(bug): Terms And Other Policy Pages (Left Side Menu) - Incorrect Href / Linked Menu Option.
The IPHONE href link is incorrect.
The link is missing the https:// protocol within the link. Currently the link is connected to href="itunes.apple.com/us/app/minds-com/id961771928?mt=8" (which is resulting the address: https://www.minds.com/itunes.apple.com/us/app/minds-com/id961771928?mt=8).
The link should be changed to href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minds-com/id961771928?mt=8".
mentioned in issue #1460
changed the description 3 times within 2 minutes
changed title from Terms And Other Policy Pages (Left Side Menu): Incorrect Href / Linked Menu Option. to (bug): Terms And Other Policy Pages (Left Side Menu) - Incorrect Href / Linked Menu Option.
changed the description 2 times within 10 minutes
- Developer
I'd thought that this was already resolved, but evidently not. It's not quite as simple as you would imagine to fix, as these pages are not your traditional HTML page. The text content is loaded into the page rather than it being inline. It appears that the bug therefore resides in the parser.
Take this link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minds-com/id961771928?mt=8
In the URL segment app/ the parser is seeing the p/, and assuming that it is a /p/ page, like /p/terms (https://www.minds.com/p/terms), so is dropping it at the end.
added Priority::2 - Normal Product::Onboarding Type::Bug labels
added Product::Platform label and removed Product::Onboarding label
- Developer
The fix we did on this last time, was to change something in that parsing section that should, looking at it, work fine. It may be that a link shortener is the more time effective method.