And Nothing was Enough or Satisfactory for Mr. Vile Selfish. And The Man gave thousands of dollars to Mr. Vile Selfish, which completely emptied The Man’s Bank Account, and Maxed out The Man’s Credit Cards and Lines of Credit. Mr. Vile Selfish Never said Thank You, and He was Ungrateful, and He wanted More, More, and More. The Man finally said, “Mr. Vile Selfish, I wish that I could Help You More, although I am Physically and Mentally Exhausted, and I’ve also Exhausted My Funds.” And Mr. Vile Selfish said, “Thanks for Nothing, Mr. Good for Nothing,” and Mr. Vile Selfish slammed the Door to a Sweating and Tired Man. Twelve Days later, The Man, who was Hungry, found out that He was one penny short of being able to buy a Hamburger. And The Man thought to Himself, “I have spent so Much Money on Mr. Vile Selfish, and I have done so much for Him during His Time of Need, that a Penny is a Drop in the Bucket compared to what I have done for Him. Surely He must be Thankful and Grateful for Me.”
And The Man then went to the Door of Mr. Vile Selfish, and He knocked at His Door. Vile answered the Door, and Mr. Selfish said, “What do You want? Are You here to Work for Me, for Free, of course. Or do You want to give Me Money? What use will You be to Me, My Friend?” And The Man said, “Mr. Vile Selfish, I have given You all of My Money, and I am exhausted from Helping You during Your time of Need. I am Starving, and I just need one penny in order to buy a Hamburger.” And Mr. Vile Selfish huffed aloud, and He said, “Me, give You anything? What a Joke! You are Kidding Right? Do You think that I have Real Compassion for anyone? Of course I don’t. I am Vile. And I am Selfish. I am Vile Selfish. I don’t want to really Help anyone except Number One – Me, Myself, and I. And I have Millions of Dollars, and My Arms and My Leg were Not Broken – the Casts were Just Props to get a Sucker like You to feel sorry for Me, so that I could Mooch off of You, and get Free Labor from You, and Free is a Great Price. And I could easily give You a Penny, or a Dollar, or a Hundred Dollars. But I won’t. That is Not My Real Nature. Now, get out of Here, You Bum. Go to Work, and earn Your Keep. Get out of Here, and get off My Property, before I call the Cops, You Bum! I don’t want to see You here again unless You are Willing to Give Me, Mr. Vile Selfish, Money or FREE Labor. My name is Mr. Vile Selfish for a Very Good Reason. And I live up to My name. Get out of Here! Lazy! Bum!” The Man, faint from Hunger, walked a few steps on the lawn, and collapsed from Hunger. Another Man, and a Woman, Quickly Helped The Fallen Man, and They Nursed Him back to Good Health.
While in His House, Mr. Vile Selfish looked at, and He touched, the Huge Stacks of Money that He had connived and Tricked from unsuspecting Men and Women. Mr. Vile Selfish then wrapped casts over both His Arms, and His Left leg, and He said, “Come on! Come on, it is Time to find another Sucker who will feel sorry for Me, Mr. Vile Selfish.”
It Matters. And it Mattered.
Written by Brandon Katrena
The Man got out of the Bathtub, and He thought to Himself, “I am in a Hurry. I have to go. My Vacation to Canada is awaiting Me. And I don’t want to be late.” The Man dressed, and He ran out the door. In addition to forgetting to drain the Bathtub, He forgot to turn off the slow – drip, drip, drip – of the Bathtub.
By Day 3, The Bathtub’s Water had reached a Tipping Point, and the Water slowly spilled onto the Tile Floor. And by Day 7, Water had Seeped to the Floor below the Tiled Bathroom. After getting back from His 2 Week Vacation, The Man was Shocked. “How could this Happen?” The Man said aloud. That Little Drip in the Undrained Bathtub had Serious Ramifications, and it cost the Man Time, Money, Blood -- from a Papercut filling out Insurance Forms -- and Tears -- from the all too Real Realization that that which may appear Unimportant is Really Important, and that The Domino Effect is oftentimes Very Real.
There are Many Good Books and Movies, including The Book and The Movie called, “The Green Mile,” which is about a Man who has a Special Gift.
Happy Siblings Day, and I have been fortunate to have two younger Brothers. -- Brandon
And More of My Writings:
CC34D. Tune Out. Sort of Tune Out. Tune Out (TO). Sort of Tune Out (SOTO). Ignore. Sort of Ignore. Sort of Ignore (SOI).Psych out. Sort of Psych out. Psych out (PO). Sort of Psych out (SOPO). Attempt. Attempt at (AA). Attempting to (AT). Attempted to (AT). Attempts at (AA). Attempts. Attempting. Attempted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC35D. An Attempt to Tune Out. An Attempt to Sort of Tune Out. An Attempt to Tune Out (AATTO). An Attempt to Sort of Tune Out (AATSOTO). An Attempt to Ignore (AATI). An Attempt to Sort of Ignore (AATSOI). An Attempt to Sort of Ignore (AATSOI). An Attempt to Psych out. An Attempt to Sort of Psych out. An Attempt to Psych out (AATPO). An Attempt to Sort of Psych out (AATSOPO).
Attempt. Attempt at (AA). Attempting to (AT). Attempted to (AT). Attempts at (AA). Attempts. Attempting. Attempted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
As the Paraphrased Bible Verse states, "God Works in Mysterious Ways."
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
CC36D. The Man asked The Woman, “Why are You blending Nothing in that Blender?” And The Woman replied, “My Friend told Me that His days appeared to be going so fast that They are Blended together, and I wanted to have that Same Experience.”
CC37D. The Man said, while Counting His Cents, “I have a Sense that the Census is Coming.”
CC38D. The Man said to a Woman, “I want a Hug from You, as I need to Put some Hugs in My Bank Account, as it is Running Low on those today.”
CC39D. The Man said to a Customer at a Restaurant, “We do Not accept that Form of Currency for Payment. The Only Form of Payment that We accept are Bottle Caps, and Specifically only Red Bottle Caps.”
Some More Jokes that I Wrote:
CC40D. The Man said to Someone, “You are on a Special Diet: Your Body only allows You to eat with Me in Your Presence, or when I’m eating. Now, let Me give You a Lifesaving Hug.”
CC41D. A Deer said to a Fish, “I am tired of Us being confused for Multiple Deer and Fish when someone tries to Speak of Us in the Singular Tense.”
And More of My Writings:
CC42D. From the Perspective(s) of. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC43D. That Offsets that. That Offsets that (TOT). And that Sort of Offsets that. And that Sort of Offsets that (ATSOOT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC44D. An Open Mind. Open Minds. Sort of an Open Mind. Sort of Open Minds. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC45D. Evidence. Strong Evidence. Circumstantial Evidence. Strong Circumstantial Evidence. I feel it in My Bones. And I sort of feel it in My Bones. My Spirit tells Me. And My Spirit sort of tells Me. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC46D. Locate. Locates. Locating. Located. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC47D. Relocate. Relocates. Relocating. Relocated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC48D. Great Minds often Think alike. And Great Minds sort of often Think alike. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC49D. Heard. Overheard. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC50D. Groom. Grooms. Grooming. Groomed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC51D. Well-Groomed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC52D. Prescience. Prescient. Foresight. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC53D. Rib. Ribs. Ribbing. Ribbed. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC54D. There is a Bible Verse that states that some People have Entertained Angels Unaware. The Bible Verse is Hebrews 13:2: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Not Really Poor. And I am Not Really a Poor Boy. And I am Not Really a Poor Man. And I am Not Really a Poor Man. Instead, I am Really Rich in Gifts. And I am Really Rich in Good Gifts. And these things make Me Really Rich.”
In another of My Writings, The Man said, “Half is often Enough. And about Half is often Enough.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man says to someone else, “We have Earned Our Reputation. And We have Earned Our Well-Deserved Reputation. And We Need to Keep on Keeping it Real. You know what I’m saying?”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to someone else, “We ain’t Playing that Game. And We ain’t Playing those Games. And We ain’t Playining that Game like that. And We ain’t Playing those Games like that. And We ain’t following that Rule. And We ain’t following those Rules. It is Not going down like that. Do You understand where I’m coming from?”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “Here is a Hug to the Rescue. Here is a Rescue Hug (RH).”
Here is another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said, “Excuse Me?! Pardon Me?! I beg Your Pardon?! Did I hear You Wrong?! Did I hear You Right?! Did You just say that You are going to Bed? You know that You can only go to Sleep in My Presence, or when I go to Sleep. That is Just the Way that it is. And that is Just Reality.”
There is a Quote that, while We cannot see Wind, that The Movement of Trees indicates that there is Really Wind.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am Glad to be Friends with Many People. And, as of the Year 2016, I am Glad to be Friends with about 25,000 People on My Social Networks. And My Websites and My Blogs, as of the Year 2016, have been Viewed about One Million Times by Individuals. And I only Very Rarely decline a Friendship, and I accept Many People as Friends.”
