May 09, 2019

We Can Do Better Than SQL

The questions we often hear are “Why create a new query language?” and “What’s wrong with SQL?”. This post contains answers to both.

Before we begin, let’s overview some of the history of how the relational model came to be, and how SQL was created.

The relational model was introduced by Edgar F. Codd in a seminal 1970 paper “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” [4]. There, Codd postulated that all data in a database can be represented in terms of sets of tuples, called relations. Codd also invented a form of first-order predicate logic to describe the database queries: tuple relational calculus.

Codd’s ideas were revolutionary. For the first time, a database, and a universal way to query it, was described in a succinct, consistent mathematical model. This, naturally, created lots of interest in further research and, importantly, into practical implementation of the relational model.

In 1974 Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce published a paper [2], which introduced “a set of simple operations on tabular structures, […] of equivalent power to the first order predicate calculus”. Chamberlin and Boyce felt that the formal relational query languages proposed at the time were too hard to understand for “users without formal training in mathematics or computer programming” and thought that the “predominant use of the language would be for ad-hoc queries” [3]. Initially, the authors did not consider SQL to be a “serious” language. Nonetheless, the great interest in the commercial application of the relational model had pushed IBM to quickly adopt and productize SQL, which was also picked up by their quickly-rising competitor–Oracle.

IBM had an overwhelmingly large influence over the tech market at the time, so SQL became a de facto standard for relational databases, and then a proper standard with the publication of the first ANSI standard in 1989 that essentially circumscribed the most prominent existing implementations of SQL. Subsequent versions of the standard continued to be primarily influenced by the commercial vendors.

Today, SQL is by far the most widely used database language. But that does not necessarily mean that it represents the best of what we can do. In fact, SQL’s beginnings as a “simple, ad-hoc” language coupled with “design by implementation” from competing vendors had left the language with a baggage of severe issues.

SQL, especially its earlier versions, was heavily criticized by the experts, including Codd himself [6], as well as C. J. Date, who published a multitude of papers and books on the subject ([7], [9], [10]). While many of the early shortcomings were fixed in the later versions of the standard, some of the serious issues had been only further ingrained.

Some of the complaints here apply to SQL as a whole, while others are specific to a certain implementation. We are primarily using PostgreSQL for the examples.

SQL’s shortcomings can be grouped into these categories:

  • lack of proper orthogonality — SQL is hard to compose;

  • lack of compactness — SQL is a large language;

  • lack of consistency — SQL is inconsistent in syntax and semantics;

  • poor system cohesion — SQL does not integrate well enough with application languages and protocols.

Orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways. A language with good orthogonality is smaller, more consistent, and is easier to learn due to there being few exceptions from the overall set of rules. Conversely, bad orthogonality leads to a large language with many exceptions and caveats.

A good example of orthogonality in a programming language is the ability to substitute an arbitrary part of an expression with a variable, or a function call, without any effect on the final result.

In SQL, such generic substitution is not possible, since there are two mutually incompatible kinds of expressions:

  • A table expression is a SQL expression that yields a table: SELECT * FROM table.

  • A scalar expression is a SQL expression that yields a single scalar value: SELECT count(*) FROM table.

Table expressions can only be used in a FROM clause, in a function, or with an operator that specifically expects a table expression as input. What’s worse the scalar and table expressions may have exactly the same syntax, which can be a source of further confusion.

For example, let’s imagine we needed to list the names of all department heads in a company. This query would do the job:

FROM emp
WHERE role = 'dept head'

Now let’s say we needed to add this bit to a larger query that extracts information about a department. An intuitive way is to simply add the above as a subquery to the target list of our larger query:

    (SELECT name FROM emp
     WHERE role = 'dept head' AND deptno =

This is legal, but only if the subquery returns not more than one row. Otherwise, an error would be raised at run time. To account for multiple department heads, we would need to rewrite the query using a join:

    INNER JOIN emp AS head
        ON (head.deptno =
            AND head.role = 'dept head')

The difference in structure is large enough to make any sort of source-level query reuse impractical.

Few claim that SQL is an elegant language characterized by orthogonality. Some call it an elephant on clay feet. With each addition, its body grows, and it becomes less stable. SQL standardization is largely the domain of database vendors, not academic researchers without commercial interests or users with user interests. [1]

Paolo Atzeni et al.

SQL is not a small language. At the time of writing the PostgreSQL implementation contains 469 keywords. Just part 2 (out of 14) of the SQL:2016 standard has 1732 pages.

