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Russia-Syria assault on Idlib leaves over 500 civilians dead
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"These children have been killed by Assad's barrel bombs in cold blood.& this man who lost a limb cries & his heart burns over the ones he lost. Indeed this is a reoccurring boody scene, curses upon Assad the criminal of this filthy war." -
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As they continue to indiscriminately bomb civilians, Russian-Syrian forces have been responsible for 43 attacks with cluster munitions and 17 with incendiary weapons during the first half of this year in and around Idlib province:
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القسم الثوري || 29 يوم على استشهادك
#عبدالباسط_الساروت#الساروت#سوريا#الثورة_السورية فيسبوك : Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - راكيل تشافيس. Retweeted
@MehmetFarukYUCE@hasan_arber we visited the Turkish Observation point #10 @ Sheer Maghar. The area in Hama is under constant threat of shelling and bombardment since it is on the front line between opposition and regime. Civilians have fled as shelling & airstrikes Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - راكيل تشافيس. Retweeted
هذه افعال الجيش اللبناني الايراني
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Do you want to know who was under the ice in the previous post? These angels were there. They were killed for no reason but that they were alive. I hope that none even the next generations forget that Assad and Russia exterminated even
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#لبنان_المحتلة من قبل الفرس المجوس عبدة النار... تعذيب واعتقال واهانات.... والله يا روافض اللبنان ومليشيات الامن اللبنانية سأتيكم يوم أسود ...وانتم ترونه بعيدا"ومستحيلا" و أراه قريبا"؛وسيجعل الولدان شيبا"...(وذالك من خلال سنة الله في الظالميين) Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - راكيل تشافيس. Retweeted
The Assad regime has exterminated potentially hundreds of thousands of Syrians in death camps and the world has absolutely no intention of doing anything to stop him from continuing the slaughter.
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@RefugeesChief WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY ????#NONREFOULEMENT - a fundamental principle of int law -DEAD ON YOUR WATCH@IrishRefugeeCo@UNHumanRights@Pontifex@dfatirl@simoncoveney …0:22Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - راكيل تشافيس. Retweeted
مفاجأة كبرى.. لبنان يسبق 90 مليون مصري ويحتل المركز الـ 5 بين أكثر دول العالم تلوثا …
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#Syria news here subscribe for free regular news and stories from the regionShow this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - راكيل تشافيس. Retweeted
Fachin precisa explicar o que disse a Dallagnol para ser considerado “deles”. Por Carlos Fernandes …
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Turkey presses Russia to rein in Syrian attacks on civilians and hospitals in Syria's Idlib province where three million civilians are at risk. (Russia is joining in the attacks as well.)
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Magistrado precisa ter 'vergonha na cara e prudência na língua', diz Fux
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Sob o comando do ex-juiz e ministro da Justiça, Sergio Moro, a PF decidiu apurar o vazamento, mas não o conteúdo criminoso das conversas que envolvem o ministro. A decisão contraria a legislação brasileira. …
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دراسة أمنية: معاقل "الأسد" وخزانات جيشه البشرية تغلي.. وشيوخ العلويين يطالبون روسيا بالتدخل | الدرر الشامية
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إعدام ميداني لسيدتين مسلمتين و طفلتيهما الصغيرتين في شمال الكاميرون على أيدي الجيش الكاميروني بحجة مكافحة الإرهاب !! طبعا لن ترى هذه المجازر على وسائل الاعلام لان القتلى مسلمين انشر وكن انت الاعلام البديل
This media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreالمستشار وليد العمودي
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معراج اورال سفاح البيضا - بانياس
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المجرم "علي كيالي" الذي قام مع شبيحته بذبح اطفال ونساء
#بانياس بكل دم بارد يصارع الموت اليوم بعد اصابته بريف اللاذقية media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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