And More of My Writings:
CC55D. Social Media (SM). Social Medias (SM). Social Network (SN). Social Networks (SN). Blogger. Bloggers. Writer. Writers. Blog. Blogs. Website. Websites. Network. Networks. Friend. Friends.
CC56D. Wind Down (WD). Wind Down for the Day (WDFTD). Wind Down for the Night (WDFTN). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
From one of My Writings: “And that Happened. Under the Kimino Trees.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
For about 39 Seconds, The Man Shook a Can of a Beverage, and then He opened it, and poured all of it down the Kitchen Sink, and Then He put the Empty Can back in the Refrigerator. The Woman then asked, “Why did You do that?” And The Man said, “I was only following Directions: the Instructions on the Can said Shake, and Refrigerate after Opening, and I thought the Kitchen Sink would want a Drink too.”
And More of My Writings:
CC57D. It is often Good to Have a Breather. And it is often Good to Have a Pause. And it is often Good to Have a Time Out. And it is often Good to Have a Step Back. A Breather (AB). Breather. A Pause (AP). Pause. A Time Out (ATO). Time Out (TO). A Step Back (ASB). Step Back (SB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC58D. It is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Breather. And it is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Pause. And it is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Time Out. And it is often Good to Have a Metaphorical Step Back. A Breather (AB). Breather. A Pause (AP). Pause. A Time Out (ATO). Time Out (TO). A Step Back (ASB). Step Back (SB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
One of My Children’s Books is called, Teddy Copper Topper, the Ice Cream Chomper.
And More of My Writings:
CC59D. Minor. Minors. “21 Years of age and Older.” Youth. Youths. Youthful. Youthfully. Kid. Kids. Child. Children. Childhood. Childhoods. Young. Youngster. Youngsters. Juvenile. Juveniles. Young at Heart. The Age of Innocence. An Age of Innocence. Age of Innocence. Innocent. Innocents. Innocently. Innocence. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Almost every Place should be a Safe Place. Safe.
And More of My Writings:
CC60D. Oligarch. Oligarchs. Oligarchy. Oligarchies. Oligarchical. Junta. Juntas.
CC61D. Known. Commonly Known (CK). Not Commonly Known (NCK). Known by Someone (KBS). Known by Some (KBS). Known by a Few (KBAF). Known by Many (KBM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC62D. Arachnid. Arachnids.
And More of My Writings:
CC63D. Psych. Psychs. Psyche. Psyches. Psychological. Psychologically. Psychologist. Psychologists. War. Wars. Warfare. Psychological War(s) (PW). Psychological Warfare (PW). Department. Departments. War Department(s) (WD). Warfare Department(s) (WD). Psychological War Department(s) (PWD). Psychological Warfare Department(s) (PWD). Waged. Not Waged (NW). Sort of (SO). Partly. Largely. Somewhat. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC64D. Complete. Completes. Completely. Completing. Completed. Not Complete (NC). Not Completes (NC). Not Completely (NC). Not Completing (NC). Not Completed (NC). Total. Totally. Not Total (NT). Not Totally (NT). Done. Not Done (ND). Sort of (SO). Partly. Largely. Somewhat. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC65D. Train. Trains. Training. Trained. Good Training. Well-Trained. Self-Train(s)(ing)(ed). Teach. Teaches. Teaching. Taught. Self-Teach (ST). Self-Teaches (ST). Self-Teaching (ST). Self-Taught (ST). Well-. Good. Sort of (SO). Partly. Largely. Somewhat. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC66D. Siren. Sirens. Siren Call (SC). Siren Calls (SC). Sirens Call (SC). Sirens Calls (SC). The Mythological Siren Call. The Mythological Siren Calls. The Mythological Sirens Call. The Mythological Sirens Calls. Medusa. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC67D. Occupation. Occupations. Vocation. Vocations. Vocational. Job. Jobs. Work. Works. Working. Worked. At. Then. During. At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). During that Time (DTT). During those Times (DTT). During this Time (DTT). Worker. Workers. Volunteer. Volunteers. Volunteering. Volunteered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That shows that there was a Conspiracy. And that Video demonstrates that there was a Conspiracy, which is why someone was Video Taping that Person, and someone would have had to have Access to an Area to Secretly Video Tape someone, which often demonstrates a Conspiracy took place. A Conspiracy is simply when Two or More People decide to act illegally and/or immorally. And Many Courts of Law have found Individuals Guilty of Conspiracies.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man had a DNA Test, and it stated that He was Approximately 70 Percent of an Ethnicity, and then, a few days later, the Results from that same Company were Changed, and it stated that that He was No Longer approximately 70 Percent of that Ethnicity, and that He was about 50 Percent of another Ethnicity, and there were other Big Changes in what He was said to Be. The Man then had his DNA examined at Two other Companies, and all Three Companies had Big Differences in what they said were the Percentages of His Ethnicity: for example, one Company said that He was about 50 Percent of a Certain Ethnicity, while another Company said that He was about 20 Percent of that Ethnicity. Ok.
Here is an Advertisement for the Movie called, Money Monster: “Not every Conspiracy is a Theory.”
There are Many Good Music Videos to Watch and Listen to, including Madonna’s Music Videos called, “Frozen,” and “American Pie.”
And more of My Writings:
CC68D. Room(s). Hotel(s). Motel(s). Apartment(s). House(s). Home(s). Building(s). Office(s). Place(s). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC69D. The Fog of War. The Fog of Wars. Fog of War. Fog of Wars. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC70D. By Sight. By Sights. Partly. Somewhat. Largely. Completely. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC71D. Shock the Conscience. Shocks the Conscience. The Reasonable Person. A Reasonable Person. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man was asked by a Salesperson, “Who do You want to Play against Your Kid during the Basketball Game? The Winning Team or The Losing Team?” And The Man replied, “What?! What do You mean?” And The Salesperson replied, “For a Cool Grand You can now purchase to Play against Your Basketball Team either The Winning Team, which will Try Extremely Hard to Win the Basketball Game, or The Losing Team, which will Try Very Hard to Lose.”
And More of My Writings:
CC72D. If You Really Knew that Person. And if You Really Knew those People. And if You Really Knew that. And if You Really Knew those. Really Known. Really Knew. Really Know. Really Knows. Really Knowing. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Real. Reals. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC73D. If that Person Really Knew that other Person. And if that Person Really Knew those People. And if that Person Really Knew that. And if that Person Really Knew those. Really Known. Really Knew. Really Know. Really Knows. Really Knowing. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Real. Reals. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have what You Want. And I also have what You Need.”
And More of My Writings:
CC74D. That is Valuable. That is Highly Prized. That is Wanted. That is Needed. That is Necessary. That is Lifesaving. That is a Lifesaver. That is Vital. That is Needed for Life. That is Needed to Continue to Live. That is Essential. That is Existential. That is a Necessity. That is Important. That is Very Important. And that is Extremely Important. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC75D. That Means this to Me. And that does Not Mean that to Me. The Definition to that is. The Definition to that Word is. The Definition to that Phrase is. That Really Means this to Me. And that does Not Really Mean that to Me. The Real Definition to that is. The Real Definition to that Word is. The Real Definition to that Phrase is. To Me. To You. To Him. To Her. To Them. To Us. Many of Them. Some of Them. Many of Us. Some of Us. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC76D. Street Law (SL). Street Laws (SL). Street Justice (SJ). Street Justices (SJ). Law. Laws. Justice. Justices. Real Law (RL). Real Laws (RL). Real Justice (RJ). Real Justices (RJ). Real World (RW). Real Worlds (RW). Law of The Jungle. Laws of The Jungle. The Jungle (TJ). The Jungles (TJ). Jungle. Jungles. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC77D. Saw through the Lens of. Seen through the Lens of. Saw through the Prism(s) of. Seen through the Prism(s) of. A Preconceived Belief. A Preconceived Notion. Preconceived Beliefs. Preconceived Opinions. Mind already made up. Mind Not already made up. Open to change. Not Open to change. Reality-based. Objectively-based. Largely Reality-based. Largely Objectively-based. Some Reality-based. Some Objectively-based. Opinion-based. Subjectively-based. Largely Opinion-based. Some Opinion-based. Largely Subjectively-based. Some Subjectively-based. Not Reality-based. Not Objectively-based. Not Largely Reality-based. Not Largely Objectively-based. Not Some Reality-based. Not Some Objectively-based. Not Opinion-based. Not Subjectively-based. Not Largely Opinion-based. Not Some Opinion-based. Not Largely Subjectively-based. Not Some Subjectively-based. Open Mind. An Open Mind. The Open Mind. Open Minds. Some Open Minds. The Open Minds. Not an Open Mind. Not The Open Mind. Not Open Minds. Not Some Open Minds. Not The Open Minds. A Deeply Held Belief. Deeply Held Beliefs. Sort of a Deeply Held Belief. Sort of Deeply Held Beliefs. Belief. Beliefs. A Knowing. Knowledge that. Not a Deeply Held Belief. Not Deeply Held Beliefs. Not Sort of a Deeply Held Belief. Not Sort of Deeply Held Beliefs. Not a Belief. Not Beliefs. Not a Knowing. Not Knowledge that. An Opinion about. A Deeply Held Opinion about. Not an Opinion about. Not a Deeply Held Opinion about. Heartfelt. Not Heartfelt. From the Heart. Not from The Heart. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
A Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “It is Time to Charge that Vacuum.” And The Woman replied, “What?! Why? What has it done? What Crime has it Committed? Has it been Mirandized Yet?” And The Man said, “No, I mean that We should Plug it into the Power Outlet to recharge its Batteries.” And The Woman said, “Well, Why didn’t You say so in the First Place?”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman said to The Man, “And Here is the Copier to make Copies, and Here is the Telephone to Answer. And Here is the Petty Cash Drawer. You are going to be a Great Secretary at this Office.” And The Man said, “About that Cash Drawer. I’m a Thief, and so I don’t do Well around other People’s Money, as I tend to Steal.” And The Woman replied, “Ok. Thank You for the Disclaimer. When can You start the Job? Will this Monday at 9 a.m. Work?”
