Commit a161171d authored by Olivia Madrid's avatar Olivia Madrid

(wip): Referrals console

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......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class referrals implements Interfaces\Api
$response = [];
$referrer_guid = isset($pages[0]) ? $pages[0] : Core\Session::getLoggedInUser()->guid;
$limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 3;
$limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 24;
$offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : "";
$manager = Di::_()->get('Referrals\Manager');
......@@ -47,6 +47,25 @@ class referrals implements Interfaces\Api
$response['referrals'] = Factory::exportable(array_values($referrals->toArray()));
$response['load-next'] = (string) $referrals->getPagingToken();
$tempProspect = (object) [
"guid" => "988145006634078224",
"verified" => true,
"username" => "oldprospector",
"name" => "oldprospector",
"icontime" => "1560987887"
$tempRef = (object) [
'referrer_guid' => '987892327202689039',
'state' => 'complete',
'score' => 10,
'register_timestamp' => "1560857128000",
'join_timestamp' => "1560867128000",
'prospect' => $tempProspect
array_push($response['referrals'], $tempRef);
return Factory::response($response);
......@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ namespace Spec\Minds\Core\Referrals;
use Minds\Core\Referrals\Manager;
use Minds\Core\Referrals\Repository;
use Minds\Entities\User;
use Minds\Common\Repository\Response;
use Minds\Core\Referrals\Referral;
use Minds\Core\EntitiesBuilder;
use Minds\Core;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
......@@ -12,53 +15,105 @@ use Prophecy\Argument;
class ManagerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
private $repository;
private $entitiesBuilder;
function let(Repository $repository)
function let(
Repository $repository,
EntitiesBuilder $entitiesBuilder
$this->beConstructedWith($repository, $entitiesBuilder);
$this->entitiesBuilder = $entitiesBuilder;
function it_is_initializable()
// function it_should_pass_referral_to_repository()
// {
// $referral = new Referral();
// $referral->setProspectGuid(Core\Session::getLoggedInUserGuid())
// ->setReferrerGuid('1234')
// ->setRegisterTimestamp(time());
// $this->repository->add($referral)
// ->shouldBeCalled();
// $this->add('123')
// ->shouldReturn(true);
// }
function it_should_add_a_referral()
$referral = new Referral();
function it_should_update_a_referral()
$referral = new Referral();
function it_should_return_a_list_of_referrals()
$response = new Response();
$response[] = (new Referral)
$response[] = (new Referral)
// '$this' is the class of the spec
// * @method void beConstructedWith(...$arguments)
// * @method void beConstructedThrough($factoryMethod, array $constructorArguments = array())
// * @method void beAnInstanceOf($class)
// *
// * @method void shouldHaveType($type)
// * @method void shouldNotHaveType($type)
// * @method void shouldBeAnInstanceOf($type)
// * @method void shouldNotBeAnInstanceOf($type)
// * @method void shouldImplement($interface)
// * @method void shouldNotImplement($interface)
// *
// * @method Subject\Expectation\DuringCall shouldThrow($exception = null)
// * @method Subject\Expectation\DuringCall shouldNotThrow($exception = null)
// * @method Subject\Expectation\DuringCall shouldTrigger($level = null, $message = null)
// *
// * @method void shouldHaveCount($count)
// * @method void shouldNotHaveCount($count)
// *
// * @method void shouldHaveKeyWithValue($key, $value)
// * @method void shouldNotHaveKeyWithValue($key, $value)
// *
// * @method void shouldHaveKey($key)
// * @method void shouldNotHaveKey($key)
'limit' => 12,
'offset' => '',
'referrer_guid' => 123,
'hydrate' => true,
->willReturn((new User)->set('guid', 777));
->willReturn((new User)->set('guid', 888));
$newResponse = $this->getList([
'limit' => 12,
'offset' => '',
'referrer_guid' => 123,
'hydrate' => true
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace Spec\Minds\Core\Referrals;
use Minds\Core\Referrals\Referral;
use Minds\Entities\User;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
......@@ -2,14 +2,180 @@
namespace Spec\Minds\Core\Referrals;
use Minds\Common\Repository\Response;
use Minds\Core\Referrals\Referral;
use Minds\Core\Referrals\Repository;
use Minds\Core\Data\Cassandra\Client;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
class RepositorySpec extends ObjectBehavior
private $client;
function let(Client $client)
$this->client = $client;
function it_is_initializable()
// function it_should_insert_a_new_referral()
// {
// $referral = new Referral();
// $referral->setReferrerGuid(123)
// ->setProspectGuid(456)
// ->setRegisterimestamp(789);
// $this
// ->add($referral)
// ->shouldReturn(true);
// }
function it_should_add_a_referral(Referral $referral)
$this->client->request(Argument::that(function($prepared) {
$values = $prepared->build()['values'];
$template = $prepared->build()['string'];
return strpos($template, 'INSERT INTO referrals') !== FALSE
&& $values[0]->value() == 123
&& $values[1]->value() == 456
&& $values[2]->value() == 78;
// function it_should_get_a_list_of_referrals()
// {
// $this->client->request(Argument::that(function($prepared) {
// $query = $prepared->build();
// $values = $query['values'];
// return $values[0] === 'reported';
// }))
// ->shouldBeCalled()
// ->willReturn([
// [
// 'user_hashes' => (new Set(Type::text()))
// ->add('hash'),
// 'entity_urn' => 'urn:activity:123',
// 'entity_owner_guid' => new Bigint(456),
// 'reason_code' => new Float_(2),
// 'sub_reason_code' => new Float_(5),
// 'timestamp' => new Timestamp(time() * 1000),
// 'state' => 'reported',
// 'state_changes' => (new Map(Type::text(), Type::timestamp()))
// ->set('reported', time() * 1000),
// 'reports' => (new Set(Type::bigint()))
// ->add(789),
// ],
// [
// 'user_hashes' => (new Set(Type::text()))
// ->add('hash'),
// 'entity_urn' => 'urn:activity:456',
// 'entity_owner_guid' => new Bigint(456),
// 'reason_code' => new Float_(2),
// 'sub_reason_code' => new Float_(5),
// 'timestamp' => new Timestamp(time() * 1000),
// 'state' => 'reported',
// 'state_changes' => (new Map(Type::text(), Type::timestamp()))
// ->set('reported', time() * 1000),
// 'reports' => (new Set(Type::bigint()))
// ->add(789),
// ],
// ]);
// $response = $this->getList([
// 'user' => $user,
// 'juryType' => 'initial',
// ]);
// $response->shouldHaveCount(2);
// }
// function it_should_update_a_referral()
// {
// $referral = new Referral();
// $referral->setReferrerGuid(123)
// ->setProspectGuid(456)
// ->setJoinTimestamp(789);
// $this
// ->update($referral)
// ->shouldReturn(true);
// }
function it_should_throw_if_no_referrer_guid_during_get_list()
$opts = [
'limit' => 1000,
'offset' => 2000,
$this->shouldThrow(new \Exception('Referrer GUID is required'))
function it_should_throw_if_no_prospect_guid_during_add()
$referral = new Referral();
$this->shouldThrow(new \Exception('Prospect GUID is required'))
function it_should_throw_if_no_referrer_guid_during_add()
$referral = new Referral();
$this->shouldThrow(new \Exception('Referrer GUID is required'))
function it_should_throw_if_no_register_timestamp_during_add()
$referral = new Referral();
$this->shouldThrow(new \Exception('Register timestamp is required'))
function it_should_throw_if_no_join_timestamp_during_update()
$referral = new Referral();
$this->shouldThrow(new \Exception('Join timestamp is required'))
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