(feat): apply rate limit to offchain boosts
10 tokens per day with linked alert to "Please Boost on-chain for more than 10 tokens/day."
added 1 - High P - Boost S - Backlog T - Feature scoped labels
changed the description
assigned to @benhayward.ben and unassigned @markeharding
changed weight to 3
changed milestone to %sprint: Interesting Iguana
added Status::InProgress scoped label and automatically removed Status::Backlog label
mentioned in commit 25753c48
mentioned in merge request !251
added Status::Follow Up scoped label and automatically removed Status::InProgress label
added Status::Review scoped label and automatically removed Status::Follow Up label
added Squad::Green scoped label
- Developer
- Maintainer
Tested and verified!
Boosted three times for 5 tokens each. Third time threw the error as expected
Edited by Brian Hatchet