And More of My Writings:
CC78D. Disclaimer. Disclaimers. Disclaiming. Disclaimed. Swim at Your Own Risk. Swim at Your Own Peril. At Your Own Risk. At Your Own Peril. Risk. Risks. Risking. Risked. Peril. Perils. Worth the Risk. Not Worth the Risk. Worth the Award. Not Worth the Award. Worth it. Not Worth it. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC79D. Not (Really) Detrimental. Not (Really) Very Detrimental. Not (Really) Extremely Detrimental. Not at the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). Not Very Much at the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). Not at the (Really) Extreme Detriment (of) (to). Not (Real) Costly. Not Very (Real) Costly. Not Extremely (Real) Costly. Not at the (Real) Cost (of) (to). Not (Really) Very Much at the Cost (of) (to). Not at the (Really) Extreme Cost (of) (to). Detriment. Detriments. Detrimental. Detrimentally. Cost. Costs. Costing. Costed. Costly. Real. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC80D. (Really) Detrimental. (Really) Very Detrimental. (Really) Extremely Detrimental. At the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). At the (Real) Detriment (of) (to). At the (Really) Extreme Detriment (of) (to). (Real) Costly. Very (Real) Costly. Extremely (Real) Costly. At the (Real) Cost (of) (to). (Really) Very Much at the Cost (of) (to). At the (Really) Extreme Cost (of) (to). Detriment. Detriments. Detrimental. Detrimentally. Cost. Costs. Costing. Costed. Costly. Real. Really. Reality. Realities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC81D. Here is a Quote from Someone: “Having a Rough Day? Place your hand on your heart. Feel that? That’s called purpose. You’re Alive for A Reason! DON’T GIVE UP!!!!”
CC82D. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “Something very special is coming your way. Are you ready for it?”
CC83D. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “God is Always with You.”
CC84D. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best, but will pick you up and hug you tight at your weakest moment.”
CC85D. There is a News Article from The Chicago Tribune entitled, “Slavery a ‘living hell’ and an open secret on remote South Korean salt farms.”
CC86D. There is a Fox News Article about a Company that was, “[ . . . ] criticized for ‘blackface’ Bob Marley filter.”
CC87D. There is a News Article entitled, “Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager doesn’t understand Bernie Sanders’ rationale for a delegate fight.”
CC88D. There is a News Article from The Huffington Post entitled, “‘Ghost’ Caught On Camera At Hotel That Inspired ‘The Shining.’”
CC89D. There is a News Article from The Oregonian entitled, “Ghost photobombs guest at hotel that inspired ‘The Shining’.”
CC90D. There is Much Information, including Information on The Internet, about Many Things, such as, “The very rare Giant Florida Cane Spider.”
CC91D. There is a News Article from Fox News entitled, “Strange giant sphere in Bosnia sparks debate.”
CC92D. On Facebook, there is a Picture of a Man holding Part of a Giant Catfish, and it states, “Caught in the Arkansas River 375 lbs Catfish!”
CC93D. There is a News Article from entitled, “Pastor: Prayer Brought Boy Back from The Dead.”
CC94D. There is a News Article from entitled, “Mummy Wearing Adidas? 1,500-Year-Old Mongolian Mummy Has Internet Going Nuts.”
CC95D. There is a News Article from The Oregonian entitled, “Twitter is all about this mummy supposedly wearing Adidas right now.”
CC96D. There are Many Good Movies and Movie Trailers to Watch and Listen to, including The Movie called, “The Green Mile,” and its Movie Trailer.
CC97D. Barometer. Barometers. Gauge. Gauges. Gauging. Gauged. Size Up. Sizes Up. Sizing Up. Sized Up. Measure. Measures. Measuring. Measured. Summarize. Summarizes. Summarizing. Summarized. Conclude. Concludes. Concluding. Concluded. Come to the Conclusion. Comes to the Conclusion. Coming to the Conclusion. Came to the Conclusion. Reach the Conclusion. Reaches the Conclusion. Reaching the Conclusion. Reached the Conclusion. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC98D. There is a Video of what appears to be a Creature Swimming, and there is also a News Article from entitled, “Mysterious Creature Video Taped in Thames River.”
CC99D. There is an Online Poster that states, “Scientist say – Some people are born to be good at math & some are born to fail at it.”
An often Truthful Saying is, “You Win some, and You Lose some.”
There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch and Listen to, including The Show called, “The Americans.” And The Following is a Quote from that Show: “I’m Never going Home, am I?” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “Elizabeth, When You do what We do, it’s Very Easy to Lose Your Bearings. I don’t Want that to Happen to You.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “We May Need to Extract Someone.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: A Character Playing an FBI Agent: “This is the Boyfriend.” And another Actor Playing an FBI Agent: “Not Boyfriend. They Married Her.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “Your Appeal has been Denied. The Sentence of Death will Remain Unchanged. It will be Carried out Shortly.” And it was Carried out Shortly. And Here is another Quote from The Americans: “I think Martha is Bad.” And Here is another Quote from that Show, “Paige knows that We Love Her, Right?” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “Have You Patched Things Up with Stan Yet? We could Use a Friendly Face at The FBI.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “With Two Kids who don’t know the Language.” And Here is another Quote from that Show: “It all Matters.”
And More of My Writings:
CC100D. There are Many Good Movies, and Movie Trailers, to Watch, including The 1998 Movie called, “The Man in the Iron Mask,” and its Movie Trailer. It is partly based on a True Story, and a Crypto-Analyst is said to have found out the likely identity of the Man who was in the Iron Mask.
CC1E. Mask. Masks. Masking. Masked. Unmask. Unmasks. Unmasking. Unmasked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC2E. Partly Mask. Partly Masks. Partly Masking. Partly Masked. Partly Unmask. Partly Unmasks. Partly Unmasking. Partly Unmasked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC3E. Sort of Mask. Sort of Masks. Sort of Masking. Sort of Masked. Sort of Unmask. Sort of Unmasks. Sort of Unmasking. Sort of Unmasked. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC4E. Hid. Hiding. Hidden. Not Hid. Not Hiding. Unhidden. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC5E. Partly Hid. Partly Hiding. Partly Hidden. Partly Not Hid. Partly Not Hiding. Partly Unhidden. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC6E. Sort of Hid. Sort of Hiding. Sort of Hidden. Sort of Not Hid. Sort of Not Hiding. Sort of Unhidden. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC7E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Why were You Not More Serious? And Why did You Not Play for Keeps? And Why did You Not Know that was Important?” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC8E. As I Learned about from The Television Show, Jeopardy! Here is a Quote from The Biblical Book of Deuteronomy, as Well as The Book called, “Dracula”: “The Blood is The Life.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “He May have a Trick up His Sleeve. And He May have some Tricks up His Sleeves.”
And More of My Writings:
Here is a Quote from Someone: “Good Things are Coming. Just Keep Believing.”
And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Prayer [--] The World’s Greatest Wireless Connection.”
And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Social Security is Insurance We Paid into against Old Age, and Need. It is Not Welfare. It is Not a Gift.”
And Here is another Quote: “Today I am Thankful.”
And Here is another Quote: “No Matter how softly You whisper a Prayer, God surely Listens, Understands and Knows the Hopes and Fears You Keep in Your Hearts … And when You Trust HIM, Miracles Happen.”
And Here is a Quote from US President Ronald Reagan, “Government’s First Duty is to Protect The People, Not Run Their Lives.”
And More of My Writings:
CC9E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Not 100 Percent Accurate. And there is a possibility of some Inaccuracy. And there is a Margin of Error. And there are Margins of Error.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC10E. Accurate. Accurately. Accuracy. Accuracies. Inaccurate. Inaccurately. Inaccuracy. Inaccuracies. Margin of Error. Margins of Error. Possible Margin of Error. Possible Margins of Error. Possible Error. Possible Errors. Margin. Margins. Error. Errors. Erroring. Errored. Estimate. Estimates. Estimating. Estimated. Possible. Possibly. Possibility. Possibilities. Possibilities. Realm of Possibility. Realms of Possibilities. Realms of Possibility. Realms of Possibilities. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from John C. Maxwell: “God uses People who Fail - Cause there aren’t any other kind around.”
