Commit a292ce4d authored by Olivia Madrid's avatar Olivia Madrid

(wip): Referrals console - fix merge conflict

1 merge request!236WIP: epic/referrals
Pipeline #69462366 failed with stages
in 3 minutes and 57 seconds
......@@ -62,12 +62,9 @@ class Manager
<<<<<<< HEAD
// Send a notification to the referrer
>>>>>>> 314232eec078b2da38dc518fe260a53ce87f1e63
return true;
......@@ -78,14 +75,10 @@ class Manager
public function update($referral)
<<<<<<< HEAD
// Send a notification to the referrer
>>>>>>> 314232eec078b2da38dc518fe260a53ce87f1e63
return true;
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