(req feat): Burger Menu Modifications
In regards to Gitlab ticket #1331, I have produced the following mock up sketch for a redesign of the burger menu.
The new redesign includes links for the /mobile page (https://www.minds.com/mobile) and Teespring store (https://www.teespring.com/stores/minds).
The menu has the Whitepaper removed, as well as rewording the "Opt-in to Experiments" and "Content Policy". Both the "Canary" and "Policies" still retain their original links.
I am also recommending that the left menu (that is shown on terms and other policy pages) be included, this would allow users to access all of the policy and other links easier. Ticket #1460 provides more information about the Content Policy feature request
For further information, please refer to the following Minds blog article
- https://www.minds.com/medworthy/blog/minds-app-google-play-store-and-burger-menu-992810215315472384
- #1460 (Policies UI / Menu Suggestions)
- #1331 (New Hamburger Dropdown Item)
mentioned in issue #1460
changed the description 4 times within 8 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 3 minutes
changed the description
changed the description
changed the description
changed the description
changed title from (DRAFT feat): Burger Menu Modifications to (feat): Burger Menu Modifications
changed title from (feat): Burger Menu Modifications to (Req feat): Burger Menu Modifications
changed title from (Req feat): Burger Menu Modifications to (req feat): Burger Menu Modifications
changed the description
The images for the store and app icons are as follows:
These need to be resized to 16px (height) and may need re-colourisation.
Edited by Mark Edworthy