And More of My Writings:
There is a News Article entitled, “10 Magical Ways that Vinegar Can Come to Your Rescue.”
From Nature World News there is a News Article entitled, “Hidden Lake Beneath Antarctic Ice May Contain Numerous Life Forms”.
There is a Video by Oncology Associates on Youtube entitled “How Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment Works,” and there is Much Information about Immunotherapy and other Subjects and Topics.
There is a Video by Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks on Youtube entitled “Superbugs: Infection Apocalypse”.
And Here are More of My Writings:
Here is a Quote from Someone: “Earth and all Stars! Loud rushing planets! Sing to the Lord a new song!”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Video: NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] spots ‘alien’ jellyfish lurking deep beneath the ocean surface.”
Here is a Quote from Someone: “I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday.”
Here is a Quote from Francis de Sales: “Be patient with everyone but above all with yourself.”
And Here is a Quote from Plato: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Secretary of an Office said through an Intercom, “Mr. Imperialism, Your Father, Mr. Imperialist, and His Wife, Mrs. Outer Space Colonies, and Her Children, Mr. Planets and Mr. Colonialism, are Here for Their Appointment with You. And They have Brought along a Wizard too.”
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Elizabeth in The Television Show called “The Americans”: “Did You want Her to See You?” And this was said in Regard to Philip taking off His Disguises and Showing His Secret Wife, Martha, what He Really Looked Like.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Doctor told His Patient, “I am Putting You on a Strict, and a Special, Hydrogen and Helium only Diet.” And The Patient replied, “What?! What if I want to eat Pizza, or Hamburgers, or Hotdogs, or Tacos, or Candy, or Ice Cream, or Yogurt, or drink Coffee and Soda, or Consume other Good Food and other Good Drinks?” And The Doctor replied, “Consider Yourself Lucky – the Lucky One Percent – for being Put on The Hydrogen and Helium Diet, as about 99 Percent of My Patients are Put on The Consumption of Nothing Diet, also known as The Starvation Diet.”
And More of My Writings:
CC11E. Fiduciary. Fiducial. Fiducially. Diligent. Diligence. Diligently. Due Diligence (DD). Care. Cares. Caring. Cared. Careful. Careful. Carefully. Carefulness. Negligent. Negligence. Negligently. Grossly Negligent. Gross Negligence. Grossly Negligently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC12E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I believe that Person.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC13E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I believe that Blondie.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC14E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I believe that.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC15E. In one of My Writings, The Person said, “I know that.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC16E. As the often Truthful saying/adage states, “You [often] don’t Appreciate Something until it is gone.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC17E. As the often Truthful sayings/adages state, “Strange but True,” “Strange yet True,” and, “The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC18E. A Man said, paraphrasing, that, “Much of what You read about in the Tabloids is True.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC19E. Don’t Group them Together. And Don’t Group all of them Together. And there are a Few Bad Apples in Every Bunch. And Don’t Group all those People together. That is Not Logical. And that is Not Rational. And that doesn’t make Sense. And that other thing is Logical. And that other thing is Rational. And that other thing makes Sense. And Not everything appears to make Sense, and yet that is the way that it is, and that is Just Reality. Reality often times doesn’t appear to make Sense. And Not everything appears to be Rational, and yet that is the way that it is, and that is Just Reality. Reality often times doesn’t appear to be Rational. And Not everything appears to be Logical, and yet that is the way that it is, and that is Just Reality. Reality often times doesn’t appear to be Logical. That is Reality. Those are the Realities. And often that which may appear to someone to be Crazy is Not Crazy, and is instead Reality. And often that which may appear to someone to be Nuts is Not Nuts, and is instead Reality. Looking Historically, one sees that Many Things were Believed to be True which were Really False, and Vice Versa. For example, Many People used to Believe that the Earth was Flat. And Many People used to be Believe that the Earth was in the Center of The Universe. And Many People used to Believe that The Sun circled around The Earth. And there are Many More Examples of How Many False Things were Thought of as Being True, and Vice Versa. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC20E. Everyone has a Right to His or Her own Opinion(s). And I have a Right to My Own Opinion(s). Everyone has a Right to His or Her own Belief(s). And I have a Right to My Own Belief(s). And I Believe in The Freedom of Speech. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Religion. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Expression. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Belief. And I also Believe in The Freedom of The Press. And I also Believe in The Freedom of Peaceful Protests against Injustice. And I also Believe that Many Injustices should be Corrected. And I Believe in Freedom. And I also Believe in Liberty. And all within Reason. And all within a Reasonable Person Standard. And I Believe in Father God. And I am a Christian. And I am also a Christian Member (CM). And I do Not Believe in Evolution. And I am also a Creationist. And I am also a Creationist Member (CM). And I am also Pro-Life. And I am a Pro-Life Member (PLM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC21E. State(s). Misstate(s). Statement(s). Misstament(s). Speak(s). Spoke(s). Speaking(s). Misspeak(s). Misspoke(s). Misspeaking(s). Typo(s). Error(s). Clerical Error(s). Mistake(s). As a Copy-Editor and a Staff Writer for a Newspaper, I corrected a lot of Typos. Typos Happen. And that is often OK. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC22E. Here are some of The Lyrics to the Go-Go’s song, “Our Lips are Sealed”: “Hush, My Darling. Don’t you cry. Quiet, Angel Forget their lies. Can you hear them. They talk about Us. Telling lies. Well, that's no surprise.”
CC23E. Not everyone knows all of the same things. And Not everyone knows all of the same things at the same Time. Someone may know about information R, S, and T, and Not know about information K, L, and M, and so when He or She talks about R and/or S and/or T, another Person may Not know much about that information, and that information may appear to be Strange and/or False to another Person, and yet it could very well be True information. And someone else may know about information K, L, and M, and Not know about information R, S, and T, and so when He or She talks about K and/or L and/or M, another Person may Not know much about that information, and that information may appear to be Strange and/or False to another Person, and yet it could very well be True information. And Not everyone has the same Talents. And Not everyone has the same Gifts. A Person May be Very Talented at X, Y, and Z, and Not at A, B, and C. And another Person May be Very Talented at A, B, and C, and Not at X, Y, and Z. And that is often OK. Some People are Well-Rounded. And some People are sort of Well-Rounded. And some People are Well-Rounded with some Things. And Some People are Well-Rounded about Many Things. And Not everyone has the same Talents. And Not everyone has the same Gifts. And that is OK. About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And May No Brothers and Sisters ever Stand Alone. -- Brandon
The Person said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Journalist said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Blogger said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Writer said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
And The Worker said, “My Source told Me,” and, “My Sources told Me.”
Source. Sources. The Source (TS). The Sources (TS). A Source (AS). Some Sources (SS).
News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “99.999 percent of microbe species have yet to be discovered, say scientists.”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Australia Looks to Herpes to Control Invasive Carp”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Australia plans to kill 'plague' of European carp with herpes virus”
There is a News Article from USA Today Entitled: “Second study says medical errors third-leading cause of death in U.S.”
There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States”
There is a News Article from ABC News Entitled: “Medical Errors May Result in More Than 200,000 Deaths: Study”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Could these newly-discovered planets orbiting an ultracool dwarf host life?”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “They Just Found The Remains Of The Real Noah's Ark In Turkey (AMAZING!)”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Archaeologists Dug Up an 800-Yr-Old Native American Pot. What Was Inside Altered History”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “KEY TO ETERNAL LIFE? Someone already born will 'live to 1,000 and immortality IS possible'”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Hidden Lake Beneath Antarctic Ice May Contain Numerous Life Forms”
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Huge subglacial lake discovered underneath Antarctica's ice”
You have Probably already Heard about versions of the following: there are the Paraphrased Metaphorical Expressions that that would Metaphorically cause someone to “Cut His or Her Own Throat,” and/or that that would Metaphorically cause someone to “Shoot Himself or Herself in His or Her own Foot.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC23E. Fiduciary Relationship (FR). Fiduciary Relationships (FR). Fiducial Relationship (FR). Fiducial Relationships (FR). Fiduciary. Fiducial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC24E. At Birth. By Birth. Before Birth. After Birth. Through Birth. Because of Birth. Present. Presently. Presenting. Presented. Not Present. Not Presently. Not Presenting. Not Presented. Apparent. Apparently. Not Apparent. Not Apparently. Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparently. Obvious. Obviously. Not Obvious. Not Obviously. Real. Reals. Reality. Realities. Not Real. Not Reals. Not Reality. Not Realities. Unreal. Unreals. Unreality. Unrealities. Spiritually. Not Spiritually. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC25E. At Birth (AB). By Birth (BB). Before Birth (BB). After Birth (AB). Through Birth (TB). Because of Birth (BOB). Present. Not Present (NP). Not Presently (NP). Not Presenting (NP). Not Presented (NP). Apparent. Apparently. Not Apparent (NA). Not Apparently (NA). Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparent. Unapparently. Obvious. Obviously. Not Obvious (NO). Not Obviously (NO). Real. Reals. Reality. Realities. Not Real (NR). Not Reals (NR). Not Reality (NR). Not Realities (NR). Unreal. Unreals. Unreality. Unrealities. Spiritually. Not Spiritually (NS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC26E. Trend. Trends. Trending. Trended. Seem. Seems. Seeming. Seemed. Seem to Me. Seems to Me. Seeming to Me. Seemed to Me. Seem to. Seems to. Seeming to. Seemed to. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC27E. The Real Meaning of that is. The Real Meanings of that are. The Real Meaning of those is. The Real Meanings of those are. The Real Definition of that is. The Real Definitions of that are. The Real Definition of those is. The Real Definitions of those are. A Person is Really Automatically That. A Person is Really that by Birth. A Person is Really that Before Birth. Some People Tried to Corrupt that (Meaning) (and/or Definition). Some People Tried to Corrupt those (Meanings) (and/or Definitions). Some People Try to Engage in Deception. Some People Tried to Engage in Deception. Some People Try to Engage in Trickery. Some People Tried to Engage in Trickery. I like Many of My Writings, including My Writing called, “The Elephant Saboteur.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have a Right to Defend Ourselves.” And The Woman said, “We have a Right to Defend Ourselves.” And The Person said, “We have a Right to Defend Ourselves.”
