Alexandra Allio De Corato


Lettres & Traductologie Spécialiste Geopolitical & security Analyst ~Tout arrive, même ce qu'on désire ~ Proverbe oriental

Paris, France
Joined February 2013


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 16

    لابد من صنعاء و إن طال السفر

  2. 🇱🇧 🇪🇺 The link between ’s cancer surge and aid looted from bogus schemes. Insightful 's investigation for with comments from &

  3. "Il n'y a pas de région de Syrie dont nous nous sommes totalement retirés, mais il n'est pas nécessaire que les effectifs demeurent les mêmes" «Nous avons réduit les effectifs de nos forces, en fonction des nécessités de la situation présente» Nasrallah

  4. 2 hours ago

    Federica Mogherini souhaite plus d′engagement international pour le G5 Sahel | ACTUALITÉS | DW | 12.07.2019

  5. 2 hours ago
  6. 2 hours ago

    La Mauritanie préoccupée par l’inertie du G5 Sahel sur la sécurité régionale 

  7. 2 hours ago

    Lutte contre le terrorisme: sommet de la Cédéao le 14 septembre à Ouagadougou - Libération

  8. "Mike Hindmarsh, a retired Australian major general who commands the Emirati presidential guard, recently told Western visitors that Yemen had become a quagmire where the Houthis were the “Yemeni Viet Cong.”" and for

  9. 🇮🇶 🇯🇵 The Japanese Ambassador to , Naofumi Hashimoto, trying out a new wardrobe in . Shared by

  10. Jul 12

    Une enquête sur le poids des néoconservateurs au Quai d'Orsay : Emmanuel Macron vient de nommer Philippe Errera, archétype du néoconservateur à la française, directeur général des Affaires politiques et de sécurité.

  11. Hassan Nasrallah, saying U.S. mediation was totally biased, & "either the UN mediates or the Lebanese gov't should unilaterally determine where its land & territorial waters were," adding "let's see what Israel can do about it."

  12. On border issues with Israel, he said the land borders were well drawn since 2000 & the Israeli land-swap was not only uncalled for but also totally unacceptable from the Lebanese point of view.

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  13. In a four-hour long interview on al-Manar, Hassan Nasrallah, SG of Lebanese Hezbollah, admitted to financial difficulties & a partial pull-out from Syria. He asserted however that LH forces would return in even larger numbers to Syria whenever needed.

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  14. 2 hours ago

    Totally, regime change enthusiasts were insistent that we couldn’t make progress against ISIS in Syria until Assad was removed. After getting ISIS wrong, they now spend their time just pointing out that Syria still has problems as if anyone ever disputes this point.

  15. 1/🇸🇾 Iran-backed Hezbollah has reduced its forces in Syria as fighting died down though it still has fighters all over the country, its leader said on Friday.

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  16. A high-ranking UAE security delegation visited Tehran a few weeks ago, a meeting that coincided with the UAE’s partial withdrawal from Yemen, diplomatic sources have revealed, according to pro-Hezbollah Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar

  17. Nasrallah: “In 2006 we had a defensive force. Now, after Syria, we have an offensive force.”

  18. “Trump’s administration is seeking to open channels of communication to Hezbollah in Lebanon through mediators," says Hezbollah leader, Hasan Nasrallah

  19. Nasrallah says it’s time for , after 13 years, to reevaluate its lack of action against Israeli warplanes in Lebanese airspace “since the [Lebanese] government hasn’t done anything." Via

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  20. Après avoir reçu sa première livraison de S-400 russes, la Turquie envoie troupes & chars à la frontière nord-est de la Syrie Une tentative de dissuasion aux sanctions américaines en menaçant d'envahir les zones kurdes où sont basées les troupes US ?

  21. EAU interviennent surtout au sol, où ils tiennent les rênes véritables du pouvoir. Ils forment et arment des milices sudistes pro-indépendantistes à travers lesquelles ils contrôlent désormais les ports d’Aden, siège du gvt yéménite légitime, et d’Al-Mukkala, sur le littoral sud

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