

Criticism does not undermine me, praise does not deceive me, I am who I am.. not who they say I am!! visca barca & legend messi is life ❤️

Joined December 2014


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  1. 10 hours ago
  2. Retweeted

    لو أننا كعرب نفكر بعقلية مجردة من الأهواء، تعتبر قوة لنا وليست علينا

  3. Jul 13
  4. Jul 11

    Soooo happy to be back in 😍😍😍😍😍 worlds beautiful city 🤗

  5. Jul 10
  6. Jul 10

    Well more over than blockade, bastard Yankees got win - win situation. Milked all gulf countries and as usual they fooled them all and specially our idiot clown....

  7. Jul 10

    Well more over than blockade, bastard Yankees got win - win situation. Milked all gulf countries and as usual they fooled them all and specially our idiot clown.

  8. Jul 9
  9. Jul 9

    I really feel sad for our Qatari brothers, because of our idiot clown and bastard ibn zaid. Qatar had to do lot of investments in foreign countries, just to make there country protected from our own assholes.

  10. Jul 6

    French colony slave licking there a** to impress other Europeans 😂😂😂 oh man Algerians never learn.

  11. Jul 6
  12. Jul 6

    Chicken Maria coming, Argentina losing the match.

  13. Retweeted
    Jul 6

    Messi complains about the pitch and the referees and suddenly they send him off with a red for no reason. That doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.

  14. Retweeted
    Jul 6
  15. Jul 6
  16. Retweeted
    Jul 5

    لا أعلم إلى أين تسير..؟! يا هل بقي منكر ما قدمتيه للشباب..؟! حتى أكبر العاهرات المغنية الاباحية نيكي ميناج تم دعوتها لافساد عقول الشباب وأين؟ في بلاد الحرمين وبالقرب من بيت الله الحرام ..؟! يارب سلم سلم

  17. Jul 5
  18. Jul 5

    إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون إنتقلت إلى رحمة الله تعالى صاحبة السمو الأميرة الجوهره بنت عبدالعزيز بن مساعد بن جلوي والدة كلاً من الأمير سعود بن نايف وشقيقه الأمير محمد بن نايف، رحمها الله تعالى وغفر لها وأسكنها فسيح جناته...👐

  19. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    تأخرت الرحلة 3 ساعات فقط. ... فعوضت الخطوط الجوية التركية كل راكب 100 يورو . ... ويأتي الذباب الإكتروني يتحدث عن سوء معاملة السياح في .

  20. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    Messi is so good to the point that, with or without trophies, people would still call him the greatest of all times. For the others, you look at what they won to put them in the conversation. For Messi, the football is enough for many to call him the GOAT.


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