Don’t worry Erdogan will install his friend’s first cousin as governor. Apparently he did Home Economics at school for a full year.
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What happened to its independence?
The Governor did not understand that he was free and independent to do as he was told. Just a misunderstanding really...
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Sounds like a sketch from a sitcom lol
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Oh boy, looking forward to the Lira rollercoaster.
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Sultan Erdogan the First fired his slave
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Countdown to Trump in 3 2 1. . .
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Çokomelli ülkesinde yeni zirve
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#good I’d do same - End of conversation
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So you made all story about president erdogan here and you have here people commenting and liking your post? Only for this you lowkey?
@kamerknc - man what to do with this kind of peopleThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Kuklası damadı üzerinden kendi başarısızlığını merkez bankasına yıkarak yırtacağını düşünmüş olmalı. Amamsonxseçimler gösteriyor ki artık halk yemiyor.
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Good. Monetary and Fiscal Policy must remain under the control of the Government where the people can hold it accountable at the Polls. A Central Bank that is independent is a threat to a Nation's health and opens it up to Oligarchic Control by unelected and unaccountable people.
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About time Erdogan fired him. High interest rates destroy countries!!
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I have great news Ad dajjal is here.
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Reuters hikaye uydurmuş. Gerekçesi açıklandı... Reuters in yalanı batsın... Refarans aldığın ajans Türkiye düşmanı... Oyuna düşme' Ragıp bey
ula bunlar hep dış minnaklar ula ula
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