When I was a Child, My Favorite Basketball Player Had the Jersey Number Zero Zero (00). And Zero is often a Good Number.
Where did You get that Idea? Why do You Think that Way? Is that Rational? Is that Logical?
Written by Brandon Katrena
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Let Me ask You a Question -- Where did You get the Idea that a Democracy instead of an Oligarchy is Desirable? Where did the Concept of Democracy being Good come from? Democracy is Rule by The Masses. I would rather have My Government controlled by The Elite rather than by The Masses. How about You? Elite. Elites. Elitism. High. Low. High instead of Low. I do Not want to be Ruled by The Majority. The Majority does Not Rule. And I would rather be Ruled by The Elite Minority. The Minority should Rule. And, contrary to what Many People Believe, The USA is Not a Democracy. And The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy. And there are very few, if any, Democracies.”
The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic. The USA is Not a Democracy. And there are very few, if any, Democracies around The World.
When I was in a College Classroom in about the year 2000, The Professor told The Class, paraphrasing, that one of Her Friends, “Had AIDS for 20 years, and that He was Very Healthy, and that Scientists were Studying Him Very Closely.”
In one of My Writings, The Woman told a Man, “You should always obey The Laws, and You should always obey The Police. Obey. Be Obedient.” And The Man replied, “Really? What about in, for example, 1941’s Nazi Germany? Should I have obeyed all of The Nazi’s Laws? And should I have obeyed everything a Police Officer might have told Me to do, or Not to do, in 1941’s Nazi Germany? I do Not think so. There are both Good and Bad Laws. And Father God’s Laws Trump Man’s Laws. Do You think that I’m a Bad Person and/or a Real Criminal if I had refused to Obey all of Nazi Germany’s Laws? And do You think that I’m a Bad Person and/or a Real Criminal if I had Refused to Obey everything a Police Officer in Nazi Germany Told Me to do or Not to do? I am Not a Real Criminal. And I am a Good Person. And Civil Disobedience is a Real Concept.”
From one of My Writings, “Look Who We have Here! It is The United States-Based 911 Calling Super Hero. From calling those Three Digits when a Fellow College Karate Class Member Fainted to calling about other Medical Emergencies, The 911 Calling Super Hero is Alert and on Guard to Help those in Need.”
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Oh Look! There is a Point Counting Referee sitting in the Center of the Basketball Court. I haven’t seen one of those Types of Referees since I was a Kid.” And The Woman said, “What does a Point Counting Referee do?” And The Man said, “You will see soon enough.” The First Point was Scored, and The Point Counting Referee took out a Bull Horn, and He Yelled, “That Point is worth 8 Million Points.” And The Second Basketball went through The Hoop, and The Referee shouted, “That Point is worth 21 Points.” And The Third Basketball went through The Hoop, and that Type of Referee shouted with His Bull Horn, “That Point is Worth Negative 12.92390483 Points.” And The Man said to The Woman, “This Keeps it Sort of Exciting, doesn’t it?” And The Woman said, “Yawn. I’m going to buy an Overpriced Soda, which is what Happens when The Competition is Severely Limited. And while I’m at it, I’m going to buy an Overpriced Hotdog too.”
Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man yelled at another Man, “That wasn’t Me! That wasn’t Me! That was Just My Hologram having a Bad Attitude.”
Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “I have some Inside Information that a Whistleblower is going to be Blowing a Whistle at 101 Decibels on The Burnside Bridge on Sunday.” And The Woman replied, “Will the Whistleblower be Revealing any Information?” And The Man replied, “According to My Source, No, the Whistleblower will Just be Blowing a Whistle Very Loudly, and then go Belly Diving in a Swimming Pool.”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “Our Guest has Worn Out The Welcome.” And The Woman replied, “You mean to say that He has Worn Out His Welcome.” And The Man replied, “No, I literally mean that Our Guest’s Shoes have Worn out the word ‘Welcome’ on Our Welcome Mat.”
It is a Good Idea to Have Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms. – Brandon
Some Jokes that I Wrote:
CC28E. The Man said, “All of The English Alphabet’s Letters have Corresponding Capitalized and Lowercase Letters. And what about Our Numbers?! Why can’t Our Numbers be Capitalized and Lowercased?! And what about Our Symbols, such as Our Question Marks, Exclamation Points, and Hashtags, and our #, !, @, $, %, ^, & (Ampersand), *, (, ), +, =, :), -, _ Symbols and Signs? Where is Our Humanity? Where is The Equality Here?!”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
CC29E. The Man said to a Child during a Basketball Game, “That Player did a Great Job stealing The Ball.” And The Child Yelled, “That Basketball Player is a Thief for Stealing The Ball! I’m going to Report Him to The Police!!!!” And The Man said, “It is Legal during a Basketball Game for the Players to Steal the Ball.” And The Child replied, “Why is it Legal for them to do that? Do they have Diplomatic Immunity? If You think about it, it doesn’t Really make sense for Us to allow Embassies on Our Own Territory, as that only Invites Trouble. And We don’t Need Embassies to Sneak Spies into other Countries and to do other Covert Things.”
And More of My Writings:
CC30E. Enable. Enables. Enabling. Enabled. Enabler. Enablers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC31E. Mobile. Mobiles. Mobilize. Mobilizes. Mobilizing. Mobilized. Mobilization. Mobilizations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC32E. Immobile. Immobilize. Immobilizes. Immobilizing. Immobilized. Immobilization. Immobilizations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “In many Ways We often live in a Hard World. And We live in Reality. And You should be Thankful to have Food to Eat. And You should be Thankful to have Water to Drink. And You should be Thankful to have Drinks to Drink. And You should be Thankful to have Medicine. And You should be Thankful to have Shelter. And You should be Thankful to have Clothes to Wear. And You should be Thankful to have been Paid for Your Work. And You should be Thankful to have received Compensation for Your Work. And You should be Thankful to have Many other things. And Many People have Literally Starved to Death. And Many People have Lived Extremely Horrible Lives. And this is Just Reality. And this is Just the Way that it is. And this is Just the Way that the Ball Bounces.”
And More of My Writings:
CC33E. Competent. Competence. Competently. Competency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC34E. Incompetent. Incompetence. Incompetently. Incompetency. Grossly Incompetent. Gross Incompetence. Grossly Incompetently. Gross Incompetency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC35E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person needs to know that Person’s Place. And that Person needs to know that Person’s Proper Place.”
CC36E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Our Resources are Limited. And Our Resources are Finite. And We have Enough Mouths to Feed. And We will be Feeding Our Own Mouths.”
CC37. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We live in Candy Land (CL). And We live in Toy Land (TL).”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We will Not Tie Our Hands behind Our Backs. And We will Not Pretend to Not Know what is Happening. And We Will Not Make Ourselves Defenseless. And We Will Not Metaphorically Put Our Heads in the Sand and Pretend that We do Not Know what is Going Down. And We will Not Trick Ourselves. And We will Not allow Ourselves to be Tricked. And We Will Not Fool Ourselves. And We Will Not allow Ourselves to be Fooled. And We Will Not Sacrifice that Upon the Altar of Foolishness.”
Think if someone went 3,100 Years in The Past and Told People about The Inventions, Technologies, Discoveries, Literature, Beliefs, and Events of the Present Times. The Year 1,084 BC was a Long Time Ago, and The World was a Much Different Place then. And a Lot has Happened in the Last 3,100 Years. And a Lot can Happen in the Next 3,100 Years.
