(feat) Implement Zend RBAC framework for managing role based permissions
In the Permissions Module, create a Roles namespace
Create roles for: Admin Moderator (user community folks with moderation privileges) Owner (can own channels, groups or entities) Subscriber (can subscribe to groups or channels) Blacklisted (cannot see or interact with content) Viewer (default permissions)
Track entity to role relationships Admins are global, they have full permissions Moderators are global, but they have limited permissions Owners are associated to channels, groups or entities and have administrative privileges over things they own Subscribers get permissions controlled by the owner
Permissions that can be assigned by roles (will grow over time) canView canDelete canComment canTag canEdit canBlacklist canBlock
TBD: flesh out individual permissions
Create admin endpoints under /api/v2/permissions/users/{user guid} GET Gets the user's permissions object, all roles, subscriptions,
changed milestone to %sprint: Interesting Iguana
changed weight to 20
added to epic &28
changed title from Implement Zend RBAC framework for managing role based permissions to (feat) Implement Zend RBAC framework for managing role based permissions