(Feat): swiping right on newsfeed should open camera
- Swipe left on newsfeed opens camera to record
- Swipe right on newsfeed opens navigation
- Swiping left on discovery items passes
- Swiping right on discovery upvotes or subscribes or joins
- Swiping left or right on messages sends popup asing to delete
added Priority::1 - High Product::Newsfeed Status::Backlog Type::Feature scoped labels
added Priority::3 - Nice to have scoped label and automatically removed Priority::1 - High label
unassigned @msantang78
- Owner
@msantang78 let's escalate this. We should AB test the ability to swipe between tabs vs swipe right to camera and left to navigate side-to-side in discovery etc. also swipe to delete messages and notifs. A swipe left on newsfeed should navigate to hamburger
changed the description
assigned to @msantang78 and @juanmsolaro
changed due date to July 31, 2019
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