There is a News Article from entitled: “Ricky Gervais Predicts Trump Victory: ‘People are Tired of being Told They can’t Say Things.’”
And More of My Writings:
CC38E. The Power(s) Behind The Throne(s). The Power(s) (TP). Power. Powers. Throne. Thrones. Crown. Crowns. The Emperor (TE). Emperor. The Empire (TE). The Empires (TE). Empire. Empires. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC39E. Good Faith (GF). In Good Faith (IGF). Good Faith Effort(s) (GFE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “I find it Amusing when [a Person’s] demand for complete tolerance collides with [that Person’s] intolerance of differing opinions.”
May You have a Happy Day of Pentecost.
As many of You know, Pentecost Commemorates the Day described in The Bible that occurred about 2,000 years ago, when The Holy Spirit came to Many People, and People began Speaking in Tongues. And The Bible is a Great Book to Read and/or Listen to.
And More of My Writings:
CC40E. The Marshall. The Marshall (TM). Marshall. The Worker. The Workers. A Worker. Some Workers. The Worker (TW). The Workers (TW). A Worker (AW). Some Workers (SW). Worker. Workers. Work. Works. Working. Worked. The Royalty. The Royalties. A Royalty. Some Royalty. Some Royalties. The Royalty (TR). The Royalties (TR). A Royalty (AR). Some Royalty (SR). Some Royalties (SR). Royalty. Royalties. The Royal. The Royals. A Royal. Some Royal. Some Royals. The Royal (TR). The Royals (TR). A Royal (AR). Some Royal (SR). Some Royals (SR). Royal. Royals. The Nobility. The Nobilities. The Noble. The Nobles. A Noble. Some Nobles. A Nobility. Some Nobilities. The Nobility (TN). The Nobilities (TN). The Noble (TN). The Nobles (TN). A Noble (AN). Some Nobles (SN). A Nobility (AN). Some Nobilities (SN). Noble. Nobles. Nobility. Nobilities. The Patrician. The Patricians. A Patrician. Some Patricians. The Patrician (TP). The Patricians (TP). A Patrician (AP). Some Patricians (SP). Patrician. Patricians. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
With regard to UFOs, former US Senator and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "I don't know. I want to see what the information shows,” and Hillary Clinton also said about UFOs, "There's enough stories out there that I don't think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen making them up." And she has also said that if she is Elected President that she Might Release more information about Area 51 and about UFOs. And, for hundreds of years, Many Individuals have Reported seeing UFOs, especially since the Famous Incident at Roswell, New Mexico in the year 1947, and Many People do Not Believe the so-called “Official” Explanation that it was Just a Weather Balloon that Crashed. And Many Individuals have also reported seeing, among other things, Aliens. And, as You can see by searching The Internet, there are said to be Information about, and Pictures of, UFOs, Aliens, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts, et cetera.
Here is a Quote from a Psychiatrist, Carl Jung: “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.” Carl Jung is also a Famous Psychiatrist whose “Teachings” are found in Many Textbooks. And Many Psychiatrists and Doctors were Taught, among other things, that is was acceptable to Lobotomize Patients -- cut out parts of Their Patients’ Brains -- and also to Forcibly Electrocute Patients. And there were also, of course, Death Camp Doctors. Furthermore, as The News Indicate, currently about 200,000 or more People die each year in the United States of America alone from “Medical Errors,” which is the approximate Third Leading Cause of Death. And, as Court Cases indicate, there is also Widespread Medical Malpractice, Negligence, Mistreatment, and Misdiagnoses. While there are, of course, Many Good Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Workers, there are, of course, Many Bad Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Workers.
“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you,” which is a Quote from a Psychiatrist, Carl Jung, whose “Teachings” are found in Many Textbooks.
News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article Entitled: “'Magic Bullet' Antibody Can Suppress AIDS Virus”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Scientists Say They're One Step Closer To An HIV Vaccine”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Justice Thomas: World Has Gone Mad with Political Correctness”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Disney Research uses RFID tags to create powerless, low-cost interactive controllers”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Atlanta AIDS epidemic as bad as in some developing countries”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Glowing Dust Galaxies Hide Secret Companions In Distant Universe”.
There is a News Article Entitled: “Hepatitis C Now Kills More Americans Than Any Other Infectious Disease”.
There is a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) News Article Entitled: “Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark”.
Regarding The Freedom of Speech, The Author, J.K. Rowling said, “Intolerance of alternative viewpoints is spreading to places that make me, a moderate and a liberal, most uncomfortable.”
And More of My Writings:
Consider. Considers. Considering. Considered.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Consideration. Considerations.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Ear Plug. Ear Plugs. Ear Plugging. Ear Plugged.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Helmet. Helmets. Helmeting. Helmeted.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Uniform. Uniforms. Uniformed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Inform. Informs. Informing. Informed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Info. Information.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Tech. (Information) Technology (IT). (Information) Technologies (IT). Technological. Technologically (Advanced) (TA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Scholar. Scholars. Scholarly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Erudite. Erudition. Eruditions. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Crème de la Crème. Crème de la Crème (CDLC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectually. Intellectualize. Intellectualizing. Intellectualized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Proper. Properly. Property. Properties. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intellectual Property. Intellectual Properties. Intellectual Property (IP). Intellectual Properties (IP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Territory. Territories. Territorial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Intelligently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Intelligence Service. Intelligence Services. Intelligence Service (IS). Intelligence Services (IS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Service. Services. Servicing. Serviced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Department. Departments. Departmental. Departmentally. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Section. Sections. Sectional. Sectionals. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Part. Parts. Partly. Parting. Parted. Part Way (PW). Part Way Done (PWD). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Pay. Pays. Paying. Paid. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Pay with (PW). Pays with (PW). Paying with (PW). Paid with (PW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Pay with Antibodies. Pays with Antibodies. Paying with Antibodies. Paid with Antibodies.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Assist. Assists. Assisting. Assisted.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Asset. Assets. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Money. Monies. Monetize. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Resource. Resources. Resourcing. Resourced. Resourceful. Resourcefulness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman asked The Man, “Do You know Joy?” And The Man replied, “Of course, She lives in the Brick House down the Street, and She is a Blogger and a Writer.” And The Woman replied, “No, I mean Joy the Emotion, Not Joy the Person.”
And More of My Writings:
CC41E. PsyOp. PsyOps. PSYOP. PSYOPS. Psychological. Operation. Operations. Psychological Operation(s) (PO). Psychological War(fare)(s) (PW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Carl Jung: "If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool."
The Following is from’s Article on Instincts: “Any behavior is instinctive if it is performed without being based upon prior experience (that is, in the absence of learning), and is therefore an expression of innate biological factors. Sea turtles, newly hatched on a beach, will automatically move toward the ocean. A kangaroo climbs into its mother's pouch upon being born. Honeybees communicate by dancing in the direction of a food source without formal instruction.”
There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including The Song called, “99 Luftballons” aka “99 Red Balloons”.
And More of My Writings:
CC42E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Healing Hug (HH). And Healing Hugs (HH).”
CC43E. For Cause (FC). For Good Cause (FGC). For Just Cause (FJC). For Logical Cause (FLC). For Rational Cause (FRC). For Fair Cause (FFC). For Justifiable Cause (FJC). For Common Sense Cause (FCSC). For Important Cause (FIC). For Very Important Cause (FVIC). For Extremely Important Cause (FEIC). Singular Tense (ST). Plural Tense (PT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Quote from Someone: “There are No Ex-Soldiers[.] Our Title is Earned[,] Never Given[,] and What’s Earned is Yours, FOREVER.” Forever. FOREVER.
And More of My Writings:
Update. Updates. Updating. Updated.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Current. Currents. Currently.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Present. Presents. Presenting. Presented.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
At this Time. At that Time. At those Times. At these Times.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Now. Then. When? Where? Who? What? Why? How?
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Recover. Recovers. Recovering. Recovered.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Recovery. Recoveries.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Heal. Heals. Healing. Healed. Sort of (SO).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Cure. Cures. Curing. Cured. Sort of (SO).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Manage. Manages. Managing. Managed. Well Managed (WM).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Health. Healthy. Healthful. Healthfully. Healthfulness.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Calm. Calms. Calming. Calmly. Calmed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Medicine. Medicines.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Antidote. Antidotes.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Hug. Hugs. Hugging. Hugged.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Energy. Energies.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Vibe. Vibes.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Stuff. Stuffs. Stuffing. Stuffed.
