Maybe do not use this term as a tag, for it is too ambiguous.


  • noun (countable):
    • "handwriting as distinct from print; written characters"
    • "the written text of a play, movie, or broadcast"
  • verb: "[to] write a script for (a play, movie, or broadcast)"
  • something else: Wikipedia:Script

In technology Edit

script is an HTML element. Both HTML elements body and script are systematically not allowed to be tags at boorus running Gelbooru software; "<body" with or without text after the "y" is not allowed, and "<script" with or without text after the "t" is not allowed. "<body" and "<script" are allowed to be tags at boorus running Danbooru software.

In entertainment Edit

According to a video, Cr1TiKaL does not script the videos that he uploads to YouTube.[1]

References Edit

  1. - duration: 8 minutes and 38 seconds;
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