Google Photos sharing URLs blocked
When sharing is initiated with Google Photos, their system generates short URLs. Your system is blocking the short URLs their system creates.
Steps to reproduce:
Go to Create an album. Put some photos or images inside. Share a link to the album and copy the link to your clipboard. Try & post the link created in a minds post. Find you're blocked b/c minds claims the link is spam when it's not.
Suggest allowing based URLs to be posted. The fallback users like me have to engage involves launching the URL in a browser I have for where I'm not logged onto google in that browser. Next copying the very-long URL from that browser into minds.
If Minds allowed for photo album creation, and multiple photos to be attached to a single post, I wouldn't have to resort to using google photo sharing to share multiple photos in a minds post.
Browser and OS
Brave, Windows 10 reported by: @jhigbee
added Triage::Review label
added Triage::New Type::Bug (Triage) labels and removed Triage::Review label
made the issue visible to everyone
- Developer
Tested, working fine for me. Also tested and handled by @javanick