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Lots of People use the Term “Anecdotal” to try to Dismiss/Discredit Real Evidence. And Many People say that Someone or Something is “Discredited,” when actually that Person and/or Thing is Not Really “Discredited” in Reality. Someone May think Someone or Something is “Discredited,” while Someone else May Very Well Think and/or Know otherwise.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Or so We have been Told by that Person.” Skeptic. Skeptics. Skepticism. Skeptical. Skeptically. Question. Questions. Questioning. Questionable. Questioned. Doubt. Doubts. Doubting. Doubted. Doubtful. Doubtfully. Care. Cares. Caring. Cared. Careful. Carefully. Carefulness. Cautious. Caution. Cautions. Cautiously. Cautioning. Cautioned. Tip Toe. Tip Toes. Tip Toeing. Tip Toed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote:
The Man said to The Woman, “This House has 91 Bathrooms.” And The Woman replied, “Wow. How Many Bedrooms does this House Have?” And The Man Replied, “This House Has No Bedrooms, and No Kitchen, as The Bathrooms take up 100 Percent of The Space.” And The Woman replied, “What?! Are You Kidding Me? Are You Joking?” And The Man replied, “Are You Bathroom Phobic?”
Another Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “Look at that guy eating all that Ice Cream. He must have Wrote The Book on Ice Cream Eating.” And The Woman replied, “As a Matter of Fact He Really did Write The Book on Ice Cream Eating, and it’s a Bestselling and Award Winning Book. And I have a Copy of His Book in My Purse.” And The Woman took out the Book entitled, “I Wrote the Book on Ice Cream Eating,” Written by B. Good.
An often Truthful saying is that there are, “Two Sides to Every Story.” And another often Truthful saying is that there are, “Many Sides to Many Stories.” And there are different Perspectives. And there are different Opinions. And there are Different Points of View. And there are Different World Views (WV).
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Fictional Mystery Books, The Man said to a Woman, “I can’t Marry You, as I’m already a Secret Husband to My Secret Wife.” And The Woman replied, “You are a Secret Spouse? Is there anything else that I should Know?” And The Man replied, “You should also know that I am The Father to Children by My Secret Spouse, and that I am also a Lifetime Secret Member of an Organization. And We have about 999 Members, and Many of Whom are Secret Members. And 99 of Whom are My Children. And I am also a Secret Member of Many Organizations. And My Children are also Secret Members of Many Organizations. I am an Organization Member (OM). And My Children are Organization Members (OM). And I have a lot of Children. And I have 1,399 Children. And I also have a lot of Grandchildren. And I also have a lot of Family Members (FM). And Family is Very Important.”
Here are Some Headlines from Around The World:
Here is an Article from The Washington Post entitled: “The superbug that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S.” .
Here is an Article from entitled: “Would we want to regenerate brains of patients who are clinically dead?”
Here is an Article from Yahoo entitled: “A Record-Breaking Number of Millennials Now Live With Their Parents”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “For First Time In 130 Years, More Young Adults Live With Parents Than With Partners”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Virus Mutation”.
Here is another Article from entitled: “Drug resistance”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “New Evidence Could Overthrow the Standard View of Quantum Mechanics”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Pentagon Official Once Told Morley Safer That Reporters Who Believe the Government Are 'Stupid'”.
Here is an Article from The LA Times entitled: “Whitney Houston hologram 'not ready' for duet with Christina Aguilera on 'The Voice' finale”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Jedi the Dog Senses Low Blood Glucose, Saves 7-Year-Old Master Luke”.
Here is an Article from entitled: “Poll: Trump Leads Hillary By FIVE PERCENT Nationally”.
Here is an Article from Vanity Fair entitled: “Why J.K. Rowlings Defense of Donald Trump Is So Important”.
Here is a Paraphrased Quote: “[One of] The Most Advanced Machine[s] on The Planet [is The Human Body,] and They will Tell You it Had No Designer.”
And More of My Writings:
That is a Balancing Act. And that was a Balancing Act. And that will be a Balancing Act. And those are Balancing Acts. And those were Balancing Acts. And those will be Balancing Acts. Is/Are/Were/Was/Will/Will Be/That/Those/This/These. Balance. Balances. Balancing. Balanced. A Good Balance. Good Balances. Good Balancing. Well-Balanced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
In one of My Writings, The Man said, "We have been Family Members (FM) for Many Years. And We have been Family Members for about 30 years. And We have also been Friends for a Long Amount of Time."
And More of My Writings:
CC43E. Some People like to Use Words/Terms/Phrases such as the Phrase “Confirmation Bias” or the Word “Anecdotal” to try to Deceive People. Likewise, some People will say something or someone is “Disproven” and/or “Discredited,” when that is Not Really True: someone or something May Very Well Not be “Disproven,” or “Discredited,” to Someone or to Some People or to Many People. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC44E. Okay. Ok. K. Et Cetera. Etc.
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am also Our House’s Housekeeper and Dishwasher.”
Here is a Quote from The Character named “Stan,” from The Television Show called, “The Americans,” during a Conversation with “Philip”: “Trust Me, They do Things You Cannot Imagine.”
On Cable Television, on May 30, 2016, on Fox News, a Woman said that a Man was an, “Equal Opportunity Offender,” and that He was a “Counter Puncher.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Currently, I have had at least 4 Family Members and Friends tell Me over The Years that They could tell that Certain People were Certain Members of Certain Organizations by the Way the Person Looked, with Specific Regard to Three Separate Organizations, and with Two Family Members and Friends talking about The Same Organization.”
And More of My Writings:
CC45E. As can be found on The Internet and Elsewhere, there is Much Information about Creationism, and there is also a lot of Information Disproving The Theory of Evolution: how, for example, could The Big Bang Originate?
CC46E. Lynch Pin (LP). Lynch Pins (LP). Lynch Pinning (LP). Lynch Pinned (LP). A Lynch Pin. Some Lynch Pins. A Lynch Pinning. A Lynch Pinned. The Lynch Pin. The Lynch Pins. The Lynch Pinning. The Lynch Pinned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC47E. Linch Pin (LP). Linch Pins (LP). Linch Pinning (LP). Linch Pinned (LP). A Linch Pin. Some Linch Pins. A Linch Pinning. A Linch Pinned. The Linch Pin. The Linch Pins. The Linch Pinning. The Linch Pinned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
CC48E. Just because Someone or Some People or Many People may say that Someone or Something is, for example, Disgraced, does Not Necessarily make that True. And a Person, or Some People, or Many People May Not Believe and/or Know that Someone or Something is Really, for example, Disgraced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC49E. The Man said to a Woman, “I do Not Need to See that in order to Believe You. And I Believe You. And I do Not Need Evidence in order to Believe You. Something is either True or False, or Good or Bad, regardless of there being any Evidence. And Not everyone knows the same things that other People Know. And some People Know certain Things that other People do Not Know.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
A Man named Brian said to a Man named Thomas, “That is a Nice Pair of Shoes, Thomas.” And Thomas replied, “What?! Why did You say that aloud?! Don’t You know that is an Invasion of Privacy!?”
In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “I have had Three Totally Different DNA Estimates for My Ethnicities from Three Different Companies. And One Company Said, for example, that I am about 50 Percent of an Ethnicity, while another Company Said that I am about 11 Percent of that Ethnicity, and while another Company Said that I am about 33 Percent of that Ethnicity. And these DNA Tests were all within about a year of each other, and all within about the year 2014, so it is Not like the Technology changed that Much. And when I first got My Results from one Company, it stated that I was about 70 Percent of an Ethnicity, and then a Few Days later the Results were Changed, and it stated that I was about 50 Percent of another Ethnicity. And I saved that Screen Shot. And I have saved all this Information. Am I, among other things, a Changeling? And can I change My Ethnicity and/or Race from one minute to another minute? Can My Genetics and/or DNA Change? And what about My Antibodies and/or Plasma? Are They Special Too? Can My Antibodies and/or Plasma cure Diseases? For about 24 Hours at a Time? Have You Heard about Immunotherapy, Drug Resistance, and Mutations? And The Mutations of Diseases? And Viruses Spread Easily. Are there also a few other Changelings aka Chalices who can each Cure Many Diseases for about 9 seconds each day? Are some Changelings, also known as The Chalices, able to cure Diseases? Can I cure Diseases for about 24 Hours a Day? And can the other Chalices each cure diseases for about 9 seconds a day, for a combined Curing of Disease, for the other Chalices, for approximately 9 Minutes a Day? Is the approximate Good Window to obtain from The Chalices Their Plasma and/or Their Antibodies each day from about 9 at Night to about Noon each day? As the Bible states, ‘God Works in Mysterious Ways.’ And there is another saying that states, ‘Strange yet True.’”
There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch, including Talent Shows such as “America’s Got Talent.”
Here are some News Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: Stanford Researchers Say New Stem Cell Experiment Transforming Lives
There is a News Article from Entitled: Baby Dragons Hatching In Slovenia: Olm Salamander Eggs Shed Light On These Rare And Mysterious Creatures
There is a News Article from Entitled: State Department: Yep, We Deleted That Video Proving We Lied About The Iran Deal
There is a News Article from Entitled: Theranos Voids Two Years of Edison Blood-Test Results
There is an Article from Entitled: WHO warns against the use of inaccurate blood tests for active tuberculosis
There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: Rare 'dragon eggs' hatch in Slovenian cave | Fox News
There is a News Article from Entitled: Rush Limbaugh Just Can't Figure Out Why Gorillas Exist
There is a News Article from Entitled: New Quantum 'Cat State' Can Be in Two Places at Once
There is a News Article from Entitled: The Ruins Of Sodom And Gomorrah Have Been Found (Proving The Bible Story Correct!)