The main reason is that SQL, in line with its original goals, strives to be an English-like language, catered to “non-professionals”. However, with the growth of the language, this verbosity has contributed negatively to the ability to write and comprehend SQL queries. We learnt this lesson with COBOL, and the world has long since moved on to newer, more succinct programming languages.

In addition to keyword proliferation, the orthogonality issues discussed above make queries more verbose and harder to read.

SQL is arbitrarily inconsistent both in its syntax and semantics. What makes things even worse is that different databases have their own version of SQL, often incompatible with other SQL variants.

Here are a few examples of entirely different calling conventions in SQL:

SELECT substring('PostgreSQL' from 8 for 3);
SELECT substring('PostgreSQL', 8, 3); -- PostgreSQL-only syntax

SELECT trim(both from 'yxSQLxx', 'xyz');
SELECT extract(day from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');

There are two syntaxes that specify the ordering of the input set in an aggregate function:

SELECT array_agg(foo ORDER BY bar)



The list of inconsistencies like this does not end here and can be continued, but that’s beyond the scope of this blog post.

In some cases of inadequate handling of missing information, the problem is incorrectly perceived to be a problem of the relational model. In fact, the problem stems from the inadequacies of SQL and its non-conformance to the relational model. [6]

Edgar J. Codd

It has been extensively argued that NULL is the biggest misfeature of SQL ([5], [8], [9]). In fact, the handling of NULL in contemporary SQL implementations is so surprising, inconsistent, and dangerous that this topic deserves a separate section.

NULL is so special that it’s not equal to anything, including itself:

postgres=# select NULL = NULL;

(1 row)

In fact, almost any operation on NULL will return NULL and the effect may be very subtle:

postgres=# CREATE TABLE x (a int, b text);
postgres=# INSERT INTO x(a, b)
           VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (NULL, 'three')
           RETURNING a, b;
 a |   b
 1 | one
 2 | two
   | three
(3 rows)

postgres=# SELECT * FROM x WHERE a NOT IN (1, null);
 a | b
(0 rows)

But, in some cases NULL is equal to itself, such as in DISTINCT:

        FROM (VALUES (1), (NULL), (NULL)) AS q;

(2 rows)


elvis=# VALUES (1), (NULL) UNION VALUES (2), (NULL);

(3 rows)

Much of the traditional logic and boolean algebra rules cannot be safely applied to SQL boolean expressions in the presence of NULL. For example, the law of excluded middle, p OR NOT p, does not evaluate to true if p is NULL:

postgres=# SELECT count(*) FROM x WHERE a = 1 OR a != 1;
(1 row)

Worse yet:

postgres=# SELECT
               CASE WHEN a = 1
               THEN 'one'
               ELSE 'not one'
           FROM x;
   b   |  case
 one   | one
 two   | not one
 three | not one
(3 rows)

postgres=# SELECT
               CASE WHEN a != 1
               THEN 'not one'
               ELSE 'one'
           FROM x;
   b   |  case
 one   | one
 two   | not one
 three | one
(3 rows)

The the row containing b=3 is classified either as 'one' or 'not one' even though the construction of the CASE expression appears equivalent in both cases.

Rows containing NULL sometimes get counted, and sometimes not:

postgres=# SELECT count(a) FROM x;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT cardinality(array_agg(a)) FROM x;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT count(*) FROM x;
(1 row)

Rows containing NULL cannot be compared:

postgres=# SELECT (NULL, 1) = (NULL, 1);

(1 row)

And even IS NULL doesn’t work:

postgres=# SELECT (NULL, 1) IS NULL;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT (NULL, 1) IS NOT NULL;
(1 row)

What’s worse, the databases often uses NULL to indicate an error condition, so your query might contain NULLs even if you don’t expect them:

postgres=# SELECT (ARRAY[1, 2])[3];

(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT to_char(timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40', '');

(1 row)

In PostgreSQL division by zero is an exception, whereas MySQL simply returns NULL:

mysql> SELECT 1 / 0;
| 1 / 0 |
|  NULL |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

There are many more cases like these, and there is no consistency in a single SQL implementation, let alone across all implementations.

OK, so we have highlighted the shortcomings of SQL. Why do they matter? It’s all about ergonomics. Orthogonality, compactness, and consistency are all essential traits of a programming language that is easy to learn and use effectively on every level of expertise, team size, and project complexity.

We have become accustomed to a constant improvement and reimagination of programming languages. Swift, Rust, Kotlin, Go, just to name a few, are great examples in the advancement of engineer ergonomics and productivity. But SQL, often hidden behind layers of ORMs and frameworks, is still very much the dominant data language.

The NoSQL movement was born, in part, out of the frustration with the perceived stagnation and inadequacy of SQL databases. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of ditching SQL, the NoSQL approaches also abandoned the relational model and other good parts of RDBMSes.

