IBM Watson

Try the service

You need text written by the person whose personality you're interested in. It should contain words about every day experiences, thoughts, and responses.

You can play with the demo with as little as 100 words, but for a more accurate analysis, you need more words.

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Note: You will be redirected to Twitter's authorization page and then redirected to this application to complete the analysis.


Sorry, your language is either unsupported or we did not find sufficient words in your input to analyze.

The scores you see are all percentiles. They are comparing one person to a broader population. For example, a 90% on Extraversion does not mean that the person is 90% extroverted. It means that for that single trait, the person is more extroverted than 90% of the people in the population.

Our sample population consists of Twitter users who tweet in their respective languages and whose personalities we calculated using our model.

Personality Portrait

0 words analyzed:
Very Strong Analysis
A word count of 6000 or more is a high-quality assessment of someone's personality. It's statistically significant.
Strong Analysis
This is a confident read of someone's personality. It's statistically significant! ...but wait, there's more! For only 6000 words, you'll get something so accurate it's scary. Do it!
Decent Analysis
These results are a general impression of this person, and they should be taken with a grain of salt. Increase the word count to 3500 to get a strong one.
Weak Analysis
With this many words, you can't get a fair read on someone's personality. Can you use at least 1500 to get a general impression?
Very Strong Analysis
With 3000 words or more, you get a high-quality personality assessment. This is the most accurate our text-based analysis can be.
Strong Analysis
You are using the recommended number of words. The service is almost performing at its best. Use 3000 words or more to be a bit more accurate.
Decent Analysis
These results are a general impression of this person. Increase the word count to 1200 to get a stronger analysis.
Weak Analysis
With this many words, you can't get a fair read on someone's personality. Use atleast 600 words to get a general impression.


Analyze your profile to get your personality summary.

How did we get this?

You are likely to______

You are unlikely to______


*% = percentile

Consumer Needs

*% = percentile


*% = percentile


What else do these results say?
View personality traits in sunburst visualization .
See the science behind the service .