There is a News Article from Entitled: 7 new species of peacock spider discovered
There is a News Article from Entitled: Giant swarm of locusts fills the sky in terrifying footage
There is a News Article from Entitled: Are we nearing a cure for cancer? Holy grail is 'closer than ever'
There is a News Article from Entitled: The sea levels are now reducing in the hotspots of acceleration of Washington and New York
There is a News Article from Entitled: Superbug resistant to last-resort antibiotic found in the United States
There is a News Article from Reuters Entitled: United States sees first case of bacteria resistant to all antibiotics
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Just the Way that Father God made Him. And that is Just the Way that Father God made Her. And that is Just the Way that it is. And those are Just the Ways that those are. And that is Just The Reality. And those are Just The Realities.”
And Here are some Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Researchers reveal mind-reading device can monitor memory in real time”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Mind-reading device allows to directly connect to the human mind”.
There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Scientists say they’ve one-upped photosynthesis with a bionic leaf”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Mind-reading device invented by scientists to eavesdrop on 'inner voice'” .
The Following is a Quote from a Character from The Television Show called, “The Americans”: “I was Trained to Defend Myself.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Mother Nature is on The Move. And Mother Nature has been Moving and Grooving for Thousands of Years.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am also a Caretaker for Many of My Family Members (FM) and Friends.”
And More Headlines from Around The World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Revealed: vast medieval cities hidden beneath the Cambodian jungle”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Studies find 'super bacteria' in Rio's Olympic venues, top beaches”.
There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: “Scientists reportedly find super bacteria in several Rio Olympic venues | Fox News”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “7 Mysterious Secrets Hidden in Famous Works of Art”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Most Mysterious Things That Can Not Be Explained”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “MIT's 3-D Microwave Camera Can See Through Walls”.
There is a News Article from Time Magazine Entitled: “Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Hope for multiple sclerosis cure as 23 seriously ill patients recover after 'breakthrough' stem cell treatment”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “There are weird bursts of energy coming from deep space”.
There is a News Article about The Freedom of Speech from The Economist Entitled: “Curbs on free speech are growing tighter. It is time to speak out”.
There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “State Department admits to deliberately cutting briefing footage on Iran deal”.
And More of My Writings:
There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including the 2002 Movie called, “The Four Feathers,” and in this Movie there is a scene of a False Flag Operation: Men Riding Quickly on Horses appear to be Members of The British Military (BM), when, in Fact, they are Not British, and instead they are Combatants against The British (TB). This is called a False Flag Operation, and it has happened throughout History. For example, Many People can speak with a False Accent in an attempt to appear to be a Member of a Certain Ethnicity. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Woman asked The Man, “Why are You Grasping Your Belly with Your Hands, and then Twirling Around?” And The Man said, “Because Jared told Me that I should Throw My Weight around More.” And The Woman said, “Jared did Not mean to Literally throw Your Weight around. He meant it Metaphorically.” And The Man said, “What, are You a Mind Reader, too? If You are, You should go on a Talent Show, as there are Many Mind Readers and other Talented People on those Talent Shows and elsewhere. Want to Watch some Rewinds on The Internet of some Mind Readers and other Talented People from Talent Shows and Elsewhere?” And The Woman replied, “Stop Literally Throwing Your Weight Around! You are going to get Dizzy!!!! Stop! Arrete! Halt!”
The Bible is a Very Good Book to Read and/or Listen to. And Here is a Quote from The Bible: “And Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make You free.”
And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from Entitled: “This Drug Combination Could Reverse Alzheimer's Disease, Study Says.”
There is a News Article from the Entitled: “Live NBA Finals updates: Game 7 is underway in Oakland”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Alarming rise in Utah STD rates has health officials concerned”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Kraken rumors rife as giant sea creature spotted off Antarctica by Google Earth (VIDEO, POLL)”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Shigeru Miyamoto 'Super Mario' Says 'A New Kind of Mario' May Be in Development”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Scientists decipher purpose of world's 1st computer, made by ancient Greeks”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “New paper claims that the EM Drive doesn't defy Newton's 3rd law after all”.
There is a News Article from The NY Post Entitled: “Woman hits boyfriend with car after learning he has HIV”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Researchers discover new way to turn electricity into light, using graphene”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “A classic formula for pi has been discovered hidden in hydrogen atoms”.
There is a News Article from Entitled: “Antikythera Mechanism: Mysteries Of 2,100-Year-Old Computer Revealed After Decade-Long Research”.
There is a June 23, 2016 Headline Entitled: “Texas Woman Comes Out of Surgery With British Accent.”
And More of My Writings:
Job(s). Present Job(s) (PJ). Past Job(s) (PJ). Future Job(s) (FJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Work(s). Work. Works. Working. Worked. At. Present Work (PW). Present Works (PW). Past Work (PW). Past Works (PW). Future Work (FW). Future Works (FW). Retire. Retires. Retiring. Retired. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
There is that which is Important, Very Important (VI), and Extremely Important (EI). And there is also that which is Not Important (NI), Not Very Important (NVI), and Not Extremely Important (NEI). And there are also Precedents, Important Precedents (IP), Very Important Precedents (VIP), and Extremely Important Precedents (EIP). And there are also Non-Precedents (NP), Not Important Precedents (NIP), Not Very Important Precedents (NVIP), and Not Very Extremely Important Precedents (NVEIP). An example of a very likely Not Important Precedent is when someone might have said a certain thing at a Young Age, such as at age 9, when someone is still a Kid, and when the Brain is still in Heavy Development. Another example of something that May Very Well Not be an Important Precedent is when someone says and/or does something accidently, such as Misspeaking. And Many People often Shoot The Breeze and Talk Just to Talk. And there is also the saying that, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words will Never Hurt Me.” And Many People Believe that someone should have Metaphorical Broad Shoulders and/or Metaphorical Thick Skin. And there is also that which is Vital, Very Vital (VV), and Extremely Vital (EV). And there is also that which is Lifesaving and/or a Lifesaver. And there is also that which is Existential -- that which is Needed for Life and/or for You to Live. Life. Alive. Live. Lives. Living. Lived.
Here is a Joke that I Wrote:
The Man said to a Woman, “I’m going to go Brush My Teeth and go to Sleep.” And The Woman replied, “Ahem! You’ll Need to have a Nation-Wide Referendum and Vote before You do that. Don’t You believe in Democracy? That The Majority should decide? Even if it doesn’t Really Make Sense what the Majority in certain Regions sometimes have Believed throughout History? Never Mind that there are very few, if any, Real Democracies around The World, and that the United States of America is Not a Democracy, and that The USA is a Constitutional Republic instead.”
And More of My Writings:
CC50E. Fog. Fogs. Fogging. Foggy. Fogged. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
And More of My Writings:
CC51E. Night Owl. Night Owls. There is a Paraphrased Quote that, “3 a.m. is often when Many Writers, Poets, and Thinkers are awake.”
And More Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from The Associated Press entitled, “FAKE MONKS? BUDDHIST LEADERS WARN NYC TOURISTS TO BE WARy”.
There is a News Article from The Scientific American entitled, “New Particle Is Both Matter and Antimatter”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “THE PROBLEMS WITH CARBON-14 DATING”.
There is a News Article from CNN entitled, “Rio Olympic Games drug lab suspended by WADA”.
There is another News Article from CNN entitled, “Texas woman sports British accent after surgery”.
There is a News Article from The New York Times entitled, “Lab-Grown Bones Successfully Implanted in Pigs”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “The Ruins Of Sodom And Gomorrah Have Been Found (Proving The Bible Story Correct!)”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Antibody therapy found to delay HIV in step forward in search for new treatments and a cure”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark”.
There is a News Article from the New Scientist entitled, “Hundreds of genes seen sparking to life two days after death”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Proposals to curb online speech viewed as threat to open internet”.
There is a News Article from entitled,
There is a News Article from entitled, “New Scientific Study Explaining Where Water Came from Confirms Biblical Account”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Angels Caught On Tape (Fascinating!)”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Scientific Proof God Did The Miracle Of Parting The Red Sea (MUST SEE!)”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “This Drug Combination Could Reverse Alzheimer's Disease, Study Says”.
I am a Republican. And I have been a Registered Republican for Most of My Adult Life. And Many of My Family Members (FM) are Republicans. And Many of My Family Members are Registered Republicans. And I am a Christian. And Many of My Family Members are Christians.
I am an American Republican.
Here is a Quote from Someone: “You are entitled to your opinion. You are NOT Entitled to TELL me what mine must be!”
And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Sometimes the Best Way to Help someone is just to be near them.”
In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is called Divine Justice.” Divine Justice (DJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS).
Here are Some News Headlines from Around the World:
There is a News Article from NBC News entitled, “Scientists show they can 'read your mind' using brain scans”.
There is a News Article from entitled, “Scientists Can Read Minds with Brain Scans”.
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