The relational model is still the most generally applicable and effective method of representing data. The concept of SQL as a declarative, storage-neutral query language is powerful and versatile. We don’t need to abandon either. What we do need is a “better SQL”: a query language that affords more power to its users, but that is also simpler and more consistent.

This is exactly what we are working hard to achieve with EdgeQL. We spent years of research and development, focusing on usability and performance without compromising correctness. In our earlier blog post we described some of the great features of the language, but it’s worth getting into some detail here to highlight how we are solving the issues brought up in this post.

In EdgeQL every value is a set and every expression is a function over sets, returning a set. This means that, syntactically, any part of an EdgeQL expression can be factored out into a view or a function without changing other parts of the query.

Consider a query returning movies together with the number of reviews for each one:

SELECT Movie {
    number_of_reviews := count(.reviews)

Let’s say we need the average number of reviews across all movies:

SELECT math::mean(
    Movie {
        number_of_reviews := count(.reviews)

Now we also need the maximum number of reviews per movie:

    avg := math::mean(
        Movie {
            number_of_reviews := count(.reviews)
    max := max(
        Movie {
            number_of_reviews := count(.reviews)

This is a tad unwieldy, let’s make the query cleaner by factoring out the Movie expression into a view:

    MovieReviewCount := Movie {
        number_of_reviews := count(.reviews)
    avg := math::mean(MovieReviewCount.number_of_reviews),
    max := max(MovieReviewCount.number_of_reviews),

Since everything is a function over sets, there are only a handful of keywords in EdgeQL queries, and they are used mostly to delineate the major parts of a query.

In EdgeQL, the notion of missing data is simple: it is always an empty set, and any element-wise operation on an empty set is, likewise, an empty set:

SELECT True OR <bool>{};
SELECT True AND <bool>{};

Aggregation is consistent:

SELECT count({});
SELECT array_agg(<str>{});

In EdgeQL, sets are flat, i.e. a set (including an empty one) cannot be an element of another set:

SELECT {1, {2, 3}, {}, {}};
{1, 2, 3}

The set constructor notation above is actually equivalent to a UNION operation, which better highlights its set nature:

SELECT {1} UNION {2, 3} UNION {} UNION {};
{1, 2, 3}

An empty set can be coalesced into a non-empty set:

WITH empty_set_expr := <int64>{}
SELECT empty_set_expr ?? {1, 2};
{1, 2}
WITH empty_set_expr := <int64>{}
SELECT {1, 2, 3} IF EXISTS empty_set_expr ELSE 42;

In EdgeDB, the data schema is formulated in a way that is much closer to the contemporary application data model. This makes the database-application schema reflection straightforward and efficient.

Unlike SQL, EdgeQL can easily extract arbitrary data trees:

SELECT Movie {

    directors: {
    ORDER BY .last_name,

    cast: {
    ORDER BY .last_name,

    reviews := (
        SELECT Movie.<movie[IS Review] {
            author: {
        ORDER BY .creation_time DESC

Coupled with extensive JSON support, this makes writing REST and GraphQL backends an order of magnitude easier.

SQL started with a goal to empower non-programmers to work with the relational data effectively. Despite its shortcomings, it has arguably been wildly successful, with most databases implementing or emulating it. However, like any solution, SQL is facing increasing inadequacy in the support of the new requirements, modes of use and user productivity. It is time we do something about it.

EdgeDB on GitHub

[1] Atzeni P. et al., The relational model is dead, SQL is dead, and I don’t feel so good myself. ACM SIGMOD Record, 42(2):64-68, 2013.

[2] Chamberlin D. D, Boyce R. F., “SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language”, ACM SIGFIDET 1974, pp 249-264.

[3] Chamberlin D. D, “Early History of SQL”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 34(4):78-82, 2012

[4] Codd E. F., “A relational model of data for large shared data banks”, Communications of the ACM CACM, 13(6):377-387, 1970

[5] Codd E. F., “More commentary on missing information (applicable and inapplicable information)”, ACM SIGMOD Record 16(1):42-47, 1987.

[6] Codd E. F., “The relational model for database management: version 2” Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1990.

[7] Date C. J., “A critique of the SQL database language”, ACM SIGMOD Record 14(3):8-54, 1984.

[8] Date C. J., “Null Values in Database Management. In Relational Databases: Selected Writings”, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1986.

[9] Date C. J., “Where SQL falls short”, Datamation 33(9):83-86, 1987.

[10] Date C. J., “SQL and Relational Theory”, O’Reilly, 2009

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