

Syrian Revolution

Joined May 2013


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  1. Jul 17

    A dozen regime soldiers killed and wounded when their bus was detonated in Daraa. It looks impossible to rehabilitate the bus.

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  2. Retweeted
    Jul 16

    It makes me sick to see the indifference to the suffering of Syrian victims of war crimes committed by Russia and Assad regime on a daily basis. 12 civilians were killed by Russian airstrikes on a marketplace in Southern today. The media are not reporting this.

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  3. Jul 15

    Syrians working outside the province where they are registered can not get work permissions, thus they work without permissions and are often exploited by their employers.

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  4. Jul 15

    It is not easy to get registered in the big provinces that is why many people are registered in small provinces and are living in the big ones where they can find jobs to make living.

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  5. Jul 15

    Many Syrians in Turkey are living in fear of being forcefully relocated to the provinces where they are registered. Others who are not registered fear being relocated to Syria.

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  6. Retweeted
    Jul 13

    : how the non-stop 's drone monitoring makes the difference on N. front. Despite this pro-Assad forces facing difficulties to advance towards Jebal Zawiyah & holding territory on Tell Malah front.

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  7. Jul 12

    What is wrong with confessing our weaknesses and desperation at times? It is an audacity that only brave people can do. The cowards like to always appear as heroes, not to be shaken by anything, while in fact their hearts are filled with fear of others judging them.

  8. Retweeted
    Jul 11

    Six targeted airstrikes on the center in . Just another .

  9. Jul 11

    Video from Hamamiyat town that was captured by rebels yesterday

  10. Jul 9

    Rebel forces assault regime positions in Turkmen Mountain. 2 tanks destroyed and several regime fighters captured.

  11. Jul 8

    I do not have astonishing victories to tell you about, but I can astonish you by the many defeats I survived.

  12. Jul 7

    Syrian refugees beaten and humiliated by Lebanese soldiers

  13. Jul 7

    Man standing near the dead bodies of his family members which are under the ice pieces.

  14. Jul 7

    9 people killed today in Idlib by regime/Russia airstrikes and shelling

  15. Jul 7

    Regime held areas will likely face another fuel crisis because of the seizure of the Iranian oil tanker

  16. Jul 7

    Imagine being forced to live in a country where (A) wants to send you back soon. (B) tells you everyday you be sent back if you commit a heinous act. (C) says you are coward, parasite, and the reason for all his problems. (D) says your presence makes him feel inconvenient ..etc

  17. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    Lebanon is basically sending Syrian refugees back to those regions in Syria under Assad control. How many of them will receive an ak-47 and will have to fight in Northern Hama? How many of them will disappear in a prison? where the fu*k are you?

  18. Jul 2

    Do not reconcile.. until the universe returns to its moving cycle: the stars ..to their orbits the birds.. to their sounds the sands.. to their grains and the killed to his awaiting daughter Everything collapsed in a fleeting moment! (Translated from Arabic poetry)

  19. Jul 1

    Beware of donating to the UN aid agencies in Syria. Enormous salaries, large operating costs, corruption, and what remains of money is mostly used to help people not eligible for assistance.

  20. Jul 1

    Regime S-200 missed Israeli planes and fell in northern Cyprus. Last time it shot down a Russian plane. The 8 year old war left the regime with one skill: rolling barrel bombs off helicopters.

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