(bug): Group images not correctly showing
Images cut off in mobile web group chat.
Steps to reproduce
- Go to groupchat
- Post image
- View image
Platform information
Replicated on Safari
What is the current bug behavior?
See screenshot below
What is the expected correct behavior?
Picture should be visible but still be appropriately downscaled.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Possible fixes
(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)
added 1 - High Bug Hunter Mobile Web P - Groups T - Bug labels
added S - Triage (Questions) T - Bug (Triage) labels and removed 1 - High label
- Developer
Need the example image above before I can qualify it as a bug, because we cannot reproduce.
changed milestone to %sprint: Hipster Hedgehog
changed weight to 2
assigned to @benhayward.ben
added Status::InProgress label
removed Type::Bug label
removed Status::InProgress label
- Developer
Needs to go back to Triage as I can no longer replicate this on iPhone 8 Safari.
removed milestone
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