(feat): New Hamburger Dropdown Item
The limited amount of links for both the Terms of Service, the Minds Teespring store and the Android mobile application (as well as other links), which are only displayed within the bottom portion of the left hand sidebar of the Newsfeed page also reduces end-user accessibility (and can be easily missed by users).
Also, I consider that the limited access to the Minds Teespring store restricts the promotion of associated Minds merchandising and reduces the ability for Minds Inc. to have an extra revenue stream.
added 2 - Normal P - Platform T - Feature labels
marked this issue as related to #1327 (closed)
- Developer
@medworthy, have chatted with @javanick and we should have some mockups of the ordering and additions to be proposed, then we'll implement.
@javanick mentioned something to me about UI sketches just before he went on vacation (about two weeks ago). It would be interesting to have a look at the ideas.Edited by Mark Edworthy- Developer
mentioned in issue #1326
@benhayward.ben & @jotto141,
I have been further thinking about the overcrowding and "burger" menu issues, and may have come up with a possible solution (albeit a bit more of a "drastic" solution).I think that to reduce the overcrowding of the "burger" UI, it would be wise to drop the following options from this menu: 1. Boost Console, 2. White Paper and 3. Content Policy.
Instead of the current setup, I suggest including the Boost Console in the users settings (preference) section, only provide access to the Whitepaper and Content Policy within the Terms section, and replacing the Whitepaper and Content policy entries (within the "burger" menu) with a single "Policy" entry. For the sake of consistency, I think that it would be appropriate to include the left-hand menu that is displayed within the Terms section into the Content Policy page (as well as including a link to the whitepaper within this left-hand menu. It might also be appropriate to add a link to the whitepaper within the bottom left-hand section of the News Feed page).
Considering that the phrase "Opt-in to Experiments" spans two lines, I think that it would be more sensible to relabel this entry to only displaying the term "Canary".
I am also wondering about the idea of only including the "dark / light mode" option within the users settings section as well (this would further free up some space within the "burger" menu).
Edited by Mark Edworthyassigned to @benhayward.ben
changed milestone to %sprint: Hipster Hedgehog
- Developer
changed weight to 3
changed weight to 2
changed weight to 3
changed weight to 1
changed weight to 2
mentioned in issue #1327 (closed)
- Developer
So @medworthy, are you still feeling in alignment with your idea above? I think the boost console will have to stay, because @edgebal has been putting a lot of work into &24, and with new tools available I think we want that in the forefront for users to see and use.
Whitepaper and content policy I agree with moving elsewhere. I would have to bounce that off the team because the admin team may feel that there is a need for the content policy there, but the whitepaper, I don't think needs to be there.
Opt into Experiments - Agreed. If anything the page for Canary I think is quite nice, and easy to understand. Changing it to just Canary may encourage more users to use it and help us out.
Dark mode... I agree with you but help and support blew up when we last took it out. I'm wary of making that change even if this time we move it somewhere accessible.
In a way its a tradeoff between us wanting to be informative, and the UX.
This is going to be a BIG deal soon.
Seeing as Minds is not going to remove the android app (which intrinsically blocks some user content/channels) from the playstore anytime soon, we, the MCSOI, have made a priority of seeing the link to the android app hosted from Minds significantly less innocuous than the tiny, small print, link that nobody can really find on the main news feed.
Some folks seem to feel its so innocuous, that its almost like Minds dont want it to be found, and would rather have people using the censorship version of the android app hosted on the playstore.
I found this feature request here, but it was first raised in various posts across Minds months ago.
Can you please let me know when the android link will be placed into the hamburg menu, as this will be the focal point of our efforts to increase the accessibility of the app hosted on Minds, and the discouragement of user participation in the Google playstore app.
I will be pressing on this change in my posts.
- Developer
Certainly up for discussion, but there is a need to cut things to make space for that.
Also see this pending merge request !357
- Developer
Ofcourse the download for android downloads the .apk
Yeah...we know the download for android downloads the apk...the issue is that its like the tiny print at the end of a contract...nobody knows where to find it until they are told; it hasn't been well placed at all, when you consider how often people need to be told via help and support...etc.
Considering that the app on the playstore censors some user content as well as channels, we feel we should be going out of our way to explain to our users why we would rather them use the apk from minds, rather than the download from the Google playstore (if the want to).
Also, we dont want a 'tiny print' innocuous download link...we want it as conspicuous as possible, so the average person actually sees it.
It almost feels like you guys dont actually want people to use the apk from minds, but rather the download off the playstore; I can only guess this is not the case.
I really think the community will agree with the download link being in the hamburger menu....but we will find out for sure on Monday.
@benhayward.ben, @javanick, @edgebal & @jotto141
I am having a think about these issues over the next couple of days and am intending to create and publish two blog articles on Monday (the post-meeting summary and a specific article about the UI / accessibility issues), as well as providing some sketches / mock-up outlines for the above idea (with further details being included).If yourself (or any other staff members) do have any further ideas, opinions or suggestions in relation to these issues then please feel free to include them to this ticket and I will consider including the points within the upcoming blog article.
Edited by Mark Edworthy- Developer
@luculent Oh I know. It wasn't fully on topic but was looking for feedback on it, glad it sits better with the community. Would be nice if we also included instructions on how to download and install an APK, but that may be one for another week.
As far as I can think of there is no reason to encourage users to use the Play Store app at all, so I'd be surprised if there is any contention about it on our part. =
@medworthy I look forward to seeing your proposals.
- Developer
I'll make sure it gets seen to around the team, and hopefully I can implement it on Tuesday (depending how big the changes are) and have it peer reviewed and out by the end of next week.
I am intending to include information about all the topics that were discussed in Tuesdays meeting within the upcoming summary article (including the points about the APK installation instructions) and think that it would be amiss of me to leave any relevant details out of the article.Again, if you or any of your colleagues have further thoughts about any of the above issues then please include them within this ticket.
Edited by Mark EdworthyYeah Im going to start on a comprehensive 'manual'; we'll see how that turns out. Also, we need to find someone to make a nice, professional video.
End of next week is not bad...gives me some time to work on that manual.
So I dont want you guys to think the onus is all on you, but at the same token, I don't want our work to wind up being wasted on that 'little print' download link.
Seems like we are all on the same page -- happy happy joy joy :)
- Developer
Guys, I've just found out that we are having someone audit the websites UX within a few weeks, and the hamburger menu is an area he has a lot of comments on, so I think any changes we do here should be minimal (though I think It's more than reasonable to re-arrange and maybe drop a mobile link in).
What do you think?
Edited by Ben Hayward @benhayward.ben,
The audit sounds interesting. I am presuming that this individual has suitable professional experience within the realm of UI / UX design and end-user accessibility issues.Edited by Mark Edworthy